

GPU-Based Content Protection

This topic describes video content–protection capabilities that a graphics driver can provide.


The following diagram shows a simplified view of how protected video content travels through the pipeline to be rendered.

a diagram that shows protected video content.


The Protected Media Path (PMP) is not depicted in this diagram. The data flow that is shown here might occur within a PMP process, or within an application process.

The decoder receives encrypted, compressed video data from an external source. It is assumed also the decoder also receives a cryptographic key to decrypt this data. This topic does not describe the key exchange between the video source and decoder, but the PMP defines one possible mechanism. The GPU is not involved at this stage.

For hardware-accelerated decoding, the software decoder passes compressed video content to the GPU. To protect this content, the decoder re-encrypts the data, typically using AES-CTR, before passing it to the hardware accelerator. A key-exchange mechanism is defined between the decoder and the graphics driver.

Decoded video frames are stored in video memory, generally in the clear. At this point, the frames are processed and then presented. There are two main options for presentation.

  • Frames can be presented using a hardware overlay. For more information, see Hardware Overlay Support.
  • Frames can be presented by the Desktop Window Manage (DWM) using a shared surface.

The last step is to display the frame on the monitor, which may require link protection between the graphics card and the display device. An example of link protection is High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP). Link protection is configured using Output Protection Manager (OPM). This topic does not describe OPM; for more information, see Using Output Protection Manager.

Overview of the Decoding Process

During hardware-accelerated decoding, the software decoder must pass compressed video data to the graphics card. For premium content, this data typically must be encrypted, using symmetric-key encryption, before it is sent to the GPU.

To encrypt the video for decoding, the software decoder uses the following interfaces:

a diagram that shows the direct3d9 decoding interfaces.

All of these interfaces are obtained from the Direct3D device, as follows:

Interface Creation
IDirectXVideoDecoder Call IDirectXVideoDecoderService::CreateVideoDecoder. The DXVA decoder device is identified by a DXVA profile GUID.
IDirect3DCryptoSession9 Call IDirect3DDevice9Video::CreateCryptoSession.
IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 Call IDirect3DDevice9Video::CreateAuthenticatedChannel.


To get a pointer to the IDirect3DDevice9Video interface, call QueryInterface on a D3D9Ex device.

The authenticated channel provides a trusted communication channel between the software decoder and the driver. The communication channel works as follows:

  • The driver provides an X.509 certificate chain whose root certificate is signed by Microsoft.
  • The certificate contains an RSA public key for the driver.
  • The software decoder uses the public key to send the driver a 128-bit AES session key.
  • The software decoder sends queries and commands to the authenticated channel.
  • The session key is used to compute message authentication codes (MACs) for the queries and commands. The driver uses the MACs to verify the integrity of the query/command data, and the software decoder uses them to verify the integrity of the response data from the driver.

Encrypting Compressed Video Buffers for the Decoder

Here is a high-level overview of the encryption and decoding process:

  1. The software decoder receives a stream of encrypted data from the video source. The decoder decrypts this stream.

  2. The software decoder negotiates a session key with the cryptographic session.

  3. The software decoder uses the authenticated channel to associate the cryptographic session with the DXVA decoder device.

  4. The software decoder puts compressed data in DXVA buffers that it gets from the DXVA decoder device (accelerator). For protected content, the software encoder encrypts the data that is puts into the DXVA buffers, using the session key for the encryption.


    Some drivers use a content key, instead of the session key, for encryption. The content key could change from one frame to the next.

  5. The decoder submits the encrypted compressed buffers to the accelerator. For AES-CTR, the decoder also passes the initialization vector. If a content key is used, the decoder passes content key, encrypted using the session key.

Direct3D has standard support for 128-bit AES-CTR, but is designed to extend to additional encryption types.

The next five sections give more detailed steps.

1. Query the Content Protection Capabilities of the Driver

Before attempting to apply encryption, get the content protection capabilities of the driver.

  1. Get a pointer to the Direct3D 9 device.
  2. Call QueryInterface for the IDirect3DDevice9Video interface.
  3. Call IDirect3DDevice9Video::GetContentProtectionCaps. This method fills in a D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS structure with the driver’s content protection capabilities.

In particular, look for the following capabilities:

  • If the Caps member contains the D3DCPCAPS_SOFTWARE or D3DCPCAPS_HARDWARE flag, the driver can perform encryption.
  • The KeyExchangeType member specifies how to perform key exchange for the session key.
  • If the Caps member contains the D3DCPCAPS_CONTENTKEY flag, the driver uses a separate content key for encryption. This is important when you generate the session key.

Additional capabilities are indicated in the Caps member.

2. Configure the Authenticated Channel

The next step is to configure the authenticated channel.

  1. Call IDirect3DDevice9Video::CreateAuthenticatedChannel to create the authenticated channel. For the ChannelType parameter, specify a channel type that matches the capabilities of the driver.


    The CreateAuthenticatedChannel method returns a pointer to the IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 interface along with a handle to the channel. The handle is used later to associate the cryptographic session with the authenticated channel.

  2. Call IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9::GetCertificateSize to get the size of the driver's X.509 certificate. Allocate a buffer of the required size.

  3. Call IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9::GetCertificate to get the certificate. The method copies the certificate into the buffer that was allocated in the previous step.

  4. Verify that the driver’s certificate was signed by Microsoft and has not been revoked.

  5. Get the public key from the certificate.

  6. Generate a random RSA session key. This session key is used to sign data that is sent to the authenticated channel. Encrypt the session key using the driver's public key.

  7. Call IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9::NegotiateKeyExchange to send the encrypted session key to the driver.

  8. Initialize the secure channel as follows:

    1. Fill in a D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_CONFIGUREINITIALIZE structure as described in the documentation.
    2. Send the D3DAUTHENTICATEDCONFIGURE_INITIALIZE command by calling IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9::Configure as described in the section Sending Authenticated Channel Commands. This command contains the starting sequence numbers for the commands and queries that are sent to the authenticated channel.
  9. Verify the channel type by sending a D3DAUTHENTICATEDQUERY_CHANNELTYPE query to the authenticated channel, as described in the section Sending Authenticated Channel Queries. Check that the channel type matches what you specified in the CreateAuthenticatedChannel method.

3. Configure the Cryptographic Session

Next, configure the cryptographic session and establish the session key.

  1. Call IDirect3DDevice9Video::CreateCryptoSession to create the cryptographic session. This method returns a pointer to the IDirect3DCryptoSession9 interface and along with a handle to the cryptographic session.
  2. Call IDirect3DCryptoSession9::GetCertificateSize to get the size of the driver's X.509 certificate. Allocate a buffer of the required size.
  3. Call IDirect3DCryptoSession9::GetCertificate to get the certificate. The method copies the certificate into the buffer that was allocated in the previous step.
  4. Verify that the driver’s certificate was signed by Microsoft and has not been revoked.
  5. Get the public key from the certificate.
  6. Generate a random RSA session key. This is a separate session key from the authenticated channel session key. Encrypt the session key using the driver's public key.
  7. Call IDirect3DCryptoSession9::NegotiateKeyExchange to send the encrypted session key to the driver.
  8. If the content protection capabilities include D3DCPCAPS_CONTENTKEY, create a random RSA content key. This will be used later in the decoding process.

4. Get a Handle to the DXVA Decoder Device

For the next step, you will need a handle to the DXVA decoder device. To get this handle, fill in a DXVA2_DecodeExecuteParams structure as follows:

HANDLE hDecodeDeviceHandle;

DXVA2_DecodeExecuteParams execParams = {0};
DXVA2_DecodeExtensionData ExtensionExecute = {0};
execParams.NumCompBuffers = 0;
execParams.pCompressedBuffers = NULL;
execParams.pExtensionData = &ExtensionExecute;

ExtensionExecute.Function = DXVA2_DECODE_GET_DRIVER_HANDLE;
ExtensionExecute.pPrivateInputData = NULL;
ExtensionExecute.PrivateInputDataSize = 0;
ExtensionExecute.pPrivateOutputData = &hDecodeDeviceHandle;
ExtensionExecute.PrivateOutputDataSize = sizeof(HANDLE);

Set the pExtensionData member of the DXVA2_DecodeExecuteParams structure to the address of a DXVA2_DecodeExtensionData structure.

In the DXVA2_DecodeExtensionData structure, set the Function member to DXVA2_DECODE_GET_DRIVER_HANDLE. Set pPrivateOutputData to the address of a buffer that is large enough to store a HANDLE value. (In the previous example, this buffer is the hDecodeDeviceHandle variable.)

Then call IDirectXVideoDecoder::Execute and pass in the address of the DXVA2_DecodeExecuteParams structure. The handle to the DXVA decoder is returned in pPrivateOutputData.

5. Associate the DXVA Decoder with the Cryptographic Session

Next, associate the DXVA decoder device with the Direct3D device and the cryptographic session, as follows:

  1. Get a handle to the DXVA decoder device, as described in the previous section.
  2. Get a handle to the Direct3D device, by sending a D3DAUTHENTICATEDQUERY_DEVICEHANDLE query to the authenticated channel.
  3. Fill in a D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_CONFIGURECRYPTOSESSION structure with the following information:
    • Set the DXVA2DecodeHandle member to the handle to the DXVA decoder device.
    • Set the CryptoSessionHandle member to the handle to the cryptographic session. This handle is returned by the IDirect3DDevice9Video::CreateCryptoSession method.
    • Set the DeviceHandle member to the Direct3D device handle.
  4. Call IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9::Configure to send a D3DAUTHENTICATEDCONFIGURE_CRYPTOSESSION command to the authenticated channel.

The following diagram illustrates the exchange of handles:

a diagram that shows how the dxva decoder is associated with the cryptographic session.

The software decoder can now use the cryptographic session key to encrypt the compressed video buffers. Each compressed buffer will have its own initialization vector (IV) specified in the pvPVPState member of the DXVA2_DecodeBufferDesc structure.

Sending Authenticated Channel Commands

A set of commands are defined for configuring the authenticated channel and setting various content protections. For a list of commands, see Content Protection Commands.

To send a command to the authenticated channel, perform the following steps.

  1. Fill in the input data structure. This data structure is always a D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_CONFIGURE_INPUT structure followed by additional fields. Fill in the D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_CONFIGURE_INPUT structure as shown in the following table.
Member Description
omac Skip this field for now.
ConfigureType GUID that identifies the command. For a list of commands, see Content Protection Commands.
hChannel The handle to the authenticated channel.
SequenceNumber The sequence number. The first sequence number is specified by sending a D3DAUTHENTICATEDCONFIGURE_INITIALIZE command. Each time you send another command, increment this number by 1. The sequence number guards against replay attacks. Note: Two separate sequence numbers are used, one for commands and one for queries.
  1. Calculate the OMAC tag for the block of data that appears after the omac member of the input structure. Then copy this tag value into the omac member.
  2. Call IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9::Configure.
  3. The driver places the output from the command in the D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_CONFIGURE_OUTPUT structure.
  4. Calculate the OMAC tag for the block of data that appears after the omac member of the output structure. Compare this with the value of the omac member. Fail if they do not match.
  5. Compare the values of the ConfigureType, hChannel, and SequenceNumber members in the output structure against your values for those members. Fail if they do not match.
  6. Increment the sequence number for the next command.

Sending Authenticated Channel Queries

A set of queries are defined for retrieving information about the authenticated channel. For a list of queries, see Content Protection Queries.

To send a command to the authenticated channel, perform the following steps.

  1. Fill in the input data structure. This data structure is always a D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_QUERY_INPUT structure, possibly followed by additional fields. Fill in the D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_QUERY_INPUT structure as shown in the following table.
Member Description
QueryType GUID that identifies the query. For a list of queries, see Content Protection Queries.
hChannel The handle to the authenticated channel.
SequenceNumber The sequence number. The first sequence number is specified by sending a D3DAUTHENTICATEDCONFIGURE_INITIALIZE command. Each time you send another query, increment this number by 1. The sequence number guards against replay attacks. Note: Two separate sequence numbers are used, one for commands and one for queries.
  1. Call IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9::Query.
  2. The driver places the output from the query in a D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_QUERY_OUTPUT structure. This structure is followed by additional fields, depending on the query type.
  3. Calculate the OMAC tag for the block of data that appears after the omac member of the output structure. Compare this with the value of the omac member. Fail if they do not match.
  4. Compare the values of the ConfigureType, hChannel, and SequenceNumber members in the output structure against your values for those members. Fail if they do not match.
  5. Increment the sequence number for the next query.

Direct3D 9 Video APIs