Migrating servers from Microsoft Monitoring Agent to the unified solution
Applies to:
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for servers
- Microsoft Defender for Servers Plan 1 or Plan 2
This article guides you in migrating servers running Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2012 R2 from Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) to the modern, unified solution. In this article, the phrase down-level servers refers to older versions of Windows Server, such as Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
- Microsoft Configuration Manager higher than 2207.
- Down-level OS devices in your environment onboarded with Microsoft Monitoring Agent. To confirm, verify that
is running in Task Manager. - Presence of the MMA agent. You can verify it by checking if the correct Workspace ID is present in the Control Panel> Microsoft Monitoring Agent.
- Active Microsoft Defender portal with devices onboarded.
- A Device Collection containing down-level servers such as Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016 using MMA agent is set up in your Configuration Manager instance.
For more information on installing the listed prerequisites, see related articles section.
Copy the unified solution package, onboarding script, and migration script to the same content source you deploy other apps with Configuration Manager.
Download Onboarding Script and the unified solution from Microsoft Defender portal settings page.
You must select the Group Policy from the Deployment method dropdown to obtain the .cmd file.
Download the migration script from the document: Server migration scenarios from the previous, MMA-based Microsoft Defender for Endpoint solution. This script can also be found on GitHub: GitHub - microsoft/mdefordownlevelserver.
Save all three files in a shared folder used by Configuration Manager as a Software Source.
In the Configuration Manager console, go to Software Library > Applications > Create Application.
Select Next on the Software Center screen of the wizard.
On the Deployment Types, select Add.
Select Manually to specify the deployment type information and select Next.
Give a name to your script deployment and select Next.
Copy the UNC path that your content is located. Example:
.Set the installation program by using the following command:
Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File install.ps1 -RemoveMMA <workspace ID> -OnboardingScript .\WindowsDefenderATPOnboardingScript.cmd
Select Next, and make sure to add your own Workspace ID in this section.
Select Next, and then select add a clause.
The detection method is based on this registry key:
.Select the option: This registry setting must exit on the target system to indicate presence of this application.
The registry key value was obtained by running the following PowerShell command on a device that has the unified solution installed. Other creative methods of detection can also be used. The goal is to identify whether the unified solution has already been installed on a specific device. You can leave the Value and Data Type fields as blank.
get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Sort-Object -Property Name |Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize
In the User Experience section, check the recommended settings shown in the screenshot. You can choose what suits your environment, and then select Next.
For Installation program visibility, it's advisable to install with Normal during phase testing then change it to Minimized for general deployment.
The maximum allowed runtime can be lowered from (default) 120 minutes to 60 minutes.
Add any additional requirements, and then select Next.
Under the Dependencies section, select Next.
Select Next until completion screen comes up, and then select Close.
Keep selecting Next until the completion of Application Wizard. Verify all have been green checked.
Close the wizard, right-click on the recently created application and deploy it to your down-level-server collection. Locally, the installation can be confirmed at Software Center. For details, check the CM logs at
.Verify the status of the migration in Configuration Manager by going to Monitoring > Deployments.
Troubleshooting .ETL files are created and automatically saved locally in each server at this location
. These files can be leveraged by support to troubleshoot onboarding issues.
- Microsoft Monitoring Agent Setup
- Deploy applications - Configuration Manager
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Configuration Manager
- Onboard Windows servers to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: Defending Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016
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