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Exemples de modèle Resource Manager pour les règles d’alerte de recherche dans les journaux dans Azure Monitor

Cet article contient des exemples de modèles Azure Resource Manager pour créer et configurer des alertes de recherche dans les journaux dans Azure Monitor. Chaque exemple comprend un fichier de modèle et un fichier de paramètres avec des exemples de valeurs à fournir au modèle.


Pour obtenir une liste des exemples disponibles et des conseils sur leur déploiement dans votre abonnement Azure, consultez la page Exemples Azure Resource Manager pour Azure Monitor.


La taille combinée de toutes les données dans les propriétés d’une règle d’alerte de journal ne peut pas dépasser 64 Ko. Cela peut être dû à un trop grand nombre de dimensions, à une requête trop longue, à un trop grand nombre de groupes d’actions ou à une description longue. Lorsque vous créez une grande règle d’alerte, n’oubliez pas d’optimiser ces aspects.

Modèle pour tous les types de ressources (à compter de la version 2021-08-01)

L’exemple suivant crée une règle qui peut cibler n’importe quelle ressource.

@description('Name of the alert')
param alertName string

@description('Location of the alert')
param location string

@description('Description of alert')
param alertDescription string = 'This is a metric alert'

@description('Severity of alert {0,1,2,3,4}')
param alertSeverity int = 3

@description('Specifies whether the alert is enabled')
param isEnabled bool = true

@description('Specifies whether the alert will automatically resolve')
param autoMitigate bool = true

@description('Specifies whether to check linked storage and fail creation if the storage was not found')
param checkWorkspaceAlertsStorageConfigured bool = false

@description('Full Resource ID of the resource emitting the metric that will be used for the comparison. For example /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000-00000000/resourceGroups/ResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.compute/virtualMachines/VM_xyz')
param resourceId string

@description('Name of the metric used in the comparison to activate the alert.')
param query string

@description('Name of the measure column used in the alert evaluation.')
param metricMeasureColumn string

@description('Name of the resource ID column used in the alert targeting the alerts.')
param resourceIdColumn string

@description('Operator comparing the current value with the threshold value.')
param operator string = 'GreaterThan'

@description('The threshold value at which the alert is activated.')
param threshold int = 0

@description('The number of periods to check in the alert evaluation.')
param numberOfEvaluationPeriods int = 1

@description('The number of unhealthy periods to alert on (must be lower or equal to numberOfEvaluationPeriods).')
param minFailingPeriodsToAlert int = 1

@description('How the data that is collected should be combined over time.')
param timeAggregation string = 'Average'

@description('Period of time used to monitor alert activity based on the threshold. Must be between one minute and one day. ISO 8601 duration format.')
param windowSize string = 'PT5M'

@description('how often the metric alert is evaluated represented in ISO 8601 duration format')
param evaluationFrequency string = 'PT5M'

@description('Mute actions for the chosen period of time (in ISO 8601 duration format) after the alert is fired.')
param muteActionsDuration string

@description('The ID of the action group that is triggered when the alert is activated or deactivated')
param actionGroupId string = ''

resource alert 'Microsoft.Insights/scheduledQueryRules@2021-08-01' = {
  name: alertName
  location: location
  tags: {}
  properties: {
    description: alertDescription
    severity: alertSeverity
    enabled: isEnabled
    scopes: [
    evaluationFrequency: evaluationFrequency
    windowSize: windowSize
    criteria: {
      allOf: [
          query: query
          metricMeasureColumn: metricMeasureColumn
          resourceIdColumn: resourceIdColumn
          dimensions: []
          operator: operator
          threshold: threshold
          timeAggregation: timeAggregation
          failingPeriods: {
            numberOfEvaluationPeriods: numberOfEvaluationPeriods
            minFailingPeriodsToAlert: minFailingPeriodsToAlert
    muteActionsDuration: muteActionsDuration
    autoMitigate: autoMitigate
    checkWorkspaceAlertsStorageConfigured: checkWorkspaceAlertsStorageConfigured
    actions: {
      actionGroups: [
      customProperties: {
        key1: 'value1'
        key2: 'value2'

Fichier de paramètres

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "alertName": {
      "value": "New Alert"
    "location": {
      "value": "eastus"
    "alertDescription": {
      "value": "New alert created via template"
    "alertSeverity": {
    "isEnabled": {
      "value": true
    "resourceId": {
      "value": "/subscriptions/replace-with-subscription-id/resourceGroups/replace-with-resourceGroup-name/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/replace-with-resource-name"
    "query": {
      "value": "Perf | where ObjectName == \"Processor\" and CounterName == \"% Processor Time\""
    "metricMeasureColumn": {
      "value": "AggregatedValue"
    "operator": {
      "value": "GreaterThan"
    "threshold": {
      "value": 80
    "timeAggregation": {
      "value": "Average"
    "actionGroupId": {
      "value": "/subscriptions/replace-with-subscription-id/resourceGroups/resource-group-name/providers/Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/replace-with-action-group"

Modèle de nombre de résultats (jusqu’à la version 2018-04-16)

L’exemple suivant crée une règle d’alerte pour un nombre de résultats.


  • Cet exemple comprend une charge utile de webhook. Si la règle d’alerte ne doit pas déclencher de webhook, supprimez l’élément customWebhookPayload.

Fichier de modèle

@description('Resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace.')
param sourceId string = ''

@description('Location for the alert. Must be the same location as the workspace.')
param location string = ''

@description('The ID of the action group that is triggered when the alert is activated.')
param actionGroupId string = ''

resource logQueryAlert 'Microsoft.Insights/scheduledQueryRules@2018-04-16' = {
  name: 'Sample log query alert'
  location: location
  properties: {
    description: 'Sample log query alert'
    enabled: 'true'
    source: {
      query: 'Event | where EventLevelName == "Error" | summarize count() by Computer'
      dataSourceId: sourceId
      queryType: 'ResultCount'
    schedule: {
      frequencyInMinutes: 15
      timeWindowInMinutes: 60
    action: {
      'odata.type': 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.Microsoft.AppInsights.Nexus.DataContracts.Resources.ScheduledQueryRules.AlertingAction'
      severity: '4'
      aznsAction: {
        actionGroup: array(actionGroupId)
        emailSubject: 'Alert mail subject'
        customWebhookPayload: '{ "alertname":"#alertrulename", "IncludeSearchResults":true }'
      trigger: {
        thresholdOperator: 'GreaterThan'
        threshold: 1

Fichier de paramètres

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "sourceId": {
      "value": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/bw-samples-arm/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/bw-arm-01"
    "location": {
      "value": "westus"
    "actionGroupId": {
      "value": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/bw-samples-arm/providers/microsoft.insights/actionGroups/ARM samples group 01"

Modèle de mesure des métriques (jusqu’à la version 2018-04-16)

L’exemple suivant crée une règle d’alerte sur la mesure de métriques.

Fichier de modèle

@description('Resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace.')
param sourceId string = ''

@description('Location for the alert. Must be the same location as the workspace.')
param location string = ''

@description('The ID of the action group that is triggered when the alert is activated.')
param actionGroupId string = ''

resource metricMeasurementLogQueryAlert 'Microsoft.Insights/scheduledQueryRules@2018-04-16' = {
  name: 'Sample metric measurement log query alert'
  location: location
  properties: {
    description: 'Sample metric measurement query alert rule'
    enabled: 'true'
    source: {
      query: 'Event | where EventLevelName == "Error" | summarize AggregatedValue = count() by bin(TimeGenerated,1h), Computer'
      dataSourceId: sourceId
      queryType: 'ResultCount'
    schedule: {
      frequencyInMinutes: 15
      timeWindowInMinutes: 60
    action: {
      'odata.type': 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.Microsoft.AppInsights.Nexus.DataContracts.Resources.ScheduledQueryRules.AlertingAction'
      severity: '4'
      aznsAction: {
        actionGroup: array(actionGroupId)
        emailSubject: 'Alert mail subject'
      trigger: {
        thresholdOperator: 'GreaterThan'
        threshold: 10
        metricTrigger: {
          thresholdOperator: 'Equal'
          threshold: 1
          metricTriggerType: 'Consecutive'
          metricColumn: 'Computer'

Fichier de paramètres

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "sourceId": {
      "value": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/bw-samples-arm/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/bw-arm-01"
    "location": {
      "value": "westus"
    "actionGroupId": {
      "value": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/bw-samples-arm/providers/microsoft.insights/actionGroups/ARM samples group 01"

Étapes suivantes