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Create device platform restrictions

Applies to: Android, iOS/iPadOS, macOS, Windows 10, Windows 11

Create a device platform enrollment restriction policy to restrict devices from enrolling in Intune. Available restrictions include:

  • Device platform
  • OS version
  • Manufacturer
  • Ownership (personally owned)

You can create a new device platform restriction policy in the Microsoft Intune admin center or use the default policy that's already available. You can have up to 25 device platform restriction policies.

This article describes the device platform restrictions supported in Microsoft Intune and how to configure them in the admin center.

Role-based access control

To create device platform restrictions in Microsoft Intune, you must be assigned as Intune Administrator. This role is built-in to Microsoft Entra ID and can:

  • Create device platform restrictions

  • Edit device platform restrictions

  • Delete device platform restrictions

  • Reprioritize device platform restrictions

All other built-in Intune roles have read-only access to device platform restrictions. You can apply scope tags to a device platform restriction to further limit access. For more information about role-based access control (RBAC), see RBAC with Microsoft Intune.

Default policy

Microsoft Intune provides one default policy for device platform restrictions that you can edit and customize as needed. Intune applies the default policy to all user and userless enrollments until you assign a higher-priority policy.

Best practice - Android platform restrictions

Since Intune supports two Android platforms, it's important to understand how OS version restrictions work when you use them with device platform restrictions:

  • If you allow both platforms for the same group, and then refine it for specific and nonoverlapping versions, Intune looks at the version to determine the Android enrollment flow devices go through.
  • If you allow both platforms, but block the same versions, devices running blocked versions can't enroll. Users on these devices are sent through the Android device administrator enrollment flow before they're blocked and prompted to sign out.


Microsoft Intune is ending support for Android device administrator management on devices with access to Google Mobile Services (GMS) on December 31, 2024. After that date, device enrollment, technical support, bug fixes, and security fixes will be unavailable. If you currently use device administrator management, we recommend switching to another Android management option in Intune before support ends. For more information, see Ending support for Android device administrator on GMS devices.

Create a device platform restriction

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center and go to Devices.

  2. Under Device onboarding, select Enrollment.

  3. Under Enrollment options, select Device platform restriction.

  4. Select the tab along the top of the page that corresponds with the platform you're configuring. Your options:

    • Windows restrictions
    • Android restrictions
    • macOS restrictions
    • iOS restrictions
  5. Select Create restriction.

  6. On the Basics page, give the restriction a name and optional description.

  7. Select Next.

  8. On the Platform settings page, configure the restrictions for your selected platform. Your options:

    • Platform (Android): Select Allow to permit a platform to enroll, and Block to restrict it.

    • MDM (Windows, macOS, and iOS/iPadOS): Select Allow to permit a platform to enroll, and Block to restrict it.

    • Personally-owned: Select Allow to permit devices to enroll and operate as personal devices.

    • Device manufacturer (Android): Enter a comma-separated list of the manufacturers that you want to block.

    • Allow min/max range (Android, Windows, iOS/iPadOS): Enter the minimum and maximum OS versions allowed to enroll. Supported version formats include:

      • Windows supports major.minor.build.rev for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Intune doesn't receive the revision number during enrollment so enter 0 for revision number.

      • Android device administrator and Android Enterprise work profile support major.minor.rev.build.

      • iOS/iPadOS supports major.minor.rev.


        The min/max range isn't applicable to Apple devices that enroll with the Device Enrollment Program, Apple School Manager, or the Apple Configurator app. Although Intune doesn't block ADE enrollments that use Company Portal to authenticate, not meeting OS requirements impacts registration because devices can't create the Microsoft Entra device record used to evaluate Conditional Access policies. You can tell that this is the case if a device user receives an error message that says "Couldn't map device record with a user" after they sign in to Company Portal.

  9. Select Next.

  10. Optionally, add scope tags to the restriction. For more information about scope tags, see Use role-based access control and scope tags for distributed IT.


    If you apply scope tags to a restriction, only Intune users within scope can view and manage the policy. Only people in scope can view and reorder a restriction, or change its priority level. They can also see the relative priority of the restriction, even if they can't see all restrictions.

  11. Select Next.

  12. On the Assignments page, select Add groups and then use the search box to find and select groups. To assign the restriction to all device users, select Add all users. If you don't assign a restriction to at least one group, the restriction won't take effect.

  13. Optionally, after you assign groups, select Edit filter to restrict the policy assignment further with filters. Filters are available for macOS, iOS, and Windows policies. For more information, see Apply assignment filters in this article.

  14. Select Next.

  15. Review your policy, and then select Create to create it.

You can view the new restriction policy and access its properties in the Enrollment device platform restrictions > Device type restrictions table. Select and drag the restriction to reposition it in the table and change its priority.

Apply assignment filters

You can use assignment filters to include and exclude additional devices from certain group-targeted policies. Enrollment restrictions and ESP policies both support the use of assignment filters.

For example, you can use a filter to allow personal Windows devices to enroll while blocking devices that run a specific operating system SKU. To achieve this outcome, apply a preconfigured filter to your enrollment restriction assignments. The filter needs to have the operatingSystemSKU property in its rules. Example steps:

  1. Create a platform enrollment restriction policy for Windows.
  2. In the platform settings, select the option that allows personal devices to enroll.
  3. In the assignments settings, select the groups you want to assign.
  4. Select Edit filter and then apply your preconfigured filter that contains the operatingSystemSKU property. The applied property blocks devices running Windows 10 Home edition.

For more information about creating filters, see Create a filter.

Supported filter properties

Enrollment restrictions support fewer filter properties than other group-targeted policies. This is because devices aren't yet enrolled, so Intune doesn't have the device info to support all properties. The limited selection of properties become available when you:

  • Configure a device platform restriction policy for Apple and Windows devices.
  • Configure an enrollment status page (ESP) policy for Windows.
  • Edit a filter that's in-use in an enrollment restriction or ESP profile.

The following filter properties are always available to use with enrollment policies:


iOS/iPadOS and macOS

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • OS version
  • Ownership
  • Enrollment profile name

For more information about these properties, see device properties. Filters can't be used with Android enrollment restrictions.

Edit enrollment restrictions

Edits are applied to new enrollments and don't affect devices that are already enrolled.

  1. Return to Devices > Enrollment.
  2. Select Device platform restrictions and then select the OS platform the restriction belongs to.
  3. In the Device type restrictions table, select the name of the policy you want to change.
  4. Select Properties.
  5. Select Edit.
  6. Make your changes and select Review + save.
  7. Review your changes and select Save.