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ToolStripManager Classe


Contrôle ToolStrip le rendu et le rafting et la fusion des objets MenuStrip, ToolStripDropDownMenu et ToolStripMenuItem. Cette classe ne peut pas être héritée.

public ref class ToolStripManager sealed
public ref class ToolStripManager abstract sealed
public sealed class ToolStripManager
public static class ToolStripManager
type ToolStripManager = class
Public NotInheritable Class ToolStripManager
Public Class ToolStripManager


L’exemple de code suivant illustre tous les scénarios classiques de fusion d’éléments de menu.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public enum MergeSample
public class Form1 : Form
    ContextMenuStrip cmsBase;
    ContextMenuStrip cmsItemsToMerge;

    public Form1()

        components ??= new Container();
        cmsBase = new ContextMenuStrip(components);
        cmsItemsToMerge = new ContextMenuStrip(components);

        // cmsBase is the base ContextMenuStrip.

        // cmsItemsToMerge contains the items to merge.

        // Distinguish the merged items by setting the shortcut display string.
        foreach (ToolStripMenuItem tsmi in cmsItemsToMerge.Items)
            tsmi.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = "Merged Item";
        // Associate the ContextMenuStrip with the form so that it displays when
        // the user clicks the right mouse button.
        this.ContextMenuStrip = cmsBase;


    #region ComboBox switching code.
    private void CreateCombo()
        // This ComboBox allows the user to switch between the samples.
        ComboBox sampleSelectorCombo = new ComboBox();
        sampleSelectorCombo.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MergeSample));
        sampleSelectorCombo.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged);
        sampleSelectorCombo.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

        TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
        textBox.Multiline = true;
        textBox.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
        textBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", this, "ScenarioText");
        textBox.ReadOnly = true;
        textBox.Width = 150;
        this.BackColor = ProfessionalColors.MenuStripGradientBegin;
        this.Text = "Right click under selection.";
    void comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ComboBox sampleSelectorCombo = sender as ComboBox;
        if (sampleSelectorCombo.SelectedValue != null)
            CurrentSample = (MergeSample)sampleSelectorCombo.SelectedValue;

    private string scenarioText;

    public string ScenarioText
        get { return scenarioText; }
            scenarioText = value;
            if (ScenarioTextChanged != null)
                ScenarioTextChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

    public event EventHandler ScenarioTextChanged;


    private void RebuildItemsToMerge()
        // This handles cases where the items collection changes for the sample.
        // Distinguish the merged items by setting the shortcut display string.
        foreach (ToolStripMenuItem tsmi in cmsItemsToMerge.Items)
            tsmi.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = "Merged Item";
    #region Switching current samples.
    private MergeSample currentSample = MergeSample.None;
    private MergeSample CurrentSample
        get { return currentSample; }
            if (currentSample != value)
                bool resetRequired = false;

                if (currentSample == MergeSample.MatchOnly)
                    resetRequired = true;
                currentSample = value;
                // Undo previous merge, if any.
                ToolStripManager.RevertMerge(cmsBase, cmsItemsToMerge);
                if (resetRequired)

                switch (currentSample)
                    case MergeSample.None:
                    case MergeSample.Append:
                        ScenarioText = "This sample adds items to the end of the list using MergeAction.Append.\r\n\r\nThis is the default setting for MergeAction. A typical scenario is adding menu items to the end of the menu when some part of the program is activated.";
                    case MergeSample.InsertInSameLocation:
                        ScenarioText = "This sample adds items to the middle of the list using MergeAction.Insert.\r\n\r\nNotice here how the items are added in reverse order: four, three, two, one. This is because they all have the same merge index.\r\n\r\nA typical scenario is adding menu items to the middle or beginning of the menu when some part of the program is activated. ";
                    case MergeSample.InsertInSameLocationPreservingOrder:
                        ScenarioText = "This sample is the same as InsertInSameLocation, except the items are added in normal order by increasing the MergeIndex of \"two merged items\" to be 3, \"three merged items\" to be 5, and so on.\r\n  You could also add the original items backwards to the source ContextMenuStrip.";
                    case MergeSample.ReplacingItems:
                        ScenarioText = "This sample replaces a menu item using MergeAction.Replace. Use this for the MDI scenario where saving does something completely different.\r\n\r\nMatching is based on the Text property. If there is no text match, merging reverts to MergeIndex.";
                    case MergeSample.MatchOnly:
                        ScenarioText = "This sample adds only the subitems from the child to the target ContextMenuStrip.";
                // Reapply with the new settings.
                ToolStripManager.Merge(cmsItemsToMerge, cmsBase);

    #region MergeSample.Append
    /* Example 1 - Add all items to the end of the list.
        * one
        * two
        * three
        * four
        * merge-one
        * merge-two
        * merge-three
        * merge-four
    public void ShowAppendSample()
        foreach (ToolStripItem item in cmsItemsToMerge.Items)
            item.MergeAction = MergeAction.Append;

    #region MergeSample.InsertInSameLocation
    /*  Example 2 - Place all in the same location.
          * one
          * two
          * merge-four
          * merge-three
          * merge-two
          * merge-one
          * three
          * four
    public void ShowInsertInSameLocationSample()
        // Notice how the items are in backward order.  
        // This is because "merge-one" gets applied, then a search occurs for the new second position 
        // for "merge-two", and so on.
        foreach (ToolStripItem item in cmsItemsToMerge.Items)
            item.MergeAction = MergeAction.Insert;
            item.MergeIndex = 2;

    #region MergeSample.InsertInSameLocationPreservingOrder
    /* Example 3 - Insert items in the right order.
        * one
        * two
        * merge-one
        * merge-two
        * merge-three
        * merge-four
        * three
        * four               
    public void ShowInsertInSameLocationPreservingOrderSample()

        // Undo previous merges, if any.
        ToolStripManager.RevertMerge(cmsBase, cmsItemsToMerge);

        // This is the same as above, but increases the MergeIndex so that
        // subsequent items are placed afterwards.
        int i = 0;
        foreach (ToolStripItem item in cmsItemsToMerge.Items)
            item.MergeAction = MergeAction.Insert;
            item.MergeIndex = 2 + i++;

        // Reapply with new settings.
        ToolStripManager.Merge(cmsItemsToMerge, cmsBase);

    #region MergeSample.ReplacingItems
    /* Example 4 - 
        * merge-one
        * merge-two
        * merge-three
        * merge-four
    public void ShowReplaceSample()

        // MergeAction.Replace compares Text property values. 
        // If matching text is not found, Replace reverts to MergeIndex.                    

        foreach (ToolStripItem item in cmsItemsToMerge.Items)
            item.MergeAction = MergeAction.Replace;

    #region MergeSample.MatchOnly
    /* Example 5 - Match to add subitems to a menu item.
         * Add items to the flyout menus for the original collection.
         * one -> subitem from "one merged item"
         * two -> subitem from "two merged items"
         * three -> subitem from "three merged items"
         * four -> subitem from "four merged items"
    public void ShowMatchOnlySample()

        foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in cmsItemsToMerge.Items)
            item.MergeAction = MergeAction.MatchOnly;
            item.DropDownItems.Add("subitem from \"" + item.Text + " " + item.ShortcutKeyDisplayString + "\"");

    private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing && (components != null))

    private void InitializeComponent()
        this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
        this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
        this.Text = "Form1";
    static void Main()
        Application.Run(new Form1());
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Enum MergeSample
End Enum

Public Class Form1
   Inherits Form
   Private cmsBase As ContextMenuStrip
   Private cmsItemsToMerge As ContextMenuStrip
   Public Sub New()
      If components Is Nothing Then
         components = New Container()
      End If
      cmsBase = New ContextMenuStrip(components)
      cmsItemsToMerge = New ContextMenuStrip(components)
      ' cmsBase is the base ContextMenuStrip.
      ' cmsItemsToMerge contains the items to merge.
      ' Distinguish the merged items by setting the shortcut display string.
      Dim tsmi As ToolStripMenuItem
      For Each tsmi In  cmsItemsToMerge.Items
         tsmi.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = "Merged Item"
      Next tsmi
      ' Associate the ContextMenuStrip with the form so that it displays when
      ' the user clicks the right mouse button.
      Me.ContextMenuStrip = cmsBase
   End Sub
   #Region "ComboBox switching code."
   Private Sub CreateCombo()
      ' This ComboBox allows the user to switch between the samples.
      Dim sampleSelectorCombo As New ComboBox()
      sampleSelectorCombo.DataSource = [Enum].GetValues(GetType(MergeSample))
      AddHandler sampleSelectorCombo.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged
      sampleSelectorCombo.Dock = DockStyle.Top
      Dim textBox As New TextBox()
      textBox.Multiline = True
      textBox.Dock = DockStyle.Left
      textBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", Me, "ScenarioText")
      textBox.ReadOnly = True
      textBox.Width = 150
      Me.BackColor = ProfessionalColors.MenuStripGradientBegin
      Me.Text = "Right click under selection."
   End Sub
   Private Sub comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
      Dim sampleSelectorCombo As ComboBox = sender 
      If Not (sampleSelectorCombo.SelectedValue Is Nothing) Then
         CurrentSample = CType(sampleSelectorCombo.SelectedValue, MergeSample)
      End If
   End Sub
   Private scenarioText1 As String
   Public Property ScenarioText() As String
         Return scenarioText1
      End Get
         scenarioText1 = value
         RaiseEvent ScenarioTextChanged(Me, EventArgs.Empty)
      End Set
   End Property
   Public Event ScenarioTextChanged As EventHandler
   #End Region
   Private Sub RebuildItemsToMerge()
      ' This handles cases where the items collection changes for the sample.
      ' Distinguish the merged items by setting the shortcut display string.
      Dim tsmi As ToolStripMenuItem
      For Each tsmi In  cmsItemsToMerge.Items
         tsmi.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = "Merged Item"
      Next tsmi
   End Sub
   #Region "Switching current samples."
   Private currentSample1 As MergeSample = MergeSample.None
   Private Property CurrentSample() As MergeSample
         Return currentSample1
      End Get
         If currentSample1 <> value Then
            Dim resetRequired As Boolean = False
            If currentSample1 = MergeSample.MatchOnly Then
               resetRequired = True
            End If
            currentSample1 = value
            ' Undo previous merge, if any.
            ToolStripManager.RevertMerge(cmsBase, cmsItemsToMerge)
            If resetRequired Then
            End If
            Select Case currentSample1
               Case MergeSample.None
               Case MergeSample.Append
                  ScenarioText = "This sample adds items to the end of the list using MergeAction.Append." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "This is the default setting for MergeAction. A typical scenario is adding menu items to the end of the menu when some part of the program is activated."
               Case MergeSample.InsertInSameLocation
                  ScenarioText = "This sample adds items to the middle of the list using MergeAction.Insert." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "Notice here how the items are added in reverse order: four, three, two, one. This is because they all have the same merge index." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "A typical scenario is adding menu items to the middle or beginning of the menu when some part of the program is activated. "
               Case MergeSample.InsertInSameLocationPreservingOrder
                  ScenarioText = "This sample is the same as InsertInSameLocation, except the items are added in normal order by increasing the MergeIndex of ""two merged items"" to be 3, ""three merged items"" to be 5, and so on." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "  You could also add the original items backwards to the source ContextMenuStrip."
               Case MergeSample.ReplacingItems
                  ScenarioText = "This sample replaces a menu item using MergeAction.Replace. Use this for the MDI scenario where saving does something completely different." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "Matching is based on the Text property. If there is no text match, merging reverts to MergeIndex."
               Case MergeSample.MatchOnly
                  ScenarioText = "This sample adds only the subitems from the child to the target ContextMenuStrip."
            End Select
            ' Reapply with the new settings.
            ToolStripManager.Merge(cmsItemsToMerge, cmsBase)
         End If
      End Set
   End Property
   #End Region
   #Region "MergeSample.Append"
   ' Example 1 - Add all items to the end of the list.
'        * one
'        * two
'        * three
'        * four
'        * merge-one
'        * merge-two
'        * merge-three
'        * merge-four
   Public Sub ShowAppendSample()
      Dim item As ToolStripItem
      For Each item In  cmsItemsToMerge.Items
         item.MergeAction = MergeAction.Append
      Next item
   End Sub
   #End Region
   #Region "MergeSample.InsertInSameLocation"
   '  Example 2 - Place all in the same location.
'          * one
'          * two
'          * merge-four
'          * merge-three
'          * merge-two
'          * merge-one
'          * three
'          * four
   Public Sub ShowInsertInSameLocationSample()
      ' Notice how the items are in backward order.  
      ' This is because "merge-one" gets applied, then a search occurs for the new second position 
      ' for "merge-two", and so on.
      Dim item As ToolStripItem
      For Each item In  cmsItemsToMerge.Items
         item.MergeAction = MergeAction.Insert
         item.MergeIndex = 2
      Next item
   End Sub
   #End Region
   #Region "MergeSample.InsertInSameLocationPreservingOrder"
   ' Example 3 - Insert items in the right order.
'        * one
'        * two
'        * merge-one
'        * merge-two
'        * merge-three
'        * merge-four
'        * three
'        * four               
   Public Sub ShowInsertInSameLocationPreservingOrderSample()
      ' Undo previous merges, if any.
      ToolStripManager.RevertMerge(cmsBase, cmsItemsToMerge)
      ' This is the same as above, but increases the MergeIndex so that
      ' subsequent items are placed afterwards.
      Dim i As Integer = 0
      Dim item As ToolStripItem
      For Each item In  cmsItemsToMerge.Items
         item.MergeAction = MergeAction.Insert
         item.MergeIndex = 2 + i
      Next item
      ' Reapply with new settings.
      ToolStripManager.Merge(cmsItemsToMerge, cmsBase)
   End Sub
   #End Region
   #Region "MergeSample.ReplacingItems"
   ' Example 4 - 
'        * merge-one
'        * merge-two
'        * merge-three
'        * merge-four
   Public Sub ShowReplaceSample()
      ' MergeAction.Replace compares Text property values. 
      ' If matching text is not found, Replace reverts to MergeIndex.                    
      Dim item As ToolStripItem
      For Each item In  cmsItemsToMerge.Items
         item.MergeAction = MergeAction.Replace
      Next item
   End Sub
   #End Region
   #Region "MergeSample.MatchOnly"
   ' Example 5 - Match to add subitems to a menu item.
'         * Add items to the flyout menus for the original collection.
'         * one -> subitem from "one merged item"
'         * two -> subitem from "two merged items"
'         * three -> subitem from "three merged items"
'         * four -> subitem from "four merged items"
   Public Sub ShowMatchOnlySample()
      Dim item As ToolStripMenuItem
      For Each item In  cmsItemsToMerge.Items
         item.MergeAction = MergeAction.MatchOnly
         item.DropDownItems.Add(("subitem from """ + item.Text + " " + item.ShortcutKeyDisplayString + """"))
      Next item
   End Sub
   #End Region
   Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer = Nothing
   Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
      If disposing AndAlso Not (components Is Nothing) Then
      End If
   End Sub
   Private Sub InitializeComponent()
      Me.components = New System.ComponentModel.Container()
      Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font
      Me.Text = "Form1"
   End Sub
   <STAThread()>  _
   Shared Sub Main()
      Application.Run(New Form1())
   End Sub
End Class

L’exemple de code suivant illustre un appel à ToolStripManager et certains de ses membres.

toolStrip1->RenderMode = 
ToolStripManager::Renderer = gcnew RedTextRenderer;
toolStrip1.RenderMode = ToolStripRenderMode.ManagerRenderMode;
ToolStripManager.Renderer = new RedTextRenderer();
toolStrip1.RenderMode = ToolStripRenderMode.ManagerRenderMode
ToolStripManager.Renderer = New RedTextRenderer()


ToolStripManager prend en charge ToolStriples tâches liées pour des applications entières, telles que la fusion, les paramètres et les options du convertisseur. La méthode surchargée Merge combine des ToolStrip contrôles entre eux, et la méthode surchargée annule RevertMerge une opération de fusion.

Utilisez la ToolStripRenderer classe avec la ToolStripManager classe pour obtenir encore plus de contrôle et de personnalisation sur le style de peinture et de disposition.



Obtient ou définit les styles de peinture par défaut pour le formulaire.


Obtient ou définit le thème par défaut pour le formulaire.


Obtient ou définit une valeur qui indique si ToolStrip est restitué à l'aide d'informations de style visuel appelées thèmes.



Recherche le ToolStrip spécifié ou un type dérivé de ToolStrip.


Récupère une valeur qui indique si la touche de raccourci spécifiée est utilisée par un des contrôles ToolStrip d'un formulaire.


Récupère une valeur qui indique si une touche de raccourci définie par l'utilisateur est valide.


Charge les paramètres pour le Form donné à l'aide du nom complet du Form comme clé de paramètres.

LoadSettings(Form, String)

Charge les paramètres pour le Form spécifié à l'aide de la clé de paramètres spécifiée.

Merge(ToolStrip, String)

Combine deux objets ToolStrip du même type.

Merge(ToolStrip, ToolStrip)

Combine deux objets ToolStrip de types différents.


Annule une fusion de deux objets ToolStrip, en retournant le ToolStrip avec le nom spécifié à son état avant la fusion et en annulant toutes les opérations de fusion antérieures.


Annule une fusion de deux objets ToolStrip, en retournant le ToolStrip spécifié à son état avant la fusion et en annulant toutes les opérations de fusion antérieures.

RevertMerge(ToolStrip, ToolStrip)

Annule une fusion de deux objets ToolStrip, en restaurant les deux contrôles ToolStrip à leur état avant la fusion et en annulant toutes les opérations de fusion antérieures.


Enregistre les paramètres pour le Form donné à l'aide du nom complet du Form comme clé de paramètres.

SaveSettings(Form, String)

Enregistre les paramètres pour le Form spécifié à l'aide de la clé de paramètres spécifiée.



Se produit quand la valeur de la propriété Renderer change.

S’applique à

Produit Versions
.NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1
Windows Desktop 3.0, 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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