IIterator<T>::get_HasCurrent method
Gets a value that indicates whether there is a current item or the iterator is at the end of the collection.
HRESULT get_HasCurrent(
[out, retval] boolean *hasCurrent
hasCurrent [out, retval]
Type: boolean*TRUE if the iterator refers to a valid item that is in the collection; otherwise, FALSE if the iterator is at the end of the collection.
This method can return one of these values.
Return code | Description |
S_OK | The current item was retrieved successfully. |
E_CHANGED_STATE | The iterator has been invalidated. |
Use the get_HasCurrent method to check for a valid iterator before calling the get_Current method.
The following code example demonstrates how to use the get_HasCurrent method.
comptr<Folder> spFolder;
hr = GetKnownFolder(FOLDERID_MusicFolder, &spFolder);
comptr<IVectorView<IShellItem2>> spItems;
hr = pFolder->GetItems(&spItems);
comptr<IIterator<IShellItem2>> spIter;
hr = spItems->First(&spIter);
bool hasCurrent;
for (hr = spIter->get_HasCurrent(&hasCurrent);
SUCCEEDED(hr) && hasCurrent;
hr = spIter->MoveNext(&hasCurrent))
comptr<IShellItem2> spAnItem;
hr = spIter->get_Current(&spAnItem)
Minimum supported client |
Windows 8 |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2012 |
Header |
Windows.Foundation.Collections.h |