Partager via

DTC Interfaces


Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server Technical Preview, Windows Vista

The following alphabetized DTC interfaces provide detailed interface descriptions for developers of native OLE Transactions resource managers, developers of XA Compliant Resource Managers, and developers of Caching Resource Managers.

Interfaces Description
IDtcLuConfigure Adds or removes a configured LU pair to or from the MSDTC.
IDtcLuRecoveryFactory Obtains a reference to the IDtcLuRecovery interface.
IDtcLuRecoveryInitiatedByDtc Requests LU recovery work to perform on behalf of MSDTC.
IDtcLuRecoveryInitiatedByDtcStatusWork Retrieves LU recovery work to perform on behalf of MSDTC.
IDtcLuRecoveryInitiatedByDtcTransWork Retrieves LU recovery work to perform on behalf of MSDTC.
IDtcLuRecoveryInitiatedByLu Retrieves LU recovery work to perform on behalf of MSDTC.
IDtcLuRecoveryInitiatedByLuWork Retrieves LU recovery work to perform on behalf of MSDTC.
IDtcLuRmEnlistment This interface is used by a client to act as an LU 6.2 subordinate to MSDTC.
IDtcLuRmEnlistmentFactory Creates new subordinate LU 6.2 enlistments in transactions.
IDtcLuRmEnlistmentSink This interface is used by the MSDTC to respond to events raised by an LU 6.2 subordinate client.
IDtcNetworkAccessConfig This interface provides access to information about the kinds of transactions available.
IDtcNetworkAccessConfig2 Retrieves and updates configuration information about the kinds of network transactions in which a DTC proxy can participate.
IDtcNetworkAccessConfig3 Retrieves and updates configuration information about the LU network transactions in which a DTC proxy can participate.
IDtcToXaHelper Resource manager proxies use this interface to map between OLE Transactions and the XA protocol.
IDtcToXaHelperFactory Resource managers use this interface to map between OLE Transactions and the XA protocol when XA is being used as the native protocol for distributed transactions.
IDtcToXaHelperSinglePipe This interface is a protocol for catching events that provides user specific metrics.
IDtcToXaMapper The RM proxy uses the IDtcToXaMapper interface to map between OLE Transactions and XA protocol when the XA is being used as the native protocol for distributed transactions.
IGetDispenser The resource manager proxy uses this interface to implement its transaction enlistment interface.
IKernelTransaction Retrieves a transaction handle that can then be passed into transacted Windows APIs.
IPrepareInfo Do not use. Use IPrepareInfo2 instead.
IPrepareInfo2 The resource manager uses this interface to retrieve prepare information from the transaction manager.
IResourceManager The resource manager uses this interface to enlist in distributed transactions.
IResourceManager2 The resource manager uses this interface to enlist in distributed transactions.
IResourceManagerFactory This interface contains a single method that is used to create a new resource manager object.
IResourceManagerFactory2 This interface contains a single method that is used to create a new resource manager object.
IResourceManagerRejoinable Re-enlists a resource manager to an in-doubt transaction after a database restarts due to an error.
IResourceManagerSink This interface is a callback interface implemented by the resource manager.
ITipHelper This interface provides methods to pull transactions and to get the TIP TM URL of the local TM.
ITipPullSink An application uses this interface to provide an ITipPullSink pointer.
ITipTransaction This interface provides methods to support TIP specific functionality on the transaction object.
ITmNodeName Retrievs the node name that specifies the location of the transaction manager used by the MSDTC proxy.
ITransaction This interface is used to commit and abort transactions and to obtain status information about transactions.
ITransaction2 This interface is to replicate the NT 4 version of the ITransaction Interface.
ITransactionBridge This interface is used by the MSDTC to provide notification of startup and shutdown.
ITransactionCloner This interface clones an MTS NT 4.0 transaction.
ITransactionDispenser This interface is used to create transactions and transaction options.
ITransactionEnlistmentAsync The resource manager uses this interface to notify the transaction manager that it has completed the prepare, abort, or commit request on the transaction object associated with this enlistment object.
ITransactionExport This interface is used to marshal a transaction object.
ITransactionExportFactory This interface is used to create a new export object.
ITransactionImport The resource manager uses this interface to transform an imported transaction cookie into a transaction object.
ITransactionImportWhereabouts This interface is used when propagating transactions from one process to another or one system to another.
ITransactionOptions This interface contains methods that control the attributes of new transactions such as their time-out periods and descriptions.
ITransactionOutcomeEvents This interface is used by application programs that require asynchronous notification about transaction outcomes.
ITransactionPhase0EnlistmentAsync This interface is used by a Phase0 participant to indicate that it is ready to receive phase0 notification, that phase0 processing has completed, or that phase0 notification is no longer desired.
ITransactionPhase0Factory This interface contains a single method that creates a new phase0 enlistment object.
ITransactionPhase0NotifyAsync The DTC Proxy calls the methods of this interface to deliver phase zero notification to a Phase0 participant, and to notify the participant that the asynchronous enlistment has completed.
ITransactionReceiver This interface is used to unmarshal transaction tokens.
ITransactionReceiverFactory Creates ITransactionReceiver objects.
ITransactionResourceAsync This is a callback interface implemented by the resource manager.
ITransactionTransmitter This interface is used to marshal transaction tokens.
ITransactionTransmitterFactory Creates ITransactionTransmitter objects.
ITransactionVoterBallotAsync2 This interface is used to sanction or veto a transaction during the prepare phase of the two-phase commit protocol.
ITransactionVoterFactory2 This interface is used to create a new transaction voter object.
ITransactionVoterNotifyAsync2 This interface is used to notify a transaction voter of a vote request during the first phase of the two-phase commit protocol.
IXATransLookup This interface is used to get a pointer to the ITransaction interface on the calling thread for an XA transaction.
IXATransLookup2 This interface is used to get a pointer to the ITransaction interface corresponding to the XA transaction manager's XID.