
שתף באמצעות

Quickstart: Send WhatsApp messages using Advanced Messages

Azure Communication Services enables you to send and receive WhatsApp messages. In this quickstart, get started integrating your app with Azure Communication Advanced Messages SDK and start sending/receiving WhatsApp messages. Completing this quickstart incurs a small cost of a few USD cents or less in your Azure account.


Setting up

Create the .NET project

To create your project, follow the tutorial at Create a .NET console application using Visual Studio.

To compile your code, press Ctrl+F7.

Install the package

Install the Azure.Communication.Messages NuGet package to your C# project.

  1. Open the NuGet Package Manager at Project > Manage NuGet Packages....
  2. Search for the package Azure.Communication.Messages.
  3. Install the latest release.

Set up the app framework

Open the Program.cs file in a text editor.

Replace the contents of your Program.cs with the following code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Azure;
using Azure.Communication.Messages;

namespace AdvancedMessagingQuickstart
    class Program
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Azure Communication Services - Send WhatsApp Messages");

            // Quickstart code goes here

To use the Advanced Messaging features, we add a using directive to include the Azure.Communication.Messages namespace.

using Azure.Communication.Messages;

Object model

The following classes and interfaces handle some of the major features of the Azure Communication Services Advance Messaging SDK for .NET.

Name Description
NotificationMessagesClient This class connects to your Azure Communication Services resource. It sends the messages.
MessageTemplate This class defines which template you use and the content of the template properties for your message.
TemplateNotificationContent This class defines the "who" and the "what" of the template message you intend to send.
TextNotificationContent This class defines the "who" and the "what" of the text message you intend to send.
MediaNotificationContent This class defines the "who" and the "what" of the media message you intend to send.

Code examples

Follow these steps to add the necessary code snippets to the Main function of your Program.cs file.

Authenticate the client

The NotificationMessagesClient is used to connect to your Azure Communication Services resource.

For simplicity, this quickstart uses a connection string to authenticate. In production environments, we recommend using service principals.

Get the connection string from your Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal. On the left, navigate to the Keys tab. Copy the Connection string field for the primary key. The connection string is in the format endpoint=https://{your Azure Communication Services resource name}.communication.azure.com/;accesskey={secret key}.

Screenshot that shows an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal, viewing the 'Connection string' field in the 'Primary key' section.

Set the environment variable COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING to the value of your connection string.
Open a console window and enter the following command:


After you add the environment variable, you might need to restart any running programs that will need to read the environment variable, including the console window. For example, if you're using Visual Studio as your editor, restart Visual Studio before running the example.

For more information on how to set an environment variable for your system, follow the steps at Store your connection string in an environment variable.

To instantiate a NotificationMessagesClient, add the following code to the Main method:

// Retrieve connection string from environment variable
string connectionString = 

// Instantiate the client
var notificationMessagesClient = new NotificationMessagesClient(connectionString);

Set channel registration ID

The Channel Registration ID GUID was created during channel registration. You can look it up in the portal on the Channels tab of your Azure Communication Services resource.

Screenshot that shows an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal, viewing the 'Channels' tab. Attention is placed on the copy action of the 'Channel ID' field.

Assign it to a variable called channelRegistrationId.

var channelRegistrationId = new Guid("<your channel registration ID GUID>");

Set recipient list

You need to supply a real phone number that has a WhatsApp account associated with it. This WhatsApp account receives the template, text, and media messages sent in this quickstart. For this quickstart, this phone number may be your personal phone number.

The recipient phone number can't be the business phone number (Sender ID) associated with the WhatsApp channel registration. The Sender ID appears as the sender of the text and media messages sent to the recipient.

The phone number should include the country code. For more information on phone number formatting, see WhatsApp documentation for Phone Number Formats.


Only one phone number is currently supported in the recipient list.

Create the recipient list like this:

var recipientList = new List<string> { "<to WhatsApp phone number>" };


// Example only
var recipientList = new List<string> { "+14255550199" };

Start sending messages between a business and a WhatsApp user

Conversations between a WhatsApp Business Account and a WhatsApp user can be initiated in one of two ways:

  • The business sends a template message to the WhatsApp user.
  • The WhatsApp user sends any message to the business number.

Regardless of how the conversation was started, a business can only send template messages until the user sends a message to the business. Only after the user sends a message to the business, the business is allowed to send text or media messages to the user during the active conversation. Once the 24 hour conversation window expires, the conversation must be reinitiated. To learn more about conversations, see the definition at WhatsApp Business Platform.

(Option 1) Initiate conversation from business - Send a template message

Initiate a conversation by sending a template message.

First, create a MessageTemplate using the values for a template.


To check which templates you have available, see the instructions at List templates. If you don't have a template to use, proceed to Option 2.

Here's MessageTemplate creation using a default template, sample_template.
If sample_template isn't available to you, skip to Option 2. For advanced users, see the page Templates to understand how to send a different template with Option 1.

The Messages SDK allows Contoso to send templated WhatsApp messages to WhatsApp users. To send a template message, you need:

// Assemble the template content
string templateName = "sample_template";
string templateLanguage = "en_us";
var messageTemplate = new MessageTemplate(templateName, templateLanguage);

For more examples of how to assemble your MessageTemplate and how to create your own template, refer to the following resource:

For further WhatsApp requirements on templates, refer to the WhatsApp Business Platform API references:

Assemble then send the template message:

// Assemble template message
var templateContent = 
    new TemplateNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, messageTemplate);

// Send template message
Response<SendMessageResult> sendTemplateMessageResult = 
    await notificationMessagesClient.SendAsync(templateContent);

Now, the user needs to respond to the template message. From the WhatsApp user account, reply to the template message received from the WhatsApp Business Account. The content of the message is irrelevant for this scenario.


The recipient must respond to the template message to initiate the conversation before text or media message can be delivered to the recipient.

(Option 2) Initiate conversation from user

The other option to initiate a conversation between a WhatsApp Business Account and a WhatsApp user is to have the user initiate the conversation. To do so, from your personal WhatsApp account, send a message to your business number (Sender ID).

A WhatsApp conversation viewed on the web showing a user message sent to the WhatsApp Business Account number.

Send a text message to a WhatsApp user

The Messages SDK allows Contoso to send WhatsApp text messages, which initiated WhatsApp users initiated. To send a text message, you need:


To send a text message to a WhatsApp user, the WhatsApp user must first send a message to the WhatsApp Business Account. For more information, see Start sending messages between business and WhatsApp user.

In this example, we reply to the WhatsApp user with the text "Thanks for your feedback.\n From Notification Messaging SDK".

Assemble then send the text message:

// Assemble text message
var textContent = 
    new TextNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, "Thanks for your feedback.\n From Notification Messaging SDK");

// Send text message
Response<SendMessageResult> sendTextMessageResult = 
    await notificationMessagesClient.SendAsync(textContent);

Send a media message to a WhatsApp user

The Messages SDK allows Contoso to send WhatsApp media messages to WhatsApp users. To send an embedded media message, you need:


To send a text message to a WhatsApp user, the WhatsApp user must first send a message to the WhatsApp Business Account. For more information, see Start sending messages between business and WhatsApp user.

As an example, create a URI:

var uri = new Uri("https://aka.ms/acsicon1");

Assemble then send the media message:

// Assemble media message
var mediaContent = 
    new MediaNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, uri);

// Send media message
Response<SendMessageResult> sendMediaMessageResult = 
    await notificationMessagesClient.SendAsync(mediaContent);

Run the code

Build and run your program.

To send a text or media message to a WhatsApp user, there must be an active conversation between the WhatsApp Business Account and the WhatsApp user.
If you don't have an active conversation, for the purposes of this quickstart, you should add a wait between sending the template message and sending the text message. This added delay gives you enough time to reply to the business on the user's WhatsApp account. For reference, the full example at Sample code prompts for manual user input before sending the next message.

If successful, you receive three messages on the user's WhatsApp account.

  1. To compile your code, press Ctrl+F7.
  2. To run the program without debugging, press Ctrl+F5.

Full sample code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Azure;
using Azure.Communication.Messages;

namespace AdvancedMessagingQuickstart
    class Program
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Azure Communication Services - Send WhatsApp Messages\n");

            string connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING");
            NotificationMessagesClient notificationMessagesClient = 
                new NotificationMessagesClient(connectionString);

            var channelRegistrationId = new Guid("<Your Channel ID>");
            var recipientList = new List<string> { "<Recipient's WhatsApp Phone Number>" };

            // Send sample template sample_template
            string templateName = "sample_template";
            string templateLanguage = "en_us";
            MessageTemplate sampleTemplate = new MessageTemplate(templateName, templateLanguage);
            TemplateNotificationContent templateContent = 
                new TemplateNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, sampleTemplate);
            Response<SendMessageResult> sendTemplateMessageResult = 
                await notificationMessagesClient.SendAsync(templateContent);

            Console.WriteLine("Template message sent.\nWait until the WhatsApp user responds " +
                "to the template message, then press any key to continue.\n");

            // Send a text message
            string messageText = "Thanks for your feedback.";
            TextNotificationContent textContent =
                new TextNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, messageText);
            Response<SendMessageResult> sendTextMessageResult =
                await notificationMessagesClient.SendAsync(textContent);

            Console.WriteLine($"Text message sent to my phoneNumber.\nPress any key to continue.\n");

            // Send a media message
            Uri uri = new Uri("https://aka.ms/acsicon1");
            MediaNotificationContent mediaContent =
                new MediaNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, uri);
            Response<SendMessageResult> sendMediaMessageResult =
                await notificationMessagesClient.SendAsync(mediaContent);

            Console.WriteLine("Media message sent.\nPress any key to exit.\n");

        public static void PrintResult(Response<SendMessageResult> result)
            Console.WriteLine($"Response: {result.GetRawResponse().Status} " +
            Console.WriteLine($"Date: " +
                $"{result.GetRawResponse().Headers.First(header => header.Name == "Date").Value}");
            Console.WriteLine($"ClientRequestId: {result.GetRawResponse().ClientRequestId}");
            Console.WriteLine($"MS-CV: " +
                $"{result.GetRawResponse().Headers.First(header => header.Name == "MS-CV").Value}");
            foreach (var receipts in result.Value.Receipts)
                Console.WriteLine($"MessageId: {receipts.MessageId}");


Setting up

To set up an environment for sending messages, take the steps in the following sections.

Create a new Java application

Open your terminal or command window and navigate to the directory where you would like to create your Java application. Run the following command to generate the Java project from the maven-archetype-quickstart template.

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId="com.communication.quickstart" -DartifactId="communication-quickstart" -DarchetypeArtifactId="maven-archetype-quickstart" -DarchetypeVersion="1.4" -DinteractiveMode="false"

The generate goal creates a directory with the same name as the artifactId value. Under this directory, the src/main/java directory contains the project source code, the src/test/java directory contains the test source, and the pom.xml file is the project's Project Object Model (POM).

Install the package

Open the pom.xml file in your text editor. Add the following dependency element to the group of dependencies.


Set up the app framework

Open /src/main/java/com/communication/quickstart/App.java in a text editor, add import directives, and remove the System.out.println("Hello world!"); statement:

package com.communication.quickstart;

import com.azure.communication.messages.*;
import com.azure.communication.messages.models.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class App
    public static void main( String[] args )
        // Quickstart code goes here.

Object model

The following classes and interfaces handle some of the major features of the Azure Communication Services Advance Messaging SDK for Java.

Name Description
NotificationMessagesClientBuilder This class creates the Notification Messages Client. You provide it with an endpoint and a credential.
NotificationMessagesClient This class is needed to send WhatsApp messages and download media files.
NotificationMessagesAsyncClient This class is needed to send WhatsApp messages and download media files asynchronously.
SendMessageResult This class contains the result from the Advance Messaging service for send notification message.
MessageTemplateClientBuilder This class creates the Message Template Client. You provide it with an endpoint and a credential.
MessageTemplateClient This class is needed to get the list of WhatsApp templates.
MessageTemplateAsyncClient This class is needed to get the list of WhatsApp templates asynchronously.

Code examples

Follow these steps to add the necessary code snippets to the main function of your App.java file.

Authenticate the client

There are a few different options available for authenticating a Message client:

To authenticate a client, you instantiate an NotificationMessagesClient or MessageTemplateClient with your connection string. You can also initialize the client with any custom HTTP client that implements the com.azure.core.http.HttpClient interface.

For simplicity, this quickstart uses a connection string to authenticate. In production environments, we recommend using service principals.

Get the connection string from your Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal. On the left, navigate to the Keys tab. Copy the Connection string field for the Primary key. The connection string is in the format endpoint=https://{your Azure Communication Services resource name}.communication.azure.com/;accesskey={secret key}.

Screenshot that shows an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal, viewing the 'Connection string' field in the 'Primary key' section.

Set the environment variable COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING to the value of your connection string.
Open a console window and enter the following command:


For more information on how to set an environment variable for your system, follow the steps at Store your connection string in an environment variable.

To instantiate a NotificationMessagesClient, add the following code to the main method:

// You can get your connection string from your resource in the Azure portal.
String connectionString = System.getenv("COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING");

NotificationMessagesClient notificationClient = new NotificationMessagesClientBuilder()

Set channel registration ID

The Channel Registration ID GUID was created during channel registration. You can look it up in the portal on the Channels tab of your Azure Communication Services resource.

Screenshot that shows an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal, viewing the 'Channels' tab. Attention is placed on the copy action of the 'Channel ID' field.

Assign it to a variable called channelRegistrationId.

String channelRegistrationId = "<your channel registration id GUID>";

Set recipient list

You need to supply a real phone number that has a WhatsApp account associated with it. This WhatsApp account receives the text and media messages sent in this quickstart. For this quickstart, this phone number may be your personal phone number.

The recipient phone number can't be the business phone number (Sender ID) associated with the WhatsApp channel registration. The Sender ID appears as the sender of the text and media messages sent to the recipient.

The phone number should include the country code. For more information on phone number formatting, see WhatsApp documentation for Phone Number Formats.


Only one phone number is currently supported in the recipient list.

Create the recipient list like this:

List<String> recipientList = new ArrayList<>();
recipientList.add("<to WhatsApp phone number>");


// Example only
List<String> recipientList = new ArrayList<>();

Start sending messages between a business and a WhatsApp user

Conversations between a WhatsApp Business Account and a WhatsApp user can be initiated in one of two ways:

  • The business sends a template message to the WhatsApp user.
  • The WhatsApp user sends any message to the business number.

Regardless of how the conversation was started, a business can only send template messages until the user sends a message to the business. Only after the user sends a message to the business, the business is allowed to send text or media messages to the user during the active conversation. Once the 24 hour conversation window expires, the conversation must be reinitiated. To learn more about conversations, see the definition at WhatsApp Business Platform.

(Option 1) Initiate conversation from business - Send a template message

Initiate a conversation by sending a template message.

First, create a MessageTemplate using the values for a template.


To check which templates you have available, see the instructions at List templates. If you don't have a template to use, proceed to Option 2.

Here's MessageTemplate creation using a default template, sample_template.
If sample_template isn't available to you, skip to Option 2. For advanced users, see the page Templates to understand how to send a different template with Option 1.

Messages SDK allows Contoso to send templated WhatsApp messages to WhatsApp users. To send template messages below details are required:

// Assemble the template content
String templateName = "sample_template";
String templateLanguage = "en_us";
MessageTemplate messageTemplate = new MessageTemplate(templateName, templateLanguage);

// Assemble template message
TemplateNotificationContent templateContent = new TemplateNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, messageTemplate);

// Send template message
SendMessageResult templateMessageResult = notificationClient.send(templateContent);

// Process result
for (MessageReceipt messageReceipt : templateMessageResult.getReceipts()) {
    System.out.println("Message sent to:" + messageReceipt.getTo() + " and message id:" + messageReceipt.getMessageId());

Now, the user needs to respond to the template message. From the WhatsApp user account, reply to the template message received from the WhatsApp Business Account. The content of the message is irrelevant for this scenario.


The recipient must respond to the template message to initiate the conversation before text or media message can be delivered to the recipient.

(Option 2) Initiate conversation from user

The other option to initiate a conversation between a WhatsApp Business Account and a WhatsApp user is to have the user initiate the conversation. To do so, from your personal WhatsApp account, send a message to your business number (Sender ID).

A WhatsApp conversation viewed on the web showing a user message sent to the WhatsApp Business Account number.

Send a text message to a WhatsApp user

Messages SDK allows Contoso to send text WhatsApp messages, which initiated WhatsApp users initiated. To send text messages below details are required:


To send a text message to a WhatsApp user, the WhatsApp user must first send a message to the WhatsApp Business Account. For more information, see Start sending messages between business and WhatsApp user.

In this example, we reply to the WhatsApp user with the text "Thanks for your feedback.\n From Notification Messaging SDK".

Assemble then send the text message:

// Assemble text message
TextNotificationContent textContent = new TextNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, "“Thanks for your feedback.\n From Notification Messaging SDK");

// Send text message
SendMessageResult textMessageResult = notificationClient.send(textContent);

// Process result
for (MessageReceipt messageReceipt : textMessageResult.getReceipts()) {
    System.out.println("Message sent to:" + messageReceipt.getTo() + " and message id:" + messageReceipt.getMessageId());

Send a media message to a WhatsApp user

Messages SDK allows Contoso to send Image WhatsApp messages to WhatsApp users. To send Image embedded messages below details are required:


To send a text message to a WhatsApp user, the WhatsApp user must first send a message to the WhatsApp Business Account. For more information, see Start sending messages between business and WhatsApp user.

As an example, create a URI:

String mediaUrl = "https://aka.ms/acsicon1";

Assemble then send the media message:

// Assemble media message
MediaNotificationContent mediaContent = new MediaNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, mediaUrl);

// Send media message
SendMessageResult mediaMessageResult = notificationClient.send(mediaContent);

// Process result
for (MessageReceipt messageReceipt : mediaMessageResult.getReceipts()) {
    System.out.println("Message sent to:" + messageReceipt.getTo() + " and message id:" + messageReceipt.getMessageId());

Run the code

  1. Navigate to the directory that contains the pom.xml file and compile the project by using the mvn command.

    mvn compile
  2. Run the app by executing the following mvn command.

    mvn exec:java -D"exec.mainClass"="com.communication.quickstart.App" -D"exec.cleanupDaemonThreads"="false"

Full sample code

Find the finalized code for this quickstart on GitHub.


Setting up

To set up an environment for sending messages, take the steps in the following sections.

Create a new Node.js application

  1. Create a new directory for your app and navigate to it by opening your terminal or command window, then run the following command.

    mkdir advance-messages-quickstart && cd advance-messages-quickstart
  2. Run the following command to create a package.json file with default settings.

    npm init -y
  3. Use a text editor to create a file called send-messages.js in the project root directory.

  4. Add the following code snippet to the file send-messages.js.

    async function main() {
        // Quickstart code goes here.
    main().catch((error) => {
        console.error("Encountered an error while sending message: ", error);

In the following sections, you added all the source code for this quickstart to the send-messages.js file that you created.

Install the package

Use the npm install command to install the Azure Communication Services Advance Messaging SDK for JavaScript.

npm install @azure-rest/communication-messages --save

The --save option lists the library as a dependency in your package.json file.

Object model

The following classes and interfaces handle some of the major features of the Azure Communication Services Advance Messaging SDK for JavaScript.

Name Description
MessageClient This class connects to your Azure Communication Services resource. It sends the messages.
MessageTemplate This class defines which template you use and the content of the template properties for your message.

Code examples

Follow these steps to add the necessary code snippets to the main function of your send-messages.js file.

Authenticate the client

The following code retrieves the connection string for the resource from an environment variable named COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING using the dotenv package.

For simplicity, this quickstart uses a connection string to authenticate. In production environments, we recommend using service principals.

Get the connection string from your Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal. On the left, navigate to the Keys tab. Copy the Connection string field for the Primary key. The connection string is in the format endpoint=https://{your Azure Communication Services resource name}.communication.azure.com/;accesskey={secret key}.

Screenshot that shows an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal, viewing the 'Connection string' field in the 'Primary key' section.

Set the environment variable COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING to the value of your connection string.
Open a console window and enter the following command:


For more information on how to set an environment variable for your system, follow the steps at Store your connection string in an environment variable.

To instantiate a MessageClient, add the following code to the Main method:

const MessageClient = require("@azure-rest/communication-messages").default;

// Set Connection string
const connectionString = process.env["COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING"];

// Instantiate the client
const client = MessageClient(connectionString);

Set channel registration ID

The Channel Registration ID GUID was created during channel registration. You can look it up in the portal on the Channels tab of your Azure Communication Services resource.

Screenshot that shows an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal, viewing the 'Channels' tab. Attention is placed on the copy action of the 'Channel ID' field.

Assign it to a variable called channelRegistrationId.

const channelRegistrationId = "<your channel registration id GUID>";

Set recipient list

You need to supply a real phone number that has a WhatsApp account associated with it. This WhatsApp account receives the template, text, and media messages sent in this quickstart. For this quickstart, this phone number may be your personal phone number.

The recipient phone number can't be the business phone number (Sender ID) associated with the WhatsApp channel registration. The Sender ID appears as the sender of the text and media messages sent to the recipient.

The phone number should include the country code. For more information on phone number formatting, see WhatsApp documentation for Phone Number Formats.


Only one phone number is currently supported in the recipient list.

Create the recipient list like this:

const recipientList = ["<to WhatsApp phone number>"];


// Example only
const recipientList = ["+14255550199"];

Start sending messages between a business and a WhatsApp user

Conversations between a WhatsApp Business Account and a WhatsApp user can be initiated in one of two ways:

  • The business sends a template message to the WhatsApp user.
  • The WhatsApp user sends any message to the business number.

Regardless of how the conversation was started, a business can only send template messages until the user sends a message to the business. Only after the user sends a message to the business, the business is allowed to send text or media messages to the user during the active conversation. Once the 24 hour conversation window expires, the conversation must be reinitiated. To learn more about conversations, see the definition at WhatsApp Business Platform.

(Option 1) Initiate conversation from business - Send a template message

Initiate a conversation by sending a template message.

First, create a MessageTemplate using the values for a template.


To check which templates you have available, see the instructions at List templates. If you don't have a template to use, proceed to Option 2.

Here's MessageTemplate creation using a default template, sample_template.
If sample_template isn't available to you, skip to Option 2. For advanced users, see the page Templates to understand how to send a different template with Option 1.

Messages SDK allows Contoso to send templated WhatsApp messages to WhatsApp users. To send template messages below details are required:

// Assemble the template content
const template = {
    name: "sample_template",
    language: "en_US"

For more examples of how to assemble your MessageTemplate and how to create your own template, refer to the following resource:

For further WhatsApp requirements on templates, refer to the WhatsApp Business Platform API references:

// Send template message
const templateMessageResult = await client.path("/messages/notifications:send").post({
    contentType: "application/json",
    body: {
        channelRegistrationId: channelRegistrationId,
        to: recipientList,
        kind: "template",
        template: template

// Process result
if (templateMessageResult.status === "202") {
    templateMessageResult.body.receipts.forEach((receipt) => {
        console.log("Message sent to:"+receipt.to+" with message id:"+receipt.messageId);
} else {
    throw new Error("Failed to send message");

Now, the user needs to respond to the template message. From the WhatsApp user account, reply to the template message received from the WhatsApp Business Account. The content of the message is irrelevant for this scenario.


The recipient must respond to the template message to initiate the conversation before text or media message can be delivered to the recipient.

(Option 2) Initiate conversation from user

The other option to initiate a conversation between a WhatsApp Business Account and a WhatsApp user is to have the user initiate the conversation. To do so, from your personal WhatsApp account, send a message to your business number (Sender ID).

A WhatsApp conversation viewed on the web showing a user message sent to the WhatsApp Business Account number.

Send a text message to a WhatsApp user

Messages SDK allows Contoso to send text WhatsApp messages, which initiated WhatsApp users initiated. To send text messages below details are required:


To send a text message to a WhatsApp user, the WhatsApp user must first send a message to the WhatsApp Business Account. For more information, see Start sending messages between business and WhatsApp user.

In this example, we reply to the WhatsApp user with the text "Thanks for your feedback.\n From Notification Messaging SDK".

Assemble and send the media message:

// Send text message
const textMessageResult = await client.path("/messages/notifications:send").post({
    contentType: "application/json",
    body: {
        channelRegistrationId: channelRegistrationId,
        to: recipientList,
        kind: "text",
        content: "Thanks for your feedback.\n From Notification Messaging SDK"

// Process result
if (textMessageResult.status === "202") {
    textMessageResult.body.receipts.forEach((receipt) => {
        console.log("Message sent to:"+receipt.to+" with message id:"+receipt.messageId);
} else {
    throw new Error("Failed to send message");

Send a media message to a WhatsApp user

Messages SDK allows Contoso to send Image WhatsApp messages to WhatsApp users. To send Image embedded messages below details are required:


To send a text message to a WhatsApp user, the WhatsApp user must first send a message to the WhatsApp Business Account. For more information, see Start sending messages between business and WhatsApp user.

To send a media message, provide a URL to an image. As an example,

const url = "https://aka.ms/acsicon1";

Assemble and send the media message:

// Send media message
const mediaMessageResult = await client.path("/messages/notifications:send").post({
    contentType: "application/json",
    body: {
        channelRegistrationId: channelRegistrationId,
        to: recipientList,
        kind: "image",
        mediaUri: url

// Process result
if (mediaMessageResult.status === "202") {
    mediaMessageResult.body.receipts.forEach((receipt) => {
        console.log("Message sent to:"+receipt.to+" with message id:"+receipt.messageId);
} else {
    throw new Error("Failed to send message");

Run the code

Use the node command to run the code you added to the send-messages.js file.

node ./send-messages.js

Full sample code

You can download the sample app from GitHub.


Setting up

Create a new Python application

In a terminal or console window, create a new folder for your application and navigate to it.

mkdir messages-quickstart && cd messages-quickstart

Install the package

You need to use the Azure Communication Messages client library for Python version 1.0.0 or above.

From a console prompt, execute the following command:

pip install azure-communication-messages

Set up the app framework

Create a new file called messages-quickstart.py and add the basic program structure.

type nul > messages-quickstart.py   

Basic program structure

import os

class MessagesQuickstart(object):
    print("Azure Communication Services - Advanced Messages SDK Quickstart")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    messages = MessagesQuickstart()

Object model

The following classes and interfaces handle some of the major features of the Azure Communication Services Messages SDK for Python.

Name Description
NotificationMessagesClient This class connects to your Azure Communication Services resource. It sends the messages.
MessageTemplate This class defines which template you use and the content of the template properties for your message.
TemplateNotificationContent This class defines the "who" and the "what" of the template message you intend to send.
TextNotificationContent This class defines the "who" and the "what" of the text message you intend to send.
ImageNotificationContent This class defines the "who" and the "what" of the image media message you intend to send.

Code examples

Follow these steps to add the necessary code snippets to the messages-quickstart.py python program.

Authenticate the client

Messages sending is done using NotificationMessagesClient. NotificationMessagesClient is authenticated using your connection string acquired from Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal. For more information on connection strings, see access-your-connection-strings-and-service-endpoints.

Get Azure Communication Resource connection string from Azure portal as given in screenshot.On the left, navigate to the Keys tab. Copy the Connection string field for the primary key. The connection string is in the format endpoint=https://{your Azure Communication Services resource name}.communication.azure.com/;accesskey={secret key}.

Screenshot that shows an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal, viewing the 'Primary Key' field in the 'Keys' section.

Set the environment variable COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING to the value of your connection string.
Open a console window and enter the following command:


After you add the environment variable, you might need to restart any running programs that will need to read the environment variable, including the console window. For example, if you're using Visual Studio as your editor, restart Visual Studio before running the example.

For more information on how to set an environment variable for your system, follow the steps at Store your connection string in an environment variable.

    # Get a connection string to our Azure Communication Services resource.
    connection_string = os.getenv("COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING")
    def send_template_message(self):
        from azure.communication.messages import NotificationMessagesClient

        # Create NotificationMessagesClient Client
        messaging_client = NotificationMessagesClient.from_connection_string(self.connection_string)

Set channel registration ID

The Channel Registration ID GUID was created during channel registration. You can look it up in the portal on the Channels tab of your Azure Communication Services resource.

Screenshot that shows an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal, viewing the 'Channels' tab. Attention is placed on the copy action of the 'Channel ID' field.

Assign it to a variable called channelRegistrationId.

    channelRegistrationId = os.getenv("WHATSAPP_CHANNEL_ID_GUID")

Set recipient list

You need to supply a real phone number that has a WhatsApp account associated with it. This WhatsApp account receives the template, text, and media messages sent in this quickstart. For this quickstart, this phone number may be your personal phone number.

The recipient phone number can't be the business phone number (Sender ID) associated with the WhatsApp channel registration. The Sender ID appears as the sender of the text and media messages sent to the recipient.

The phone number should include the country code. For more information on phone number formatting, see WhatsApp documentation for Phone Number Formats.


Only one phone number is currently supported in the recipient list.

Set the recipient list like this:

    phone_number = os.getenv("RECIPIENT_WHATSAPP_PHONE_NUMBER")

Usage Example:

    # Example only

Start sending messages between a business and a WhatsApp user

Conversations between a WhatsApp Business Account and a WhatsApp user can be initiated in one of two ways:

  • The business sends a template message to the WhatsApp user.
  • The WhatsApp user sends any message to the business number.

Regardless of how the conversation was started, a business can only send template messages until the user sends a message to the business. Only after the user sends a message to the business, the business is allowed to send text or media messages to the user during the active conversation. Once the 24 hour conversation window expires, the conversation must be reinitiated. To learn more about conversations, see the definition at WhatsApp Business Platform.

(Option 1) Initiate conversation from business - Send a template message

Initiate a conversation by sending a template message.

First, create a MessageTemplate using the values for a template.


To check which templates you have available, see the instructions at List templates. If you don't have a template to use, proceed to Option 2.

Here's MessageTemplate creation using a default template, sample_template.
If sample_template isn't available to you, skip to Option 2. For advanced users, see the page Templates to understand how to send a different template with Option 1.

Messages SDK allows Contoso to send templated WhatsApp messages to WhatsApp users. To send template messages below details are required:

For more examples of how to assemble your MessageTemplate and how to create your own template, refer to the following resource:

For further WhatsApp requirements on templates, refer to the WhatsApp Business Platform API references:

To send WhatsApp template message add below code in the send_template_message(self) function.

        input_template: MessageTemplate = MessageTemplate(
        template_options = TemplateNotificationContent(

        # calling send() with whatsapp template details
        message_responses = messaging_client.send(template_options)
        response = message_responses.receipts[0]
        if (response is not None):
            print("WhatsApp Templated Message with message id {} was successfully sent to {}."
            .format(response.message_id, response.to))
            print("Message failed to send")

Add send_template_message() call to the main method.

    # Calling send_template_message()

Now, the user needs to respond to the template message. From the WhatsApp user account, reply to the template message received from the WhatsApp Business Account. The content of the message is irrelevant for this scenario.


The recipient must respond to the template message to initiate the conversation before text or media message can be delivered to the recipient.

(Option 2) Initiate conversation from user

The other option to initiate a conversation between a WhatsApp Business Account and a WhatsApp user is to have the user initiate the conversation. To do so, from your personal WhatsApp account, send a message to your business number (Sender ID).

A WhatsApp conversation viewed on the web showing a user message sent to the WhatsApp Business Account number.

Send a text message to a WhatsApp user

Messages SDK allows Contoso to send text WhatsApp messages, which initiated WhatsApp users initiated. To send text messages below details are required:


To send a text message to a WhatsApp user, the WhatsApp user must first send a message to the WhatsApp Business Account. For more information, see Start sending messages between business and WhatsApp user.

In this example, we reply to the WhatsApp user with the text "Thanks for your feedback.\n From Notification Messaging SDK".

    def send_text_message(self):
        from azure.communication.messages import NotificationMessagesClient
        from azure.communication.messages.models import ( TextNotificationContent)

        # Create NotificationMessagesClient Client
        messaging_client = NotificationMessagesClient.from_connection_string(self.connection_string)
        text_options = TextNotificationContent (
            to= [self.phone_number],
            content="Thanks for your feedback.\n From Notification Messaging SDK",
        # calling send() with whatsapp message details
        message_responses = messaging_client.send(text_options)
        response = message_responses.receipts[0]
        if (response is not None):
            print("WhatsApp Text Message with message id {} was successfully sent to {}."
            .format(response.message_id, response.to))
            print("Message failed to send")

Update the main method to run send_text_message()

    #Calling send_text_message()

Send a media message to a WhatsApp user

Messages SDK allows Contoso to send Image WhatsApp messages to WhatsApp users. To send Image embedded messages below details are required:


To send a text message to a WhatsApp user, the WhatsApp user must first send a message to the WhatsApp Business Account. For more information, see Start sending messages between business and WhatsApp user.

An example of media_uri used in sending media WhatsApp message.

input_media_uri: str = "https://aka.ms/acsicon1"

    def send_image_message(self):
        from azure.communication.messages import NotificationMessagesClient
        from azure.communication.messages.models import ( ImageNotificationContent)

        # Create NotificationMessagesClient Client
        messaging_client = NotificationMessagesClient.from_connection_string(self.connection_string)
        input_media_uri: str = "https://aka.ms/acsicon1"
        image_message_options = ImageNotificationContent(

        # calling send() with whatsapp image message
        message_responses = messaging_client.send(image_message_options)
        response = message_responses.receipts[0]
        if (response is not None):
            print("WhatsApp Image containing Message with message id {} was successfully sent to {}"
            .format(response.message_id, response.to))
            print("Message failed to send")

Update the main method to run send_image_message()

    # Calling send_image_message()

Run the code

To run the code, make sure you are on the directory where your messages-quickstart.py file is.

python messages-quickstart.py
Azure Communication Services - Advanced Messages Quickstart
WhatsApp Templated Message with message id <<GUID>> was successfully sent to <<ToRecipient>>
WhatsApp Text Message with message id <<GUID>> was successfully sent to <<ToRecipient>>
WhatsApp Image containing Message with message id <<GUID>> was successfully sent to <<ToRecipient>>

Full sample code

import os

class MessagesQuickstart(object):
    print("Azure Communication Services - Advanced Messages SDK Quickstart using connection string.")
    # Advanced Messages SDK implementations goes in this section.
    connection_string = os.getenv("COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING")
    phone_number = os.getenv("RECIPIENT_PHONE_NUMBER")
    channelRegistrationId = os.getenv("WHATSAPP_CHANNEL_ID")

    def send_template_message(self):
        from azure.communication.messages import NotificationMessagesClient
        from azure.communication.messages.models import ( TemplateNotificationContent , MessageTemplate )

        # client creation
        messaging_client = NotificationMessagesClient.from_connection_string(self.connection_string)
        input_template: MessageTemplate = MessageTemplate(
        template_options = TemplateNotificationContent(

        # calling send() with WhatsApp template details.
        message_responses = messaging_client.send(template_options)
        response = message_responses.receipts[0]
        if (response is not None):
            print("WhatsApp Templated Message with message id {} was successfully sent to {}"
            .format(response.message_id, response.to))
            print("Message failed to send")

    def send_text_message(self):
        from azure.communication.messages import NotificationMessagesClient
        from azure.communication.messages.models import ( TextNotificationContent )

        # client creation
        messaging_client = NotificationMessagesClient.from_connection_string(self.connection_string)

        text_options = TextNotificationContent (
            to= [self.phone_number],
            content="Hello World via ACS Advanced Messaging SDK.",
        # calling send() with WhatsApp message details
        message_responses = messaging_client.send(text_options)
        response = message_responses.receipts[0]
        if (response is not None):
            print("WhatsApp Text Message with message id {} was successfully sent to {}"
            .format(response.message_id, response.to))
            print("Message failed to send")

    def send_image_message(self):
        from azure.communication.messages import NotificationMessagesClient
        from azure.communication.messages.models import ( ImageNotificationContent)

        # Create NotificationMessagesClient Client
        messaging_client = NotificationMessagesClient.from_connection_string(self.connection_string)
        input_media_uri: str = "https://aka.ms/acsicon1"
        image_message_options = ImageNotificationContent(

        # calling send() with whatsapp image message
        message_responses = messaging_client.send(image_message_options)
        response = message_responses.receipts[0]
        if (response is not None):
            print("WhatsApp Image containing Message with message id {} was successfully sent to {}"
            .format(response.message_id, response.to))
            print("Message failed to send")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    messages = MessagesQuickstart()

Other Samples

You can review and download other sample codes for Python Messages SDK on GitHub.

Next steps

In this quickstart, you tried out the Advanced Messaging for WhatsApp SDK. Next you might also want to see the following articles: