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Performance tips for Azure Cosmos DB and .NET


Azure Cosmos DB is a fast, flexible distributed database that scales seamlessly with guaranteed latency and throughput levels. You don't have to make major architecture changes or write complex code to scale your database with Azure Cosmos DB. Scaling up and down is as easy as making a single API call. To learn more, see provision container throughput or provision database throughput.

Because Azure Cosmos DB is accessed via network calls, you can make client-side optimizations to achieve peak performance when you use the SQL .NET SDK.

If you're trying to improve your database performance, consider the options presented in the following sections.

Hosting recommendations

Turn on server-side garbage collection

Reducing the frequency of garbage collection can help in some cases. In .NET, set gcServer to true.

Scale out your client workload

If you're testing at high throughput levels, or at rates that are greater than 50,000 Request Units per second (RU/s), the client application could become a workload bottleneck. This is because the machine might cap out on CPU or network utilization. If you reach this point, you can continue to push the Azure Cosmos DB account further by scaling out your client applications across multiple servers.


High CPU usage can cause increased latency and request timeout exceptions.

Metadata operations

Do not verify a Database and/or Container exists by calling Create...IfNotExistsAsync and/or Read...Async in the hot path and/or before doing an item operation. The validation should only be done on application startup when it is necessary, if you expect them to be deleted (otherwise it's not needed). These metadata operations will generate extra end-to-end latency, have no SLA, and their own separate limitations that do not scale like data operations.

Logging and tracing

Some environments have the .NET DefaultTraceListener enabled. The DefaultTraceListener poses performance issues on production environments causing high CPU and I/O bottlenecks. Check and make sure that the DefaultTraceListener is disabled for your application by removing it from the TraceListeners on production environments.

Latest SDK versions (greater than 3.23.0) automatically remove it when they detect it, with older versions, you can remove it by:

if (!Debugger.IsAttached)
    Type defaultTrace = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Core.Trace.DefaultTrace,Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Direct");
    TraceSource traceSource = (TraceSource)defaultTrace.GetProperty("TraceSource").GetValue(null);
    // Add your own trace listeners


Connection policy: Use direct connection mode

.NET V3 SDK default connection mode is direct with TCP protocol. You configure the connection mode when you create the CosmosClient instance in CosmosClientOptions. To learn more about different connectivity options, see the connectivity modes article.

CosmosClient client = new CosmosClient(
  new CosmosClientOptions
      ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Gateway // ConnectionMode.Direct is the default

Ephemeral port exhaustion

If you see a high connection volume or high port usage on your instances, first verify that your client instances are singletons. In other words, the client instances should be unique for the lifetime of the application.

When it's running on the TCP protocol, the client optimizes for latency by using the long-lived connections. This is in contrast with the HTTPS protocol, which terminates the connections after two minutes of inactivity.

In scenarios where you have sparse access, and if you notice a higher connection count when compared to Gateway mode access, you can:

  • Configure the CosmosClientOptions.PortReuseMode property to PrivatePortPool (effective with framework versions 4.6.1 and later and .NET Core versions 2.0 and later). This property allows the SDK to use a small pool of ephemeral ports for various Azure Cosmos DB destination endpoints.
  • Configure the CosmosClientOptions.IdleTcpConnectionTimeout property as greater than or equal to 10 minutes. The recommended values are from 20 minutes to 24 hours.

For performance, collocate clients in the same Azure region

When possible, place any applications that call Azure Cosmos DB in the same region as the Azure Cosmos DB database. Here's an approximate comparison: calls to Azure Cosmos DB within the same region finish within 1 millisecond (ms) to 2 ms, but the latency between the West and East coast of the US is more than 50 ms. This latency can vary from request to request, depending on the route taken by the request as it passes from the client to the Azure datacenter boundary.

You can get the lowest possible latency by ensuring that the calling application is located within the same Azure region as the provisioned Azure Cosmos DB endpoint. For a list of available regions, see Azure regions.

Collocate clients in the same region.

Increase the number of threads/tasks

Because calls to Azure Cosmos DB are made over the network, you might need to vary the degree of concurrency of your requests so that the client application spends minimal time waiting between requests. For example, if you're using the .NET Task Parallel Library, create on the order of hundreds of tasks that read from or write to Azure Cosmos DB.

Enable accelerated networking to reduce latency and CPU jitter

It is recommended that you follow the instructions to enable Accelerated Networking in your Windows (click for instructions) or Linux (click for instructions) Azure VM, in order to maximize performance.

Without accelerated networking, IO that transits between your Azure VM and other Azure resources may be unnecessarily routed through a host and virtual switch situated between the VM and its network card. Having the host and virtual switch inline in the datapath not only increases latency and jitter in the communication channel, it also steals CPU cycles from the VM. With accelerated networking, the VM interfaces directly with the NIC without intermediaries; any network policy details which were being handled by the host and virtual switch are now handled in hardware at the NIC; the host and virtual switch are bypassed. Generally you can expect lower latency and higher throughput, as well as more consistent latency and decreased CPU utilization when you enable accelerated networking.

Limitations: accelerated networking must be supported on the VM OS, and can only be enabled when the VM is stopped and deallocated. The VM cannot be deployed with Azure Resource Manager. App Service has no accelerated network enabled.

Please see the Windows and Linux instructions for more details.

SDK usage

Install the most recent SDK

The Azure Cosmos DB SDKs are constantly being improved to provide the best performance. To determine the most recent SDK and review improvements, see Azure Cosmos DB SDK.

Use stream APIs

.NET SDK V3 contains stream APIs that can receive and return data without serializing.

Middle-tier applications that don't consume responses directly from the SDK but relay them to other application tiers can benefit from the stream APIs. For examples of stream handling, see the item management samples.

Use a singleton Azure Cosmos DB client for the lifetime of your application

Each CosmosClient instance is thread-safe and performs efficient connection management and address caching when it operates in Direct mode. To allow efficient connection management and better SDK client performance, we recommend that you use a single instance per AppDomain for the lifetime of the application for each account your application interacts with.

For multitenant applications handling multiple accounts, see the related best practices.

When you're working on Azure Functions, instances should also follow the existing guidelines and maintain a single instance.

Avoid blocking calls

Azure Cosmos DB SDK should be designed to process many requests simultaneously. Asynchronous APIs allow a small pool of threads to handle thousands of concurrent requests by not waiting on blocking calls. Rather than waiting on a long-running synchronous task to complete, the thread can work on another request.

A common performance problem in apps using the Azure Cosmos DB SDK is blocking calls that could be asynchronous. Many synchronous blocking calls lead to Thread Pool starvation and degraded response times.

Do not:

  • Block asynchronous execution by calling Task.Wait or Task.Result.
  • Use Task.Run to make a synchronous API asynchronous.
  • Acquire locks in common code paths. Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK is most performant when architected to run code in parallel.
  • Call Task.Run and immediately await it. ASP.NET Core already runs app code on normal Thread Pool threads, so calling Task.Run only results in extra unnecessary Thread Pool scheduling. Even if the scheduled code would block a thread, Task.Run does not prevent that.
  • Do not use ToList() on Container.GetItemLinqQueryable<T>() which uses blocking calls to synchronously drain the query. Use ToFeedIterator() to drain the query asynchronously.


  • Call the Azure Cosmos DB .NET APIs asynchronously.
  • The entire call stack is asynchronous in order to benefit from async/await patterns.

A profiler, such as PerfView, can be used to find threads frequently added to the Thread Pool. The Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime/ThreadPoolWorkerThread/Start event indicates a thread added to the thread pool.

Disable content response on write operations

For workloads that have heavy create payloads, set the EnableContentResponseOnWrite request option to false. The service will no longer return the created or updated resource to the SDK. Normally, because the application has the object that's being created, it doesn't need the service to return it. The header values are still accessible, like a request charge. Disabling the content response can help improve performance, because the SDK no longer needs to allocate memory or serialize the body of the response. It also reduces the network bandwidth usage to further help performance.

ItemRequestOptions requestOptions = new ItemRequestOptions() { EnableContentResponseOnWrite = false };
ItemResponse<Book> itemResponse = await this.container.CreateItemAsync<Book>(book, new PartitionKey(book.pk), requestOptions);
// Resource will be null

Enable Bulk to optimize for throughput instead of latency

Enable Bulk for scenarios where the workload requires a large amount of throughput, and latency is not as important. For more information about how to enable the Bulk feature, and to learn which scenarios it should be used for, see Introduction to Bulk support.

Increase System.Net MaxConnections per host when you use Gateway mode

Azure Cosmos DB requests are made over HTTPS/REST when you use Gateway mode. They're subject to the default connection limit per hostname or IP address. You might need to set MaxConnections to a higher value (from 100 through 1,000) so that the client library can use multiple simultaneous connections to Azure Cosmos DB. In .NET SDK 1.8.0 and later, the default value for ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit is 50. To change the value, you can set Documents.Client.ConnectionPolicy.MaxConnectionLimit to a higher value.

Increase the number of threads/tasks

See Increase the number of threads/tasks in the Networking section of this article.

Query operations

For query operations see the performance tips for queries.

Indexing policy

Exclude unused paths from indexing for faster writes

The Azure Cosmos DB indexing policy also allows you to specify which document paths to include or exclude from indexing by using indexing paths (IndexingPolicy.IncludedPaths and IndexingPolicy.ExcludedPaths).

Indexing only the paths you need can improve write performance, reduce RU charges on write operations, and reduce index storage for scenarios in which the query patterns are known beforehand. This is because indexing costs correlate directly to the number of unique paths indexed. For example, the following code shows how to exclude an entire section of the documents (a subtree) from indexing by using the "*" wildcard:

var containerProperties = new ContainerProperties(id: "excludedPathCollection", partitionKeyPath: "/pk" );
containerProperties.IndexingPolicy.IncludedPaths.Add(new IncludedPath { Path = "/*" });
containerProperties.IndexingPolicy.ExcludedPaths.Add(new ExcludedPath { Path = "/nonIndexedContent/*");
Container container = await this.cosmosDatabase.CreateContainerAsync(containerProperties);

For more information, see Azure Cosmos DB indexing policies.


Measure and tune for lower RU/s usage

Azure Cosmos DB offers a rich set of database operations. These operations include relational and hierarchical queries with Universal Disk Format (UDF) files, stored procedures, and triggers, all operating on the documents within a database collection.

The costs associated with each of these operations vary depending on the CPU, IO, and memory that are required to complete the operation. Instead of thinking about and managing hardware resources, you can think of a Request Unit as a single measure for the resources that are required to perform various database operations and service an application request.

Throughput is provisioned based on the number of Request Units set for each container. Request Unit consumption is evaluated as a units-per-second rate. Applications that exceed the provisioned Request Unit rate for their container are limited until the rate drops below the provisioned level for the container. If your application requires a higher level of throughput, you can increase your throughput by provisioning additional Request Units.

The complexity of a query affects how many Request Units are consumed for an operation. The number of predicates, the nature of the predicates, the number of UDF files, and the size of the source dataset all influence the cost of query operations.

To measure the overhead of any operation (create, update, or delete), inspect the x-ms-request-charge header (or the equivalent RequestCharge property in ResourceResponse<T> or FeedResponse<T> in the .NET SDK) to measure the number of Request Units consumed by the operations:

// Measure the performance (Request Units) of writes
ItemResponse<Book> response = await container.CreateItemAsync<Book>(myBook, new PartitionKey(myBook.PkValue));
Console.WriteLine("Insert of item consumed {0} request units", response.RequestCharge);
// Measure the performance (Request Units) of queries
FeedIterator<Book> queryable = container.GetItemQueryIterator<ToDoActivity>(queryString);
while (queryable.HasMoreResults)
        FeedResponse<Book> queryResponse = await queryable.ExecuteNextAsync<Book>();
        Console.WriteLine("Query batch consumed {0} request units", queryResponse.RequestCharge);

The request charge that's returned in this header is a fraction of your provisioned throughput (that is, 2,000 RU/s). For example, if the preceding query returns 1,000 1-KB documents, the cost of the operation is 1,000. So, within one second, the server honors only two such requests before it rate-limits later requests. For more information, see Request Units and the Request Unit calculator.

Handle rate limiting/request rate too large

When a client attempts to exceed the reserved throughput for an account, there's no performance degradation at the server and no use of throughput capacity beyond the reserved level. The server preemptively ends the request with RequestRateTooLarge (HTTP status code 429). It returns an x-ms-retry-after-ms header that indicates the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the user must wait before attempting the request again.

    HTTP Status 429,
    Status Line: RequestRateTooLarge
    x-ms-retry-after-ms :100

The SDKs all implicitly catch this response, respect the server-specified retry-after header, and retry the request. Unless your account is being accessed concurrently by multiple clients, the next retry will succeed.

If you have more than one client cumulatively operating consistently above the request rate, the default retry count that's currently set to 9 internally by the client might not suffice. In this case, the client throws a CosmosException with status code 429 to the application.

You can change the default retry count by setting the RetryOptions on the CosmosClientOptions instance. By default, the CosmosException with status code 429 is returned after a cumulative wait time of 30 seconds if the request continues to operate above the request rate. This error is returned even when the current retry count is less than the maximum retry count, whether the current value is the default of 9 or a user-defined value.

The automated retry behavior helps improve resiliency and usability for most applications. But it might not be the best behavior when you're doing performance benchmarks, especially when you're measuring latency. The client-observed latency will spike if the experiment hits the server throttle and causes the client SDK to silently retry. To avoid latency spikes during performance experiments, measure the charge that's returned by each operation, and ensure that requests are operating below the reserved request rate.

For more information, see Request Units.

For higher throughput, design for smaller documents

The request charge (that is, the request-processing cost) of a specified operation correlates directly to the size of the document. Operations on large documents cost more than operations on small documents.

Next steps

For a sample application that's used to evaluate Azure Cosmos DB for high-performance scenarios on a few client machines, see Performance and scale testing with Azure Cosmos DB.

To learn more about designing your application for scale and high performance, see Partitioning and scaling in Azure Cosmos DB.