שתף באמצעות

az iot central


This command group has commands that are defined in both Azure CLI and at least one extension. Install each extension to benefit from its extended capabilities. Learn more about extensions.

Manage IoT Central resources.

IoT Central is an IoT application platform that reduces the burden and cost of developing, managing, and maintaining enterprise-grade IoT solutions. Choosing to build with IoT Central gives you the opportunity to focus time, money, and energy on transforming your business with IoT data, rather than just maintaining and updating a complex and continually evolving IoT infrastructure. IoT Central documentation is available at https://aka.ms/iotcentral-documentation Comprehensive IoT Central data-plane functionality is available in the Azure IoT CLI Extension. For more info on how to install visit https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-cli-extension.


Name Description Type Status
az iot central api-token

Manage API tokens for your IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central api-token create

Generate an API token associated with your IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central api-token delete

Delete an API token associated with your IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central api-token list

Get the list of API tokens associated with your IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central api-token show

Get details for an API token associated with your IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central app

Manage IoT Central applications.

Core GA
az iot central app create

Create an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app delete

Delete an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app identity

Manage IoT Central application identities.

Core GA
az iot central app identity assign

Assign managed identities to an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app identity remove

Remove managed identities from an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app identity show

Show the identity properties of an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app list

List IoT Central applications.

Core GA
az iot central app private-endpoint-connection

Manage private endpoint connection of IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app private-endpoint-connection approve

Approve a private endpoint connection request for an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app private-endpoint-connection delete

Delete a private endpoint connection for an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app private-endpoint-connection list

List all of the private endpoint connections for an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app private-endpoint-connection reject

Reject a private endpoint connection request for an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app private-endpoint-connection show

Show details of a private endpoint connection request for an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app private-link-resource

Manage an IoT Central application private link resources.

Core GA
az iot central app private-link-resource list

List all of the IoT Central application private link resources in the specified account.

Core GA
az iot central app private-link-resource show

Show details of a private link resource in the specified IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app show

Get the details of an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central app update

Update metadata for an IoT Central application.

Core GA
az iot central device

Manage and configure IoT Central devices.

Extension GA
az iot central device-group

Manage and configure IoT Central device groups.

Extension GA
az iot central device-group create

Create a device group.

Extension GA
az iot central device-group delete

Delete a device group.

Extension GA
az iot central device-group list

Get the list of device groups for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central device-group show

Get the device group by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central device-group update

Update an existing device group.

Extension GA
az iot central device-template

Manage and configure IoT Central device templates.

Extension GA
az iot central device-template create

Create a device template in IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central device-template delete

Delete a device template from IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central device-template list

Get the list of device templates for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central device-template show

Get a device template from IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central device-template update

Update a device template in IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central device attestation

Manage and configure IoT Central device attestation.

Extension GA
az iot central device attestation create

Create an individual device attestation.

Extension GA
az iot central device attestation delete

Remove an individual device attestation.

Extension GA
az iot central device attestation show

Get device attestation.

Extension GA
az iot central device attestation update

Update an individual device attestation via patch.

Extension GA
az iot central device c2d-message

Run device cloud-to-device messaging commands.

Extension GA
az iot central device c2d-message purge

Purges the cloud-to-device message queue for the target device.

Extension GA
az iot central device command

Run device commands.

Extension GA
az iot central device command history

Get the details for the latest command request and response sent to the device.

Extension GA
az iot central device command run

Run a command on a device and view associated response. Does NOT monitor property updates that the command may perform.

Extension GA
az iot central device compute-device-key

Generate a derived device SAS key.

Extension GA
az iot central device create

Create a device in IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central device delete

Delete a device from IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central device edge

Manage and configure IoT Central edge devices.

Extension GA
az iot central device edge children

Manage IoT Edge device children devices.

Extension GA
az iot central device edge children add

Add devices as children to a target edge device.

Extension Preview
az iot central device edge children list

Get the list of children of an IoT Edge device.

Extension GA
az iot central device edge children remove

Remove child devices from a target edge device.

Extension Preview
az iot central device edge manifest

Manage IoT Edge device manifests.

Extension Preview
az iot central device edge manifest show

Get the deployment manifest associated to the specified IoT Edge device.

Extension Preview
az iot central device edge module

Manage IoT Edge device modules.

Extension Preview
az iot central device edge module list

Get the list of modules in an IoT Edge device.

Extension Preview
az iot central device edge module restart

Restart a module in an IoT Edge device.

Extension Preview
az iot central device edge module show

Get a module in an IoT Edge device.

Extension Preview
az iot central device list

Get the list of devices for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central device list-components

List the components present in a device.

Extension GA
az iot central device list-modules

List the modules present in a device.

Extension GA
az iot central device manual-failback

Reverts the previously executed failover command by moving the device back to it's original IoT Hub.

Extension GA
az iot central device manual-failover

Execute a manual failover of device across multiple IoT Hubs to validate device firmware's ability to reconnect using DPS to a different IoT Hub.

Extension GA
az iot central device registration-info

Get registration info on device(s) from IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central device show

Get a device from IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central device show-credentials

Get device credentials from IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central device telemetry

Query IoT Central device last telemetry value.

Extension GA
az iot central device telemetry show

Get the last telemetry value from a device.

Extension GA
az iot central device twin

Manage IoT Central device twins.

Extension GA
az iot central device twin replace

Replace writable property values of a device, a device component or a device module or a device module component.

Extension GA
az iot central device twin show

Get all property values of a device, a device component, a device module or a device module component.

Extension GA
az iot central device twin update

Update writable property values of a device, a device component, a device module or a device module component.

Extension GA
az iot central device update

Update a device in IoT Central.

Extension GA
az iot central diagnostics

Perform application and device level diagnostics.

Extension Preview
az iot central diagnostics monitor-events

View device telemetry messages sent to the IoT Central app.

Extension Preview
az iot central diagnostics monitor-properties

View desired and reported properties sent to/from the IoT Central app.

Extension Preview
az iot central diagnostics registration-summary

View the registration summary of all the devices in an app.

Extension Preview
az iot central diagnostics validate-messages

Validate messages sent to the IoT Hub for an IoT Central app.

Extension Preview
az iot central diagnostics validate-properties

Validate reported properties sent to the IoT Central application.

Extension Preview
az iot central enrollment-group

Manage and configure IoT Central enrollment group.

Extension GA
az iot central enrollment-group create

Create an enrollment group.

Extension GA
az iot central enrollment-group delete

Delete an enrollment group by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central enrollment-group generate-verification-code

Generate a verification code for the primary or secondary x509 certificate of an enrollment group.

Extension GA
az iot central enrollment-group list

Get the list of enrollment groups in an application.

Extension GA
az iot central enrollment-group show

Get details about an enrollment group by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central enrollment-group update

Update an enrollment group.

Extension GA
az iot central enrollment-group verify-certificate

Verify the primary or secondary x509 certificate of an enrollment group.

Extension GA
az iot central export

Manage and configure IoT Central data exports.

Extension Preview
az iot central export create

Create an export for an IoT Central application.

Extension Preview
az iot central export delete

Delete an export for an IoT Central application.

Extension Preview
az iot central export destination

Manage and configure IoT Central export destinations.

Extension Preview
az iot central export destination create

Create an export destination for an IoT Central application.

Extension Preview
az iot central export destination delete

Delete an export destination for an IoT Central application.

Extension Preview
az iot central export destination list

Get the full list of export destinations for an IoT Central application.

Extension Preview
az iot central export destination show

Get an export destination details.

Extension Preview
az iot central export destination update

Update an export destination for an IoT Central application.

Extension Preview
az iot central export list

Get the full list of exports for an IoT Central application.

Extension Preview
az iot central export show

Get an export details.

Extension Preview
az iot central export update

Update an export for an IoT Central application.

Extension Preview
az iot central file-upload-config

Manage and configure IoT Central file upload.

Extension GA
az iot central file-upload-config create

Create file upload storage account configuration.

Extension GA
az iot central file-upload-config delete

Delete file upload storage account configuration.

Extension GA
az iot central file-upload-config show

Get the details of file upload storage account configuration.

Extension GA
az iot central file-upload-config update

Update file upload storage account configuration.

Extension GA
az iot central job

Manage and configure jobs for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central job create

Create and execute a job via its job definition.

Extension GA
az iot central job get-devices

Get job device statuses.

Extension GA
az iot central job list

Get the list of jobs for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central job rerun

Re-run a job on all failed devices.

Extension GA
az iot central job resume

Resume a stopped job.

Extension GA
az iot central job show

Get the details of a job by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central job stop

Stop a running job.

Extension GA
az iot central organization

Manage and configure organizations for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central organization create

Create an organization in the application.

Extension GA
az iot central organization delete

Delete an organization by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central organization list

Get the list of organizations for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central organization show

Get the details of a organization by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central organization update

Update an organization in the application.

Extension GA
az iot central query

Query device telemetry or property data with IoT Central Query Language.

Extension Preview
az iot central role

Manage and configure roles for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central role list

Get the list of roles for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central role show

Get the details of a role by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central scheduled-job

Manage and configure IoT Central schedule job.

Extension GA
az iot central scheduled-job create

Create a scheduled job by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central scheduled-job delete

Delete an existing scheduled job by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central scheduled-job list

Get the list of scheduled job definitions in an application.

Extension GA
az iot central scheduled-job list-runs

Get the list of job instances for a scheduled job definition.

Extension GA
az iot central scheduled-job show

Get details about a scheduled job by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central scheduled-job update

Update a scheduled job by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central user

Manage and configure IoT Central users.

Extension GA
az iot central user create

Add a user to the application.

Extension GA
az iot central user delete

Delete a user from the application.

Extension GA
az iot central user list

Get list of users for an IoT Central application.

Extension GA
az iot central user show

Get the details of a user by ID.

Extension GA
az iot central user update

Update roles for a user in the application.

Extension GA

az iot central query


This command is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus

Query device telemetry or property data with IoT Central Query Language.

az iot central query --app-id
                     [--api-version {2022-06-30-preview}]


Query device telemetry

az iot central query --app-id {appid} --query-string {query_string}

Required Parameters

--app-id -n

The App ID of the IoT Central app you want to manage. You can find the App ID in the "About" page for your application under the help menu.

--qs --query-string

Query clause to retrieve telemetry or property data.

Optional Parameters

--api-version --av

Argument 'api_version' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

The API version for the requested operation.

Accepted values: 2022-06-30-preview
Default value: 2022-06-30-preview
--central-api-uri --central-dns-suffix

The IoT Central DNS suffix associated with your application.

Default value: azureiotcentral.com

If you'd prefer to submit your request without authenticating against the Azure CLI, you can specify a valid user token to authenticate your request. You must specify the type of key as part of the request. Learn more at https://aka.ms/iotcentraldocsapi.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.