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Visual Studio C++ Samples

Samples for Visual Studio C++ are available on the web. Microsoft has produced many C++ samples that demonstrate different functionalities across multiple technologies. Here are a few of the places to find additional samples:

Archived C++ samples on GitHub

Visual Studio included C++ sample code in previous versions. The sample code was either installed with Visual Studio, or was available as a separate download. Many articles in our documentation refer to these samples. They don't get installed by Visual Studio anymore. Instead, a repository is available on GitHub. The tables below have descriptions for each sample, and links to the sample's directory in the repository.


This sample code is intended to illustrate a concept, and it shows only the code that is relevant to that concept. It may not meet the security requirements for a specific environment, and it should not be used exactly as shown. We recommend that you add security and error-handling code to make your projects more secure and robust. Microsoft provides this sample code "AS IS" with no warranties.

ATL samples

ATL samples - Advanced

Sample name Description
ActiveDoc Demonstrates how to implement an Active Document Server.
Async Downloads data asynchronously from a URL.
ATLButton Creates a button that displays itself with three different bitmaps depending on its state.
ATLDuck Demonstrates using connection points with ATL controls.
ATLSecurity Shows how to use the ATL security classes to examine security settings.
ATLTraceTool Displays the output generated by the ATLTRACE2 macro.
Connect Illustrates the implementation and use of connection points (the IConnectionPointContainer and IConnectionPoint interfaces) in a multithreaded environment.
CThreadPool Shows how to use a thread pool in an application and how implementing a thread pool can improve the application's performance.
DCOM Demonstrates how to call a COM object (implemented in a Windows service) from multiple clients, running on different machines.
MFCATL Illustrates how ATL COM objects can be used in an MFC server EXE.

ATL samples - Controls

Sample name Description
ATLFire Demonstrates how to build a windowed control using ATL.
CDInfo Plays CD audio tracks and displays information about the tracks in tooltips and a pie chart display.
Circ Creates a control that demonstrates property pages and draws a circle.
Polygon Builds a control that implements custom properties, events, property pages, and object safety.
SubEdit Creates a superclassed Windows control.

ATL samples - General

Sample name Description
ATLCollections Demonstrates the use of ICollectionOnSTLImpl and CComEnumOnSTL, and the implementation of custom copy policy classes.
ATLCon Demonstrates a simple control container.
ATLSafeArray Shows how to create and maintain SAFEARRAYs using CComSafeArray; also how to pass SAFEARRAYs from a component to script.
AutoThread Demonstrates using CComAutoThreadModule Class.
Beeper Implements a tear-off interface of a collection/enumeration of BSTRs.
CircColl Implements a collection/enumeration of objects using ATL and the Standard C++ Library.
COMMap Demonstrates COM interface map entry macros with compiler COM support.
CustomString Shows how to use a custom memory allocator for CStringT to improve performance in a multithreaded application.
DispSink Demonstrates using a connection point on dispatch interfaces.

ATL samples - OLEDB - Consumer

Sample name Description
CatDB Displays the schema information, such as tables and columns, of OLE DB providers.
DBViewer Demonstrates a mid-level application that relies on the CManualAccessor class to take full control of data bindings for your applications.
DynamicConsumer Demonstrates using dynamic accessor and schema rowset classes to read metadata from a database.
MultiRead Reads through a table in a database using multiple threads.

ATL samples - OLEDB - Provider

Sample name Description
AdvancedPV Implements an updatable OLE DB Provider. Demonstrates some advanced techniques.
UpdatePV Implements an updatable (read/write) OLE DB provider.

CLR and language samples - Windows Forms

Sample name Description
BirthdayPicker Shows how the .NET Framework resource mechanism can be used in C++ applications. It also demonstrates some common Window Forms components.
Calculator Implements a simple pocket calculator using C++ and the .NET Framework Windows Forms classes.
Scribble (using MFC) An MFC implementation of the Scribble sample, updated and extended to include new .NET functionality.
Scribble (Windows Forms) A Windows Forms implementation of the Scribble sample, updated and extended to include new .NET functionality.
STLCLR Demonstrates some of the capabilities available when using the STL/CLR Library.

COM events samples

Sample name Description
COMEvents Demonstrates event handling using COM.

ComTypeLibfor7 samples

Sample name Description
ACDual Adds dual interfaces to an Automation application.
ADOSamp Implements a three-tier client/server application.
AllInOne Implements a server using ATL, exposing STL collections, and controlled by compiler COM support in an MFC application.
COMMap Demonstrates COM interface map entry macros with compiler COM support.
Connect Illustrates the use and implementation of connection points (the IConnectionPointContainer and IConnectionPoint interfaces) in a multithreaded environment.
DCOM Demonstrates how to call a COM object (implemented in a Windows service) from multiple clients, running on different computers.
FreeThrd Demonstrates a multithreaded client and free-threaded server with compiler COM support.
InProc Demonstrates an in-process Automation server application with compiler COM support.
Labrador Implements an EXE server that doesn't have any user interface.
MFCCalc Demonstrates an Automation server application with compiler COM support.

Compiler samples

Compiler samples - General

Sample name Description
ccWrapper Demonstrates how to map C/C++ compiler flags from other compilers to the Visual C++ compiler (cl.exe).

Compiler samples - MASM

Sample name Description
EuclidStep1 A pure C project that demonstrates Euclid's algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor.
EuclidStep2 An extension of EuclidStep1 that is a mixed C and MASM project. The core of Euclid's algorithm is moved from the .c file to an .asm file, with the .c file calling into the .asm file.
PrimesStep1 A pure C project that demonstrates the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find prime numbers.
PrimesStep2 An extension of PrimesStep1 that is a mixed C and MASM project that moves the core algorithm to the .asm file.
PrimesStep3 An extension of PrimesStep2 that adds a separate C header file and an .asm include file to declare the extern function and global data structure.

CRT samples

Sample name Description
CPUID Determines the capabilities of the CPU being run.
CRT_Dbg1 Illustrates the basic debugging features of the C run-time libraries.
CRT_Dbg2 Demonstrates the C run-time debugging hook functions.
DFACObjs Shows how to use the _CrtDoForAllClientObjects C run-time function to iterate through a linked list of client objects.
Report Illustrates the C run-time debugging report functions.
RTC Demonstrates the run-time error checks feature.
SecureCRT This sample demonstrates how to upgrade code that used deprecated CRT functions to increase code security.

Debugging samples

Sample name Description
EEAddIn Uses the Expression Evaluator Add-In API to extend the native debugger expression evaluator.

Fusion samples

Sample name Description
TraceMan Provides information about application-dependent assemblies, and the assemblies' state in the native fusion cache, in human readable form.

Hilo sample

Sample name Description
Hilo Hilo is a series of articles and sample applications. They demonstrate the power of Windows 7, Visual Studio and C++ to build high performance, responsive client applications. Hilo provides both source code and guidance that will help you design and develop compelling, touch-enabled Windows applications of your own.

This sample has been updated for Visual Studio 2013. It includes a hot fix to the AsyncLoaderMemoryManager.cpp file (in lines 36 and 37), which addresses a common crash issue.

International samples

Sample name Description
IME Demonstrates how to control the Input Method Editor mode and how to implement IME level 3.
SatDLL Demonstrates a recommended way to implement multilingual resources in a Win32 application.
UniRes Demonstrates the use of Unicode resource files.

Language samples - General

Sample name Description
Data Demonstrates simple access to a SQL Database.
MEDriver Illustrates the use of COM events (fired from an unmanaged COM server) through a .NET Framework wrapper, automatically generated from the COM server's type library.
Nile Demonstrates ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET Web Services.
QStat Shows how to create a DLL that wraps access to a COM object and exposes its functionality to .NET Framework clients.
Scribble Demonstrates how to develop a Windows Forms MDI application using C++/CLI and the .NET Framework classes.
TilePuzzle Demonstrates interoperability between managed components (written with C++ and C#) and native components (written with C++ using COM attributes).

MFC samples

MFC samples - Advanced

Sample name Description
Collect Demonstrates MFC C++ template-based collection classes and standard prebuilt collection classes.
Cube OpenGL application using MFC device contexts along with OpenGL's resource contexts.
DLLHusk Sharing the DLL version of the Foundation class library with an application and custom DLL.
DLLScreenCap A regular DLL that can be statically or dynamically linked to the Microsoft Foundation Class Library.
MTGDI Demonstration of sharing GDI resources among multiple threads using the framework's single document interface (SDI) support for documents and views.
MTMDI Multithread illustration, where user-interface events are processed in a separate user-interface thread.
MTRecalc Multithread illustration, where recalculations are done in a worker thread.
Mutexes Dialog-based application that creates two CWinThread objects and uses them to do a task under the user's control.
Speakn Demonstrates multimedia sound using user-defined resources.

MFC samples - Controls

Sample name Description
Button Demonstrates use of an in-place active menu, a stock property page, and the About box control option.
Circ Demonstrates ActiveX control basics. These include control painting, stock and custom properties, stock and custom events, use of colors and fonts, the stock Font property page, the default property page, and versioning.
CmnCtrl Demonstrates some of the new controls available with MFC on wiprlhext: The command link button (CButton), the pager control (CPagerCtrl), the split button (CSplitButton), and the network address control (CNetAddressCtrl).
Contain Demonstrates a Visual Editing Container Application.
Image Demonstrates how to use MFC to build an ActiveX control that downloads data asynchronously.
Licensed A control that enforces use of a design-time and run-time license.
Localize A control with a localized user interface that demonstrates use of separate type libraries and resource dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) for localization.
NetAddr Demonstrates use of the Windows Vista "Net Address Verifier" control.
Pal Control that displays the colors of a palette. It demonstrates read-only properties, persistent Get/Set properties, persistent parameterized properties, and picture properties.
Push Control subclassed from a Windows owner-drawn button control. It demonstrates stock properties, custom events, and picture holders.
RegSvr Demonstrates the invocation of Self-Registration Code.
SpinDial A control with the visual appearance of a spin-dial that demonstrates property page data validation.
TestHelp An ActiveX control that has its own help file and tooltips.
Time A control that is invisible at run time and fires a timer event at set intervals. Demonstrates notification functions and ambient properties.
XList A control, subclassed from a Windows list box, that displays text or bitmap items.

MFC samples - General

Sample name Description
ClipArt The ClipArt directory contains sample resources that you can use to customize the appearance of your application.
CmnCtrl1 Demonstrates how to create and change the styles of Windows Common Controls using MFC classes (Part 1).
CmnCtrl2 Demonstrates how to create and change the styles of Windows Common Controls using MFC classes (Part 2).
CTaskDialog Demonstrates various features of the CTaskDialog class.
CtrlBars Custom toolbar and status bar, dialog bar, and floating palette.
CtrlTest Owner-draw list box and menu, custom control, bitmap button, spin control.
DBVList Uses the CListView and CDaoRecordset classes to implement the virtual list view functionality available for the list view common control.
DIBLook Demonstrates the Use of DIBs and Color Palettes.
DlgCbr32 Adding a toolbar and a status bar to a dialog-based application.
DlgTempl Demonstrates the dynamic creation of dialog templates.
DockTool Dragging and floating toolbars that are dockable.
Dynamenu Dynamically modifying list of items in menus; handling commands not known at compile time; and updating the status bar command prompt for such commands.
FileDlgWatcher Creates a custom dialog box that illustrates what events are generated when you create a CFileDialog.
Hello Illustrates a single application window with a menu and About box.
HelloApp Minimal MFC sample that illustrates that few lines of code are required to get a window to appear on the screen.
ListHdr Demonstrates how to use the common control MFC classes CListCtrl and CHeaderCtrl.
MDI MDI application that doesn't use documents and views.
MDIDocVw Updated version of the MDI sample that uses the document/view architecture.
MMXSwarm Demonstrates how to use CImage, the __m64 data type, and device-independent bitmaps (DIBs).
Modeless Demonstrates the use of an MFC CDialog object as a modeless dialog box.
Multipad Simple text editor that lets the user open and edit multiple text files at one time.
Npp Demonstrates how to implement an interface (SDI) application similar to Notepad. It allows you to edit text messages and send them to other users or other systems through the Windows messaging API, or MAPI.
PropDlg Property sheets (dialogs).
RowList Illustrates full row selection in a list-view common control.
Scribble Provides simple illustrations of a wide breadth of MFC features.
SimpleImage Demonstrates loading, resizing, conversion, and saving images.
SnapVw Shows how to use property pages in an MDI child frame window.
Spiro A game that shows to use CImageList and how to use memory display contexts in applications requiring animation effects.
Tracker Demonstrates various CRectTracker styles and options.
VariantUse Demonstrates the use of the variant data type.
ViewEx Multiple views, scroll view, splitter windows.

MFC samples - Internet

Sample name Description
DHTMLExplore Demonstrates handling DHTML events and using DHTML DDX.
HTMLEdit Wraps the Internet Explorer MSHTML editing control.
MFCIE Demonstrates the MFC CHtmlView and CReBar Classes.
Scheduler Demonstrates how to create an HTML-based dialog box using the Visual C++ libraries classes.

MFC samples - OLE

Sample name Description
ACDual Demonstrates how to add dual interface support to an MFC-based Automation server.
AutoClik Illustrates Automation features. Includes AUTODRIV, a simple Automation client application that drives the AUTOCLIK sample application.
CalcDriv Automation client.
DrawCli Full-featured object-oriented drawing application that is also an ActiveX Visual Editing container.
HierSvr Demonstrates a Server Application with OLE Drag and Drop.
InProc An in-process Automation server that can be loaded as a DLL in the client's address space.
IPDrive A simple Automation client application that drives the INPROC sample application.
MFCBind Shows how to create an Active document (formerly known as a DocObject) container.
MFCCalc An Automation server that implements a simple calculator.
OClient ActiveX Visual Editing container application, with drag and drop.
OLEView Implementing an OLE object browser through custom OLE interfaces.
SuperPad Demonstrates a visual editing server that edits text using CEditView.
TstCon Implements an ActiveX control container using MFC's support for OLE embedding. You can use TSTCON to test ActiveX controls, change their properties, and invoke their methods.
WordPad Uses MFC's support for rich edit controls to create a basic word processor.

MFC samples - Utility

Sample name Description
GUIDGen A simple dialog-based MFC application that generates globally unique identifiers.
Makehm A console application that produces a mapping between resource identifications and Help contexts.

MFC samples - Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack

Sample name Description
CustomPages Demonstrates how to add a custom page to the Toolbar Customization dialog box.
DesktopAlertDemo Demonstrates how to implement a desktop alert dialog box (similar to the dialog box of an instant messaging application).
DlgToolTips Demonstrates how to implement advanced tooltips for controls on a dialog box.
DrawClient Demonstrates how to integrate support for a ribbon into a drawing application with editing container support.
DynamicMenu Demonstrates how to dynamically update a menu on the menu bar and a popup menu at run-time.
Explorer Demonstrates how to implement a file system explorer that resembles File Explorer. It has similar user interface elements and capabilities.
IEDemo Demonstrates how to implement an application similar to Internet Explorer, with similar user interface elements and capabilities.
MDITabsDemo Demonstrates how to create an application that uses the new tabbed MDI documents interface instead of the traditional MDI child windows.
MenuSubSet Demonstrates how to dynamically remove specific menu items and submenus at application startup.
MSMoneyDemo Demonstrates how to use MFC to create a user interface similar to Microsoft Money.
MSOffice2007Demo Demonstrates how to implement an editor application similar to an Office 2007 application, with similar user interface elements and limited similar capabilities. The MSOffice2007Demo sample implements a full ribbon user interface, much like an Office 2007 application. Some of the ribbon elements are connected to capabilities in the application.
NewControls Demonstrates the capabilities of many of the controls implemented in MFC. These controls include customizable buttons, color picker controls and palettes, a font chooser, an image editor, a property grid, a masked edit control, and shell list and tree controls.
OutlookDemo Demonstrates how to create an application similar to Outlook 2003/2007.
OutlookMultiViews Demonstrates how to switch between multiple views on a single document in an SDI application. The sample uses the Outlook bar control to list the available views and switch between them.
OwnerDrawMenu Illustrates how to draw popup menu items dynamically.
PaletteDemo Illustrates how to create a multi-column toolbar with an owner-draw information area. Click 2, 3 or 4 buttons on the Standard toolbar to change at runtime the number of columns of the custom toolbar.
PropSheetDemo Illustrates the following types of Property Sheet control: simple, with tabs at the left side, with tree control at the left side, OneNote-style tabs, list of items at the left side.
RebarTest Demonstrates a customizable Rebar control that hosts a toolbar.
RibbonGadgets Illustrates various controls that can be hosted in the Ribbon Control. At the bottom of the main frame, you can find the Source Code window with source code text, which outlines how to create a particular gadget.
RibbonMDI Demonstrates usage of Ribbon Control with Multi Document Interface.
RollupPane Demonstrates a floating "information" pane, which automatically rolls up. You can press the pin button on the caption of floating pane to turn rolling on and off.
SetPaneSize Demonstrates how to set docking pane size programmatically.
Slider Demonstrates how to implement a toolbar button that hosts an external control.
StateCollection Demonstrates how to implement an application that saves and loads different states for the menu bar, toolbars, and docking windows.
StatusBarDemo Demonstrates how to add various advanced controls to a status bar.
TabbedView Demonstrates how to create a view that contains multiple tabbed views, such as the tabs in an Excel workbook.
TabControl Demonstrates the MFC Tab Control and the different appearances it has using different properties and visual managers.
TasksPane Demonstrates the MFC Task Pane classes and their different appearances using various properties and visual managers.
ToolbarDateTimePicker Demonstrates how to integrate a date/time picker control with the toolbar
ToolTipDemo Demonstrates how to use advanced MFC tooltip features.
TrayMenu Illustrates the ability to use MFC Control Bar menus with the system tray icon. It's similar to the notification icons in the lower-right corner of the display.
VisualStudioDemo Demonstrates how to implement an application with many of the same user interface features and capabilities of Visual Studio. Many of the Visual Studio user interface elements are demonstrated, including a customizable docking menubar, toolbar, and windows.
WordPad Demonstrates how to implement an application that imitates the functionality of WordPad, including the user interface elements and some of the capabilities.
WorkSpaceToolBar Demonstrates how to add a toolbar to a docking pane. It resembles the toolbar in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio.

MFC samples - Windows Touch

Sample name Description
GestureDemo Demonstrates the Windows Touch support in MFC (requires touch hardware).
TouchDemo Demonstrates the Windows Touch support in MFC (requires touch hardware).

ODBC samples

Sample name Description
odbcsql This sample demonstrates how to use ODBC APIs to Connect to and access database.

OS samples

Sample name Description
GetImage Demonstrates the Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) application programming interfaces (APIs).

Unix samples

Sample name Description
Unix - ccWrapper Demonstrates a wrapper that maps flags from the Sun Forte and gcc compilers to the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (cl.exe).

Windows 8 samples

The Windows 8 Sample Pack includes all the app code examples developed and updated for Windows 8. The sample pack provides a convenient way to download all the samples at once. The samples in this sample pack are available in C#, C++, VB.NET, and JavaScript. The Windows Samples Gallery contains code samples that exercise the various new programming models, platforms, features, and components available in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. These downloadable samples contain the Visual Studio solution (sln) file, source files, assets, resources, and metadata necessary to compile and run successfully.

More information is available about the programming models, platforms, languages, and APIs demonstrated in each sample. See the guidance, tutorials, and reference articles provided in the Windows 8 documentation, available in the Windows Developer Center. These samples are provided as-is, to demonstrate the functionality of the programming models and feature APIs for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.

Sample name Description
Background Transfer sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the power-friendly, cost-aware, and flexible behavior of the Background Transfer API for Windows Runtime applications. Provided sample scenarios cover file downloads and uploads.
CryptoWinRT sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the new Cryptography APIs.
Print sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how apps can integrate the Windows print experience. The scenarios demonstrated in this sample include: Printing from the app by using the charms bar and the print contract, Printing from within the app experience, and more.
HttpClient sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the use of the HttpClient class and the IXMLHTTPRequest2 interface to upload and download various types of content from an HTTP server using the networking features provided by the Windows Runtime.
Accelerometer sensor sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows.Devices.Sensors.Accelerometer API. This sample allows the user to view the acceleration forces along the X-, Y-, and Z-axes for a 3-axis accelerometer. You can choose one of three scenarios.
Account picture name sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates different ways of getting the name of the user that is currently logged in. It also demonstrates how to get and set the image used for the user's tile.
App settings sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the ApplicationSettings API and settings flyouts to integrate an app's settings UI with the Settings charm. The sample uses the Windows.UI.ApplicationSettings namespace and WinJS.UI.SettingsFlyout.
Windows Store device app for camera sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to create a Windows Store device app for a camera. A Windows Store device app is provided by an IHV or OEM to differentiate the capture experience for a particular camera.
Getting started with C++ simple blog reader sample (Windows 8) The sample demonstrates some basic principles of Windows Store app development in native C++ using XAML to define the user interface. It's a complete working version of the application discussed on the Windows Developer Center.
Reading and writing data sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the DataReader and DataWriter classes to store and retrieve data.
Application data sample (Windows 8) This sample shows you how to store and retrieve data that is specific to each user and Windows Store app using the Windows Runtime application data APIs. Application data includes session state, user preferences, and other settings.
Custom driver access sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use CreateDeviceAccessInstance and IDeviceIoControl to access a specialized device.
XAML ListView and GridView essentials sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the GridView and ListView controls.
Animation metrics sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Animation Metrics APIs in Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics to access the raw parameters that define the animations in the Windows Animation Library.
Playback Manager msAudioCategory sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to select the correct msAudioCategory category for an audio-video (AV) stream to configure it as an audio playback stream.
XAML DirectX 3D shooting game sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the implementation of a simple first person 3-D game using DirectX (Direct3D 11.1, Direct2D, XInput, and XAudio2) and XAML in a C++ app. XAML is used for the heads-up display and game state messages.
XAML scrolling, panning, and zooming sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the ScrollViewer control to pan and zoom.
XAML FlipView control sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the FlipView control to enable users to flip through a collection.
Gyrometer sensor sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows.Devices.Sensors.Gyrometer API. This sample allows the user to view the angular velocity along the X-, Y-, and Z-axis for a 3-axis gyrometer.
Device app for printers SDK sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to create a device app for printers that can be activated from the tile contract, the printTaskSettings contract, and from toast displayed by backgroundTask in response to print driver event.
Background task sample (Windows 8) This sample shows you how to create and register background tasks using the Windows Runtime background task API. A background task is triggered by a system or time event, and can be constrained by one or more conditions.
StreamSocket sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the basics of the StreamSocket class using the networking features provided by the Windows Runtime. The client component of the sample creates a TCP socket to make a network connection, uses the socket to send data, and more.
Scheduled notifications sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use scheduled and recurring tile updates and toast notifications for an app. This ability enables you to specify a precise time to deliver the notification, even if the app isn't running.
Playback Manager Companion Sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to select the correct msAudioCategory category for an audio-video stream to configure it as an audio playback stream.
OrientationSensor sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows.Devices.Sensors.OrientationSensor API. It allows the user to view the rotation matrix and Quaternion values that reflect the current device orientation.
File access sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to create, read, write, copy and delete a file, how to retrieve file properties, and how to track a file or folder so that your app can access it again. This sample uses Windows.Storage and Windows.Storage.AccessCache API.
Removable storage sample (Windows 8) The removable storage sample demonstrates how to transfer files to and from removable storage devices. This sample requires a removable storage device connected to the system, such as a camera, media player, cellular phone, or a USB thumb drive.
XAML SurfaceImageSource DirectX interop sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use a SurfaceImageSource to include DirectX content in your XAML app. This sample uses both C++ and C#.
Connecting with WebSockets sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use WebSockets in a connected Windows Store app. The sample covers basic functionality, such as how to make a connection, send and receive data, and close the connection.
Configure keys for media sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to configure the hardware media keys on a keyboard. Then, how to use the configured keys to control an audio-video stream by pressing or clicking play, pause, stop, and so on.
XAML personality animations sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the built-in personality animations in your app.
Toast notifications sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use toast notifications: Ones that appear as pop-up notifications in the upper right corner of the screen. A user can select the toast (touch or click) to launch the associated app.
Contact Picker app sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the Contact Picker to select one or more contacts. It also includes a basic implementation of the Contact Picker APIs to demonstrate how to display a list of contacts to the user.
DirectX marble maze game sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to build a basic 3D game using DirectX. This game is a simple labyrinth game where the player is challenged to roll a marble through a maze of pitfalls using tilt controls.
DirectX postcard app sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the implementation of a simple Windows Store app using DirectX with C++ for postcard creation using DirectX and XAML interop.
DirectX 3D shooting game sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the implementation of a simple first person 3-D game using DirectX (Direct3D 11.1, Direct2D, XInput, and XAudio2) in a C++ app.
XAML AppBar control sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the AppBar control to present navigation, commands, and tools to users. The app bar is hidden by default and appears when users swipe a finger from the top or bottom edge of the screen.
Date and time formatting sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the DateTimeFormatter class in the Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting namespace to display dates and times according to the user's preferences.
Secondary tiles sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to pin and use a secondary tile. That's a tile that directly accesses a specific, non-default section or experience within an app, such as a saved game, or a specific friend in a social networking app.
Input Touch hit testing sample (Windows 8) This sample uses a polygon shapes puzzle to demonstrate how to handle pointer input, implement custom hit testing for touch input, and process manipulations in a Windows Store app using C++ and DirectX.
Network information sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows Runtime Network Information APIs.
Input Simplified ink sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use ink functionality in Windows Store apps.
StorageDataSource and GetVirtualizedFilesVector sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to retrieve and display images in the user's Pictures Library.
Edge-based gesture invocation sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to listen for events that occur in edge-based UI, using the EdgeGesture class.
Check if current session is remote sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the use of Windows.System.RemoteDesktop API.
Application resources and localization sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use application resources to separate localizable content from application code. The sample uses the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core and Windows.Globalization namespaces, and WinJS.Resources.
Context menu sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to create a context menu and how to replace the default context menu for text. This sample uses Windows.UI.Popups API, including the PopupMenu and the oncontextmenu event.
Geolocation sample (Windows 8) The Geolocation sample demonstrates how to use the Geolocation API to get the geographic location of the user's PC. An app can use the Geolocation API to get location one time, or it can continuously track the location.
Message dialog sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use a MessageDialog for displaying dialogs, setting commands and their actions, and changing the default button. The Windows.UI.Popups namespace contains the MessageDialog class.
MediaStreamSource media extension sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to support the Microsoft Silverlight MediaStreamSource concept in a Windows Store app.
DirectWrite vertical text sample (Windows 8) This sample uses DirectWrite and Direct2D to properly display vertical text in a custom layout shape.
DXGI swap chain rotation sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the IDXGISwapChain1::SetRotation method and how you can use the method in conjunction with prerotated content to improve presentation performance.
Direct2D custom image effects sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to implement custom Direct2D Effects using standard pixel, vertex, and compute shaders.
DirectX touch input sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates touch and mouse navigation of a 3-D environment in a C++ app with Direct3D.
XInput game controller sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the use of the XInput APIs in a C++ app. It reads input from an Xbox game controller and displays data about the analog stick movements and button presses.
Direct3D-Direct2D interop sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to interoperate with Direct2D and DirectWrite to write text to a Direct3D render target. It's an effective way to create heads-up displays and text-based readouts such as scoring panels in games and 3-D apps.
Syndication sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates a basic Windows Store app for Windows 8 that can retrieve feeds from a web service. This sample is currently provided in the JavaScript, C#, C++, and VB programming languages.
App tiles and badges sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use an app tile, which is the representation and launch point for your app in the Start screen. It also shows how to use a badge on that tile. It's a method for the app to relay status information to the user when the app isn't running.
XAML user and custom controls sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to create and use XAML UserControl elements and create custom controls for your projects.
Direct3D resource loading sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates Direct3D resource loading for C++ apps with DirectX.
XAML ListView and GridView customizing interactivity sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the interaction model of the ListView control.
XAML WebView control sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the WebView control to display a URL, load HTML, interact with script within a WebView, and use WebViewBrush.
Compass sensor sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows.Devices.Sensors.Compass API. This sample allows the user to view the compass reading as a magnetic-north and, depending on the installed sensor, a true-north value.
Display orientation sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the DisplayProperties class to set the display orientation in an app.
Direct2D interpolation modes sample (Windows 8) This sample shows the various interpolation modes used by Direct2D.
Globalization preferences sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows.System.UserProfile.GlobalizationPreferences class to obtain the user's globalization preferences. It also shows how to use the GeographicRegion and Language classes.
Direct2D geometry realization sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how multi-core geometry tessellation can help reduce geometry rendering time. Using opacity masks and meshes is an alternative to traditional geometry rendering that may be better in some situations.
Language font mapping sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to obtain language-specific font recommendations using the LanguageFontGroup class in the Windows.Globalization.Fonts namespace.
Inclinometer sensor sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows.Devices.Sensors.Inclinometer API. This sample allows the user to view the angles of incline about the X-, Y-, and Z-axis for a 3-axis inclinometer.
XAML high contrast style sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates various techniques for implementing support for high contrast mode in your app. Support for high contrast mode is important to make your app accessible to people with eyesight problems.
Input Device capabilities sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to query the input devices that are connected to the user's device. And, how to support the pointer, touch, pen/stylus, mouse, and keyboard input modes of Windows Store apps.
EAS policies for mail clients sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how mail clients can retrieved device information and work with supplied Exchange Active Sync (EAS) policies. Windows Store apps can configure their mail clients to stay compliant with the given EAS policies.
DatagramSocket sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the basics of the DatagramSocket class using the networking features provided by the Windows Runtime. The client component of the sample creates a UDP socket, uses the socket to send and receive data, and closes the socket.
DirectWrite hello world sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use DirectWrite and Direct2D to render the text "Hello World" to a CoreWindow.
Compression sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to read structured data from a file and write compressed data to a new file and how to read compressed data and write decompressed data to a new file. Many applications need to compress and decompress data.
Network status background sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to determine a change in Internet connection profile by registering a background task handler for Network Status Change event using an Internet Present condition.
App package information sample (Windows 8) This sample shows you how to get package information using the Windows Runtime packaging API. Users acquire your Windows Store app as an app package. Windows uses the information in an app package to install the app on a per-user basis.
LightSensor sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows.Devices.Sensors.LightSensor API. This sample allows the user to view the ambient light reading as a LUX value. You can choose one of two scenarios: LightSensor data events, Current light sensor readings, and more.
Mobile broadband account provisioning sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows 8 Mobile Broadband provisioning agent API (Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ProvisioningAgent) to configure Windows 8 with required connectivity information and access provisioning.
Media Play To sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the Play To API. It shows how you can expand your media application to stream video, audio, and images to other devices on your local network.
Input Touch keyboard sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to launch the touch keyboard automatically in custom controls that aren't derived from platform controls. The sample implements custom controls that require keyboard input and aren't derived from standard XAML controls.
XAML animation library sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to animate elements and apply easing functions to the animations to achieve various effects.
Snap sample (Windows 8) The snapped state is one of the four possible application view states. Snapping an app resizes the app to 320 pixels wide, which allows it to share the screen with another app. Snapping enables two apps to be visible at the same time.
Transcoding media sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows.Media.Transcoding API to transcode a video file in a Windows Store app. Transcoding is the conversion of a digital media file, such as a video or audio file, from one format to another.
XAML two-dimensional transforms sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use two-dimensional transforms to modify how elements are displayed in your app. A transform defines how to map, or transform, points from one coordinate space to another coordinate space.
IXmlReader and IXmlWriter XML data read write sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use IXmlReader and IXmlWriter in your Windows Store app with C++. They're used to read and write XML data from a flat XML-formatted text file. These interfaces are part of the Windows Win32 and COM APIs, but are supported by the Windows Runtime.
Media capture using capture device sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the MediaCapture API to capture video, audio, and pictures from a capture device, such as a webcam.
XAML Popup sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to create and use the XAML Popup element in your projects.
CameraCaptureUI Sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUI API, which displays a full-screen UI for capturing photos or videos. The Camera Capture UI provides controls for switching from photo to video, a timer for taking time-delayed photos, and more.
XAudio2 audio file playback sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the use of XAudio2 in an app.
Hilo C++ sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to build a complete Windows Store app using C++ and XAML. The Hilo photo sample provides guidance to C++ developers that want to create a Windows 8 app using modern C++, XAML, and the Windows Runtime.
DirectWrite custom text renderer sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to implement a custom text renderer for DirectWrite.
DirectWrite font enumeration sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use DirectWrite to list the fonts in the system font collection on a user's device.
Direct2D perspective transform sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the DrawBitmap API to display an image with a perspective transform applied to it.
CameraOptionsUI Sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use camera options in a device app. The CameraOptionsUI API displays a UI for adjusting camera settings. This sample requires a webcam.
XInput audio controller playback sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates XAudio2 playback to an XInput device, such as a headset, in an app.
Direct2D 3D transform effect sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the different methods to transform an image in 3-D space.
Windows account authorization sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the members of the Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId namespace to authenticate a user with their Microsoft Account in delegation mode. And, how to send acquired tokens to Live Connect APIs using REST protocol.
Number formatting and parsing sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the DecimalFormatter, CurrencyFormatter, PercentFormatter, and PermilleFormatter classes in the Windows.Globalization.NumberFormatting namespace. They're used to display and parse numbers, currencies, and percent values.
DXGI offer and reclaim resources sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the use of the DXGI IDXGIDevice2::OfferResources and IDXGIDevice2::ReclaimResources APIs in a C++ app with DirectX.
Web authentication broker sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the web authentication broker WinRT API. It lets you enable single sign-on (SSO) connections to OAuth providers such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter.
XAudio2 audio stream effect sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates audio streaming in a C++ app using the XAudio2 and Media Foundation APIs.
Splash screen sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to imitate the splash screen that Windows displays for your app, by positioning a similar image correctly when Windows dismisses the splash screen that it displays.
SMS background task sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows 8 Mobile Broadband SMS API (Windows.Devices.Sms) with the Background Task API (Windows.ApplicationModel.Background) to send and receive SMS text messages.
SMS message send, receive, and SIM management sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows 8 Mobile Broadband SMS API (Windows.Devices.Sms).
Trial app and in-app purchase sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the licensing API provided by the Windows Store to determine the license status of an app, or of a feature enabled by an in-app purchase.
Input Touch keyboard text input sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to enable optimized views on the touch keyboard. It works by using input scopes and input types with controls in the WinJS.UI namespace, and with the TextBox and RichEdit XAML controls.
XAML text editing sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use text input controls in your app.
Thread pool sample (Windows 8) This sample shows you how to run work items asynchronously using the Windows Runtime thread pool API.
UI Automation core window provider sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to create a Microsoft UI Automation provider. It makes programmatic information about a Windows Store app available to accessible technologies such as screen readers. The sample is a Direct2D application.
XAML accessibility sample (Windows 8) This sample shows you how to add basic accessibility support to your app.
Playlist sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to create, save, display, and edit a playlist of audio files. This sample uses classes that are in the Windows.Media.Playlists namespace.
Media Server client sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to create a Media Server client using the Media Server API. The Media Server sample demonstrates how to browse a Digital Media Server programmatically on your local network, and display all of its video files.
Direct2D magazine app sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use Direct2D, DirectWrite, Windows Imaging Component (WIC), and XAML to build an app with a magazine-type presentation.
Mobile broadband account and device management sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows 8 Mobile Broadband API (Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators) employed by Mobile Network Operators (MNO). It demonstrates how to use the MobileBroadbandAccount APIs to retrieve and display available Mobile Broadband accounts.
Proximity sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the PeerFinder and ProximityDevice classes to communicate with nearby computers. You can use the Proximity API to exchange small messages during a tap gesture or set up a socket connection between peer apps.
Creating a Windows Runtime in-process component sample (C++CX) (Windows 8) This sample shows how to create a component in C++/CX that's used in C++/CX, JavaScript, and C# client code. The OvenServer project contains a runtime class named Oven, which implements an IOven interface and an IAppliance interface.
Device auto rotation preferences sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the DisplayProperties class to handle and verify device rotation events.
Real-time communication sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the low latency feature to enable real-time communication applications.
Sharing content source app sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how an app can share content with another app. This sample uses classes from the Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer namespace.
Search contract sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to let users search your app when they select the Search charm and open the search pane. And, how to use the search pane to display suggestions for users' queries.
Raw notifications sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use raw notifications, which are push notifications with no associated UI that perform a background task for the app.
Direct2D basic image effects sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to load an image, apply the Gaussian blur effect to it, and then display it in a Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow.
Direct2D effects on primitives sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to apply image effects to Direct2D primitives. This sample draws rounded rectangles using Direct2D and then draws DirectWrite text in the middle of the rectangles. Then it applies an effect graph to it.
ControlChannelTrigger StreamSocket sample (Windows 8) The sample shows how to use the ControlChannelTrigger class in a Windows Store app. It uses a TCP StreamSocket, so the app is always connected and always reachable. This sample demonstrates the use of background network notifications.
ControlChannelTrigger StreamWebSocket sample (Windows 8) The sample shows how to use the ControlChannelTrigger class to enable a Windows Store app using a StreamWebSocket to be always connected and always reachable. This sample demonstrates the use of background network notifications.
Association launching sample (Windows 8) This sample shows you how to launch the user's default app for file type or a protocol. You can also learn how to enable your app to be the default app for a file type or a protocol.
AtomPub sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to access, create, update, and remove syndicated content feeds from the web. It uses the Windows Runtime implementation of the Atom Publication standard.
Certificate enrollment sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to create and enroll a certificate in a certification hierarchy. To obtain an evaluation copy of Windows 8, go to Windows 8. To obtain an evaluation copy of Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, go to Visual Studio 2012.
Clipboard app sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how an app can use clipboard commands, including copy, paste, cut, and move. This sample uses classes from the Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer namespace.
Direct2D composite effect modes sample (Windows 8) This sample shows the wide range of composite and blend modes available from Direct2D.
Direct3D bump mapping sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates bump mapping using a normal map and per-pixel lighting.
Calendar details and math sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the Calendar class in the Windows.Globalization namespace to manipulate and process dates based on a calendar system and the user's globalization preferences.
Device enumeration sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Device Enumeration API to find available devices and look for device information. The sample presents two scenarios: In the first scenario, the Device Enumeration API is used to look for specific device interfaces.
DirectWrite paragraph text sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use DirectWrite and Direct2D to render paragraph text to a CoreWindow. And, apply justification and character spacing to the layout.
Responding to the appearance of the on-screen keyboard sample (Windows 8) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] This sample shows how to listen for and respond to the appearance of the onscreen soft keyboard. When focus is given to an element that requires text input on a device that doesn't have a keyboard.
XAML data binding sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates basic data binding techniques using the Binding class and Binding markup extension.
Direct3D tutorial sample (Windows 8) This sample is a five-lesson tutorial. It provides an introduction to the Direct3D API, and introduces the concepts and code used in many of the other DirectX samples.
Direct2D effects photo adjustment app sample (Windows 8) This sample shows various common photo manipulation techniques using Direct2D Effects. This sample is divided into several parts. Lesson 1: Shows the basics of loading and drawing an image using Direct2D Effects.
Windows Audio Session (WASAPI) sample (Windows 8) Demonstrates how to do various audio related tasks using the Windows Audio Session API (WASAPI).
User domain name sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the domain-related functionality provided by the UserInformation class of the Windows.System.UserProfile namespace. The UserInformation class enables an app to get and set information about the user.
USSD message management sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates network account management using the USSD protocol with GSM-capable mobile broadband devices. USSD is typically used for account management of a mobile broadband profile by the Mobile Network Operator (MNO).
Bing Maps Trip Optimizer sample (Windows 8) The sample demonstrates how to use JavaScript and Visual C++ and to create app for Windows 8 named Bing Maps Trip Optimizer. Bing Maps Trip Optimizer uses JavaScript to define the UI, and C++ for a computationally expensive algorithm in parallel.
Direct2D and DirectWrite animated text on a path sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use Direct2D and DirectWrite to render a string of text along an animated, non-linear geometric path. The app renders "Hello, World!" repeated several times in different languages along a Bezier curve.
Wi-Fi hotspot authentication sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows 8 Mobile Broadband API (Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators) for Wi-Fi hotspot authentication. Use this mechanism as an alternative to configuring static credentials for a Wi-Fi hotspot.
XAML images sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates various techniques for displaying and manipulating images in your app using the Image control and the BitmapImage class.
HomeGroup app sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use a HomeGroup to open, search, and share files. This sample uses some of the HomeGroup options found in the Windows.Storage.Pickers and Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.
UI contrast and settings sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the UI settings APIs in a basic C# or JavaScript app.
Folder enumeration sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to list the top-level files and folders inside a location. (For example, a folder, device, or network location.) And, how to use queries to list all files inside a location by sorting them into file groups.
File picker sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to access files and folders by letting the user choose them through the file pickers. And, how to save a file so that the user can specify the name, file type, and location of a file to save.
File picker contracts sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how an app can provide files, a save location, and real-time file updates to other apps through the file picker. It's done by participating in the File Open Picker contract, File Save Picker contract, and Cached File Updater contract.
Programmatic file search sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to query files in locations such as a folder, library, device, or network location. It uses Windows.Storage.Search API. Important APIs in this sample include: QueryOptions class, StorageFileQueryResult class, and others.
File and folder thumbnail sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to retrieve thumbnails for files and folders. It uses Windows.Storage.FileProperties API.
Input Manipulations and gestures (C++) sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to handle pointer input and process manipulations and gestures with the GestureRecognizer APIs in a Windows Store app using C++ and DirectX.
Direct3D HLSL fractal generator sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the use of Direct3D HLSL and DirectCompute compute shaders to create fractal images.
XAML Direct2D lighting effects sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the lighting effects available in Direct2D Effects. The lighting effect properties are controlled by XAML interface controls and then displayed using Direct2D via a XAML SwapChainBackgroundPanel.
Direct2Dapp printing sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to add Direct2D printing support to a Windows Store app. This sample shows how to use Direct2D features to render the content of a Windows Store app for printing. And, how to send the rendered content to the printer.
Direct2D printing images and effects sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to print Direct2D images and Direct2D effects in a Windows Store app.
Direct2D animated text sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to render text quickly by using the Direct2D FillOpacityMask method. The sample also responds to touch. A two finger pinch can be used to zoom the text in and out.
Direct3D post-processing effects sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates Direct3D 11.1 post-processing on a simple rotating cube scene, using down-scaled intermediate buffers.
Extended Linguistic Services (ELS) sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the use of Extended Linguistic Services (ELS) in a Windows Store app. The sample implements scenarios that demonstrate the use of the three available ELS services. The scenarios demonstrate how to request a specific service.
DirectWrite hit testing sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the hit-testing features of DirectWrite. They're used to determine which part of the displayed text is being clicked or touched.
DirectWrite inline object sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to insert an inline object into a text layout, such as an image.
XAML vector-based drawing sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to draw vector-based graphics in your app.
Bluetooth call control sample (Windows 8) The Bluetooth CallControl sample demonstrates how to configure the default Bluetooth communications device for handling calls. There are JavaScript, C#, C++, and VB.Net versions of this sample. This sample requires knowledge of Windows events and event handling.
Direct2D command list sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the use of a command list. It's used for recording a set of vector commands, creating an image brush from the command list, and then filling a rectangle geometry with it. The command list preserves resolution independence of the vector.
ControlChannelTrigger XMLHTTPRequest sample (Windows 8) The sample shows how to use the ControlChannelTrigger class to enable a Windows Store app using IXMLHTTPRequest2 to be always connected and always reachable. This sample demonstrates the use of background network notifications in a Windows Store app.
XInput and JavaScript controller sketch sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to wrap the XInput C++ API in a Windows Runtime component. Then, it calls it from a Windows Store app using JavaScript. This sample implements a sketch app that lets you use the Xbox game controller to select line thickness and more.
Direct2D convolve matrix effect sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates the Direct2D Effects convolve matrix effect. This sample has some example convolution kernel matrices: Passthrough (no-op), Box blur (width 5), Simple edge detect, Simple sharpen, Emboss, Vertical smear (height 10) theses and more.
DirectX swap chain implementation sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to receive CoreWindow events in a native application, and how to connect a DirectX swap chain to the application view.
Credential picker sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.CredentialPicker class to retrieve credentials. These credentials may be passed to APIs that require them, for example, HttpClient.
Direct2D animation sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use Direct2D to render and animate a Direct2D primitive along a spiral path.
Sharing content target app sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how an app can receive content shared from another app. This sample uses classes from the Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer and Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.Share namespaces.
Direct2D save to image file sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to render to the screen using Direct2D and DirectWrite. And, how to save the rendered image to disk using the WIC API.
Scaling according to DPI sample (Windows 8) This sample describes how to build an app that scales according to the pixel density of the screen. It loads images of the right scale or overrides default scaling. This sample uses the Windows.Graphics.Display API.
Creating a Windows Runtime in-process component sample (C#) (Windows 8) This sample shows how to create a component in C# that's used in C++/CX, JavaScript, and C# client code. The OvenServer project contains a runtime class named Oven, which implements an IOven interface and an IAppliance interface.
Push and periodic notifications client-side sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how a client app can register and listen for push notifications sent from a web server. Push notifications can be used to update a badge or a tile, raise a toast notification, or launch a background task.
Portable device API sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to access the IPortableDevice COM API from a C++ app. To learn how to access the IPortableDevice COM API from a Desktop C++ app, refer to the Portable Devices COM API Sample.
PlayToReceiver sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to create a software Play To receiver. To advertise the software Play To Receiver, click the Start Receiver button. To stop the receiver, click the Stop Receiver button.
Lock screen personalization sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the LockScreen API to set the current user's lock screen image. This sample uses classes from the Windows.System.UserProfile namespace.
Credential locker sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use the WinRT PasswordVault APIs, and how to use the credential locker to store web credentials. Specific scenarios include a single user with a single resource, and multiple users with a single resource.
Media engine native C++ video playback sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates video playback using the MediaEngine API in a native C++ app.
Media extensions sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to use media extensions. You can apply effects to video, decode video, and create media streams using scheme handlers.
Lock screen apps sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how an app can have a presence on the lock screen—the screen that is shown when the computer is locked—with a badge to provide basic status information or a tile to provide more detailed status.
XAML text display sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how control the appearance of text in your app.
SimpleOrientationSensor sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to use the Windows.Devices.Sensors.SimpleOrientationSensor API.
Direct3D sprite sample (Windows 8) This sample provides a Direct3D implementation of sprite batch behaviors, similar to the XNA SpriteBatch API. Sprites are 2-D bitmaps that can be transformed and managed independently in a 3-D scene, typically used in 2-D games.
Direct3D stereoscopic 3D sample (Windows 8) This sample demonstrates how to add a stereoscopic 3-D effect to C++ apps by using Direct3D. It also demonstrates how to respond to system stereo changes in Direct3D. The stereoscopic 3-D effect requires a display that supports stereo 3-D.
Creating a Windows Runtime DLL component with C++ sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to create an in-process DLL component in Microsoft Visual C++. It's used in C++/CX, JavaScript, and C# client code. The OvenServer project contains a runtime class named Oven, which implements an IOven interface.
Creating a Windows Runtime EXE component with C++ sample (Windows 8) This sample shows how to create an out-of-process EXE component in Microsoft Visual C++. It's used in C++/CX, JavaScript, and C# client code. The OvenServer project contains a runtime class named Oven, which implements an IOven interface.