
שתף באמצעות

WSFederationAuthenticationModule.Reply Property


Gets or sets the value of the wreply parameter to use in WS-Federation sign-in requests ("wsignin1.0").

 property System::String ^ Reply { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string Reply { get; set; }
member this.Reply : string with get, set
Public Property Reply As String

Property Value

A URL that identifies the address at which the relying party (RP) application would like to receive replies from the Security Token Service (STS).


An attempt to set the property to a value that is not a valid, absolute URI occurs.


The wreply parameter is optional. If the Reply property is set to null or an empty string, the wreply parameter is not included in the sign-in request.

The wreply parameter is used by the STS to decide where to redirect the user to after token issuance. It is not advisable for the STS to blindly use this address to redirect the user as such redirection has security vulnerabilities. The reply address must be validated by the STS (possibly by comparing to a set of preconfigured reply addresses for the purposes or some other method) to make sure that the reply is being sent to understood well known and secure location.

Applies to