
שתף באמצעות

Compose HTTP requests and handle errors for the portals Web API

Interacting with the Web API includes composing HTTP requests with required headers and handling HTTP responses, including any errors.


  • Your portal version must be 9.3.3.x or later for this feature to work.

Web API URL and versioning

Construct the Web API URL by using the format in the following table.

Part Description
Protocol https://
Base URL <portal URL>
Web API Path _api
Resource Logical name of the table you want to use

For example, use this format when referring a case:


All Web API resources will follow the respective table permissions in context with web roles.

HTTP methods

HTTP requests can use different kinds of methods. However, the portals Web API only supports the methods in the following table:

Method Usage
Get Use when retrieving data from tables.
Post Use when creating records.
Patch Use when updating tables or doing upsert operations.
Delete Use when deleting records or individual field values of records.
Put Use in limited situations to update individual fields of records.

HTTP headers

The Web API only supports JSON. Each HTTP header must include:

  • An Accept header value of application/json, even when no response body is expected.
  • If the request includes JSON data in the request body, you must include a Content-Type header with a value of application/json.

The current OData version is 4.0, but future versions might allow for new capabilities. Use the following syntax to ensure there's no ambiguity about the OData version that will be applied to your code in the future:


Accept: application/json  
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0  
OData-Version: 4.0

Example: Wrapper AJAX function for the CSRF token

	(function(webapi, $){
		function safeAjax(ajaxOptions) {
			var deferredAjax = $.Deferred();
			shell.getTokenDeferred().done(function (token) {
				// add headers for ajax
				if (!ajaxOptions.headers) {
					$.extend(ajaxOptions, {
						headers: {
							"__RequestVerificationToken": token
				} else {
					ajaxOptions.headers["__RequestVerificationToken"] = token;
					.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
						validateLoginSession(data, textStatus, jqXHR, deferredAjax.resolve);
					}).fail(deferredAjax.reject); //ajax
			}).fail(function () {
				deferredAjax.rejectWith(this, arguments); // on token failure, pass the token ajax and args
			return deferredAjax.promise();	
		webapi.safeAjax = safeAjax;
})(window.webapi = window.webapi || {}, jQuery)

Example: Retrieve table data

				type: "GET",
				url: "/_api/contacts?$select=firstname,lastname",
				contentType: "application/json",
				success: function (res) {

Example: Create table data

		type: "POST",
		url: "/_api/accounts",
		contentType: "application/json",
		data: JSON.stringify({
			"name": "Sample Account"
		success: function (res, status, xhr) {
			console.log("entityID: "+ xhr.getResponseHeader("entityid"))

Example: Update table data

		type: "PATCH",
		url: "/_api/accounts(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001)",
		contentType: "application/json",
		data: JSON.stringify({
			"name": "Sample Account - Updated"
		success: function (res) {

Example: Delete table data

		type: "DELETE",
		url: "/_api/accounts(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001)",
		contentType: "application/json",
		success: function (res) {

Identify status codes

Each HTTP request response includes a status code. Status codes returned by the portals Web API include the following:

Code Description Type
200 OK Expect this response when your operation will return data in the response body. Success
204 No Content Expect this response when your operation succeeds, but doesn't return data in the response body. Success
403 Forbidden Expect this response for the following types of errors:
  • AccessDenied
  • AttributePermissionIsMissing
  • TablePermissionWriteIsMissingDuringUpdate
  • TablePermissionCreateIsMissing
  • TablePermissionDeleteIsMissing
  • TablePermissionAppendIsMissngDuringAssociationChange
  • TablePermissionAppendToIsMissingDuringAssociateChange
Client error
401 Unauthorized Expect this response for the following types of errors:
  • MissingPortalRequestVerificationToken
  • MissingPortalSessionCookie
Client error
413 Payload Too Large Expect this response when the request length is too large. Client error
400 BadRequest Expect this response when an argument is invalid.
Client error
404 Not Found Expect this response when the resource doesn't exist.
The table isn't exposed for the Web API.
Client Error
405 Method Not Allowed This error occurs for incorrect method and resource combinations. For example, you can't use DELETE or PATCH on a collection of tables. This situation can happen for the following types of errors:
  • InvalidOperation
  • NotSupported
Client error
501 Not Implemented Expect this response when some requested operation isn't implemented. Server error
503 Service Unavailable Expect this response when the Web API service isn't available. Server error

Parse errors from the response

Consider the following example HTTP response that still includes the inner error:

    "code": "This code is not related to the http status code and is frequently empty",
    "message": "A message describing the error",
    "cdscode": "Dataverse error code",
    "innererror": {
        "code": "800xxxx",
        "message": "A message describing the error. This is frequently the same as the outer message.."

Error codes

Error codes are displayed in hexadecimal format for all handled scenarios. The following table lists each error code with its respective name and message.

Error code Error name Error message
900400FF NoAttributesForTableCreate No attributes for Create Table action.
90040100 InvalidAttribute Attribute {0} cannot be found for table {1}.
90040101 AttributePermissionIsMissing Attribute {0} in table {1} is not enabled for Web Api.
90040102 TablePermissionWriteIsMissingDuringUpdate You don't have permission to update {0} entity.
90040103 TablePermissionCreateIsMissing You don't have permission to create {0} entity.
90040104 TablePermissionDeleteIsMissing You don't have permission to delete {0) entity.
90040105 TablePermissionAppendIsMissngDuringAssociationChange You don't have permission to associate or disassociate table {0} with {1}.
90040106 TablePermissionAppendToIsMissingDuringAssociationChange You don't have permission to associate or disassociate table {1} to {0}
90040107 HttpAntiForgeryException The anti-forgery cookie token and form field token do not match.
90040109 MissingPortalSessionCookie An Invalid session token was passed into the throwing method.
9004010C ResourceDoesNotExists Resource not found for the segment '{0}'.
9004010D CDSError CDS error occurred.

Response for unhandled errors with HTTP status code 500 will return the error "An unexpected error occurred while processing the request."

See also