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CodeArrayIndexerExpression Class


Represents a reference to an index of an array.

public ref class CodeArrayIndexerExpression : System::CodeDom::CodeExpression
public class CodeArrayIndexerExpression : System.CodeDom.CodeExpression
public class CodeArrayIndexerExpression : System.CodeDom.CodeExpression
type CodeArrayIndexerExpression = class
    inherit CodeExpression
type CodeArrayIndexerExpression = class
    inherit CodeExpression
Public Class CodeArrayIndexerExpression
Inherits CodeExpression


The following code creates a CodeArrayIndexerExpression that references index 5 of an array of integers named x :

// Create an array indexer expression that references index 5 of array "x"
array<CodeExpression^>^temp = {gcnew CodePrimitiveExpression( 5 )};
CodeArrayIndexerExpression^ ci1 = gcnew CodeArrayIndexerExpression( gcnew CodeVariableReferenceExpression( "x" ),temp );

// A C# code generator produces the following source code for the preceeding example code:
// x[5]
// Create an array indexer expression that references index 5 of array "x"
CodeArrayIndexerExpression ci1 = new CodeArrayIndexerExpression(new CodeVariableReferenceExpression("x"), new CodePrimitiveExpression(5));

// A C# code generator produces the following source code for the preceeding example code:

// x[5]
' Create an array indexer expression that references index 5 of array "x"
Dim ci1 As New CodeArrayIndexerExpression(New CodeVariableReferenceExpression("x"), New CodePrimitiveExpression(5))

' A Visual Basic code generator produces the following source code for the preceeding example code:

' x[5]


CodeArrayIndexerExpression can be used to represent a reference to an index of an array of one or more dimensions. Use CodeIndexerExpression for representing a reference to an index of a code (non-array) indexer. The TargetObject property indicates the indexer object. The Indices property indicates either a single index within the target array, or a set of indexes that together specify a specific intersection of indexes across the dimensions of the array.



Initializes a new instance of the CodeArrayIndexerExpression class.

CodeArrayIndexerExpression(CodeExpression, CodeExpression[])

Initializes a new instance of the CodeArrayIndexerExpression class using the specified target object and indexes.



Gets or sets the index or indexes of the indexer expression.


Gets or sets the target object of the array indexer.


Gets the user-definable data for the current object.

(Inherited from CodeObject)



Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Applies to