This guide is an introduction to developing Azure Functions using JavaScript or TypeScript. The article assumes that you have already read the Azure Functions developer guide.
The content of this article changes based on your choice of the Node.js programming model in the selector at the top of this page. The version you choose should match the version of the @azure/functions npm package you are using in your app. If you do not have that package listed in your package.json, the default is v3. Learn more about the differences between v3 and v4 in the migration guide.
As a Node.js developer, you might also be interested in one of the following articles:
The Node.js programming model shouldn't be confused with the Azure Functions runtime:
Programming model: Defines how you author your code and is specific to JavaScript and TypeScript.
Runtime: Defines underlying behavior of Azure Functions and is shared across all languages.
The version of the programming model is strictly tied to the version of the @azure/functions npm package. It's versioned independently of the runtime. Both the runtime and the programming model use the number 4 as their latest major version, but that's a coincidence.
You can't mix the v3 and v4 programming models in the same function app. As soon as you register one v4 function in your app, any v3 functions registered in function.json files are ignored.
Supported versions
The following table shows each version of the Node.js programming model along with its supported versions of the Azure Functions runtime and Node.js.
The main project folder, <project_root>, can contain the following files:
.vscode/: (Optional) Contains the stored Visual Studio Code configuration. To learn more, see Visual Studio Code settings.
myFirstFunction/function.json: Contains configuration for the function's trigger, inputs, and outputs. The name of the directory determines the name of your function.
myFirstFunction/index.js: Stores your function code. To change this default file path, see using scriptFile.
.funcignore: (Optional) Declares files that shouldn't get published to Azure. Usually, this file contains .vscode/ to ignore your editor setting, test/ to ignore test cases, and local.settings.json to prevent local app settings being published.
host.json: Contains configuration options that affect all functions in a function app instance. This file does get published to Azure. Not all options are supported when running locally. To learn more, see host.json.
local.settings.json: Used to store app settings and connection strings when it's running locally. This file doesn't get published to Azure. To learn more, see local.settings.file.
package.json: Contains configuration options like a list of package dependencies, the main entrypoint, and scripts.
The required folder structure for a TypeScript project looks like the following example:
The main project folder, <project_root>, can contain the following files:
.vscode/: (Optional) Contains the stored Visual Studio Code configuration. To learn more, see Visual Studio Code settings.
dist/: Contains the compiled JavaScript code after you run a build. The name of this folder can be configured in your "tsconfig.json" file, and should match the scriptFile property in your "function.json" files.
myFirstFunction/function.json: Contains configuration for the function's trigger, inputs, and outputs. The name of the directory determines the name of your function. For TypeScript projects, this file must contain a scriptFile property pointing to your compiled JavaScript.
myFirstFunction/index.ts: Stores your function code. To change this default file path, see using scriptFile.
.funcignore: (Optional) Declares files that shouldn't get published to Azure. Usually, this file contains .vscode/ to ignore your editor setting, test/ to ignore test cases, and local.settings.json to prevent local app settings being published.
host.json: Contains configuration options that affect all functions in a function app instance. This file does get published to Azure. Not all options are supported when running locally. To learn more, see host.json.
local.settings.json: Used to store app settings and connection strings when it's running locally. This file doesn't get published to Azure. To learn more, see local.settings.file.
package.json: Contains configuration options like a list of package dependencies, the main entrypoint, and scripts.
tsconfig.json: Contains TypeScript compiler options like the output directory.
The main project folder, <project_root>, can contain the following files:
.vscode/: (Optional) Contains the stored Visual Studio Code configuration. To learn more, see Visual Studio Code settings.
src/functions/: The default location for all functions and their related triggers and bindings.
test/: (Optional) Contains the test cases of your function app.
.funcignore: (Optional) Declares files that shouldn't get published to Azure. Usually, this file contains .vscode/ to ignore your editor setting, test/ to ignore test cases, and local.settings.json to prevent local app settings being published.
host.json: Contains configuration options that affect all functions in a function app instance. This file does get published to Azure. Not all options are supported when running locally. To learn more, see host.json.
local.settings.json: Used to store app settings and connection strings when it's running locally. This file doesn't get published to Azure. To learn more, see local.settings.file.
package.json: Contains configuration options like a list of package dependencies, the main entrypoint, and scripts.
The recommended folder structure for a TypeScript project looks like the following example:
The main project folder, <project_root>, can contain the following files:
.vscode/: (Optional) Contains the stored Visual Studio Code configuration. To learn more, see Visual Studio Code settings.
dist/: Contains the compiled JavaScript code after you run a build. The name of this folder can be configured in your "tsconfig.json" file.
src/functions/: The default location for all functions and their related triggers and bindings.
test/: (Optional) Contains the test cases of your function app.
.funcignore: (Optional) Declares files that shouldn't get published to Azure. Usually, this file contains .vscode/ to ignore your editor setting, test/ to ignore test cases, and local.settings.json to prevent local app settings being published.
host.json: Contains configuration options that affect all functions in a function app instance. This file does get published to Azure. Not all options are supported when running locally. To learn more, see host.json.
local.settings.json: Used to store app settings and connection strings when it's running locally. This file doesn't get published to Azure. To learn more, see local.settings.file.
package.json: Contains configuration options like a list of package dependencies, the main entrypoint, and scripts.
tsconfig.json: Contains TypeScript compiler options like the output directory.
Registering a function
The v3 model registers a function based on the existence of two files. First, you need a function.json file located in a folder one level down from the root of your app. Second, you need a JavaScript file that exports your function. By default, the model looks for an index.js file in the same folder as your function.json. If you're using TypeScript, you must use the scriptFile property in function.json to point to the compiled JavaScript file. To customize the file location or export name of your function, see configuring your function's entry point.
The function you export should always be declared as an async function in the v3 model. You can export a synchronous function, but then you must call context.done() to signal that your function is completed, which is deprecated and not recommended.
Your function is passed an invocation context as the first argument and your inputs as the remaining arguments.
The following example is a simple function that logs that it was triggered and responds with Hello, world!:
The programming model loads your functions based on the main field in your package.json. You can set the main field to a single file or multiple files by using a glob pattern. The following table shows example values for the main field:
A combination where you register each function from its own file, but you still have a root file for general app-level code.
Register functions from a single root file.
Register each function from its own file.
A combination where you register each function from its own file, but you still have a root file for general app-level code.
In order to register a function, you must import the app object from the @azure/functions npm module and call the method specific to your trigger type. The first argument when registering a function is the function name. The second argument is an options object specifying configuration for your trigger, your handler, and any other inputs or outputs. In some cases where trigger configuration isn't necessary, you can pass the handler directly as the second argument instead of an options object.
Registering a function can be done from any file in your project, as long as that file is loaded (directly or indirectly) based on the main field in your package.json file. The function should be registered at a global scope because you can't register functions once executions have started.
The following example is a simple function that logs that it was triggered and responds with Hello, world!:
Your function is required to have exactly one primary input called the trigger. It may also have secondary inputs and/or outputs. Inputs and outputs are configured in your function.json files and are also referred to as bindings.
Inputs are bindings with direction set to in. The main difference between a trigger and a secondary input is that the type for a trigger ends in Trigger, for example type blobTrigger vs type blob. Most functions only use a trigger, and not many secondary input types are supported.
Inputs can be accessed in several ways:
[Recommended] As arguments passed to your function: Use the arguments in the same order that they're defined in function.json. The name property defined in function.json doesn't need to match the name of your argument, although it's recommended for the sake of organization.
Outputs are bindings with direction set to out and can be set in several ways:
[Recommended for single output] Return the value directly: If you're using an async function, you can return the value directly. You must change the name property of the output binding to $return in function.json like in the following example:
[Recommended for multiple outputs] Return an object containing all outputs: If you're using an async function, you can return an object with a property matching the name of each binding in your function.json. The following example uses output bindings named "httpResponse" and "queueOutput":
Set values on context.bindings: If you're not using an async function or you don't want to use the previous options, you can set values directly on context.bindings, where the key matches the name of the binding. The following example uses output bindings named "httpResponse" and "queueOutput":
You can use the dataType property on an input binding to change the type of your input, however it has some limitations:
In Node.js, only string and binary are supported (stream isn't)
For HTTP inputs, the dataType property is ignored. Instead, use properties on the request object to get the body in your desired format. For more information, see HTTP request.
In the following example of a storage queue trigger, the default type of myQueueItem is a string, but if you set dataType to binary, the type changes to a Node.js Buffer.
const { Buffer } = require('node:buffer');
module.exports = asyncfunction (context, myQueueItem) {
if (typeof myQueueItem === 'string') {
context.log('myQueueItem is a string');
} elseif (Buffer.isBuffer(myQueueItem)) {
context.log('myQueueItem is a buffer');
import { AzureFunction, Context } from"@azure/functions";
import { Buffer } from'node:buffer';
const queueTrigger1: AzureFunction = asyncfunction (context: Context, myQueueItem: string | Buffer): Promise<void> {
if (typeof myQueueItem === 'string') {
context.log('myQueueItem is a string');
} elseif (Buffer.isBuffer(myQueueItem)) {
context.log('myQueueItem is a buffer');
exportdefault queueTrigger1;
Your function is required to have exactly one primary input called the trigger. It may also have secondary inputs, a primary output called the return output, and/or secondary outputs. Inputs and outputs are also referred to as bindings outside the context of the Node.js programming model. Before v4 of the model, these bindings were configured in function.json files.
Trigger input
The trigger is the only required input or output. For most trigger types, you register a function by using a method on the app object named after the trigger type. You can specify configuration specific to the trigger directly on the options argument. For example, an HTTP trigger allows you to specify a route. During execution, the value corresponding to this trigger is passed in as the first argument to your handler.
The return output is optional, and in some cases configured by default. For example, an HTTP trigger registered with app.http is configured to return an HTTP response output automatically. For most output types, you specify the return configuration on the options argument with the help of the output object exported from the @azure/functions module. During execution, you set this output by returning it from your handler.
In addition to the trigger and return, you may specify extra inputs or outputs on the options argument when registering a function. The input and output objects exported from the @azure/functions module provide type-specific methods to help construct the configuration. During execution, you get or set the values with context.extraInputs.get or context.extraOutputs.set, passing in the original configuration object as the first argument.
The following example is a function triggered by a storage queue, with an extra storage blob input that is copied to an extra storage blob output. The queue message should be the name of a file and replaces {queueTrigger} as the blob name to be copied, with the help of a binding expression.
The app, trigger, input, and output objects exported by the @azure/functions module provide type-specific methods for most types. For all the types that aren't supported, a generic method is provided to allow you to manually specify the configuration. The generic method can also be used if you want to change the default settings provided by a type-specific method.
The following example is a simple HTTP triggered function using generic methods instead of type-specific methods.
Each invocation of your function is passed an invocation context object, used to read inputs, set outputs, write to logs, and read various metadata. In the v3 model, the context object is always the first argument passed to your handler.
Metadata about the trigger input for this invocation, not including the value itself. For example, an event hub trigger has an enqueuedTimeUtc property.
The context for distributed tracing. For more information, see Trace Context.
The configuration of your inputs and outputs, as defined in function.json.
The context.executionContext.retryContext object has the following properties:
A number representing the current retry attempt.
Maximum number of times an execution is retried. A value of -1 means to retry indefinitely.
Exception that caused the retry.
The context.bindings object is used to read inputs or set outputs. The following example is a storage queue trigger, which uses context.bindings to copy a storage blob input to a storage blob output. The queue message's content replaces {queueTrigger} as the file name to be copied, with the help of a binding expression.
module.exports = function (context, request) {
context.log("this pattern is now deprecated");
import { AzureFunction, Context, HttpRequest } from"@azure/functions";
const httpTrigger: AzureFunction = function (context: Context, request: HttpRequest): void{
context.log("this pattern is now deprecated");
exportdefault httpTrigger;
Now, it's recommended to remove the call to context.done() and mark your function as async so that it returns a promise (even if you don't await anything). As soon as your function finishes (in other words, the returned promise resolves), the v3 model knows your function is done.
module.exports = asyncfunction (context, request) {
context.log("you don't need context.done or an awaited call")
import { AzureFunction, Context, HttpRequest } from"@azure/functions";
const httpTrigger: AzureFunction = asyncfunction (context: Context, request: HttpRequest): Promise<void> {
context.log("you don't need context.done or an awaited call")
exportdefault httpTrigger;
Each invocation of your function is passed an invocation context object, with information about your invocation and methods used for logging. In the v4 model, the context object is typically the second argument passed to your handler.
The InvocationContext class has the following properties:
The context for distributed tracing. For more information, see Trace Context.
Metadata about the trigger input for this invocation, not including the value itself. For example, an event hub trigger has an enqueuedTimeUtc property.
The options used when registering the function, after they've been validated and with defaults explicitly specified.
Retry context
The retryContext object has the following properties:
A number representing the current retry attempt.
Maximum number of times an execution is retried. A value of -1 means to retry indefinitely.
In Azure Functions, it's recommended to use context.log() to write logs. Azure Functions integrates with Azure Application Insights to better capture your function app logs. Application Insights, part of Azure Monitor, provides facilities for collection, visual rendering, and analysis of both application logs and your trace outputs. To learn more, see monitoring Azure Functions.
If you use the alternative Node.js console.log method, those logs are tracked at the app-level and will not be associated with any specific function. It is highly recommended to use context for logging instead of console so that all logs are associated with a specific function.
The following example writes a log at the default "information" level, including the invocation ID:
context.log(`Something has happened. Invocation ID: "${context.invocationId}"`);
context.log(`Something has happened. Invocation ID: "${context.invocationId}"`);
Log levels
In addition to the default context.log method, the following methods are available that let you write logs at specific levels:
Writes an error-level event to the logs.
Writes a warning-level event to the logs.
Writes an information-level event to the logs.
Writes a trace-level event to the logs.
Writes a trace-level event to the logs.
Writes a debug-level event to the logs.
Writes an information-level event to the logs.
Writes a warning-level event to the logs.
Writes an error-level event to the logs.
Configure log level
Azure Functions lets you define the threshold level to be used when tracking and viewing logs. To set the threshold, use the logging.logLevel property in the host.json file. This property lets you define a default level applied to all functions, or a threshold for each individual function. To learn more, see How to configure monitoring for Azure Functions.
Track custom data
By default, Azure Functions writes output as traces to Application Insights. For more control, you can instead use the Application Insights Node.js SDK to send custom data to your Application Insights instance.
const appInsights = require("applicationinsights");
const client = appInsights.defaultClient;
module.exports = asyncfunction (context, request) {
// Use this with 'tagOverrides' to correlate custom logs to the parent function invocation.var operationIdOverride = {"":context.traceContext.traceparent};
client.trackEvent({name: "my custom event", tagOverrides:operationIdOverride, properties: {customProperty2: "custom property value"}});
client.trackException({exception: newError("handled exceptions can be logged with this method"), tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
client.trackMetric({name: "custom metric", value: 3, tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
client.trackTrace({message: "trace message", tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
client.trackDependency({target:"http://dbname", name:"select customers proc", data:"SELECT * FROM Customers", duration:231, resultCode:0, success: true, dependencyTypeName: "ZSQL", tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
client.trackRequest({name:"GET /customers", url:"http://myserver/customers", duration:309, resultCode:200, success:true, tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
import { AzureFunction, Context, HttpRequest } from"@azure/functions";
import * as appInsights from'applicationinsights';
const client = appInsights.defaultClient;
const httpTrigger: AzureFunction = asyncfunction (context: Context, request: HttpRequest): Promise<void> {
// Use this with 'tagOverrides' to correlate custom logs to the parent function invocation.var operationIdOverride = {"":context.traceContext.traceparent};
client.trackEvent({name: "my custom event", tagOverrides:operationIdOverride, properties: {customProperty2: "custom property value"}});
client.trackException({exception: newError("handled exceptions can be logged with this method"), tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
client.trackMetric({name: "custom metric", value: 3, tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
client.trackTrace({message: "trace message", tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
client.trackDependency({target:"http://dbname", name:"select customers proc", data:"SELECT * FROM Customers", duration:231, resultCode:0, success: true, dependencyTypeName: "ZSQL", tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
client.trackRequest({name:"GET /customers", url:"http://myserver/customers", duration:309, resultCode:200, success:true, tagOverrides:operationIdOverride});
exportdefault httpTrigger;
The tagOverrides parameter sets the operation_Id to the function's invocation ID. This setting enables you to correlate all of the automatically generated and custom logs for a given function invocation.
HTTP triggers
HTTP and webhook triggers use request and response objects to represent HTTP messages.
HTTP and webhook triggers use HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects to represent HTTP messages. The classes represent a subset of the fetch standard, using Node.js's undici package.
module.exports = asyncfunction (context, request) {
context.log(`Http function processed request for url "${context.req.url}"`);
const httpTrigger: AzureFunction = asyncfunction (context: Context, request: HttpRequest): Promise<void> {
context.log(`Http function processed request for url "${context.req.url}"`);
From the named input bindings: This option works the same as any non HTTP binding. The binding name in function.json must match the key on context.bindings, or "request1" in the following example:
module.exports = asyncfunction (context, request) {
context.log(`Http function processed request for url "${context.bindings.request1.url}"`);
const httpTrigger: AzureFunction = asyncfunction (context: Context, request: HttpRequest): Promise<void> {
context.log(`Http function processed request for url "${context.bindings.request1.url}"`);
The HttpRequest object has the following properties:
HTTP request method used to invoke this function.
Request URL.
Record<string, string>
HTTP request headers. This object is case sensitive. It's recommended to use request.getHeader('header-name') instead, which is case insensitive.
Record<string, string>
Query string parameter keys and values from the URL.
Record<string, string>
Route parameter keys and values.
HttpRequestUser | null
Object representing logged-in user, either through Functions authentication, SWA Authentication, or null when no such user is logged in.
Buffer | string | any
If the media type is "application/octet-stream" or "multipart/*", body is a Buffer. If the value is a JSON parse-able string, body is the parsed object. Otherwise, body is a string.
The body as a string. Despite the name, this property doesn't return a Buffer.
The body as a buffer.
The request can be accessed as the first argument to your handler for an HTTP triggered function.
Return the response: If your function is async and you set the binding name to $return in your function.json, you can return the response directly instead of setting it on context.
Set the named output binding: This option works the same as any non HTTP binding. The binding name in function.json must match the key on context.bindings, or "response1" in the following example:
If you create a new object when setting the response, that object must match the HttpResponseSimple interface, which has the following properties:
Record<string, string> (optional)
HTTP response headers.
Cookie[] (optional)
HTTP response cookies.
any (optional)
HTTP response body.
number (optional)
HTTP response status code. If not set, defaults to 200.
number (optional)
The same as statusCode. This property is ignored if statusCode is set.
You can also modify the context.res object without overwriting it. The default context.res object uses the HttpResponseFull interface, which supports the following methods in addition to the HttpResponseSimple properties:
Sets the status.
Sets a header field. NOTE: res.set() and res.header() are also supported and do the same thing.
Get a header field. NOTE: res.get() is also supported and does the same thing.
Removes a header.
Sets the "content-type" header.
This method is deprecated. It sets the body and calls context.done() to indicate a sync function is finished. NOTE: res.end() is also supported and does the same thing.
This method is deprecated. It sets the status code and calls context.done() to indicate a sync function is finished.
This method is deprecated. It sets the "content-type" to "application/json", sets the body, and calls context.done() to indicate a sync function is finished.
The response can be set in several ways:
As a simple interface with type HttpResponseInit: This option is the most concise way of returning responses.
A boolean indicating if the body has been read from already.
HTTP streams
HTTP streams is a feature that makes it easier to process large data, stream OpenAI responses, deliver dynamic content, and support other core HTTP scenarios. It lets you stream requests to and responses from HTTP endpoints in your Node.js function app. Use HTTP streams in scenarios where your app requires real-time exchange and interaction between client and server over HTTP. You can also use HTTP streams to get the best performance and reliability for your apps when using HTTP.
HTTP streams aren't supported in the v3 model. Upgrade to the v4 model to use the HTTP streaming feature.
The existing HttpRequest and HttpResponse types in programming model v4 already support various ways of handling the message body, including as a stream.
Azure Functions Core Tools version 4.0.5530 or a later version, which contains the correct runtime version.
Enable streams
Use these steps to enable HTTP streams in your function app in Azure and in your local projects:
If you plan to stream large amounts of data, modify the FUNCTIONS_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE_LIMIT setting in Azure. The default maximum body size allowed is 104857600, which limits your requests to a size of ~100 MB.
For local development, also add FUNCTIONS_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE_LIMIT to the local.settings.json file.
Add the following code to your app in any file included by your main field.
This example shows an HTTP triggered function that receives data via an HTTP POST request, and the function streams this data to a specified output file:
For a ready-to-run sample app using streams, check out this example on GitHub.
Stream considerations
Use request.body to obtain the maximum benefit from using streams. You can still continue to use methods like request.text(), which always return the body as a string.
Use a hook to execute code at different points in the Azure Functions lifecycle. Hooks are executed in the order they're registered and can be registered from any file in your app. There are currently two scopes of hooks, "app" level and "invocation" level.
Invocation hooks
Invocation hooks are executed once per invocation of your function, either before in a preInvocation hook or after in a postInvocation hook. By default your hook executes for all trigger types, but you can also filter by type. The following example shows how to register an invocation hook and filter by trigger type:
The recommended place to store and share data between hooks in the same scope. You should use a unique property name so that it doesn't conflict with other hooks' data.
The PostInvocationContext object has the following properties:
The arguments passed to the invocation.
The result of the function. Changes to this value affect the overall result of the function.
The error thrown by the function, or null/undefined if there's no error. Changes to this value affect the overall result of the function.
The recommended place to store and share data between hooks in the same scope. You should use a unique property name so that it doesn't conflict with other hooks' data.
App hooks
App hooks are executed once per instance of your app, either during startup in an appStart hook or during termination in an appTerminate hook. App terminate hooks have a limited time to execute and don't execute in all scenarios.
The Azure Functions runtime currently doesn't support context logging outside of an invocation. Use the Application Insights npm package to log data during app level hooks.
const { app } = require('@azure/functions');
app.hook.appStart((context) => {
// add your logic here
app.hook.appTerminate((context) => {
// add your logic here
import { app, AppStartContext, AppTerminateContext } from'@azure/functions';
app.hook.appStart((context: AppStartContext) => {
// add your logic here
app.hook.appTerminate((context: AppTerminateContext) => {
// add your logic here
The first argument to the hook handler is a context object specific to that hook type.
The AppStartContext object has the following properties:
The recommended place to store and share data between hooks in the same scope. You should use a unique property name so that it doesn't conflict with other hooks' data.
The AppTerminateContext object has the following properties:
The recommended place to store and share data between hooks in the same scope. You should use a unique property name so that it doesn't conflict with other hooks' data.
Scaling and concurrency
By default, Azure Functions automatically monitors the load on your application and creates more host instances for Node.js as needed. Azure Functions uses built-in (not user configurable) thresholds for different trigger types to decide when to add instances, such as the age of messages and queue size for QueueTrigger. For more information, see How the Consumption and Premium plans work.
This scaling behavior is sufficient for many Node.js applications. For CPU-bound applications, you can improve performance further by using multiple language worker processes. You can increase the number of worker processes per host from the default of 1 up to a max of 10 by using the FUNCTIONS_WORKER_PROCESS_COUNT application setting. Azure Functions then tries to evenly distribute simultaneous function invocations across these workers. This behavior makes it less likely that a CPU-intensive function blocks other functions from running. The setting applies to each host that Azure Functions creates when scaling out your application to meet demand.
Use the FUNCTIONS_WORKER_PROCESS_COUNT setting with caution. Multiple processes running in the same instance can lead to unpredictable behavior and increase function load times. If you use this setting, it's highly recommended to offset these downsides by running from a package file.
Node version
You can see the current version that the runtime is using by logging process.version from any function. See supported versions for a list of Node.js versions supported by each programming model.
Setting the Node version
The way that you upgrade your Node.js version depends on the OS on which your function app runs.
When running on Windows, the Node.js version is set by the WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION application setting. This setting can be updated either by using the Azure CLI or in the Azure portal.
When running on Linux, the Node.js version is set by the linuxfxversion site setting. This setting can be updated using the Azure CLI.
Before upgrading your Node.js version, make sure your function app is running on the latest version of the Azure Functions runtime. If you need to upgrade your runtime version, see Migrate apps from Azure Functions version 3.x to version 4.x.
Use the following steps to change the Node.js version:
In the Azure portal, locate your function app and select Settings > Configuration on the left-hand side.
Select the Function runtime settings tab and verify that your function app is running on the latest version of the Functions runtime.
Select the General settings tab and update the Node.js Version to the latest version. Ideally, you have already locally verified that your functions run on the version you select.
When notified about a restart, select Continue, and then select Save.
Run the Azure CLI az functionapp config set command to update the Node.js version for your function app running on Linux:
Azure CLI
az functionapp config set --linux-fx-version"node|20"--name"<FUNCTION_APP_NAME>" \
This sets the base image of the Linux function app to Node.js version 20.
You can't change the Node.js version in the Azure portal when your function app is running on Linux in a Consumption plan. Instead use the Azure CLI.
For Premium and Dedicated plans, use the following steps to change the Node.js version:
In the Azure portal, locate your function app and select Settings > Configuration on the left-hand side.
Select the Function runtime settings tab and verify that your function app is running on the latest version of the Functions runtime.
Select the General settings tab and update the Node.js Version to the latest version. Ideally, you have already locally verified that your functions run on the version you select.
When notified about a restart, select Continue, and then select Save.
After changes are made, your function app restarts. To learn more about Functions support for Node.js, see Language runtime support policy.
Environment variables
Environment variables can be useful for operational secrets (connection strings, keys, endpoints, etc.) or environmental settings such as profiling variables. You can add environment variables in both your local and cloud environments and access them through process.env in your function code.
The following example logs the WEBSITE_SITE_NAME environment variable:
When you run in Azure, the function app lets you set and use Application settings, such as service connection strings, and exposes these settings as environment variables during execution.
There are several ways that you can add, update, and delete function app settings:
Changes to function app settings require your function app to be restarted.
Worker environment variables
There are several Functions environment variables specific to Node.js:
This setting allows you to specify custom arguments when starting your Node.js process. It's most often used locally to start the worker in debug mode, but can also be used in Azure if you need custom arguments.
If possible, avoid using languageWorkers__node__arguments in Azure because it can have a negative effect on cold start times. Rather than using pre-warmed workers, the runtime has to start a new worker from scratch with your custom arguments.
This setting adjusts the default log level for Node.js-specific worker logs. By default, only warning or error logs are shown, but you can set it to information or debug to help diagnose issues with the Node.js worker. For more information, see configuring log levels.
ECMAScript modules (preview)
As ECMAScript modules are currently a preview feature in Node.js 14 or higher in Azure Functions.
ECMAScript modules (ES modules) are the new official standard module system for Node.js. So far, the code samples in this article use the CommonJS syntax. When running Azure Functions in Node.js 14 or higher, you can choose to write your functions using ES modules syntax.
To use ES modules in a function, change its filename to use a .mjs extension. The following index.mjs file example is an HTTP triggered function that uses ES modules syntax to import the uuid library and return a value.
The function.json properties scriptFile and entryPoint can be used to configure the location and name of your exported function. The scriptFile property is required when you're using TypeScript and should point to the compiled JavaScript.
Using scriptFile
By default, a JavaScript function is executed from index.js, a file that shares the same parent directory as its corresponding function.json.
scriptFile can be used to get a folder structure that looks like the following example:
In the v3 model, a function must be exported using module.exports in order to be found and run. By default, the function that executes when triggered is the only export from that file, the export named run, or the export named index. The following example sets entryPoint in function.json to a custom value, "logHello":
It's recommended to use VS Code for local debugging, which starts your Node.js process in debug mode automatically and attaches to the process for you. For more information, see run the function locally.
If you're using a different tool for debugging or want to start your Node.js process in debug mode manually, add "languageWorkers__node__arguments": "--inspect" under Values in your local.settings.json. The --inspect argument tells Node.js to listen for a debug client, on port 9229 by default. For more information, see the Node.js debugging guide.
This section describes several impactful patterns for Node.js apps that we recommend you follow.
Choose single-vCPU App Service plans
When you create a function app that uses the App Service plan, we recommend that you select a single-vCPU plan rather than a plan with multiple vCPUs. Today, Functions runs Node.js functions more efficiently on single-vCPU VMs, and using larger VMs doesn't produce the expected performance improvements. When necessary, you can manually scale out by adding more single-vCPU VM instances, or you can enable autoscale. For more information, see Scale instance count manually or automatically.
Run from a package file
When you develop Azure Functions in the serverless hosting model, cold starts are a reality. Cold start refers to the first time your function app starts after a period of inactivity, taking longer to start up. For Node.js apps with large dependency trees in particular, cold start can be significant. To speed up the cold start process, run your functions as a package file when possible. Many deployment methods use this model by default, but if you're experiencing large cold starts you should check to make sure you're running this way.
Use a single static client
When you use a service-specific client in an Azure Functions application, don't create a new client with every function invocation because you can hit connection limits. Instead, create a single, static client in the global scope. For more information, see managing connections in Azure Functions.
Use async and await
When writing Azure Functions in Node.js, you should write code using the async and await keywords. Writing code using async and await instead of callbacks or .then and .catch with Promises helps avoid two common problems:
Throwing uncaught exceptions that crash the Node.js process, potentially affecting the execution of other functions.
Unexpected behavior, such as missing logs from context.log, caused by asynchronous calls that aren't properly awaited.
In the following example, the asynchronous method fs.readFile is invoked with an error-first callback function as its second parameter. This code causes both of the issues previously mentioned. An exception that isn't explicitly caught in the correct scope can crash the entire process (issue #1). Returning without ensuring the callback finishes means the http response will sometimes have an empty body (issue #2).
// DO NOT USE THIS CODEconst { app } = require('@azure/functions');
const fs = require('fs');
app.http('httpTriggerBadAsync', {
methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
authLevel: 'anonymous',
handler: async (request, context) => {
let fileData;
fs.readFile('./helloWorld.txt', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
// BUG #1: This will result in an uncaught exception that crashes the entire processthrow err;
fileData = data;
// BUG #2: fileData is not guaranteed to be set before the invocation endsreturn { body: fileData };
// DO NOT USE THIS CODEimport { app, HttpRequest, HttpResponseInit, InvocationContext } from'@azure/functions';
import * as fs from'fs';
exportasyncfunctionhttpTriggerBadAsync(request: HttpRequest, context: InvocationContext): Promise<HttpResponseInit> {
let fileData: Buffer;
fs.readFile('./helloWorld.txt', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
// BUG #1: This will result in an uncaught exception that crashes the entire processthrow err;
fileData = data;
// BUG #2: fileData is not guaranteed to be set before the invocation endsreturn { body: fileData };
app.http('httpTriggerBadAsync', {
methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
authLevel: 'anonymous',
handler: httpTriggerBadAsync,
In the following example, the asynchronous method fs.readFile is invoked with an error-first callback function as its second parameter. This code causes both of the issues previously mentioned. An exception that isn't explicitly caught in the correct scope can crash the entire process (issue #1). Calling the deprecated context.done() method outside of the scope of the callback can signal the function is finished before the file is read (issue #2). In this example, calling context.done() too early results in missing log entries starting with Data from file:.
// NOT RECOMMENDED PATTERNconst fs = require('fs');
module.exports = function (context) {
fs.readFile('./hello.txt', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
context.log.error('ERROR', err);
// BUG #1: This will result in an uncaught exception that crashes the entire processthrow err;
context.log(`Data from file: ${data}`);
// context.done() should be called here
// BUG #2: Data is not guaranteed to be read before the Azure Function's invocation ends
// NOT RECOMMENDED PATTERNimport { AzureFunction, Context } from"@azure/functions";
import * as fs from'fs';
const trigger1: AzureFunction = function (context: Context): void{
fs.readFile('./hello.txt', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
context.log.error('ERROR', err);
// BUG #1: This will result in an uncaught exception that crashes the entire processthrow err;
context.log(`Data from file: ${data}`);
// context.done() should be called here
// BUG #2: Data is not guaranteed to be read before the Azure Function's invocation ends
exportdefault trigger1;
Use the async and await keywords to help avoid both of these issues. Most APIs in the Node.js ecosystem have been converted to support promises in some form. For example, starting in v14, Node.js provides an fs/promises API to replace the fs callback API.
In the following example, any unhandled exceptions thrown during the function execution only fail the individual invocation that raised the exception. The await keyword means that steps following readFile only execute after it's complete.
// Recommended patternconst fs = require('fs/promises');
module.exports = asyncfunction (context) {
let data;
try {
data = await fs.readFile('./hello.txt');
} catch (err) {
context.log.error('ERROR', err);
// This rethrown exception will be handled by the Functions Runtime and will only fail the individual invocationthrow err;
context.log(`Data from file: ${data}`);
// Recommended patternimport { AzureFunction, Context } from"@azure/functions";
import * as fs from'fs/promises';
const trigger1: AzureFunction = asyncfunction (context: Context): Promise<void> {
let data: Buffer;
try {
data = await fs.readFile('./hello.txt');
} catch (err) {
context.log.error('ERROR', err);
// This rethrown exception will be handled by the Functions Runtime and will only fail the individual invocationthrow err;
context.log(`Data from file: ${data}`);
exportdefault trigger1;
Pridružite se seriji susreta kako biste s kolegama programerima i stručnjacima izgradili skalabilna rješenja umjetne inteligencije temeljena na stvarnim slučajevima upotrebe.
In this learning path, discover Azure Functions that create event-driven, compute-on-demand systems using server-side logic to build serverless architectures.
Learn how to develop serverless Node.js applications using Azure Functions. This guide introduces Azure's serverless technologies, enabling you to create scalable, on-demand HTTP endpoints with JavaScript and TypeScript.
Learn how to create a TypeScript function, then publish the local Node.js project to serverless hosting in Azure Functions using the Azure Functions extension in Visual Studio Code.
This repository contains an Azure Functions HTTP trigger quickstart written in TypeScript and deployed to Azure Functions Flex Consumption using the Azure Developer CLI (azd). The sample uses managed identity and a virtual network to make sure deployment is secure by default.