
Dijeli putem

PropertyInfo.GetAccessors Method


Returns an array of the get and set accessors on this property.



Returns an array whose elements reflect the public get and set accessors of the property reflected by the current instance.


Returns an array whose elements reflect the public and, if specified, non-public get and set accessors of the property reflected by the current instance.



Returns an array whose elements reflect the public get and set accessors of the property reflected by the current instance.

 cli::array <System::Reflection::MethodInfo ^> ^ GetAccessors();
 virtual cli::array <System::Reflection::MethodInfo ^> ^ GetAccessors();
public System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] GetAccessors ();
member this.GetAccessors : unit -> System.Reflection.MethodInfo[]
abstract member GetAccessors : unit -> System.Reflection.MethodInfo[]
override this.GetAccessors : unit -> System.Reflection.MethodInfo[]
Public Function GetAccessors () As MethodInfo()


An array of MethodInfo objects that reflect the public get and set accessors of the property reflected by the current instance, if found; otherwise, this method returns an array with zero (0) elements.



The following example retrieves the public accessors of the ClassWithProperty.Caption property and displays information about them. It also calls the Invoke method of the setter to set the property value and of the getter to retrieve the property value.

using System;
using System.Reflection;
// Define a property.
public class ClassWithProperty
    private string _caption = "A Default caption";

    public string Caption
        get { return _caption; }
        set { if(_caption != value) _caption = value; }
class Example
    public static void Main()
        ClassWithProperty test = new ClassWithProperty();
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption);
        // Get the type and PropertyInfo.
        Type t = Type.GetType("ClassWithProperty");
        PropertyInfo propInfo = t.GetProperty("Caption");
        // Get the public GetAccessors method.
        MethodInfo[] methInfos = propInfo.GetAccessors();
        Console.WriteLine("There are {0} accessors.",
        for(int ctr = 0; ctr < methInfos.Length; ctr++) {
           MethodInfo m = methInfos[ctr];
           Console.WriteLine("Accessor #{0}:", ctr + 1);
           Console.WriteLine("   Name: {0}", m.Name);
           Console.WriteLine("   Visibility: {0}", GetVisibility(m));
           Console.Write("   Property Type: ");
           // Determine if this is the property getter or setter.
           if (m.ReturnType == typeof(void)) {
              Console.WriteLine("   Setting the property value.");
              //  Set the value of the property.
              m.Invoke(test, new object[] { "The Modified Caption" } );
           else {
              // Get the value of the property.
              Console.WriteLine("   Property Value: {0}",
                                m.Invoke(test, new object[] {} ));
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption);

    static string GetVisibility(MethodInfo m)
       string visibility = "";
       if (m.IsPublic)
          return "Public";
       else if (m.IsPrivate)
          return "Private";
          if (m.IsFamily)
             visibility = "Protected ";
          else if (m.IsAssembly)
             visibility += "Assembly";
       return visibility;
// The example displays the following output:
//       The Caption property: A Default caption
//       ----------
//       There are 2 accessors.
//       Accessor #1:
//          Name: get_Caption
//          Visibility: Public
//          Property Type: Getter
//          Property Value: A Default caption
//       Accessor #2:
//          Name: set_Caption
//          Visibility: Public
//          Property Type: Setter
//          Setting the property value.
//       ----------
//       The Caption property: The Modified Caption
Imports System.Reflection

' Define a property.
Public Class ClassWithProperty
    Private _caption As String = "A Default caption"

    Public Property Caption As String
            Return _caption
        End Get
            If _caption <> value Then _caption = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Module Example
    Public Sub Main()
        Dim test As New ClassWithProperty()
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption)
        ' Get the type and PropertyInfo.
        Dim t As Type = Type.GetType("ClassWithProperty")
        Dim propInfo As PropertyInfo = t.GetProperty("Caption")

        ' Get all the accessors.
        Dim methInfos() As MethodInfo = propInfo.GetAccessors()
        Console.WriteLine("There are {0} accessors.",
        For ctr As Integer = 0 To methInfos.Length - 1
           Dim m As MethodInfo = methInfos(ctr)
           Console.WriteLine("Accessor #{0}:", ctr + 1)
           Console.WriteLine("   Name: {0}", m.Name)
           Console.WriteLine("   Visibility: {0}", GetVisibility(m))
           Console.Write("   Property Type: ")
           ' Determine if this is the property getter or setter.
''           If (m.ReturnType == typeof(void))
           If m.ReturnType Is GetType(Void) Then
              Console.WriteLine("   Setting the property value.")
              ' Set the value of the property.
              m.Invoke(test, { "The Modified Caption" } )
              ' Get the value of the property.
              Console.WriteLine("   Property Value: {0}",
                                m.Invoke(test, {} ))
           End If
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption)
    End Sub
    Private Function GetVisibility(m As MethodInfo) As String
       Dim visibility As String = ""
       If m.IsPublic Then
          Return "Public"
       ElseIf m.IsPrivate Then
          Return "Private"
          If m.IsFamily Then
             visibility = "Protected "
          ElseIf m.IsAssembly Then
             visibility += "Assembly"
          End If
       End If
       Return visibility
    End Function
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       The Caption property: A Default caption
'       ----------
'       There are 2 accessors.
'       Accessor #1:
'          Name: get_Caption
'          Visibility: Public
'          Property Type: Getter
'          Property Value: A Default caption
'       Accessor #2:
'          Name: set_Caption
'          Visibility: Public
'          Property Type: Setter
'          Setting the property value.
'       ----------
'       The Caption property: The Modified Caption


To call the GetAccessors method:

  1. Get a Type object that represents the class.

  2. From the Type object, get the PropertyInfo object.

  3. From the PropertyInfo object, call the GetAccessors method.

Applies to



Returns an array whose elements reflect the public and, if specified, non-public get and set accessors of the property reflected by the current instance.

 abstract cli::array <System::Reflection::MethodInfo ^> ^ GetAccessors(bool nonPublic);
public abstract System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] GetAccessors (bool nonPublic);
abstract member GetAccessors : bool -> System.Reflection.MethodInfo[]
Public MustOverride Function GetAccessors (nonPublic As Boolean) As MethodInfo()



Indicates whether non-public methods should be returned in the returned array. true if non-public methods are to be included; otherwise, false.


An array whose elements reflect the get and set accessors of the property reflected by the current instance. If nonPublic is true, this array contains public and non-public get and set accessors. If nonPublic is false, this array contains only public get and set accessors. If no accessors with the specified visibility are found, this method returns an array with zero (0) elements.



The following example retrieves the accessors of the ClassWithProperty.Caption property and displays information about them. It also calls the Invoke method of the setter to set the property value and of the getter to retrieve the property value.

using System;
using System.Reflection;

// Define a property.
public class ClassWithProperty
    private string _caption = "A Default caption";

    public string Caption
        get { return _caption; }
        set { if(_caption != value) _caption = value; }

class Example
    public static void Main()
        ClassWithProperty test = new ClassWithProperty();
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption);
        // Get the type and PropertyInfo.
        Type t = Type.GetType("ClassWithProperty");
        PropertyInfo propInfo = t.GetProperty("Caption");

        // Get the public GetAccessors method.
        MethodInfo[] methInfos = propInfo.GetAccessors(true);
        Console.WriteLine("There are {0} accessors.",
        for(int ctr = 0; ctr < methInfos.Length; ctr++) {
           MethodInfo m = methInfos[ctr];
           Console.WriteLine("Accessor #{0}:", ctr + 1);
           Console.WriteLine("   Name: {0}", m.Name);
           Console.WriteLine("   Visibility: {0}", GetVisibility(m));
           Console.Write("   Property Type: ");
           // Determine if this is the property getter or setter.
           if (m.ReturnType == typeof(void)) {
              Console.WriteLine("   Setting the property value.");
              //  Set the value of the property.
              m.Invoke(test, new object[] { "The Modified Caption" } );
           else {
              // Get the value of the property.
              Console.WriteLine("   Property Value: {0}",
                                m.Invoke(test, new object[] {} ));
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption);

    static string GetVisibility(MethodInfo m)
       string visibility = "";
       if (m.IsPublic)
          return "Public";
       else if (m.IsPrivate)
          return "Private";
          if (m.IsFamily)
             visibility = "Protected ";
          else if (m.IsAssembly)
             visibility += "Assembly";
       return visibility;
// The example displays the following output:
//       The Caption property: A Default caption
//       ----------
//       There are 2 accessors.
//       Accessor #1:
//          Name: get_Caption
//          Visibility: Public
//          Property Type: Getter
//          Property Value: A Default caption
//       Accessor #2:
//          Name: set_Caption
//          Visibility: Public
//          Property Type: Setter
//          Setting the property value.
//       ----------
//       The Caption property: The Modified Caption
Imports System.Reflection

' Define a property.
Public Class ClassWithProperty
    Private _caption As String = "A Default caption"

    Public Property Caption As String
            Return _caption
        End Get
            If _caption <> value Then _caption = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Module Example
    Public Sub Main()
        Dim test As New ClassWithProperty()
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption)
        ' Get the type and PropertyInfo.
        Dim t As Type = Type.GetType("ClassWithProperty")
        Dim propInfo As PropertyInfo = t.GetProperty("Caption")

        ' Get all the accessors.
        Dim methInfos() As MethodInfo = propInfo.GetAccessors(True)
        Console.WriteLine("There are {0} accessors.",
        For ctr As Integer = 0 To methInfos.Length - 1
           Dim m As MethodInfo = methInfos(ctr)
           Console.WriteLine("Accessor #{0}:", ctr + 1)
           Console.WriteLine("   Name: {0}", m.Name)
           Console.WriteLine("   Visibility: {0}", GetVisibility(m))
           Console.Write("   Property Type: ")
           ' Determine if this is the property getter or setter.
''           If (m.ReturnType == typeof(void))
           If m.ReturnType Is GetType(Void) Then
              Console.WriteLine("   Setting the property value.")
              ' Set the value of the property.
              m.Invoke(test, { "The Modified Caption" } )
              ' Get the value of the property.
              Console.WriteLine("   Property Value: {0}",
                                m.Invoke(test, {} ))
           End If
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption)
    End Sub
    Private Function GetVisibility(m As MethodInfo) As String
       Dim visibility As String = ""
       If m.IsPublic Then
          Return "Public"
       ElseIf m.IsPrivate Then
          Return "Private"
          If m.IsFamily Then
             visibility = "Protected "
          ElseIf m.IsAssembly Then
             visibility += "Assembly"
          End If
       End If
       Return visibility
    End Function
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       The Caption property: A Default caption
'       ----------
'       There are 2 accessors.
'       Accessor #1:
'          Name: get_Caption
'          Visibility: Public
'          Property Type: Getter
'          Property Value: A Default caption
'       Accessor #2:
'          Name: set_Caption
'          Visibility: Public
'          Property Type: Setter
'          Setting the property value.
'       ----------
'       The Caption property: The Modified Caption


To call the GetAccessors method:

  1. Get a Type object that represents the class.

  2. From the Type object, get the PropertyInfo object.

  3. From the PropertyInfo object, call the GetAccessors method.

Applies to