
Dijeli putem

XmlArrayItemAttribute.DataType Property


Gets or sets the XML data type of the generated XML element.

 property System::String ^ DataType { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string DataType { get; set; }
member this.DataType : string with get, set
Public Property DataType As String

Property Value

An XML schema definition (XSD) data type.


The following example serializes a class named PurchaseOrder. Several instances of the XmlArrayItemAttribute class are applied to three members, and the DataType property for each instance is set to a type allowed in the array.

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml::Serialization;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml::Schema;
public ref class Item
   String^ ItemID;

   Item( String^ id )
      ItemID = id;

public ref class NewItem: public Item
   String^ Category;

   NewItem( String^ id, String^ cat )
      ItemID = id;
      Category = cat;

public ref class PurchaseOrder




void SerializeObject( String^ filename )
   // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
   // specify the type of object to serialize.
   XmlSerializer^ serializer = gcnew XmlSerializer( PurchaseOrder::typeid );
   TextWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter( filename );

   // Create a PurchaseOrder and set its properties.
   PurchaseOrder^ po = gcnew PurchaseOrder;
   array<String^>^months = {"March","May","August"};
   po->Months = months;
   array<Item^>^items = {gcnew Item( "a1" ),gcnew NewItem( "b1","book" )};
   po->Items = items;
   array<Object^>^things = {"String",2003.31,gcnew NewItem( "Item100","book" )};
   po->Things = things;

   // Serialize the purchase order, and close the TextWriter.
   serializer->Serialize( writer, po );

void DeserializeObject( String^ filename )
   // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
   // specify the type of object to be deserialized.
   XmlSerializer^ serializer = gcnew XmlSerializer( PurchaseOrder::typeid );

   // A FileStream is needed to read the XML document.
   FileStream^ fs = gcnew FileStream( filename,FileMode::Open );

   // Declare an object variable of the type to be deserialized.
   PurchaseOrder^ po;

   /* Use the Deserialize method to restore the object's state with
      data from the XML document. */
   po = safe_cast<PurchaseOrder^>(serializer->Deserialize( fs ));
   for ( int i = 0; i < po->Months->Length; ++i )
      Console::WriteLine( po->Months[ i ] );
   for ( int i = 0; i < po->Items->Length; ++i )
      Console::WriteLine( po->Items[ i ]->ItemID );
   for ( int i = 0; i < po->Things->Length; ++i )
      Console::WriteLine( po->Things[ i ] );

int main()
   // Read and write purchase orders.
   SerializeObject(  "ArrayItemEx.xml" );
   DeserializeObject(  "ArrayItemEx.xml" );
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Schema;
public class PurchaseOrder
   [XmlArrayItem(DataType = "gMonth", 
   Namespace = "http://www.cohowinery.com")]
   public string[] Months;

   [XmlArrayItem(typeof(Item)), XmlArrayItem(typeof(NewItem))]
   public Item[] Items;

   [XmlArray(IsNullable = true)]
   public object[] Things;

public class Item{
   public string ItemID;
   public Item(){}
   public Item(string id){
    ItemID = id;
public class NewItem:Item{
   public string Category;
   public NewItem(){}
   public NewItem(string id, string cat){
    this.ItemID = id;
    Category = cat;
public class Test
   public static void Main()
      // Read and write purchase orders.
      Test t = new Test();

   private void SerializeObject(string filename)
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
      // specify the type of object to serialize.
      XmlSerializer serializer = 
      new XmlSerializer(typeof(PurchaseOrder));
      TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);
      // Create a PurchaseOrder and set its properties.
      PurchaseOrder po=new PurchaseOrder();
      po.Months = new string[]{ "March", "May", "August"};
      po.Items= new Item[]{new Item("a1"), new NewItem("b1", "book")};
      po.Things= new object[] {"String", 2003.31, new NewItem("Item100", "book")};
      // Serialize the purchase order, and close the TextWriter.
      serializer.Serialize(writer, po);
   protected void DeserializeObject(string filename)
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
      // specify the type of object to be deserialized.
      XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PurchaseOrder));
      // A FileStream is needed to read the XML document.
      FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
      // Declare an object variable of the type to be deserialized.
      PurchaseOrder po;
      /* Use the Deserialize method to restore the object's state with
      data from the XML document. */
      po = (PurchaseOrder) serializer.Deserialize(fs);
      foreach(string s in po.Months)
      foreach(Item i in po.Items)
      foreach(object thing in po.Things)
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml.Schema

Public Class PurchaseOrder
   <XmlArrayItem(DataType:= "gMonth", _
   ElementName:="MyMonths", _
   Namespace:= "http:'www.cohowinery.com")> _
   public Months() As String 

   <XmlArrayItem(GetType(Item)), XmlArrayItem(GetType(NewItem))> _
   public Items () As Item

   <XmlArray(IsNullable:= true), _
   XmlArrayItem(GetType(String)), _
   XmlArrayItem(GetType(double)), _
   XmlArrayItem(GetType(NewItem))> _
   public Things() As Object
End Class

Public Class Item
   public ItemID As String 

   public Sub New()
   End Sub
   public Sub New (id As String)
    ItemID = id
   End Sub
End Class

Public Class NewItem
   Inherits Item
   public Category As String 
   public Sub New()
   End Sub

   public Sub New(id As String , cat As String )
    me.ItemID = id
    Category = cat
   End Sub
End Class
Public Class Test
   Shared Sub Main()
      ' Read and write purchase orders.
      Dim t As Test = New Test()
   End Sub 

   private Sub SerializeObject(filename As String)
      ' Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class
      ' specify the type of object to serialize.
      Dim serializer As XmlSerializer = _
      New XmlSerializer(GetType(PurchaseOrder))
      Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(filename)
      ' Create a PurchaseOrder and set its properties.
      Dim po As PurchaseOrder =New PurchaseOrder()
      po.Months = New String() { "March", "May", "August"}
      po.Items= New Item(){New Item("a1"), New NewItem("b1", "book")}
      po.Things= New Object() {"String", 2003.31, New NewItem("Item100", "book")}
      ' Serialize the purchase order, and close the TextWriter.
      serializer.Serialize(writer, po)
   End Sub
   protected Sub DeserializeObject(filename As String)
      ' Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class
      ' specify the type of object to be deserialized.
      Dim serializer As XmlSerializer = _
      New XmlSerializer(GetType(PurchaseOrder))
      ' A FileStream is needed to read the XML document.
      Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open)
      ' Declare an object variable of the type to be deserialized.
      Dim po As PurchaseOrder 
      ' Use the Deserialize method to restore the object's state with
      ' data from the XML document. 
      po = CType( serializer.Deserialize(fs), PurchaseOrder)
      Dim s As String
      Dim i As Item
      Dim thing As Object
      for each s in po.Months
      for each i in po.Items
      for each thing in po.Things
   End Sub
End Class


The following table lists the XML Schema simple data types with their .NET equivalents.

For the XML Schema base64Binary and hexBinary data types, use an array of Byte objects, and apply an XmlArrayItemAttribute with the DataType property set to "base64Binary" or "hexBinary", as appropriate. For the XML Schema time and date data types, use the DateTime type and apply the XmlArrayItemAttribute with the DataType set to "date" or "time".

For every XML Schema type that is mapped to a string, apply the XmlArrayItemAttribute with its DataType property set to the XML Schema type. However, this does not change the serialization format, only the schema for the member.


The property is case-sensitive, so you must set it exactly to one of the XML Schema data types.


Passing binary data as an XML element is more efficient then passing it as an XML attribute.

For more information about XML Schema data types, see the World Wide Web Consortium document XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes.

XSD data type .NET data type
anyURI String
base64Binary Array of Byte objects
boolean Boolean
byte SByte
date DateTime
dateTime DateTime
decimal Decimal
double Double
float Single
gDay String
gMonth String
gMonthDay String
gYear String
gYearMonth String
hexBinary Array of Byte objects
ID String
IDREF String
int Int32
integer String
language String
long Int64
Name String
NCName String
negativeInteger String
normalizedString String
nonNegativeInteger String
nonPositiveInteger String
positiveInteger String
QName XmlQualifiedName
duration String
string String
short Int16
time DateTime
token String
unsignedByte Byte
unsignedInt UInt32
unsignedLong UInt64
unsignedShort UInt16

Applies to