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Adaptive Card Templating SDKs

The Adaptive Card Templating SDKs make it easy to populate a card template with real data on any supported platform.

Please read this for an overview of Adaptive Card Templating


Breaking changes in the May 2020 Release Candidate

We've been hard at work getting templating released, and we're finally in the home stretch! We had to make some minor breaking changes as we close on the release.

Breaking changes as of May 2020

  1. The binding syntax changed from {...} to ${...}.
    • For Example: "text": "Hello {name}" becomes "text": "Hello ${name}"
  2. The JavaScript API no longer contains an EvaluationContext object. Simply pass your data to the expand function. Please see the SDK page for full details.
  3. The .NET API was redesigned to more closely match the JavaScript API. Please below for full details.


The adaptivecards-templating library is available on npm and via CDN. See the package link for full documentation.


npm install

npm install adaptivecards-templating


<script src=""></script>


The sample below assumes you've also installed the adaptivecards library in order to render the card.

If you don't plan on rendering the card then you can remove the parse and render code.

import * as ACData from "adaptivecards-templating";
import * as AdaptiveCards from "adaptivecards";
// Define a template payload
var templatePayload = {
    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "version": "1.0",
    "body": [
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "text": "Hello ${name}!"
// Create a Template instance from the template payload
var template = new ACData.Template(templatePayload);
// Expand the template with your `$root` data object.
// This binds it to the data and produces the final Adaptive Card payload
var cardPayload = template.expand({
   $root: {
      name: "Matt Hidinger"
// OPTIONAL: Render the card (requires that the adaptivecards library be loaded)
var adaptiveCard = new AdaptiveCards.AdaptiveCard();


Nuget install

dotnet add package AdaptiveCards.Templating


// Import the library 
using AdaptiveCards.Templating;
var templateJson = @"
    ""type"": ""AdaptiveCard"",
    ""version"": ""1.2"",
    ""body"": [
            ""type"": ""TextBlock"",
            ""text"": ""Hello ${name}!""

// Create a Template instance from the template payload
AdaptiveCardTemplate template = new AdaptiveCardTemplate(templateJson);

// You can use any serializable object as your data
var myData = new
    Name = "Matt Hidinger"

// "Expand" the template - this generates the final Adaptive Card payload
string cardJson = template.Expand(myData);

Custom Functions

Custom functions can be added to Adaptive Expression Library in addition to the prebuilt functions.

In the below example, stringFormat custom function is added, and the funtion is used to format a string.

string jsonTemplate = @"{
    ""type"": ""AdaptiveCard"",
    ""version"": ""1.0"",
    ""body"": [{
        ""type"": ""TextBlock"",
        ""text"": ""${stringFormat(strings.myName, person.firstName, person.lastName)}""

string jsonData = @"{
    ""strings"": {
        ""myName"": ""My name is {0} {1}""
    ""person"": {
        ""firstName"": ""Andrew"",
        ""lastName"": ""Leader""

AdaptiveCardTemplate template = new AdaptiveCardTemplate(jsonTemplate);

var context = new EvaluationContext
    Root = jsonData

// a custom function is added
AdaptiveExpressions.Expression.Functions.Add("stringFormat", (args) =>
    string formattedString = "";

    // argument is packed in sequential order as defined in the template
    // For example, suppose we have "${stringFormat(strings.myName, person.firstName, person.lastName)}"
    // args will have following entries
    // args[0]: strings.myName
    // args[1]: person.firstName
    // args[2]: strings.lastName
    if (args[0] != null && args[1] != null && args[2] != null) 
        string formatString = args[0];
        string[] stringArguments = {args[1], args[2] };
        formattedString = string.Format(formatString, stringArguments);
    return formattedString;

string cardJson = template.Expand(context);


Q. Why am I running into an AdaptiveTemplateException calling expand()?
A. If your error message looks like '<offending item>' at line, '<line number>' is malformed for '$data : ' pair".
Please ensure that value provided for "$data" is valid json such as number, boolean, object, and array, or follows correct syntax for Adaptive Template language, and the entry exists in the data context at the line number.

Q. Why am I running into an ArgumentNullException calling expand()?
A. If your error message looks like" Check if parent data context is set, or please enter a non-null value for '<offending item>' at line, '<line number>'".
It indicates that there doesn't exist data context for the requested data binding. Please ensure that root data context is set, if exists, ensure that any data context is available for current binding as indicated by the line number.

Q. Why date/time in RFC 3389 format e.g "2017-02-14T06:08:00Z" when used with template doesn't works with TIME/DATE functions?
A. .NET sdk nuget version 1.0.0-rc.0 exhibits this behavior. this behavior is corrected in the subsequent releases. json.Net deserilizer's default behavior changes date/time format string, and it's disabled for the subsequent releases. Please use formatDateTime() function to format the date/time string to RFC 3389 as seen in this example, or you can bypass TIME/DATE functions, and just use formatDateTime(). For more information on formatDateTime(), please go here.