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Install the Dapr extension for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Arc-enabled Kubernetes

Dapr simplifies building resilient, stateless, and stateful applications that run on the cloud and edge and embrace the diversity of languages and developer frameworks. With Dapr's sidecar architecture, you can keep your code platform agnostic while tackling challenges around building microservices, like:

  • Calling other services reliably and securely
  • Building event-driven apps with pub/sub
  • Building applications that are portable across multiple cloud services and hosts (for example, Kubernetes vs. a virtual machine)


If you plan on installing Dapr in a Kubernetes production environment, see the Dapr guidelines for production usage documentation page.

How it works

The Dapr extension uses the Azure CLI or a Bicep template to provision the Dapr control plane on your AKS or Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster, creating the following Dapr services:

Dapr service Description
dapr-operator Manages component updates and Kubernetes services endpoints for Dapr (state stores, pub/subs, etc.)
dapr-sidecar-injector Injects Dapr into annotated deployment pods and adds the environment variables DAPR_HTTP_PORT and DAPR_GRPC_PORT to enable user-defined applications to easily communicate with Dapr without hard-coding Dapr port values.
dapr-placement Used for actors only. Creates mapping tables that map actor instances to pods.
dapr-sentry Manages mTLS between services and acts as a certificate authority. For more information, read the security overview.

Once Dapr is installed on your cluster, you can begin to develop using the Dapr building block APIs by adding a few annotations to your deployments. For a more in-depth overview of the building block APIs and how to best use them, see the Dapr building blocks overview.


If you install Dapr through the AKS or Arc-enabled Kubernetes extension, our recommendation is to continue using the extension for future management of Dapr instead of the Dapr CLI. Combining the two tools can cause conflicts and result in undesired behavior.


Select how you'd like to install, deploy, and configure the Dapr extension.

Before you begin

Add the Azure CLI extension for cluster extensions

Install the k8s-extension Azure CLI extension by running the following commands:

az extension add --name k8s-extension

If the k8s-extension extension is already installed, you can update it to the latest version using the following command:

az extension update --name k8s-extension

Register the KubernetesConfiguration resource provider

If you aren't already using cluster extensions, you may need to register the resource provider with your subscription. You can check the status of the provider registration using the az provider list command, as shown in the following example:

az provider list --query "[?contains(namespace,'Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration')]" -o table

The Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration provider should report as Registered, as shown in the following example output:

Namespace                          RegistrationState    RegistrationPolicy
---------------------------------  -------------------  --------------------
Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration  Registered           RegistrationRequired

If the provider shows as NotRegistered, register the provider using the az provider register as shown in the following example:

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration

Register the ExtenstionTypes feature to your Azure subscription

The ExtensionTypes feature needs to be registered to your Azure subscription. In the terminal, verify you're in the correct subscription:

az account set --subscription <YOUR-AZURE-SUBSCRIPTION-ID>

Register the ExtenstionTypes feature.

az feature registration create --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration --name ExtensionTypes

Feature registration may take some time. After a few minutes, check the registration status using the following command:

az feature show --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration --name ExtensionTypes

Create the extension and install Dapr on your AKS or Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster

When installing the Dapr extension, use the flag value that corresponds to your cluster type:

  • AKS cluster: --cluster-type managedClusters.
  • Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster: --cluster-type connectedClusters.


If you're using Dapr OSS on your AKS cluster and would like to install the Dapr extension for AKS, read more about how to successfully migrate to the Dapr extension.

Create the Dapr extension, which installs Dapr on your AKS or Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

For example, install the latest version of Dapr via the Dapr extension on your AKS cluster:

az k8s-extension create --cluster-type managedClusters \
--cluster-name <myAKSCluster> \
--resource-group <myResourceGroup> \
--name dapr \
--extension-type Microsoft.Dapr \
--auto-upgrade-minor-version false

Keep your managed AKS cluster updated to the latest version

Based on your environment (dev, test, or production), you can keep up-to-date with the latest stable Dapr versions.

Choosing a release train

When configuring the extension, you can choose to install Dapr from a particular release train. Specify one of the two release train values:

Value Description
stable Default.
dev Early releases that can contain experimental features. Not suitable for production.

For example:

--release-train stable

Configuring automatic updates to Dapr control plane


Auto-upgrade is not suitable for production environments. Only enable automatic updates to the Dapr control plane in dev or test environments. Learn how to manually upgrade to the latest Dapr version for production environments.

If you install Dapr without specifying a version, --auto-upgrade-minor-version is automatically enabled, configuring the Dapr control plane to automatically update its minor version on new releases.

You can disable auto-update by specifying the --auto-upgrade-minor-version parameter and setting the value to false.

Dapr versioning is in MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format, which means 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 is a minor version upgrade.

--auto-upgrade-minor-version true

Viewing the latest stable Dapr versions available

To upgrade to the latest Dapr version in a production environment, you need to manually upgrade. Start by viewing a list of the stable Dapr versions available to your managed AKS cluster. Run the following command:

az k8s-extension extension-types list-versions-by-cluster --resource-group <myResourceGroup> --cluster-name <myCluster> --cluster-type managedClusters --extension-type microsoft.dapr --release-train stable

To see the latest stable Dapr version available to your managed AKS cluster, run the following command:

az k8s-extension extension-types list-versions-by-cluster --resource-group <myResourceGroup> --cluster-name <myCluster> --cluster-type managedClusters --extension-type microsoft.dapr  --release-train stable --show-latest

To view a list of the stable Dapr versions available by location:

  1. Make sure you've registered the ExtenstionTypes feature to your Azure subscription.
  2. Run the following command.
az k8s-extension extension-types list-versions-by-location --location westus --extension-type microsoft.dapr

Next, manually update Dapr to the latest stable version.

Targeting a specific Dapr version


Dapr is supported with a rolling window, including only the current and previous versions. It is your operational responsibility to remain up to date with these supported versions. If you have an older version of Dapr, you may have to do intermediate upgrades to get to a supported version.

The same command-line argument is used for installing a specific version of Dapr or rolling back to a previous version. Set --auto-upgrade-minor-version to false and --version to the version of Dapr you wish to install. If the version parameter is omitted, the extension installs the latest version of Dapr. For example, to use Dapr 1.13.5:

az k8s-extension create --cluster-type managedClusters \
--cluster-name <myAKSCluster> \
--resource-group <myResourceGroup> \
--name dapr \
--extension-type Microsoft.Dapr \
--auto-upgrade-minor-version false \
--version 1.13.5

Troubleshooting extension errors

If the extension fails to create or update, try suggestions and solutions in the Dapr extension troubleshooting guide.

Troubleshooting Dapr

Troubleshoot Dapr errors via the common Dapr issues and solutions guide.

Delete the extension

If you need to delete the extension and remove Dapr from your AKS cluster, you can use the following command:

az k8s-extension delete --resource-group <myResourceGroup> --cluster-name <myAKSCluster> --cluster-type managedClusters --name dapr

Or you can remove the Bicep template.

Next Steps