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Migrate from .NET Application Insights SDKs to Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to migrate various .NET applications from using Application Insights software development kits (SDKs) to Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry.

Expect a similar experience with Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry instrumentation as with the Application Insights SDKs. For more information and a feature-by-feature comparison, see release state of features.

If you're getting started with Application Insights and don't need to migrate from the Classic API, see Enable Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry.


  • An ASP.NET Core web application already instrumented with Application Insights without any customizations
  • An actively supported version of .NET


Our product group is actively seeking feedback on this documentation. Provide feedback to or see the Support section.

Remove the Application Insights SDK


Before continuing with these steps, you should confirm that you have a current backup of your application.

  1. Remove NuGet packages

    Remove the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore package from your csproj.

    dotnet remove package Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore
  2. Remove Initialization Code and customizations

    Remove any references to Application Insights types in your codebase.


    After removing the Application Insights package, you can re-build your application to get a list of references that need to be removed.

    • Remove Application Insights from your ServiceCollection by deleting the following line:

    • Remove the ApplicationInsights section from your appsettings.json.

          "ApplicationInsights": {
              "ConnectionString": "<Your Connection String>"
  3. Clean and Build

    Inspect your bin directory to validate that all references to Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.* were removed.

  4. Test your application

    Verify that your application has no unexpected consequences.


Our product group is actively seeking feedback on this documentation. Provide feedback to or see the Support section.

Enable OpenTelemetry

We recommended creating a development resource and using its connection string when following these instructions.

Screenshot that shows the Application Insights overview and connection string.

Plan to update the connection string to send telemetry to the original resource after confirming migration is successful.

  1. Install the Azure Monitor Distro

    Our Azure Monitor Distro enables automatic telemetry by including OpenTelemetry instrumentation libraries for collecting traces, metrics, logs, and exceptions, and allows collecting custom telemetry.

    Installing the Azure Monitor Distro brings the OpenTelemetry SDK as a dependency.

    dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.AspNetCore
  2. Add and configure both OpenTelemetry and Azure Monitor

    The OpenTelemery SDK must be configured at application startup as part of your ServiceCollection, typically in the Program.cs.

    OpenTelemetry has a concept of three signals; Traces, Metrics, and Logs. The Azure Monitor Distro configures each of these signals.


The following code sample demonstrates the basics.

using Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

        // Call AddOpenTelemetry() to add OpenTelemetry to your ServiceCollection.
        // Call UseAzureMonitor() to fully configure OpenTelemetry.

        var app = builder.Build();
        app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");

We recommend setting your Connection String in an environment variable:


More options to configure the Connection String are detailed here: Configure the Application Insights Connection String.


Our product group is actively seeking feedback on this documentation. Provide feedback to or see the Support section.

Install and configure instrumentation libraries

Instrumentation libraries can be added to your project to auto collect telemetry about specific components or dependencies.

The following libraries are included in the Distro.

Customizing instrumentation libraries

The Azure Monitor Distro includes .NET OpenTelemetry instrumentation for ASP.NET Core, HttpClient, and SQLClient. You can customize these included instrumentations or manually add extra instrumentation on your own using the OpenTelemetry API.

Here are some examples of how to customize the instrumentation:

Customizing AspNetCoreTraceInstrumentationOptions
builder.Services.Configure<AspNetCoreTraceInstrumentationOptions>(options =>
    options.RecordException = true;
    options.Filter = (httpContext) =>
        // only collect telemetry about HTTP GET requests
        return HttpMethods.IsGet(httpContext.Request.Method);
Customizing HttpClientTraceInstrumentationOptions
builder.Services.Configure<HttpClientTraceInstrumentationOptions>(options =>
    options.RecordException = true;
    options.FilterHttpRequestMessage = (httpRequestMessage) =>
        // only collect telemetry about HTTP GET requests
        return HttpMethods.IsGet(httpRequestMessage.Method.Method);
Customizing SqlClientInstrumentationOptions

We vendor the SQLClient instrumentation within our package while it's still in beta. When it reaches a stable release, we include it as a standard package reference. Until then, to customize the SQLClient instrumentation, add the OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.SqlClient package reference to your project and use its public API.

dotnet add package --prerelease OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.SqlClient
builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry().UseAzureMonitor().WithTracing(builder =>
    builder.AddSqlClientInstrumentation(options =>
        options.SetDbStatementForStoredProcedure = false;

Configure Azure Monitor

Application Insights offered many more configuration options via ApplicationInsightsServiceOptions.

Application Insights Setting OpenTelemetry Alternative
AddAutoCollectedMetricExtractor N/A
ApplicationVersion Set "service.version" on Resource
ConnectionString See instructions on configuring the Connection String.
DependencyCollectionOptions N/A. To customize dependencies, review the available configuration options for applicable Instrumentation libraries.
DeveloperMode N/A
EnableActiveTelemetryConfigurationSetup N/A
EnableAdaptiveSampling N/A. Only fixed-rate sampling is supported.
EnableAppServicesHeartbeatTelemetryModule N/A
EnableAuthenticationTrackingJavaScript N/A
EnableAzureInstanceMetadataTelemetryModule N/A
EnableDependencyTrackingTelemetryModule See instructions on filtering Traces.
EnableDiagnosticsTelemetryModule N/A
EnableEventCounterCollectionModule N/A
EnableHeartbeat N/A
EnablePerformanceCounterCollectionModule N/A
EnableQuickPulseMetricStream AzureMonitorOptions.EnableLiveMetrics
EnableRequestTrackingTelemetryModule See instructions on filtering Traces.
EndpointAddress Use ConnectionString.
InstrumentationKey Use ConnectionString.
RequestCollectionOptions N/A. See OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore options.

Remove custom configurations

The following scenarios are optional and only apply to advanced users.

  • If you have any more references to the TelemetryClient, which could be used to manually record telemetry, they should be removed.

  • If you added any custom filtering or enrichment in the form of a custom TelemetryProcessor or TelemetryInitializer, they should be removed. They can be found in your ServiceCollection.

    builder.Services.AddSingleton<ITelemetryInitializer, MyCustomTelemetryInitializer>();
  • Remove JavaScript Snippet

    If you used the Snippet provided by the Application Insights .NET SDK, it must also be removed. For full code samples of what to remove, review the guide enable client-side telemetry for web applications.

    If you added the JavaScript SDK to collect client-side telemetry, it can also be removed although it continues to work without the .NET SDK. For full code samples of what to remove, review the onboarding guide for the JavaScript SDK.

  • Remove any Visual Studio Artifacts

    If you used Visual Studio to onboard to Application Insights, you could have more files left over in your project.

    • Properties/ServiceDependencies directory might have a reference to your Application Insights resource.


Our product group is actively seeking feedback on this documentation. Provide feedback to or see the Support section.

Frequently asked questions

This section is for customers who use telemetry initializers or processors, or write custom code against the classic Application Insights API to create custom telemetry.

How do the SDK API's map to OpenTelemetry concepts?

OpenTelemetry is a vendor neutral observability framework. There are no Application Insights APIs in the OpenTelemetry SDK or libraries. Before migrating, it's important to understand some of OpenTelemetry's concepts.

  • In Application Insights, all telemetry was managed through a single TelemetryClient and TelemetryConfiguration. In OpenTelemetry, each of the three telemetry signals (Traces, Metrics, and Logs) has its own configuration. You can manually create telemetry via the .NET runtime without external libraries. For more information, see the .NET guides on distributed tracing, metrics, and logging.

  • Application Insights used TelemetryModules to automatically collect telemetry for your application. Instead, OpenTelemetry uses Instrumentation libraries to collect telemetry from specific components (such as AspNetCore for Requests and HttpClient for Dependencies).

  • Application Insights used TelemetryInitializers to enrich telemetry with additional information or to override properties. With OpenTelemetry, you can write a Processor to customize a specific signal. Additionally, many OpenTelemetry Instrumentation libraries offer an Enrich method to customize the telemetry generated by that specific component.

  • Application Insights used TelemetryProcessors to filter telemetry. An OpenTelemetry Processor can also be used to apply filtering rules on a specific signal.

How do Application Insights telemetry types map to OpenTelemetry?

This table maps Application Insights data types to OpenTelemetry concepts and their .NET implementations.

Azure Monitor Table Application Insights DataType OpenTelemetry DataType .NET Implementation
customEvents EventTelemetry N/A N/A
customMetrics MetricTelemetry Metrics System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter
dependencies DependencyTelemetry Spans (Client, Internal, Consumer) System.Diagnostics.Activity
exceptions ExceptionTelemetry Exceptions System.Exception
requests RequestTelemetry Spans (Server, Producer) System.Diagnostics.Activity
traces TraceTelemetry Logs Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger

The following documents provide more information.

How do Application Insights sampling concepts map to OpenTelemetry?

While Application Insights offered multiple options to configure sampling, Azure Monitor Exporter or Azure Monitor Distro only offers fixed rate sampling. Only Requests and Dependencies (OpenTelemetry Traces) can be sampled.

For code samples detailing how to configure sampling, see our guide Enable Sampling

How do Telemetry Processors and Initializers map to OpenTelemetry?

In the Application Insights .NET SDK, use telemetry processors to filter and modify or discard telemetry. Use telemetry initializers to add or modify custom properties. For more information, see the Azure Monitor documentation. OpenTelemetry replaces these concepts with activity or log processors, which enrich and filter telemetry.

Filtering Traces

To filter telemetry data in OpenTelemetry, you can implement an activity processor. This example is equivalent to the Application Insights example for filtering telemetry data as described in Azure Monitor documentation. The example illustrates where unsuccessful dependency calls are filtered.

using System.Diagnostics;
using OpenTelemetry;

internal sealed class SuccessfulDependencyFilterProcessor : BaseProcessor<Activity>
    public override void OnEnd(Activity activity)
        if (!OKtoSend(activity))
            activity.ActivityTraceFlags &= ~ActivityTraceFlags.Recorded;

    private bool OKtoSend(Activity activity)
        return activity.Kind == ActivityKind.Client && activity.Status == ActivityStatusCode.Ok;

To use this processor, you need to create a TracerProvider and add the processor before AddAzureMonitorTraceExporter.

using OpenTelemetry.Trace;

public static void Main()
    var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
        .AddProcessor(new SuccessfulDependencyFilterProcessor())

Filtering Logs

ILogger implementations have a built-in mechanism to apply log filtering. This filtering lets you control the logs that are sent to each registered provider, including the OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider. "OpenTelemetry" is the alias for OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider, used in configuring filtering rules.

The following example defines "Error" as the default LogLevel and also defines "Warning" as the minimum LogLevel for a user defined category. These rules as defined only apply to the OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider.

builder.AddFilter<OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider>("*", LogLevel.Error);
builder.AddFilter<OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider>("MyProduct.MyLibrary.MyClass", LogLevel.Warning);

For more information, please read the OpenTelemetry .NET documentation on logs.

Adding Custom Properties to Traces

In OpenTelemetry, you can use activity processors to enrich telemetry data with more properties. It's similar to using telemetry initializers in Application Insights, where you can modify telemetry properties.

By default, Azure Monitor Exporter flags any HTTP request with a response code of 400 or greater as failed. However, if you want to treat 400 as a success, you can add an enriching activity processor that sets the success on the activity and adds a tag to include more telemetry properties. It's similar to adding or modifying properties using an initializer in Application Insights as described in Azure Monitor documentation.

Here's an example of how to add custom properties and override the default behavior for certain response codes:

using System.Diagnostics;
using OpenTelemetry;

/// <summary>
/// Custom Processor that overrides the default behavior of treating response codes >= 400 as failed requests.
/// </summary>
internal class MyEnrichingProcessor : BaseProcessor<Activity>
    public override void OnEnd(Activity activity)
        if (activity.Kind == ActivityKind.Server)
            int responseCode = GetResponseCode(activity);

            if (responseCode >= 400 && responseCode < 500)
                // If we set the Success property, the SDK won't change it

                // Allow to filter these requests in the portal
                activity.SetTag("Overridden400s", "true");

            // else leave the SDK to set the Success property

    private int GetResponseCode(Activity activity)
        foreach (ref readonly var tag in activity.EnumerateTagObjects())
            if (tag.Key == "http.response.status_code" && tag.Value is int value)
                return value;

        return 0;

To use this processor, you need to create a TracerProvider and add the processor before AddAzureMonitorTraceExporter.

using OpenTelemetry.Trace;

public static void Main()
    var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
        .AddProcessor(new MyEnrichingProcessor())

How do I manually track telemetry using OpenTelemetry?

Sending Traces - Manual

Traces in Application Insights are stored as RequestTelemetry and DependencyTelemetry. In OpenTelemetry, traces are modeled as Span using the Activity class.

OpenTelemetry .NET utilizes the ActivitySource and Activity classes for tracing, which are part of the .NET runtime. This approach is distinctive because the .NET implementation integrates the tracing API directly into the runtime itself. The System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource package allows developers to use ActivitySource to create and manage Activity instances. This method provides a seamless way to add tracing to .NET applications without relying on external libraries, applying the built-in capabilities of the .NET ecosystem. For more detailed information, refer to the distributed tracing instrumentation walkthroughs.

Here's how to migrate manual tracing:


In Application Insights, the role name and role instance could be set at a per-telemetry level. However, with the Azure Monitor Exporter, we cannot customize at a per-telemetry level. The role name and role instance are extracted from the OpenTelemetry resource and applied across all telemetry. Please read this document for more information: Set the cloud role name and the cloud role instance.


Application Insights DependencyTelemetry is used to model outgoing requests. Here's how to convert it to OpenTelemetry:

Application Insights Example:

DependencyTelemetry dep = new DependencyTelemetry
   Name = "DependencyName",
   Data = "",
   Type = "Http",
   Target = "",
   Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
   ResultCode = "500",
   Success = false

dep.Context.Cloud.RoleName = "MyRole";
dep.Context.Cloud.RoleInstance = "MyRoleInstance";
dep.Properties["customprop1"] = "custom value1";

OpenTelemetry Example:

var activitySource = new ActivitySource("Company.Product.Name");
var resourceAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>
   { "", "MyRole" },
   { "", "MyRoleInstance" }

var resourceBuilder = ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault().AddAttributes(resourceAttributes);

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()

// Emit traces
using (var activity = activitySource.StartActivity("DependencyName", ActivityKind.Client))
  activity?.SetTag("url.full", "");
  activity?.SetTag("server.address", "");
  activity?.SetTag("http.request.method", "GET");
  activity?.SetTag("http.response.status_code", "500");
  activity?.SetTag("customprop1", "custom value1");


Application Insights RequestTelemetry models incoming requests. Here's how to migrate it to OpenTelemetry:

Application Insights Example:

RequestTelemetry req = new RequestTelemetry
   Name = "RequestName",
   Url = new Uri(""),
   Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
   ResponseCode = "200",
   Success = true,
   Properties = { ["customprop1"] = "custom value1" }

req.Context.Cloud.RoleName = "MyRole";
req.Context.Cloud.RoleInstance = "MyRoleInstance";

OpenTelemetry Example:

var activitySource = new ActivitySource("Company.Product.Name");
var resourceAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>
   { "", "MyRole" },
   { "", "MyRoleInstance" }

var resourceBuilder = ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault().AddAttributes(resourceAttributes);

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()

// Emit traces
using (var activity = activitySource.StartActivity("RequestName", ActivityKind.Server))
  activity?.SetTag("url.scheme", "https");
  activity?.SetTag("server.address", "");
  activity?.SetTag("url.path", "/");
  activity?.SetTag("http.response.status_code", "200");
  activity?.SetTag("customprop1", "custom value1");

Custom Operations Tracking

In Application Insights, track custom operations using StartOperation and StopOperation methods. Achieve it using ActivitySource and Activity in OpenTelemetry .NET. For operations with ActivityKind.Server and ActivityKind.Consumer, Azure Monitor Exporter generates RequestTelemetry. For ActivityKind.Client, ActivityKind.Producer, and ActivityKind.Internal, it generates DependencyTelemetry. For more information on custom operations tracking, see the Azure Monitor documentation. For more on using ActivitySource and Activity in .NET, see the .NET distributed tracing instrumentation walkthroughs.

Here's an example of how to start and stop an activity for custom operations:

using System.Diagnostics;
using OpenTelemetry;

var activitySource = new ActivitySource("Company.Product.Name");

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()

// Start a new activity
using (var activity = activitySource.StartActivity("CustomOperation", ActivityKind.Server))
    activity?.SetTag("customTag", "customValue");

    // Perform your custom operation logic here

    // No need to explicitly call Activity.Stop() because the using block automatically disposes the Activity object, which stops it.

Sending Logs

Logs in Application Insights are stored as TraceTelemetry and ExceptionTelemetry.


In OpenTelemetry, logging is integrated via the ILogger interface. Here's how to migrate TraceTelemetry:

Application Insights Example:

TraceTelemetry traceTelemetry = new TraceTelemetry
   Message = "hello from tomato 2.99",
   SeverityLevel = SeverityLevel.Warning,

traceTelemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleName = "MyRole";
traceTelemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleInstance = "MyRoleInstance";

OpenTelemetry Example:

var resourceAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>
   { "", "MyRole" },
   { "", "MyRoleInstance" }

var resourceBuilder = ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault().AddAttributes(resourceAttributes);

using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder
   .AddOpenTelemetry(logging =>

// Create a new instance `ILogger` from the above LoggerFactory
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();

// Use the logger instance to write a new log
logger.FoodPrice("tomato", 2.99);

internal static partial class LoggerExtensions
    [LoggerMessage(LogLevel.Warning, "Hello from `{name}` `{price}`.")]
    public static partial void FoodPrice(this ILogger logger, string name, double price);

Application Insights uses ExceptionTelemetry to log exceptions. Here's how to migrate to OpenTelemetry:

Application Insights Example:

ExceptionTelemetry exceptionTelemetry = new ExceptionTelemetry(new Exception("Test exception"))
    SeverityLevel = SeverityLevel.Error

exceptionTelemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleName = "MyRole";
exceptionTelemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleInstance = "MyRoleInstance";
exceptionTelemetry.Properties["customprop1"] = "custom value1";

OpenTelemetry Example:

var resourceAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>
   { "", "MyRole" },
   { "", "MyRoleInstance" }

var resourceBuilder = ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault().AddAttributes(resourceAttributes);

using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder
   .AddOpenTelemetry(logging =>

// Create a new instance `ILogger` from the above LoggerFactory.
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();

    // Simulate exception
    throw new Exception("Test exception");
catch (Exception ex)
    logger?.LogError(ex, "An error occurred");

Sending Metrics

Metrics in Application Insights are stored as MetricTelemetry. In OpenTelemetry, metrics are modeled as Meter from the System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource package.

Application Insights has both non-pre-aggregating (TrackMetric()) and preaggregating (GetMetric().TrackValue()) Metric APIs. Unlike OpenTelemetry, Application Insights has no notion of Instruments. Application Insights has the same API for all the metric scenarios.

OpenTelemetry, on the other hand, requires users to first pick the right metric instrument based on the actual semantics of the metric. For example, if the intention is to count something (like the number of total server requests received, etc.), OpenTelemetry Counter should be used. If the intention is to calculate various percentiles (like the P99 value of server latency), then OpenTelemetry Histogram instrument should be used. Due to this fundamental difference between Application Insights and OpenTelemetry, no direct comparison is made between them.

Unlike Application Insights, OpenTelemetry doesn't provide built-in mechanisms to enrich or filter metrics. In Application Insights, telemetry processors and initializers could be used to modify or discard metrics, but this capability isn't available in OpenTelemetry.

Additionally, OpenTelemetry doesn't support sending raw metrics directly, as there's no equivalent to the TrackMetric() functionality found in Application Insights.

Migrating from Application Insights to OpenTelemetry involves replacing all Application Insights Metric API usages with the OpenTelemetry API. It requires understanding the various OpenTelemetry Instruments and their semantics.


The histogram is the most versatile and the closest equivalent to the Application Insights GetMetric().TrackValue() API. You can replace Application Insights Metric APIs with Histogram to achieve the same purpose.

Other Telemetry Types


Not supported in OpenTelemetry.

Application Insights Example:


Not supported in OpenTelemetry.

Application Insights Example:


Not supported in OpenTelemetry.

Application Insights Example:


Can I get live metrics for console and worker service applications?

We recommend the Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Exporter for console and worker service applications, which does not include live metrics.

Next steps


Our product group is actively seeking feedback on this documentation. Provide feedback to or see the Support section.
