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AspNetUserManager<TUser> Class


Provides the APIs for managing user in a persistence store.

generic <typename TUser>
 where TUser : classpublic ref class AspNetUserManager : Microsoft::AspNetCore::Identity::UserManager<TUser>, IDisposable
public class AspNetUserManager<TUser> : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager<TUser>, IDisposable where TUser : class
type AspNetUserManager<'User (requires 'User : null)> = class
    inherit UserManager<'User (requires 'User : null)>
    interface IDisposable
Public Class AspNetUserManager(Of TUser)
Inherits UserManager(Of TUser)
Implements IDisposable

Type Parameters


The type encapsulating a user.



AspNetUserManager<TUser>(IUserStore<TUser>, IOptions<IdentityOptions>, IPasswordHasher<TUser>, IEnumerable<IUserValidator<TUser>>, IEnumerable<IPasswordValidator<TUser>>, ILookupNormalizer, IdentityErrorDescriber, IServiceProvider, ILogger<UserManager<TUser>>)

Constructs a new instance of AspNetUserManager<TUser>.



The data protection purpose used for the change phone number methods.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

The data protection purpose used for the email confirmation related methods.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

The data protection purpose used for the reset password related methods.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)



The cancellation token associated with the current HttpContext.RequestAborted or CancellationToken.None if unavailable.


The IdentityErrorDescriber used to generate error messages.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

The ILookupNormalizer used to normalize things like user and role names.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

The ILogger used to log messages from the manager.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

The IdentityOptions used to configure Identity.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

The IPasswordHasher<TUser> used to hash passwords.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

The IPasswordValidator<TUser> used to validate passwords.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets or sets the persistence store the manager operates over.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports returning IQueryable collections of information.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports authentication tokens.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports a user authenticator.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports user claims.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports user emails.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports user lock-outs.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports external logins.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports user passwords.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports user telephone numbers.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports user roles.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports security stamps.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports two factor authentication.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the backing user store supports recovery codes.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns an IQueryable of users if the store is an IQueryableUserStore

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

The IUserValidator<TUser> used to validate users.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)



Increments the access failed count for the user as an asynchronous operation. If the failed access account is greater than or equal to the configured maximum number of attempts, the user will be locked out for the configured lockout time span.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
AddClaimAsync(TUser, Claim)

Adds the specified claim to the user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
AddClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>)

Adds the specified claims to the user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
AddLoginAsync(TUser, UserLoginInfo)

Adds an external UserLoginInfo to the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
AddPasswordAsync(TUser, String)

Adds the password to the specified user only if the user does not already have a password.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
AddToRoleAsync(TUser, String)

Add the specified user to the named role.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
AddToRolesAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<String>)

Add the specified user to the named roles.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
ChangeEmailAsync(TUser, String, String)

Updates a users emails if the specified email change token is valid for the user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
ChangePasswordAsync(TUser, String, String)

Changes a user's password after confirming the specified currentPassword is correct, as an asynchronous operation.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
ChangePhoneNumberAsync(TUser, String, String)

Sets the phone number for the specified user if the specified change token is valid.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
CheckPasswordAsync(TUser, String)

Returns a flag indicating whether the given password is valid for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
ConfirmEmailAsync(TUser, String)

Validates that an email confirmation token matches the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns how many recovery code are still valid for a user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
CreateAsync(TUser, String)

Creates the specified user in the backing store with given password, as an asynchronous operation.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Creates the specified user in the backing store with no password, as an asynchronous operation.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Creates bytes to use as a security token from the user's security stamp.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Generate a new recovery code.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Deletes the specified user from the backing store.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Releases all resources used by the user manager.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Releases the unmanaged resources used by the role manager and optionally releases the managed resources.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets the user, if any, associated with the normalized value of the specified email address. Note: Its recommended that identityOptions.User.RequireUniqueEmail be set to true when using this method, otherwise the store may throw if there are users with duplicate emails.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified userId.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
FindByLoginAsync(String, String)

Retrieves the user associated with the specified external login provider and login provider key.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified user name.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
GenerateChangeEmailTokenAsync(TUser, String)

Generates an email change token for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
GenerateChangePhoneNumberTokenAsync(TUser, String)

Generates a telephone number change token for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Generates a value suitable for use in concurrency tracking.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Generates an email confirmation token for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Generates a new base32 encoded 160-bit security secret (size of SHA1 hash).

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
GenerateNewTwoFactorRecoveryCodesAsync(TUser, Int32)

Generates recovery codes for the user, this invalidates any previous recovery codes for the user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Generates a password reset token for the specified user, using the configured password reset token provider.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
GenerateTwoFactorTokenAsync(TUser, String)

Gets a two factor authentication token for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
GenerateUserTokenAsync(TUser, String, String)

Generates a token for the given user and purpose.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Retrieves the current number of failed accesses for the given user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
GetAuthenticationTokenAsync(TUser, String, String)

Returns an authentication token for a user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns the authenticator key for the user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a list of Claims to be belonging to the specified user as an asynchronous operation.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets the email address for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Retrieves a flag indicating whether user lockout can be enabled for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets the last DateTimeOffset a user's last lockout expired, if any. A time value in the past indicates a user is not currently locked out.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Retrieves the associated logins for the specified .

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets the telephone number, if any, for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a list of role names the specified user belongs to.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Get the security stamp for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns a flag indicating whether the specified user has two factor authentication enabled or not, as an asynchronous operation.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns the user corresponding to the IdentityOptions.ClaimsIdentity.UserIdClaimType claim in the principal or null.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns the User ID claim value if present otherwise returns null.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets the user identifier for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns the Name claim value if present otherwise returns null.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets the user name for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns a list of users from the user store who have the specified claim.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns a list of users from the user store who are members of the specified roleName.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a list of valid two factor token providers for the specified user, as an asynchronous operation.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the specified user has a password.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the email address for the specified user has been verified, true if the email address is verified otherwise false.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
IsInRoleAsync(TUser, String)

Returns a flag indicating whether the specified user is a member of the given named role.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Returns a flag indicating whether the specified user is locked out, as an asynchronous operation.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Gets a flag indicating whether the specified user's telephone number has been confirmed.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Normalize email for consistent comparisons.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Normalize a key (user name, email) for consistent comparisons.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Normalize user or role name for consistent comparisons.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
RedeemTwoFactorRecoveryCodeAsync(TUser, String)

Returns whether a recovery code is valid for a user. Note: recovery codes are only valid once, and will be invalid after use.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
RegisterTokenProvider(String, IUserTwoFactorTokenProvider<TUser>)

Registers a token provider.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
RemoveAuthenticationTokenAsync(TUser, String, String)

Remove an authentication token for a user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
RemoveClaimAsync(TUser, Claim)

Removes the specified claim from the given user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
RemoveClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>)

Removes the specified claims from the given user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
RemoveFromRoleAsync(TUser, String)

Removes the specified user from the named role.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
RemoveFromRolesAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<String>)

Removes the specified user from the named roles.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
RemoveLoginAsync(TUser, String, String)

Attempts to remove the provided external login information from the specified user. and returns a flag indicating whether the removal succeed or not.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
RemovePasswordAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Removes a user's password.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Removes a user's password.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser, Claim, Claim)

Replaces the given claim on the specified user with the newClaim

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Resets the access failed count for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Resets the authenticator key for the user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
ResetPasswordAsync(TUser, String, String)

Resets the user's password to the specified newPassword after validating the given password reset token.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
SetAuthenticationTokenAsync(TUser, String, String, String)

Sets an authentication token for a user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
SetEmailAsync(TUser, String)

Sets the email address for a user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
SetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, Boolean)

Sets a flag indicating whether the specified user can be locked out, as an asynchronous operation.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
SetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>)

Locks out a user until the specified end date has passed. Setting a end date in the past immediately unlocks a user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
SetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser, String)

Sets the phone number for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
SetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser, Boolean)

Sets a flag indicating whether the specified user has two factor authentication enabled or not, as an asynchronous operation.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
SetUserNameAsync(TUser, String)

Sets the given userName for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Throws if this class has been disposed.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Updates the specified user in the backing store.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Updates the normalized email for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Updates the normalized user name for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
UpdatePasswordHash(TUser, String, Boolean)

Updates a user's password hash.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Regenerates the security stamp for the specified user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Called to update the user after validating and updating the normalized email/user name.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
ValidatePasswordAsync(TUser, String)

Should return Success if validation is successful. This is called before updating the password hash.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Should return Success if validation is successful. This is called before saving the user via Create or Update.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
VerifyChangePhoneNumberTokenAsync(TUser, String, String)

Returns a flag indicating whether the specified user's phone number change verification token is valid for the given phoneNumber.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
VerifyPasswordAsync(IUserPasswordStore<TUser>, TUser, String)

Returns a PasswordVerificationResult indicating the result of a password hash comparison.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
VerifyTwoFactorTokenAsync(TUser, String, String)

Verifies the specified two factor authentication token against the user.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)
VerifyUserTokenAsync(TUser, String, String, String)

Returns a flag indicating whether the specified token is valid for the given user and purpose.

(Inherited from UserManager<TUser>)

Applies to