
Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

ContractReference.DocRef Property


Gets or sets the URL for a XML Web service implementing the service description referenced in the Ref property.

 property System::String ^ DocRef { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string DocRef { get; set; }
member this.DocRef : string with get, set
Public Property DocRef As String

Property Value

The URL for a XML Web service implementing the Service Description referenced in the Ref property.


The following code example sets the DocRef property of ContractReference.

// Call the Constructor of ContractReference.
ContractReference^ myContractReference = gcnew ContractReference;
XmlDocument^ myXmlDocument = gcnew XmlDocument;

// Read the discovery document for the 'contractRef' tag.
myXmlDocument->Load( "http://localhost/Discoverydoc.disco" );
XmlNode^ myXmlRoot = myXmlDocument->FirstChild;
XmlNode^ myXmlNode = myXmlRoot[ "scl:contractRef" ];
XmlAttributeCollection^ myAttributeCollection = myXmlNode->Attributes;
myContractReference->Ref = myAttributeCollection[ 0 ]->Value;
Console::WriteLine( "The URL to the referenced service description is : {0}", myContractReference->Ref );
myContractReference->DocRef = myAttributeCollection[ 1 ]->Value;
Console::WriteLine( "The URL implementing the referenced service description is : {0}", myContractReference->DocRef );
// Call the Constructor of ContractReference.
ContractReference myContractReference = new ContractReference();
XmlDocument myXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

// Read the discovery document for the 'contractRef' tag.

XmlNode myXmlRoot = myXmlDocument.FirstChild;
XmlNode myXmlNode = myXmlRoot["scl:contractRef"];
XmlAttributeCollection myAttributeCollection = myXmlNode.Attributes;

myContractReference.Ref = myAttributeCollection[0].Value;
Console.WriteLine("The URL to the referenced service description is : {0}",myContractReference.Ref);
myContractReference.DocRef = myAttributeCollection[1].Value;
Console.WriteLine("The URL implementing the referenced service description is : {0}",myContractReference.DocRef);
' Call the Constructor of ContractReference.
Dim myContractReference As New ContractReference()
Dim myXmlDocument As New XmlDocument()

' Read the discovery document for the 'contractRef' tag.

Dim myXmlRoot As XmlNode = myXmlDocument.FirstChild
Dim myXmlNode As XmlNode = myXmlRoot("scl:contractRef")
Dim myAttributeCollection As XmlAttributeCollection = myXmlNode.Attributes

myContractReference.Ref = myAttributeCollection(0).Value
Console.WriteLine("The URL to the referenced service description is : {0}", myContractReference.Ref)
myContractReference.DocRef = myAttributeCollection(1).Value
Console.WriteLine("The URL implementing the referenced service description is : {0}", myContractReference.DocRef)


Within a discovery document, a reference to a Service Description is contained within a contractRef XML element. The contractRef XML element has two attributes described in the following table.

Attribute Description
ref The URL for the service description. The Ref property represents the value of the ref attribute.
docRef The URL for a XML Web service implementing the service description specified by the ref attribute. The DocRef property represents the value of the docRef attribute.

Applies to

See also