
Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

BindingSource.Add(Object) Method


Adds an existing item to the internal list.

 virtual int Add(System::Object ^ value);
public virtual int Add (object value);
public virtual int Add (object? value);
abstract member Add : obj -> int
override this.Add : obj -> int
Public Overridable Function Add (value As Object) As Integer



An Object to be added to the internal list.


The zero-based index at which value was added to the underlying list represented by the List property.



value differs in type from the existing items in the underlying list.


The following code example how to use the Add method. To run this example, paste the code into a Windows Form, and call the PopulateBindingSourceWithFonts method from the form's constructor.

  public BindingSource bindingSource1 = new BindingSource();
  TextBox box1 = new TextBox();

  private void PopulateBindingSourceWithFonts()
      bindingSource1.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(bindingSource1_CurrentChanged);
      bindingSource1.Add(new Font(FontFamily.Families[2], 8.0F));
      bindingSource1.Add(new Font(FontFamily.Families[4], 9.0F));
      bindingSource1.Add(new Font(FontFamily.Families[6], 10.0F));
      bindingSource1.Add(new Font(FontFamily.Families[8], 11.0F));
      bindingSource1.Add(new Font(FontFamily.Families[10], 12.0F));
      DataGridView view1 = new DataGridView();
      view1.DataSource = bindingSource1;
      view1.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
      view1.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
      box1.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
      box1.Text = "Sample Text";
      box1.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindingSource1, "Name");
      view1.Columns[7].DisplayIndex = 0;

  void bindingSource1_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
      box1.Font = (Font)bindingSource1.Current;
 Private WithEvents bindingSource1 As New BindingSource()
 Private box1 As New TextBox()

 Private Sub PopulateBindingSourceWithFonts()
     bindingSource1.Add(New Font(FontFamily.Families(2), 8.0F))
     bindingSource1.Add(New Font(FontFamily.Families(4), 9.0F))
     bindingSource1.Add(New Font(FontFamily.Families(6), 10.0F))
     bindingSource1.Add(New Font(FontFamily.Families(8), 11.0F))
     bindingSource1.Add(New Font(FontFamily.Families(10), 12.0F))
     Dim view1 As New DataGridView()
     view1.DataSource = bindingSource1
     view1.AutoGenerateColumns = True
     view1.Dock = DockStyle.Top
     box1.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
     box1.Text = "Sample Text"
     view1.Columns("Name").DisplayIndex = 0
     box1.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindingSource1, "Name")
 End Sub
 Sub bindingSource1_CurrentChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
     Handles bindingSource1.CurrentChanged
     box1.Font = CType(bindingSource1.Current, Font)
 End Sub


The Add method refers the call to the underlying list's Add method.

The internal list must contain homogenous types. If the DataSource property has not already been set, then the first object added to the list defines the type for the list.

This method raises the ListChanged event.

Applies to

See also