
Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

DataGridTextBoxColumn.Edit Method


Prepares a cell for editing.

protected public:
 override void Edit(System::Windows::Forms::CurrencyManager ^ source, int rowNum, System::Drawing::Rectangle bounds, bool readOnly, System::String ^ instantText, bool cellIsVisible);
protected public:
 override void Edit(System::Windows::Forms::CurrencyManager ^ source, int rowNum, System::Drawing::Rectangle bounds, bool readOnly, System::String ^ displayText, bool cellIsVisible);
protected internal override void Edit (System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds, bool readOnly, string instantText, bool cellIsVisible);
protected internal override void Edit (System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds, bool readOnly, string displayText, bool cellIsVisible);
override this.Edit : System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager * int * System.Drawing.Rectangle * bool * string * bool -> unit
override this.Edit : System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager * int * System.Drawing.Rectangle * bool * string * bool -> unit
Protected Friend Overrides Sub Edit (source As CurrencyManager, rowNum As Integer, bounds As Rectangle, readOnly As Boolean, instantText As String, cellIsVisible As Boolean)
Protected Friend Overrides Sub Edit (source As CurrencyManager, rowNum As Integer, bounds As Rectangle, readOnly As Boolean, displayText As String, cellIsVisible As Boolean)



The CurrencyManager of the DataGrid control the column belongs to.


The row number in this column being edited.


The bounding Rectangle in which the control is to be sited.


A value indicating whether the column is a read-only. true if the value is read-only; otherwise, false.


The text to display in the control.


A value indicating whether the cell is visible. true if the cell is visible; otherwise, false.


The following example uses the Edit method to change the text of a clicked cell in the DataGrid control.

public ref class MyGridColumn: public DataGridTextBoxColumn
   void EditCol( CurrencyManager^ cm, int rowNum, Rectangle cellRect, bool readOnly, String^ myString, bool isVisible )
      this->Edit( cm, rowNum, cellRect, readOnly, myString, isVisible );


public ref class Form1: public Form
   DataGrid^ dataGrid1;
   DataSet^ myDataSet;
   void dataGrid1_MouseDown( Object^ sender, MouseEventArgs^ e )
      // Use the HitTest method to get a HitTestInfo object.
      DataGrid::HitTestInfo ^ hi;
      DataGrid^ grid = dynamic_cast<DataGrid^>(sender);
      hi = grid->HitTest( e->X, e->Y );
      // Test if the clicked area was a cell.
      if ( hi->Type == DataGrid::HitTestType::Cell )
         // If it's a cell, get the GridTable and CurrencyManager of the
         // clicked table.         
         DataGridTableStyle^ dgt = dataGrid1->TableStyles[ 0 ];
         CurrencyManager^ cm = dynamic_cast<CurrencyManager^>(this->BindingContext[ myDataSet->Tables[ dgt->MappingName ] ]);
         // Get the Rectangle of the clicked cell.
         Rectangle cellRect = grid->GetCellBounds( hi->Row, hi->Column );
         // Get the clicked DataGridTextBoxColumn.
         MyGridColumn^ gridCol = dynamic_cast<MyGridColumn^>(dgt->GridColumnStyles[ hi->Column ]);
         // Edit the value.
         gridCol->EditCol( cm, hi->Row, cellRect, false, "New Text", true );

public class Form1: Form
protected DataGrid dataGrid1;
protected DataSet myDataSet;

private void dataGrid1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    // Use the HitTest method to get a HitTestInfo object.
    DataGrid.HitTestInfo hi;   
    DataGrid grid = (DataGrid)sender;
    hi=grid.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
    // Test if the clicked area was a cell.
    if (hi.Type == DataGrid.HitTestType.Cell)
       // If it's a cell, get the GridTable and CurrencyManager of the
       // clicked table.         
       DataGridTableStyle dgt = dataGrid1.TableStyles[0];     
       CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager)
       // Get the Rectangle of the clicked cell.
       Rectangle cellRect = grid.GetCellBounds(hi.Row, hi.Column);
       // Get the clicked DataGridTextBoxColumn.
       MyGridColumn gridCol =
       // Edit the value.
       gridCol.EditCol(cm, hi.Row, cellRect, false, "New Text", true);

public class MyGridColumn:DataGridTextBoxColumn{
   public void EditCol(CurrencyManager cm, int rowNum, 
      Rectangle cellRect, bool readOnly, 
      string myString, bool isVisible){
      this.Edit(cm, rowNum, cellRect, readOnly, myString, isVisible);
Public Class Form1
   Inherits Form
   Protected dataGrid1 As DataGrid
   Protected myDataSet As DataSet
    Private Sub dataGrid1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        ' Use the HitTest method to get a HitTestInfo object.
        Dim hi As DataGrid.HitTestInfo
        Dim grid As DataGrid = CType(sender, DataGrid)
        hi = grid.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)
        ' Test if the clicked area was a cell.
        If hi.Type = DataGrid.HitTestType.Cell Then
            ' If it's a cell, get the GridTable and CurrencyManager of the
            ' clicked table.         
            Dim dgt As DataGridTableStyle = dataGrid1.TableStyles(0)
            Dim cm As CurrencyManager = CType _
            (Me.BindingContext(myDataSet.Tables(dgt.MappingName)), _
            ' Get the Rectangle of the clicked cell.
            Dim cellRect As Rectangle = _
            grid.GetCellBounds(hi.Row, hi.Column)
            ' Get the clicked DataGridTextBoxColumn.
            Dim gridCol As MyGridColumn = CType _
            (dgt.GridColumnStyles(hi.Column), MyGridColumn)
            ' Edit the value.
            gridCol.EditCol(cm, hi.Row, cellRect, False, "New Text", True)
        End If
    End Sub
End Class 

Public Class MyGridColumn
Inherits DataGridTextBoxColumn
   Public Sub EditCol(cm As CurrencyManager , rowNum As integer , _
   cellRect As Rectangle , bReadOnly As Boolean , _
   myString As String , isVisible As Boolean )
      me.Edit(cm, rowNum, cellRect, bReadOnly, myString, isVisible)
   End Sub
End Class


The Edit sites a TextBox control on the grid at the location of the cell being edited. The method is called by the DataGrid class's BeginEdit method when an editing operation is about to begin.

Applies to

See also