Intelligens alkalmazások létrehozása
márc. 17. 21 - márc. 21. 10
Csatlakozzon a meetup sorozathoz, hogy valós használati esetek alapján, skálázható AI-megoldásokat hozzon létre más fejlesztőkkel és szakértőkkel.
RegisztrációEzt a böngészőt már nem támogatjuk.
Frissítsen a Microsoft Edge-re, hogy kihasználhassa a legújabb funkciókat, a biztonsági frissítéseket és a technikai támogatást.
Microsoft Graph offers two API sets that arrange and join online meetings on Microsoft Teams or Skype:
The choice is between:
Choose the calendar API for a streamlined, built-in integration with Outlook calendar that results in an online meeting event in the Outlook calendar:
Integration with Outlook calendar assumes an administrator has set up Outlook for online meetings. Verify the support before using the API.
Choose the cloud communications API for flexibility and broader programmatic support:
The following table details the differences at the API level.
Online meeting feature | Calendar API (event resource) | Cloud communications API (onlineMeeting resource) |
Main API members | event resource: - isOnlineMeeting property - onlineMeeting property of the onlineMeetingInfo type - onlineMeetingProvider property calendar resource: - allowedOnlineMeetingProviders property - defaultOnlineMeetingProvider property |
onlineMeeting resource audioConferencing resource |
Integration with a calendar item | - Create or update event API automatically sets the resultant Outlook calendar event as an online meeting. - Use the isOnlineMeeting, onlineMeeting, and onlineMeetingProvider properties of the returned Outlook calendar event. |
- Create API returns an onlineMeeting resource that is independent of a particular calendar type. - Does not create or update any Outlook event. - Integrate the returned onlineMeeting resource information in an app experience appropriate for your scenario. - Use createOrGet to return an online meeting that has a specified externalId value, or create one if none already exists, to streamline embedding the resultant meeting in a third-party calendar. |
Changing to offline meeting | - No - once you enable an event for joining online, you cannot update it to make it an offline meeting. - Cannot change the onlineMeetingProvider property, nor set isOnlineMeeting to false to disable the meeting online. |
No - once you create an onlineMeeting resource, you can only delete it but cannot change it to an offline meeting. |
Locale-based join information | No direct API integration. | - Use the Accept-Language HTTP header when creating an online meeting. - See example. |
Joining over Internet (VoIP) | Through the onlineMeeting property, access joinUrl. | Use the joinWebUrl property. |
Joining by dial-in | Through the onlineMeeting property, access: - conferenceId, quickDial, phones, tollFreeNumbers, tollNumber. |
Through the audioConferencing property, access: - conferenceId, tollFreeNumber, tollNumber. - dialinUrl property for an externally-accessible web page that contains dial-in info to facilitate integration with third-party apps. |
Joining by video conferencing (audio and video) | No direct API integration. | Use the videoTeleconferenceId property. |
Meeting lobby and automating attendee admission into online meeting | - No direct API integration. - In the injected join-Teams-meeting blob of the event, attendee can click a Meeting options link to access meeting lobby, if enabled by the administrator. |
- API differentiates attendees from the organizer’s company and federated companies, and other attendees including anonymous ones. - Use the lobbyBypassSettings property. |
Relating to a Teams chat | No direct API integration. | Use the chatInfo property. |
Intelligens alkalmazások létrehozása
márc. 17. 21 - márc. 21. 10
Csatlakozzon a meetup sorozathoz, hogy valós használati esetek alapján, skálázható AI-megoldásokat hozzon létre más fejlesztőkkel és szakértőkkel.
Introduction to Teams meetings and calling - Training
Introduction to Teams meetings and calling
Microsoft 365 Certified: Együttműködés Kommunikációs Rendszermérnök Társmunkatárs - Certifications
A Microsoft Teams Phone, értekezletek és minősített eszközök konfigurálására, üzembe helyezésére, monitorozására és kezelésére szolgáló készségek bemutatása.