Explore superposition with Q#


That's enough theory for now! Let's explore superposition in Q# by writing some code.

In this unit, you'll learn to create quantum superposition and dive into probabilities with Q# by using the DumpMachine function. The DumpMachine function dumps information about the current status of the quantum system at the point where it's called.


The DumpMachine function is useful only for simulations. On quantum hardware, DumpMachine does nothing because you can't access the state of the qubit register during execution. Remember that measuring the state of a qubit can change its state. On simulated virtual quantum computers, you can use tools like DumpMachine to explore the state of the system.

Create a new Q# file

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. In Visual Studio Code, select File > New Text File and save the file as Superposition.qs.
  3. Select View -> Command Palette and type Q#: Set the Azure Quantum QIR target profile. Press Enter.
  4. Select Q#: Unrestricted.

Get started

Let's start with a simple program that generates a random bit using a qubit in superposition. You'll use the DumpMachine function to see the state of the qubit at different points in the program.

  1. Add the following code to the Superposition.qs file:

    namespace ExploringSuperposition {
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
        operation GenerateRandomBit() : Result {
            use q = Qubit();
            Message("Initialized qubit:");
            DumpMachine(); // First dump
            Message(" ");
            Message("Qubit after applying H:");
            DumpMachine(); // Second dump
            Message(" ");
            let randomBit = M(q);
            Message("Qubit after the measurement:");
            DumpMachine(); // Third dump
            Message(" ");
            Message("Qubit after resetting:");
            DumpMachine(); // Fourth dump
            Message(" ");
            return randomBit;

    Here, you call DumpMachine four times:

    • After the qubit is allocated.
    • After you place the qubit in superposition.
    • After you measure the qubit's state.
    • After you reset the qubit.

    You split the operation MResetZ into two operations: M and Reset. You do so because you want to inspect the state after the measurement.

  2. To run your program locally on the built-in simulator, click on Run from the list of commands below @EntryPoint(), or press Ctrl+F5. Your output will appear in the debug console.

  3. The DumpMachine function creates a table of information that describes the state of the qubit register. Specifically, it gives the probability amplitude, the probability, and the phase in radians for each basis state.

  4. At the end of the program, you get a result of Zero or One. Let's look at each step.

    1. Initialized qubit: Every qubit that's allocated with the use statement starts in the state $|0\rangle$. So DumpMachine produces the information that corresponds to a single-qubit register in the state $|0\rangle$.

      Initialized qubit:
       Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
         |0⟩ |  1.0000+0.0000𝑖 |   100.0000% |   0.0000
    2. Qubit after applying H: After applying H, we prepare the qubit in the superposition state $|\psi\rangle=\frac1{\sqrt2} |0\rangle + \frac1{\sqrt2} |1\rangle$.

      Qubit after applying H:
       Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
         |0⟩ |  0.7071+0.0000𝑖 |    50.0000% |   0.0000
         |1⟩ |  0.7071+0.0000𝑖 |    50.0000% |   0.0000
    3. Qubit after the measurement: After we measure and store the outcome, which can be a Zero or One. For example, if the resulting state is One, the state of the registers collapses to $|1\rangle$ and is no longer in superposition.

      Qubit after the measurement:
       Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
         |1⟩ |  1.0000+0.0000𝑖 |   100.0000% |   0.0000
    4. Qubit after resetting: The operation Reset resets the qubit to the state $|0\rangle$. Remember that for any Q# operation, you always need to leave the qubits you use in the state $|0\rangle$ so that other operations can use it.

      Qubit after resetting:
       Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
         |0⟩ |  1.0000+0.0000𝑖 |   100.0000% |   0.0000


    Your outputs might differ because the random number generator is probabilistic. The probabilities of the outcomes are not deterministic.

Explore some superpositions

Now that you know how to inspect the state of a register, you can see operations that modify the state of your qubits and place them into a superposition.

The current random number generator produces either Zero or One with a 50% probability. Let's look at a second example that generates random numbers with a different probability.

Skewed random bit generator

Suppose you want to create a random bit generator that's skewed, that is, the probability of getting Zero is different from the probability of getting One.

For example, you want the outcome Zero with probability $P$ and the outcome One with probability $1-P$. Here's a valid qubit state that produces such a random bit generator:


Here, $\alpha=\sqrt{P}$ and $\beta=\sqrt{1-P}$ are the amplitudes of the basis states $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$, respectively.

This state can be obtained by sequentially applying the operator $R_y(2\arccos\sqrt{P})$ to a qubit in the state $|0\rangle.$ You can achieve this result in Q# by using the operation Ry in the Standard library.


To learn more about the math behind single-qubit operations, check out the Single-Qubit Gates tutorial in Quantum Katas.

  1. Modify Superposition.qs like the following example, and then save the file. This example chooses $\alpha$ to be about $\frac13$.

    namespace ExploringSuperposition {
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Math;
        operation GenerateSpecificState() : Result {
            use q = Qubit();
            let P = 0.333333; // P is 1/3
            Ry(2.0 * ArcCos(Sqrt(P)), q);
            Message("The qubit is in the desired state.");
            DumpMachine(); // Dump the state of the qubit 
            Message("Your skewed random bit is:");
            let skewedrandomBit = M(q);
            return skewedrandomBit;
  2. You can see how DumpMachine displays the expected state after it applies the operations and displays the associated probabilities. Notice that the probability of getting Zero is about 33.33% and the probability of getting One is about 66.67%. Thus, the random bit generator is skewed.

    The qubit is in the desired state.
     Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
       |0⟩ |  0.5773+0.0000𝑖 |    33.3333% |   0.0000
       |1⟩ |  0.8165+0.0000𝑖 |    66.6667% |   0.0000
    Your skewed random bit is:
    Result: "One"


    Your output might differ because the random number generator is probabilistic. The probabilities of the outcomes are not deterministic.

Multiple-qubit superposition

Now let's explore superpositions of a register that includes many qubits. For example, if your register consists of three qubits, then you have eight basis states:

$$|000\rangle,|001\rangle,|010\rangle,|011\rangle,|100\rangle,|101\rangle, |110\rangle,|111\rangle $$

So you can express an arbitrary three-qubit state as:

$$|\psi\rangle=\alpha_0|000\rangle+\alpha_1|001\rangle+\alpha_2|010\rangle+\alpha_3|011\rangle+\alpha_4|100\rangle+\alpha_5|101\rangle+\alpha_6 |110\rangle+\alpha_7|111\rangle$$

Here, $\alpha_i$ are complex numbers that satisfy $\sum|\alpha_i|^2=1$.

For example, you can place qubits in a uniform superposition by applying H to each qubit. You can use this uniform superposition to create a different version of the quantum random number generator that generates three-bit numbers by measuring three qubits in superposition instead of measuring one qubit three times.

Basis Number
$\ket{000}$ 0
$\ket{001}$ 1
$\ket{010}$ 2
$\ket{011}$ 3
$\ket{100}$ 4
$\ket{101}$ 5
$\ket{110}$ 6
$\ket{111}$ 7
  1. Modify Superposition.qs like the following example, and then save the file.

    namespace ExploringSuperposition {
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Math;
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;
        operation GenerateRandomNumber() : Int {
            use qubits = Qubit[3];
            ApplyToEach(H, qubits);
            Message("The qubit register in a uniform superposition: ");
            let result = ForEach(M, qubits);
            Message("Measuring the qubits collapses the superposition to a basis state.");
            return BoolArrayAsInt(ResultArrayAsBoolArray(result));

    Here, you see three concepts:

    • The qubits variable now represents a Qubit array that has a length of three.
    • The operations ApplyToEach and ForEach are useful to measure and act on multiple qubits, and they use less code. Q# libraries offer many kinds of operations and functions that make writing quantum programs more efficient.
    • The BoolArrayAsInt and ResultArrayAsBoolArray functions from the Microsoft.Quantum.Convert library transform the binary Result array that's returned by ForEach(M, qubits) into an integer.
  2. To run the program, click on Run from the list of commands below @EntryPoint(), or press Ctrl+F5. Your output will appear in the debug console.

  3. By using DumpMachine, you see how the act of measuring the three qubits collapses the state of the register to one of the eight possible basis states. For example, if you get the result 3, it means that the state of the register collapsed to $|110\rangle$.

    The qubit register in a uniform superposition:
     Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
     |000⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
     |001⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
     |010⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
     |011⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
     |100⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
     |101⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
     |110⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
     |111⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
    Measuring the qubits collapses the superposition to a basis state.
     Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
     |110⟩ |  1.0000+0.0000𝑖 |   100.0000% |   0.0000
    Result: "3"


    Your output might differ because the random number generator is probabilistic. The probabilities of the outcomes are not deterministic.

  4. The ForEach(M, qubit) operation measures each qubit in turn, gradually collapsing the state. You can also dump the intermediary states after each measurement. To do so, modify Superposition.qs like the following example, and then save the file.

    namespace ExploringSuperposition {
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Math;
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;
        operation GenerateUniformState() : Int {
            use qubits = Qubit[3];
            ApplyToEach(H, qubits);
            Message("The qubit register in a uniform superposition: ");
            mutable results = [];
            for q in qubits {
                Message(" ");
                set results += [M(q)];
            Message(" ");
            Message("Your random number is: ");
            return BoolArrayAsInt(ResultArrayAsBoolArray(results));
  5. Here, you use a for loop to act on each qubit sequentially. Q# has classical flow control capabilities, such as for loops, and if statements, that you can use to control the flow of your program.

  6. To run the program, click on Run from the list of commands below @EntryPoint(), or press Ctrl+F5.

  7. You can see how each consecutive measurement changes the quantum state and therefore the probabilities of obtaining each outcome. For example, if your result is number five, you'll get the following output. Let's look briefly at each step:

    1. State preparation: After applying H to each qubit of the register, we obtain a uniform superposition.

      The qubit register in a uniform superposition: 
       Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
       |000⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
       |001⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
       |010⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
       |011⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
       |100⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
       |101⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
       |110⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
       |111⟩ |  0.3536+0.0000𝑖 |    12.5000% |   0.0000
    2. First measurement: In the first measurement, the result was One. Therefore, all of the amplitudes of the states whose rightmost qubit is Zero are no longer present. The amplitudes are $|0\rangle=|000\rangle, |2\rangle=|010\rangle, |4\rangle=|100\rangle$, and $|6\rangle= |110\rangle$. The rest of the amplitudes increase to fulfill the normalization condition.

       Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
       |001⟩ |  0.5000+0.0000𝑖 |    25.0000% |   0.0000
       |011⟩ |  0.5000+0.0000𝑖 |    25.0000% |   0.0000
       |101⟩ |  0.5000+0.0000𝑖 |    25.0000% |   0.0000
       |111⟩ |  0.5000+0.0000𝑖 |    25.0000% |   0.0000
    3. Second measurement: In the second measurement, the result was Zero. Therefore, all of the amplitudes of the states whose second rightmost (middle) qubit is One vanish. The amplitudes are $|3\rangle=|011\rangle$ and $|7\rangle=|111\rangle$. The rest of the amplitudes increase to fulfill the normalization condition.

       Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
       |001⟩ |  0.7071+0.0000𝑖 |    50.0000% |   0.0000
       |101⟩ |  0.7071+0.0000𝑖 |    50.0000% |   0.0000
    4. Third measurement: In the third measurement, the result was One. Therefore, all of the amplitudes of the states whose leftmost qubit is Zero clear out. The only compatible state is $|5\rangle=|101\rangle$. This state gets an amplitude probability of $1$.

       Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
       |101⟩ |  1.0000+0.0000𝑖 |   100.0000% |   0.0000
      Your random number is: 
      Result: "5"


    Your output might differ because the random number generator is probabilistic. The probabilities of the outcomes are not deterministic.