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SpeechRecognitionEngine.EmulateRecognizeCompleted Kejadian


Dimunculkan ketika SpeechRecognitionEngine menyelesaikan operasi pengenalan asinkron dari input yang ditiru.

 event EventHandler<System::Speech::Recognition::EmulateRecognizeCompletedEventArgs ^> ^ EmulateRecognizeCompleted;
public event EventHandler<System.Speech.Recognition.EmulateRecognizeCompletedEventArgs> EmulateRecognizeCompleted;
member this.EmulateRecognizeCompleted : EventHandler<System.Speech.Recognition.EmulateRecognizeCompletedEventArgs> 
Public Custom Event EmulateRecognizeCompleted As EventHandler(Of EmulateRecognizeCompletedEventArgs) 
Public Event EmulateRecognizeCompleted As EventHandler(Of EmulateRecognizeCompletedEventArgs) 

Jenis Acara


Contoh berikut adalah bagian dari aplikasi konsol yang memuat tata bahasa pengenalan ucapan dan menunjukkan input yang ditiru asinkron, hasil pengenalan terkait, dan peristiwa terkait yang diangkat oleh pengenal ucapan.

using System;  
using System.Speech.Recognition;  
using System.Threading;  

namespace InProcessRecognizer  
  class Program  
    // Indicate whether the asynchronous emulate recognition  
    // operation has completed.  
    static bool completed;  

    static void Main(string[] args)  

      // Initialize an instance of an in-process recognizer.  
      using (SpeechRecognitionEngine recognizer =   
        new SpeechRecognitionEngine(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")))  
        // Create and load a sample grammar.  
        Grammar testGrammar =  
          new Grammar(new GrammarBuilder("testing testing"));  
        testGrammar.Name = "Test Grammar";  

        // Attach event handlers for recognition events.  
        recognizer.SpeechRecognized +=  
          new EventHandler<SpeechRecognizedEventArgs>(SpeechRecognizedHandler);  
        recognizer.EmulateRecognizeCompleted +=  
          new EventHandler<EmulateRecognizeCompletedEventArgs>(  

        completed = false;  

        // This EmulateRecognizeAsync call matches the grammar  
        // and generates a SpeechRecognized event.  
        recognizer.EmulateRecognizeAsync("testing testing");  

        // Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete.  
        while (!completed)  

        completed = false;  

        // This EmulateRecognizeAsync call does not match the grammar  
        // or generate a SpeechRecognized event.  
        recognizer.EmulateRecognizeAsync("testing one two three");  

        // Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete.  
        while (!completed)  

      Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");  

    // Handle the SpeechRecognized event.  
    static void SpeechRecognizedHandler(  
      object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e)  
      if (e.Result != null)  
        Console.WriteLine("Result of 1st call to EmulateRecognizeAsync = {0}",  
          e.Result.Text ?? "<no text>");  
        Console.WriteLine("No recognition result");  

    // Handle the EmulateRecognizeCompleted event.  
    static void EmulateRecognizeCompletedHandler(  
      object sender, EmulateRecognizeCompletedEventArgs e)  
      if (e.Result == null)  
        Console.WriteLine("Result of 2nd call to EmulateRecognizeAsync = No result generated.");  

      // Indicate the asynchronous operation is complete.  
      completed = true;  


Setiap EmulateRecognizeAsync metode memulai operasi pengenalan asinkron. meningkatkan SpeechRecognitionEngineEmulateRecognizeCompleted peristiwa ketika menyelesaikan operasi asinkron.

Operasi ini dapat meningkatkan SpeechDetectedperistiwa , SpeechHypothesized, SpeechRecognitionRejected, dan SpeechRecognized .EmulateRecognizeAsync Peristiwa ini EmulateRecognizeCompleted adalah peristiwa terakhir yang dinaikkan oleh pengenal untuk operasi tertentu.

Jika pengenalan yang ditimulasi berhasil, Anda dapat mengakses hasil pengenalan menggunakan salah satu hal berikut:

Jika pengenalan yang ditimulasi tidak berhasil, SpeechRecognized peristiwa tidak dinaikkan dan Result akan null.

EmulateRecognizeCompletedEventArgs berasal dari AsyncCompletedEventArgs.

SpeechRecognizedEventArgs berasal dari RecognitionEventArgs.

Saat membuat EmulateRecognizeCompleted delegasi, Anda mengidentifikasi metode yang akan menangani peristiwa. Untuk mengaitkan peristiwa dengan penanganan aktivitas Anda, tambahkan instans delegasi ke peristiwa. Penanganan aktivitas dipanggil setiap kali peristiwa terjadi, kecuali Jika Anda menghapus delegasi. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang delegasi penanganan aktivitas, lihat Peristiwa dan Delegasi.

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