teamwork resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

A container for the range of Microsoft Teams functionalities that are available for the organization.


Method Return type Description
List deletedTeam collection Get a list of the deletedTeam objects and their properties.
Get teamwork Get the properties and relationships of a teamwork object, such as the region of the organization and whether Microsoft Teams is enabled.


Property Type Description
id string The default teamwork identifier.
isTeamsEnabled Boolean Indicates whether Microsoft Teams is enabled for the organization.
region string Represents the region of the organization or the tenant. The region value can be any region supported by the Teams payload. The possible values are: Americas, Europe and MiddleEast, Asia Pacific, UAE, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, France, India, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Singapore, United Kingdom, South Africa, Sweden, Qatar, Poland, Italy, Israel, Spain, Mexico, USGov Community Cloud, USGov Community Cloud High, USGov Department of Defense, and China.


Relationship Type Description
deletedTeams deletedTeam collection The deleted team.
deletedChats deletedChat collection A collection of deleted chats.
teamsAppSettings teamsAppSettings Represents tenant-wide settings for all Teams apps in the tenant.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.teamwork",
    "id": "String",
    "isTeamsEnabled": "boolean",
    "region": "String"