workbookRange resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents a set of one or more contiguous cells in a workbook, such as a cell, a row, a column, or a block of cells.


Method Return Type Description
Get workbookRange Read the properties and relationships of a range object.
Update workbookRange Update a range object.
Delete None Delete the cells associated with the range.
Clear None Clear range values, format, fill, or border.
Get boundingrect workbookRange Get the smallest range object that encompasses the given ranges. For example, the GetBoundingRect of "B2:C5" and "D10:E15" is "B2:E16".
Get cell workbookRange Get the range object containing the single cell based on row and column numbers. The cell can be outside the bounds of its parent range, as long as it stays within the worksheet grid. The returned cell is located relative to the top left cell of the range.
Get column workbookRange Get a column contained in the range.
Get columns after workbookRangeView Get some columns to the right of the given range.
Get columns before workbookRangeView Get some columns to the left of the given range.
Get entire column workbookRange Get an object that represents the entire column of the range.
Get entire row workbookRange Get an object that represents the entire row of the range.
Get intersection workbookRange Get the range object that represents the rectangular intersection of the given ranges.
Get last cell workbookRange Get the last cell within the range. For example, the last cell of "B2:D5" is "D5".
Get last column workbookRange Get the last column within the range. For example, the last column of "B2:D5" is "D2:D5".
Get last row workbookRange Getsthe last row within the range. For example, the last row of "B2:D5" is "B5:D5".
Get offset range workbookRange Get an object that represents a range that's offset from the specified range. The dimension of the returned range matches this range. If the resulting range is forced outside the bounds of the worksheet grid, an exception is thrown.
Get resized range workbookRangeView Get a range object similar to the current range object, but with its bottom-right corner expanded (or contracted) by some number of rows and columns.
Get row workbookRange Get a row contained in the range.
Get rows above workbookRangeView Get some rows above a given range.
Get rows below workbookRangeView Get some rows below a given range.
Get used range workbookRange Return the used range of the given range object.
Get visible view workbookRangeView Get the range visible from a filtered range.
Insert range workbookRange Insert a cell or a range of cells into the worksheet in place of this range, and shifts the other cells to make space. Returns a new Range object at the now blank space.
Merge None Merge the range cells into one region in the worksheet.
Unmerge None Unmerge the range cells into separate cells.


Property Type Description
address string Represents the range reference in A1-style. Address value contains the Sheet reference (for example, Sheet1!A1:B4). Read-only.
addressLocal string Represents range reference for the specified range in the language of the user. Read-only.
cellCount int Number of cells in the range. Read-only.
columnCount int Represents the total number of columns in the range. Read-only.
columnHidden Boolean Indicates whether all columns of the current range are hidden.
columnIndex int Represents the column number of the first cell in the range. Zero-indexed. Read-only.
formulas Json Represents the formula in A1-style notation.
formulasLocal Json Represents the formula in A1-style notation, in the user's language and number-formatting locale. For example, the English "=SUM(A1, 1.5)" formula would become "=SUMME(A1; 1,5)" in German.
formulasR1C1 Json Represents the formula in R1C1-style notation.
hidden Boolean Represents if all cells of the current range are hidden. Read-only.
numberFormat Json Represents Excel's number format code for the given cell.
rowCount int Returns the total number of rows in the range. Read-only.
rowHidden Boolean Indicates whether all rows of the current range are hidden.
rowIndex int Returns the row number of the first cell in the range. Zero-indexed. Read-only.
text Json Text values of the specified range. The Text value doesn't depend on the cell width. The # sign substitution that happens in Excel UI doesn't affect the text value returned by the API. Read-only.
valueTypes Json Represents the type of data of each cell. The possible values are: Unknown, Empty, String, Integer, Double, Boolean, Error. Read-only.
values Json Represents the raw values of the specified range. The data returned can be of type string, number, or a Boolean. Cell that contains an error returns the error string.


Relationship Type Description
format workbookRangeFormat Returns a format object, encapsulating the range's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties. Read-only.
sort workbookRangeSort The worksheet containing the current range. Read-only.
worksheet workbookWorksheet The worksheet containing the current range. Read-only.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "address": "string",
  "addressLocal": "string",
  "cellCount": 1024,
  "columnCount": 1024,
  "columnHidden": true,
  "columnIndex": 1024,
  "formulas": "json",
  "formulasLocal": "json",
  "formulasR1C1": "json",
  "hidden": true,
  "numberFormat": "json",
  "rowCount": 1024,
  "rowHidden": true,
  "rowIndex": 1024,
  "text": "json",
  "valueTypes": "string",
  "values": "json"