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Kueri sampel Azure Resource Graph menurut tabel


Sampel dan konten kueri artikel ini tidak lagi diperbarui atau didukung. Azure Resource Graph Explorer portal menyertakan Kategori dan Tabel yang didukung, dan tab Memulai menyertakan Contoh kueri dan Kueri tingkat lanjut yang dapat Anda buka dan jalankan di ARG Explorer.

Laman ini adalah kumpulan kueri sampel Azure Resource Graph yang dikelompokkan menurut tabel. Untuk melompat ke tabel tertentu, gunakan tautan di bagian atas halaman. Jika tidak, gunakan Ctrl-F untuk menggunakan fitur pencarian browser Anda. Untuk daftar tabel dan detail terkait, lihat tabel Resource Graph.


Mendapatkan ringkasan penghematan biaya dari Azure Advisor

Kueri ini merangkum penghematan biaya setiap rekomendasi Azure Advisor.

| where type == 'microsoft.advisor/recommendations'
| where properties.category == 'Cost'
| extend
  resources = tostring(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId),
  savings = todouble(properties.extendedProperties.savingsAmount),
  solution = tostring(properties.shortDescription.solution),
  currency = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.savingsCurrency)
| summarize
  bin(sum(savings), 0.01)
  by solution, currency
| project solution, dcount_resources, sum_savings, currency
| order by sum_savings desc
az graph query -q "AdvisorResources | where type == 'microsoft.advisor/recommendations' | where properties.category == 'Cost' | extend resources = tostring(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId), savings = todouble(properties.extendedProperties.savingsAmount), solution = tostring(properties.shortDescription.solution), currency = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.savingsCurrency) | summarize dcount(resources), bin(sum(savings), 0.01) by solution, currency | project solution, dcount_resources, sum_savings, currency | order by sum_savings desc"

Menuliskan daftar server berkemampuan Arc yang tidak menjalankan versi agen terbaru yang dirilis

Kueri ini menampilkan semua server berkemampuan Arc yang menjalankan versi usang dari agen Connected Machine. Agen dengan status Expired dikecualikan dari hasil. Kueri menggunakan leftouter join untuk menyatukan rekomendasi Advisor yang diajukan terkait agen Connected Machine yang dinyatakan telah usang, dan mesin Hybrid Computer yang akan memfilter semua agen yang belum berkomunikasi dengan Azure selama periode waktu tertentu.

| where type == 'microsoft.advisor/recommendations'
| where properties.category == 'HighAvailability'
| where properties.shortDescription.solution == 'Upgrade to the latest version of the Azure Connected Machine agent'
| project
    JoinId = toupper(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId),
    machineName = tostring(properties.impactedValue),
    agentVersion = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.installedVersion),
    expectedVersion = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.latestVersion)
| join kind=leftouter(
  | where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines'
  | project
    machineId = toupper(id),
    status = tostring (properties.status)
  ) on $left.JoinId == $right.machineId
| where status != 'Expired'
| summarize by id, machineName, agentVersion, expectedVersion
| order by tolower(machineName) asc
az graph query -q "AdvisorResources | where type == 'microsoft.advisor/recommendations' | where properties.category == 'HighAvailability' | where properties.shortDescription.solution == 'Upgrade to the latest version of the Azure Connected Machine agent' | project  id,  JoinId = toupper(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId),  machineName = tostring(properties.impactedValue),  agentVersion = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.installedVersion),  expectedVersion = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.latestVersion) | join kind=leftouter( Resources | where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines' | project  machineId = toupper(id),  status = tostring (properties.status) ) on \$left.JoinId == \$right.machineId | where status != 'Expired' | summarize by id, machineName, agentVersion, expectedVersion | order by tolower(machineName) asc"


Mencantumkan versi TLS Azure App Service

Mencantumkan versi Keamanan Lapisan Transportasi (TLS) minimum Azure App Service untuk permintaan masuk ke aplikasi web.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.web/sites/config'
| project id, name, properties.MinTlsVersion
az graph query -q "AppServiceResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.web/sites/config' | project id, name, properties.MinTlsVersion"


Memecahkan masalah batas Azure RBAC

Tabel authorizationresources dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah kontrol akses berbasis peran Azure (Azure RBAC) jika Anda melebihi batas. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, buka Memecahkan masalah batas Azure RBAC.

Mendapatkan penetapan peran dengan properti kunci

Menyediakan sampel penetapan peran dan beberapa properti sumber daya yang relevan.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roleassignments'
| extend roleDefinitionId = properties.roleDefinitionId
| extend principalType = properties.principalType
| extend principalId = properties.principalId
| extend scope = properties.scope
| take 5
az graph query -q "authorizationresources | where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roleassignments' | extend roleDefinitionId = properties.roleDefinitionId | extend principalType = properties.principalType | extend principalId = properties.principalId | extend scope = properties.scope | take 5"

Mendapatkan definisi peran dengan properti kunci

Menyediakan sampel definisi peran dan beberapa properti sumber daya yang relevan.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions'
| extend assignableScopes = properties.assignableScopes
| extend permissionsList = properties.permissions
| extend isServiceRole = properties.isServiceRole
| take 5
az graph query -q "authorizationresources | where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions' | extend assignableScopes = properties.assignableScopes | extend permissionsList = properties.permissions | extend isServiceRole = properties.isServiceRole | take 5"

Mendapatkan definisi peran dengan tindakan

Menampilkan sampel definisi peran dengan daftar tindakan yang diperluas dan bukan tindakan untuk setiap daftar izin definisi peran.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions'
| extend assignableScopes = properties.assignableScopes
| extend permissionsList = properties.permissions
| extend isServiceRole = properties.isServiceRole
| mv-expand permissionsList
| extend Actions = permissionsList.Actions
| extend notActions = permissionsList.notActions
| extend DataActions = permissionsList.DataActions
| extend notDataActions = permissionsList.notDataActions
| take 5
az graph query -q "authorizationresources | where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions' | extend assignableScopes = properties.assignableScopes | extend permissionsList = properties.permissions | extend isServiceRole = properties.isServiceRole | mv-expand permissionsList | extend Actions = permissionsList.Actions | extend notActions = permissionsList.notActions | extend DataActions = permissionsList.DataActions | extend notDataActions = permissionsList.notDataActions | take 5"

Mendapatkan definisi peran dengan izin yang tercantum

Menampilkan ringkasan Actions dan notActions untuk setiap definisi peran unik.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions'
| extend assignableScopes = properties.assignableScopes
| extend permissionsList = properties.permissions
| extend isServiceRole = properties.isServiceRole
| mv-expand permissionsList
| extend Actions = permissionsList.Actions
| extend notActions = permissionsList.notActions
| extend DataActions = permissionsList.DataActions
| extend notDataActions = permissionsList.notDataActions
| summarize make_set(Actions), make_set(notActions), make_set(DataActions), make_set(notDataActions), any(assignableScopes, isServiceRole) by id
az graph query -q "authorizationresources | where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions' | extend assignableScopes = properties.assignableScopes | extend permissionsList = properties.permissions | extend isServiceRole = properties.isServiceRole | mv-expand permissionsList | extend Actions = permissionsList.Actions | extend notActions = permissionsList.notActions | extend DataActions = permissionsList.DataActions | extend notDataActions = permissionsList.notDataActions | summarize make_set(Actions), make_set(notActions), make_set(DataActions), make_set(notDataActions), any(assignableScopes, isServiceRole) by id"

Mendapatkan administrator klasik dengan properti kunci

Menyediakan sampel administrator klasik dan beberapa properti sumber daya yang relevan.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/classicadministrators'
| extend state = properties.adminState
| extend roles = split(properties.role, ';')
| take 5
az graph query -q "authorizationresources | where type =~ 'microsoft.authorization/classicadministrators' | extend state = properties.adminState | extend roles = split(properties.role, ';') | take 5"


Orkestrasi Seragam Set Skala Komputer Virtual

Dapatkan komputer virtual dalam mode orkestrasi Seragam Set Skala Komputer Virtual yang dikategorikan sesuai dengan status dayanya. Tabel ini berisi tampilan model dan powerState dalam properti tampilan instans untuk komputer virtual bagian dari mode Virtual Machine Scale Set Uniform.

Tampilan model dan powerState dalam properti tampilan instans untuk komputer virtual bagian dari mode Virtual Machine Scale Set Flexible dapat dikueri melalui Resources tabel.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets/virtualmachines'
| extend powerState = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code
| project name, powerState, id
az graph query -q "ComputeResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets/virtualmachines' | extend powerState = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code | project name, powerState, id"


Mendapatkan jenis sumber daya aktif untuk lokasi kustom dengan dukungan Azure Arc

Memberikan daftar jenis sumber daya aktif untuk lokasi kustom dengan dukungan Azure Arc.

| where type == 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations/enabledresourcetypes'
az graph query -q "ExtendedLocationResources | where type == 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations/enabledresourcetypes'"

Mencantumkan lokasi kustom dengan dukungan Azure Arc pada VMware atau dengan dukungan SCVMM

Menyediakan daftar semua lokasi kustom dengan dukungan Azure Arc yang mengaktifkan jenis sumber daya VMware atau SCVMM.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations' and properties.provisioningState =~ 'succeeded'
| extend clusterExtensionIds=properties.clusterExtensionIds
| mvexpand clusterExtensionIds
| extend clusterExtensionId = tolower(clusterExtensionIds)
| join kind=leftouter(
	| where type =~ 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customLocations/enabledResourcetypes'
	| project clusterExtensionId = tolower(properties.clusterExtensionId), extensionType = tolower(properties.extensionType)
	| where extensionType in~ ('microsoft.scvmm','microsoft.vmware')
) on clusterExtensionId
| where extensionType in~ ('microsoft.scvmm','microsoft.vmware')
| summarize virtualMachineKindsEnabled=make_set(extensionType) by id,name,location
| sort by name asc
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations' and properties.provisioningState =~ 'succeeded' | extend clusterExtensionIds=properties.clusterExtensionIds | mvexpand clusterExtensionIds | extend clusterExtensionId = tolower(clusterExtensionIds) | join kind=leftouter( ExtendedLocationResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customLocations/enabledResourcetypes' | project clusterExtensionId = tolower(properties.clusterExtensionId), extensionType = tolower(properties.extensionType) | where extensionType in~ ('microsoft.scvmm','microsoft.vmware') ) on clusterExtensionId | where extensionType in~ ('microsoft.scvmm','microsoft.vmware') | summarize virtualMachineKindsEnabled=make_set(extensionType) by id,name,location | sort by name asc"


Menghitung mesin dalam cakupan kebijakan konfigurasi tamu

Menampilkan jumlah komputer virtual Azure dan server Arc yang tersambung dalam cakupan untuk penugasan konfigurasi tamu Azure Policy.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments'
| extend vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')
| mvexpand properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources
| where properties_latestAssignmentReport_resources.resourceId != 'Invalid assignment package.'
| project machine = tostring(vmid[(-1)]),type = tostring(vmid[(-3)])
| distinct machine, type
| summarize count() by type
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments' | extend vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/') | mvexpand properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources | where properties_latestAssignmentReport_resources.resourceId != 'Invalid assignment package.' | project machine = tostring(vmid[(-1)]),type = tostring(vmid[(-3)]) | distinct machine, type | summarize count() by type"

Jumlah penugasan konfigurasi tamu yang tidak memenuhi syarat

Menampilkan jumlah mesin yang tidak memenuhi syarat per alasan penugasan konfigurasi tamu. Batasi hasil hingga 100 pertama untuk performa.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments'
| project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus)
| extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources)
| mvexpand resources
| extend reasons = resources.reasons
| extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons)
| mvexpand reasons
| project id, vmid, name, status, resource = tostring(resources.resourceId), reason = reasons.phrase
| summarize count() by resource, name
| order by count_
| limit 100
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments' | project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus) | extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources) | mvexpand resources | extend reasons = resources.reasons | extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons) | mvexpand reasons | project id, vmid, name, status, resource = tostring(resources.resourceId), reason = reasons.phrase | summarize count() by resource, name | order by count_ | limit 100"

Temukan semua alasan mengapa mesin tidak memenuhi syarat untuk penugasan konfigurasi tamu

Tampilkan semua alasan penugasan konfigurasi tamu untuk mesin yang spesifik. Hapus klausul where pertama yang juga menyertakan audit yang sesuai dengan komputer.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments'
| where properties.complianceStatus == 'NonCompliant'
| project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, machine = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus)
| extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources)
| mvexpand resources
| extend reasons = resources.reasons
| extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons)
| mvexpand reasons
| where machine == 'MACHINENAME'
| project id, machine, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments' | where properties.complianceStatus == 'NonCompliant' | project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, machine = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus) | extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources) | mvexpand resources | extend reasons = resources.reasons | extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons) | mvexpand reasons | where machine == 'MACHINENAME' | project id, machine, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase"

Daftar mesin dan kondisi reboot yang tertunda

Menyediakan daftar mesin dengan detail konfigurasi tentang apakah mereka memiliki reboot yang tertunda.

| where name in ('WindowsPendingReboot')
| project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/'), status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus)
| extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources)
| mvexpand resources
| extend reasons = resources.reasons
| extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons)
| mvexpand reasons
| project id, vmid, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase
| summarize name = any(name), status = any(status), vmid = any(vmid), resources = make_list_if(resource, isnotnull(resource)), reasons = make_list_if(reason, isnotnull(reason)) by id = tolower(id)
| project id, machine = tostring(vmid[(-1)]), type = tostring(vmid[(-3)]), name, status, reasons
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where name in ('WindowsPendingReboot') | project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/'), status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus) | extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources) | mvexpand resources | extend reasons = resources.reasons | extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons) | mvexpand reasons | project id, vmid, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase | summarize name = any(name), status = any(status), vmid = any(vmid), resources = make_list_if(resource, isnotnull(resource)), reasons = make_list_if(reason, isnotnull(reason)) by id = tolower(id) | project id, machine = tostring(vmid[(-1)]), type = tostring(vmid[(-3)]), name, status, reasons"

Daftar mesin yang tidak berjalan dan status kepatuhan terakhirnya

Menyediakan daftar mesin yang tidak dinyalakan dengan penugasan konfigurasinya dan status kepatuhan terakhir yang dilaporkan.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| where properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code != 'PowerState/running'
| project vmName = name, power = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code
| join kind = leftouter (GuestConfigurationResources
  | extend vmName = tostring(split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)])
  | project vmName, name, compliance = properties.complianceStatus) on vmName | project-away vmName1
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | where properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code != 'PowerState/running' | project vmName = name, power = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code | join kind = leftouter (GuestConfigurationResources | extend vmName = tostring(split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)]) | project vmName, name, compliance = properties.complianceStatus) on vmName | project-away vmName1"

Detail kueri laporan penugasan konfigurasi tamu

Tampilkan laporan dari detail alasan penugasan konfigurasi tamu. Pada contoh berikut, kueri hanya mengembalikan hasil dengan nama Penugasan Tamu adalah installed_application_linux dan output berisi untaian Chrome untuk mendaftarkan semua komputer Linux tempat paket dipasang yang mencakup nama Chrome.

| where name in ('installed_application_linux')
| project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus)
| extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources)
| mvexpand resources
| extend reasons = resources.reasons
| extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons)
| mvexpand reasons
| where reasons.phrase contains 'chrome'
| project id, vmid, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where name in ('installed_application_linux') | project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus) | extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources) | mvexpand resources | extend reasons = resources.reasons | extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons) | mvexpand reasons | where reasons.phrase contains 'chrome' | project id, vmid, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase"


Jumlah mesin virtual berdasarkan status ketersediaan dan Id Langganan

Mengembalikan jumlah mesin virtual (jenis Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) yang diagregasi oleh status ketersediaan di setiap langganan Anda.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
| summarize count() by subscriptionId, AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | summarize count() by subscriptionId, AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)"

Daftar mesin virtual dan status ketersediaan terkait menurut Id Sumber Daya

Mengembalikan daftar terbaru mesin virtual (jenis Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) yang diagregasi oleh status ketersediaan. Kueri juga menyediakan Id Sumber Daya terkait berdasarkan properties.targetResourceId, untuk penelusuran kesalahan dan mitigasi yang mudah. Status ketersediaan dapat berada di salah satu dari empat nilai: Tersedia, Tidak Tersedia, Diturunkan, dan Tidak Dikenal. Untuk detail lebih lanjut tentang apa maksud masing-masing status ketersediaan, silakan lihat Gambaran umum Azure Resource Health.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
| summarize by ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | summarize by ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)"

Daftar mesin virtual berdasarkan status ketersediaan dan status daya dengan Id Sumber Daya dan Grup sumber daya

Mengembalikan daftar mesin virtual (jenis Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) yang diagregasi pada status daya dan status ketersediaan mereka untuk memberikan status kesehatan yang kohesif untuk mesin virtual Anda. Kueri ini juga memberikan rincian tentang grup sumber daya dan Id sumber daya yang terkait dengan setiap entri untuk visibilitas terperinci ke dalam sumber daya Anda.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| project resourceGroup, Id = tolower(id), PowerState = tostring( properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code)
| join kind=leftouter (
  | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
  | where tostring(properties.targetResourceType) =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
  | project targetResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState))
  on $left.Id == $right.targetResourceId
| project-away targetResourceId
| where PowerState != 'PowerState/deallocated'
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project resourceGroup, Id = tolower(id), PowerState = tostring( properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code) | join kind=leftouter ( HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | where tostring(properties.targetResourceType) =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project targetResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)) on \$left.Id == \$right.targetResourceId | project-away targetResourceId | where PowerState != 'PowerState/deallocated'"

Daftar mesin virtual yang tidak Tersedia berdasarkan Id Sumber daya

Mengembalikan daftar terbaru mesin virtual (jenis Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) yang diagregasi oleh status ketersediaannya. Daftar yang terisi hanya menyoroti mesin virtual yang status ketersediaannya tidak "Tersedia" untuk memastikan Anda mengetahui semua status mesin virtual Anda. Ketika semua mesin virtual Anda Tersedia, Anda dapat berharap untuk tidak mendapatkan hasil.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
| where tostring(properties.availabilityState) != 'Available'
| summarize by ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | where tostring(properties.availabilityState) != 'Available' | summarize by ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)"

Daftar sumber daya dengan status ketersediaan yang telah terpengaruh oleh peristiwa kesehatan yang tidak dienkripsi platform

Mengembalikan daftar terbaru komputer virtual yang terkena dampak gangguan yang tidak diencana yang dipicu secara tidak terduga oleh platform Azure. Kueri ini mengembalikan semua komputer virtual yang terkena dampak yang dikumpulkan oleh properti ID mereka, bersama dengan status ketersediaan yang sesuai dan anotasi terkait (properties.reason) yang meringkas gangguan tertentu.

| where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations"
| where  properties.category == 'Unplanned' and  properties.context != 'Customer Initiated'
| project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Annotation = tostring(properties.reason)
| join (
    | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
    | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)) on ResourceId
| project ResourceId, AvailabilityState, Annotation
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations" | where  properties.category == 'Unplanned' and  properties.context != 'Customer Initiated' | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Annotation = tostring(properties.reason) | join (HealthResources | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)) on ResourceId | project ResourceId, AvailabilityState, Annotation"

Daftar sumber daya yang tidak tersedia dengan detail anotasi yang sesuai

Mengembalikan daftar komputer virtual yang saat ini tidak dalam status Tersedia , diagregasi oleh properti ID mereka. Kueri juga menunjukkan status ketersediaan aktual komputer virtual serta detail terkaitnya, termasuk alasan ketidaktersediaannya.

| where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
| where  properties.availabilityState != 'Available'
| project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)
| join ( 
    | where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations"
    | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Reason = tostring(properties.reason), Context = tostring(properties.context), Category = tostring(properties.category)) on ResourceId
| project ResourceId, AvailabilityState, Reason, Context, Category
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | where  properties.availabilityState != 'Available' | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState) | join (HealthResources | where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations" |  project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Reason = tostring(properties.reason), Context = tostring(properties.context), Category = tostring(properties.category)) on ResourceId | project ResourceId, AvailabilityState, Reason, Context, Category"

Jumlah sumber daya di wilayah yang telah terpengaruh oleh gangguan ketersediaan bersama dengan jenis dampak

Mengembalikan jumlah komputer virtual yang saat ini tidak dalam status Tersedia , yang dikumpulkan oleh properti ID mereka. Kueri juga memperlihatkan lokasi dan detail anotasi yang sesuai, termasuk penyebab VM tidak berada dalam status Tersedia .

| where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
| where  properties.availabilityState != 'Available'
| project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState), Location = location
| join ( 
    | where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations"
    | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Context = tostring(properties.context), Category = tostring(properties.category), Location = location) on ResourceId
| summarize NumResources = count(ResourceId) by Location, Context, Category
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | where  properties.availabilityState != 'Available' | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState), Location = location | join (HealthResources | where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations" | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Context = tostring(properties.context), Category = tostring(properties.category), Location = location) on ResourceId | summarize NumResources = count(ResourceId) by Location, Context, Category"

Daftar sumber daya yang terpengaruh oleh peristiwa kesehatan tertentu, bersama dengan waktu dampak, detail dampak, status ketersediaan, dan wilayah

Mengembalikan daftar komputer virtual yang terpengaruh oleh VirtualMachineHostRebootedForRepair anotasi, yang dikumpulkan oleh properti ID mereka. Kueri juga mengembalikan status ketersediaan komputer virtual yang sesuai, waktu gangguan, dan detail anotasi, termasuk penyebab dampaknya.

| where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations"
| where properties.AnnotationName contains 'VirtualMachineHostRebootedForRepair'
| project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Reason = tostring(properties.reason), Context = tostring(properties.context), Category = tostring(properties.category), Location = location, Timestamp = tostring(properties.occurredTime)
| join ( 
    | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
    | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState), Location = location) on ResourceId
| project ResourceId, Reason, Context, Category, AvailabilityState, Timestamp
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations" | where properties.AnnotationName contains 'VirtualMachineHostRebootedForRepair' | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Reason = tostring(properties.reason), Context = tostring(properties.context), Category = tostring(properties.category), Location = location, Timestamp = tostring(properties.occuredTime) | join (HealthResources | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState), Location = location) on ResourceId | project ResourceId, Reason, Context, Category, AvailabilityState, Timestamp"

Daftar sumber daya yang terpengaruh oleh peristiwa yang direncanakan per wilayah

Mengembalikan daftar komputer virtual yang terkena dampak operasi pemeliharaan atau perbaikan terencana yang dilakukan oleh platform Azure, yang dikumpulkan oleh properti ID mereka. Kueri juga mengembalikan status ketersediaan komputer virtual yang sesuai, waktu gangguan, lokasi, dan detail anotasi, termasuk penyebab dampaknya.

| where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations"
| where properties.category contains 'Planned'
| project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Reason = tostring(properties.reason), Location = location, Timestamp = tostring(properties.occuredTime)
| join ( 
    | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
    | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState), Location = location) on ResourceId
| project ResourceId, Reason, AvailabilityState, Timestamp, Location
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations" | where properties.category contains 'Planned' | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), Reason = tostring(properties.reason), Location = location, Timestamp = tostring(properties.occuredTime) | join (HealthResources | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | project ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState), Location = location) on ResourceId | project ResourceId, Reason, AvailabilityState, Timestamp, Location"

Daftar sumber daya yang terkena dampak gangguan platform yang tidak diencana, bersama dengan ketersediaan, status daya, dan lokasi

Mengembalikan daftar komputer virtual yang terkena dampak operasi pemeliharaan atau perbaikan terencana yang dilakukan oleh platform Azure, yang dikumpulkan oleh properti ID mereka. Kueri juga memperlihatkan status ketersediaan, status daya, dan detail lokasi komputer virtual yang sesuai.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations'
| where tostring(properties.context) == 'Platform Initiated' and tostring(properties.category) == 'Planned'
| project ResourceId = tolower(properties.targetResourceId), Location = location
| join (
    | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
    | project ResourceId = tolower(properties.targetResourceId), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState), Location = location) on ResourceId
| join (
    | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
    | project ResourceId = tolower(id), PowerState = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code, Location = location) on ResourceId
| project ResourceId, AvailabilityState, PowerState, Location
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations' | where tostring(properties.context) == 'Platform Initiated' and tostring(properties.category) == 'Planned' | project ResourceId = tolower(properties.targetResourceId), Location = location | join (HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | project ResourceId = tolower(properties.targetResourceId), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState), Location = location) on ResourceId | join (Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project ResourceId = tolower(id), PowerState = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code, Location = location) on ResourceId | project ResourceId, AvailabilityState, PowerState, Location"

Kesehatan komputer virtual saat ini di Instans Virtual untuk SAP

Kueri ini mengambil kesehatan ketersediaan saat ini dari semua komputer virtual sistem SAP yang diberikan SID Instans Virtual untuk SAP. Ganti mySubscriptionId dengan ID langganan Anda, dan ganti myResourceId dengan ID sumber daya Instans Virtual Anda untuk SAP.

| where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId'
| where type startswith 'microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances/'
| where id startswith 'myResourceId'
| mv-expand d = properties.vmDetails
| project VmId = tolower(d.virtualMachineId)
| join kind = inner (
  | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId'
  | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
  | where properties contains 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
  | extend VmId = tolower(tostring(properties['targetResourceId']))
  | extend AvailabilityState = tostring(properties['availabilityState']))
on $left.VmId == $right.VmId
| project VmId, todatetime(properties['occurredTime']), AvailabilityState
| project-rename ['Virtual Machine ID'] = VmId, UTCTimeStamp = properties_occurredTime, ['Availability State'] = AvailabilityState
az graph query -q "Resources | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId' | where type startswith 'microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances/' | where id startswith 'myResourceId' | mv-expand d = properties.vmDetails | project VmId = tolower(d.virtualMachineId) | join kind = inner (HealthResources | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId' | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | where properties contains 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | extend VmId = tolower(tostring(properties['targetResourceId'])) | extend AvailabilityState = tostring(properties['availabilityState'])) on \$left.VmId == \$right.VmId | project VmId, todatetime(properties['occurredTime']), AvailabilityState | project-rename ['Virtual Machine ID'] = VmId, UTCTimeStamp = properties_occurredTime, ['Availability State'] = AvailabilityState"

Saat ini komputer virtual dan anotasi yang tidak sehat di Instans Virtual untuk SAP

Kueri ini mengambil daftar komputer virtual sistem SAP yang tidak sehat dan anotasi yang sesuai yang diberikan SID Instans Virtual untuk SAP. Ganti mySubscriptionId dengan ID langganan Anda, dan ganti myResourceId dengan ID sumber daya Instans Virtual Anda untuk SAP.

| where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId'
| where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
| where properties contains 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| extend VmId = tolower(tostring(properties['targetResourceId']))
| extend AvailabilityState = tostring(properties['availabilityState'])
| where AvailabilityState != 'Available'
| project VmId, todatetime(properties['occurredTime']), AvailabilityState
| join kind = inner (
  | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId'
  | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations'
  | where properties contains 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
  | extend VmId = tolower(tostring(properties['targetResourceId']))) on $left.VmId == $right.VmId
  | join kind = inner (Resources
  | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId'
  | where type startswith 'microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances/'
  | where id startswith 'myResourceId'
  | mv-expand d = properties.vmDetails
  | project VmId = tolower(d.virtualMachineId))
on $left.VmId1 == $right.VmId
| extend AnnotationName = tostring(properties['annotationName']), ImpactType = tostring(properties['impactType']), Context = tostring(properties['context']), Summary = tostring(properties['summary']), Reason = tostring(properties['reason']), OccurredTime = todatetime(properties['occurredTime'])
| project VmId, OccurredTime, AvailabilityState, AnnotationName, ImpactType, Context, Summary, Reason
| project-rename ['Virtual Machine ID'] = VmId, ['Time Since Not Available'] = OccurredTime, ['Availability State'] = AvailabilityState, ['Annotation Name'] = AnnotationName, ['Impact Type'] = ImpactType
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId' | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | where properties contains 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | extend VmId = tolower(tostring(properties['targetResourceId'])) | extend AvailabilityState = tostring(properties['availabilityState']) | where AvailabilityState != 'Available' | project VmId, todatetime(properties['occurredTime']), AvailabilityState | join kind = inner (HealthResources | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId' | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations' | where properties contains 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | extend VmId = tolower(tostring(properties['targetResourceId']))) on \$left.VmId == \$right.VmId   | join kind = inner (Resources | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId' | where type startswith 'microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances/' | where id startswith 'myResourceId' | mv-expand d = properties.vmDetails | project VmId = tolower(d.virtualMachineId)) on \$left.VmId1 == \$right.VmId | extend AnnotationName = tostring(properties['annotationName']), ImpactType = tostring(properties['impactType']), Context = tostring(properties['context']), Summary = tostring(properties['summary']), Reason = tostring(properties['reason']), OccurredTime = todatetime(properties['occurredTime']) | project VmId, OccurredTime, AvailabilityState, AnnotationName, ImpactType, Context, Summary, Reason | project-rename ['Virtual Machine ID'] = VmId, ['Time Since Not Available'] = OccurredTime, ['Availability State'] = AvailabilityState, ['Annotation Name'] = AnnotationName, ['Impact Type'] = ImpactType"


Azure VM yang terpengaruh oleh pemeliharaan yang dimulai Azure

Mengembalikan daftar komputer virtual (VM) yang terpengaruh oleh operasi pemeliharaan rutin yang dimulai Azure dalam 14 hari terakhir, bersama dengan alasan dampak yang sesuai.

| where properties.targetResourceType =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations'
| where properties['changes']['properties.category']['newValue'] =~ 'Planned'
| project Id = tostring(split(tolower(properties.targetResourceId), '/providers/microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations')[0]), Reason = properties['changes']['properties.reason']['newValue']
az graph query -q "HealthResourceChanges | where properties.targetResourceType =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations' | where properties['changes']['properties.category']['newValue'] =~ 'Planned' | project Id = tostring(split(tolower(properties.targetResourceId), '/providers/microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations')[0]), Reason = properties['changes']['properties.reason']['newValue']"

Perubahan pada anotasi kesehatan selama 14 hari terakhir

Mengembalikan daftar semua perubahan pada anotasi kesehatan dalam 14 hari terakhir. Null menunjukkan tidak ada pembaruan ke bidang tertentu, yang sesuai dengan perubahan di Annotation Name bidang)

| where type == "microsoft.resources/changes"
| where properties.targetResourceType =~ "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations"
| extend Id = tolower(split(properties.targetResourceId, '/providers/Microsoft.ResourceHealth/resourceAnnotations/current')[0]),
Timestamp = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp), AnnotationName = properties['changes']['properties.annotationName']['newValue'], Reason = properties['changes']['properties.reason']['newValue'],
Context = properties['changes']['properties.context']['newValue'], Category = properties['changes']['properties.category']['newValue']
| where isnotempty(AnnotationName)
| project Timestamp, Id, PreviousAnnotation = properties['changes']['properties.annotationName']['previousValue'], AnnotationName, Reason, Context, Category
| order by Timestamp desc
az graph query -q "healthresourcechanges | where type == "microsoft.resources/changes" | where properties.targetResourceType =~ "microsoft.resourcehealth/resourceannotations" | extend Id = tolower(split(properties.targetResourceId, '/providers/Microsoft.ResourceHealth/resourceAnnotations/current')[0]), Timestamp = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp), AnnotationName = properties['changes']['properties.annotationName']['newValue'], Reason = properties['changes']['properties.reason']['newValue'], Context = properties['changes']['properties.context']['newValue'], Category = properties['changes']['properties.category']['newValue'] | where isnotempty(AnnotationName) | project Timestamp, Id, PreviousAnnotation = properties['changes']['properties.annotationName']['previousValue'], AnnotationName, Reason, Context, Category | order by Timestamp desc"

Perubahan status ketersediaan VM selama 14 hari terakhir

Mengembalikan daftar semua perubahan pada status ketersediaan VM dalam 14 hari terakhir.

| where type == "microsoft.resources/changes"
| where properties.targetResourceType =~ "microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilityStatuses"
| extend Id = tolower(split(properties.targetResourceId, '/providers/Microsoft.ResourceHealth/availabilityStatuses/current')[0]),
Timestamp = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp), PreviousAvailabilityState = properties['changes']['properties.availabilityState']['previousValue'],
LatestAvailabilityState = properties['changes']['properties.availabilityState']['newValue']
| where isnotempty(LatestAvailabilityState)
| project Timestamp, Id, PreviousAvailabilityState, LatestAvailabilityState
| order by Timestamp desc
az graph query -q "healthresourcechanges | where type == "microsoft.resources/changes" | where properties.targetResourceType =~ "microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilityStatuses" | extend Id = tolower(split(properties.targetResourceId, '/providers/Microsoft.ResourceHealth/availabilityStatuses/current')[0]), Timestamp = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp), PreviousAvailabilityState = properties['changes']['properties.availabilityState']['previousValue'], LatestAvailabilityState = properties['changes']['properties.availabilityState']['newValue'] | where isnotempty(LatestAvailabilityState) | project Timestamp, Id, PreviousAvailabilityState, LatestAvailabilityState | order by Timestamp desc"

Perubahan kesehatan komputer virtual dan anotasi di Instans Virtual untuk SAP

Kueri ini mengambil perubahan historis dalam kesehatan ketersediaan dan anotasi yang sesuai dari semua komputer virtual sistem SAP yang diberikan SID Instans Virtual untuk SAP. Ganti mySubscriptionId dengan ID langganan Anda, dan ganti myResourceId dengan ID sumber daya Instans Virtual Anda untuk SAP.

| where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId'
| where type startswith 'microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances/'
| where id startswith 'myResourceId'
| mv-expand d = properties.vmDetails
| project VmId = tolower(d.virtualMachineId)
| join kind = leftouter (
  | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId'
  | where id !has '/virtualMachineScaleSets/'
  | where id has '/virtualMachines/'
  | extend timestamp = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp)
  | extend VmId = tolower(tostring(split(id, '/providers/Microsoft.ResourceHealth/')[0]))
  | where properties has 'properties.availabilityState' or properties has 'properties.annotationName'
  | extend HealthChangeType = iff(properties has 'properties.availabilityState', 'Availability', 'Annotation')
  | extend ChangeType = tostring(properties.changeType)
  | where ChangeType == 'Update'  or ChangeType == 'Delete')
on $left.VmId == $right.VmId
| extend Changes = parse_json(tostring(properties.changes))
| extend AvailabilityStateJson = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.availabilityState']))
| extend AnnotationNameJson = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.annotationName']))
| extend AnnotationSummary = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.summary']))
| extend AnnotationReason = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.reason']))
| extend AnnotationImpactType = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.impactType']))
| extend AnnotationContext = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.context']))
| extend AnnotationCategory = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.category']))
| extend AvailabilityStatePreviousValue = tostring(AvailabilityStateJson.previousValue)
| extend AvailabilityStateCurrentValue = tostring(AvailabilityStateJson.newValue)
| extend AnnotationNamePreviousValue = tostring(AnnotationNameJson.previousValue)
| extend AnnotationNameCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationNameJson.newValue)
| extend AnnotationSummaryCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationSummary.newValue)
| extend AnnotationReasonCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationReason.newValue)
| extend AnnotationImpactTypeCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationImpactType.newValue)
| extend AnnotationContextCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationContext.newValue)
| extend AnnotationCategoryCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationCategory.newValue)
| project id = VmId, timestamp, ChangeType, AvailabilityStateCurrentValue, AnnotationNameCurrentValue, AnnotationSummaryCurrentValue, AnnotationReasonCurrentValue, AnnotationImpactTypeCurrentValue, AnnotationContextCurrentValue, AnnotationCategoryCurrentValue, Changes
| order by id, timestamp asc
| project-rename ['Virtual Machine ID'] = id, UTCTimeStamp = timestamp, ['Change Type'] = ChangeType, ['Availability State'] = AvailabilityStateCurrentValue, ['Summary'] = AnnotationSummaryCurrentValue, ['Reason'] = AnnotationReasonCurrentValue, ['Impact Type'] = AnnotationImpactTypeCurrentValue, Category = AnnotationCategoryCurrentValue, Context = AnnotationContextCurrentValue
az graph query -q "Resources | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId' | where type startswith 'microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances/' | where id startswith 'myResourceId' | mv-expand d = properties.vmDetails | project VmId = tolower(d.virtualMachineId) | join kind = leftouter (HealthResourceChanges | where subscriptionId == 'mySubscriptionId' | where id !has '/virtualMachineScaleSets/' | where id has '/virtualMachines/' | extend timestamp = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp) | extend VmId = tolower(tostring(split(id, '/providers/Microsoft.ResourceHealth/')[0])) | where properties has 'properties.availabilityState' or properties has 'properties.annotationName' | extend HealthChangeType = iff(properties has 'properties.availabilityState', 'Availability', 'Annotation') | extend ChangeType = tostring(properties.changeType) | where ChangeType == 'Update' or ChangeType == 'Delete') on \$left.VmId == \$right.VmId | extend Changes = parse_json(tostring(properties.changes)) | extend AvailabilityStateJson = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.availabilityState'])) | extend AnnotationNameJson = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.annotationName'])) | extend AnnotationSummary = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.summary'])) | extend AnnotationReason = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.reason'])) | extend AnnotationImpactType = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.impactType'])) | extend AnnotationContext = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.context'])) | extend AnnotationCategory = parse_json(tostring(Changes['properties.category'])) | extend AvailabilityStatePreviousValue = tostring(AvailabilityStateJson.previousValue) | extend AvailabilityStateCurrentValue = tostring(AvailabilityStateJson.newValue) | extend AnnotationNamePreviousValue = tostring(AnnotationNameJson.previousValue) | extend AnnotationNameCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationNameJson.newValue) | extend AnnotationSummaryCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationSummary.newValue) | extend AnnotationReasonCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationReason.newValue) | extend AnnotationImpactTypeCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationImpactType.newValue) | extend AnnotationContextCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationContext.newValue) | extend AnnotationCategoryCurrentValue = tostring(AnnotationCategory.newValue) | project id = VmId, timestamp, ChangeType, AvailabilityStateCurrentValue, AnnotationNameCurrentValue, AnnotationSummaryCurrentValue, AnnotationReasonCurrentValue, AnnotationImpactTypeCurrentValue, AnnotationContextCurrentValue, AnnotationCategoryCurrentValue, Changes | order by id, timestamp asc | project-rename ['Virtual Machine ID'] = id, UTCTimeStamp = timestamp, ['Change Type'] = ChangeType, ['Availability State'] = AvailabilityStateCurrentValue, ['Summary'] = AnnotationSummaryCurrentValue, ['Reason'] = AnnotationReasonCurrentValue, ['Impact Type'] = AnnotationImpactTypeCurrentValue, Category = AnnotationCategoryCurrentValue, Context = AnnotationContextCurrentValue"


Mencantumkan VM dengan asosiasi aturan pengumpulan data

Kueri ini mencantumkan komputer virtual dengan asosiasi aturan pengumpulan data. Untuk setiap komputer virtual, mencantumkan aturan pengumpulan data yang terkait dengannya.

| where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionruleassociations'
| where id contains 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/'
| project id = trim_start('/', tolower(id)), properties
| extend idComponents = split(id, '/')
| extend subscription = tolower(tostring(idComponents[1])), resourceGroup = tolower(tostring(idComponents[3])), vmName = tolower(tostring(idComponents[7]))
| extend dcrId = properties['dataCollectionRuleId']
| where isnotnull(dcrId)
| extend dcrId = tostring(dcrId)
| summarize dcrList = make_list(dcrId), dcrCount = count() by subscription, resourceGroup, vmName
| sort by dcrCount desc
az graph query -q "insightsresources | where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionruleassociations' | where id contains 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/' | project id = trim_start('/', tolower(id)), properties | extend idComponents = split(id, '/') | extend subscription = tolower(tostring(idComponents[1])), resourceGroup = tolower(tostring(idComponents[3])), vmName = tolower(tostring(idComponents[7])) | extend dcrId = properties['dataCollectionRuleId'] | where isnotnull(dcrId) | extend dcrId = tostring(dcrId) | summarize dcrList = make_list(dcrId), dcrCount = count() by subscription, resourceGroup, vmName | sort by dcrCount desc"

Pembela IoT

Dapatkan semua peringatan baru dari 30 hari terakhir

Kueri ini menyediakan daftar semua peringatan baru pengguna, dari 30 hari terakhir.

| where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/locations/devicegroups/alerts'
| where todatetime(properties.startTimeUtc) > ago(30d) and properties.status == 'New'
az graph query -q "iotsecurityresources | where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/locations/devicegroups/alerts' | where todatetime(properties.startTimeUtc) > ago(30d) and properties.status == 'New'"


Menghitung semua sensor berdasarkan jenis

Kueri ini meringkas semua sensor berdasarkan jenisnya (OT, EIoT).

| where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/sensors'
| summarize count() by tostring(properties.sensorType)
az graph query -q "iotsecurityresources | where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/sensors' | summarize count() by tostring(properties.sensorType)"

Hitung berapa banyak Perangkat IoT yang ada di jaringan Anda, berdasarkan sistem operasi

Kueri ini merangkum semua Perangkat IoT dengan platform sistem operasi mereka.

| where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/locations/devicegroups/devices'
| summarize count() by tostring(properties.operatingSystem.platform)
az graph query -q "iotsecurityresources | where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/locations/devicegroups/devices' | summarize count() by tostring(properties.operatingSystem.platform)"

Dapatkan semua rekomendasi tingkat keparahan tinggi

Kueri ini menyediakan daftar semua rekomendasi tingkat keparahan tinggi pengguna.

| where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/locations/devicegroups/recommendations'
| where properties.severity == 'High'
az graph query -q "iotsecurityresources | where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/locations/devicegroups/recommendations' | where properties.severity == 'High'"

Daftar situs dengan nilai tag tertentu

Kueri ini menyediakan daftar semua situs dengan nilai tag tertentu.

| where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/sites'
| where properties.tags['key'] =~ 'value1'
az graph query -q "iotsecurityresources | where type == 'microsoft.iotsecurity/sites' | where properties.tags['key'] =~ 'value1'"


Cantumkan semua kluster Kubernetes yang diaktifkan Azure Arc dan dengan ekstensi Azure Monitor

Mengembalikan ID kluster yang terhubung dari setiap kluster Kubernetes yang diaktifkan Azure Arc yang memiliki ekstensi Azure Monitor terpasang.

| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions'
| where properties.ExtensionType  == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers'
| parse id with connectedClusterId '/providers/Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/Extensions' *
| project connectedClusterId
az graph query -q "KubernetesConfigurationResources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' | where properties.ExtensionType == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers' | parse id with connectedClusterId '/providers/Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/Extensions' * | project connectedClusterId"

Cantumkan semua kluster Kubernetes yang diaktifkan Azure Arc tanpa ekstensi Azure Monitor

Mengembalikan ID kluster yang terhubung dari setiap kluster Kubernetes yang diaktifkan Azure Arc yang tanpa ekstensi Azure Monitor terpasang.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' | extend connectedClusterId = tolower(id) | project connectedClusterId
| join kind = leftouter
	| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions'
	| where properties.ExtensionType  == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers'
	| parse tolower(id) with connectedClusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' *
	| project connectedClusterId
)  on connectedClusterId
| where connectedClusterId1 == ''
| project connectedClusterId
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' | extend connectedClusterId = tolower(id) | project connectedClusterId | join kind = leftouter (KubernetesConfigurationResources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' | where properties.ExtensionType == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers' | parse tolower(id) with connectedClusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' * | project connectedClusterId ) on connectedClusterId | where connectedClusterId1 == '' | project connectedClusterId"

Mencantumkan semua ConnectedClusters dan ManagedClusters yang berisi Konfigurasi Flux

Memunculkan Id connectedCluster dan managedCluster untuk kluster yang berisi setidaknya satu fluxConfiguration.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' or type =~ 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters' | extend clusterId = tolower(id) | project clusterId
| join
( kubernetesconfigurationresources
| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations'
| parse tolower(id) with clusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' *
| project clusterId
) on clusterId
| project clusterId
az graph query -q "resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' or type =~ 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters' | extend clusterId = tolower(id) | project clusterId | join ( kubernetesconfigurationresources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' | parse tolower(id) with clusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' * | project clusterId ) on clusterId | project clusterId"

Mencantumkan Semua Konfigurasi Flux yang Berstatus Tidak Patuh

Memunculkan Id fluxConfiguration dari konfigurasi yang gagal menyinkronkan sumber daya pada kluster.

| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations'
| where properties.complianceState == 'Non-Compliant'
| project id
az graph query -q "kubernetesconfigurationresources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' | where properties.complianceState == 'Non-Compliant' | project id"


Mencantumkan kontak mendatang

Kueri ini membantu pelanggan melacak semua kontak mendatang yang diurutkan berdasarkan waktu mulai reservasi.

| where type == 'microsoft.orbital/spacecrafts/contacts' and todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime) >= now()
| sort by todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime)
| extend Contact_Profile = tostring(split(, "/")[-1])
| extend Spacecraft = tostring(split(id, "/")[-3])
| project Contact = tostring(name), Groundstation = tostring(properties.groundStationName), Spacecraft, Contact_Profile, Status=properties.status, Provisioning_Status=properties.provisioningState
az graph query -q "OrbitalResources | where type == 'microsoft.orbital/spacecrafts/contacts' and todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime) >= now() | sort by todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime) | extend Contact_Profile = tostring(split(, '/')[-1]) | extend Spacecraft = tostring(split(id, '/')[-3]) | project Contact = tostring(name), Groundstation = tostring(properties.groundStationName), Spacecraft, Contact_Profile, Status=properties.status, Provisioning_Status=properties.provisioningState"

Mencantumkan kontak 'x' hari sebelumnya di stasiun darat tertentu

Kueri ini membantu pelanggan melacak semua kontak hari terakhir x yang diurutkan berdasarkan waktu mulai reservasi untuk stasiun darat tertentu. Fungsi now(-1d) menentukan jumlah hari terakhir.

| where type == 'microsoft.orbital/spacecrafts/contacts' and todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime) >= now(-1d) and properties.groundStationName == 'Microsoft_Gavle'
| sort by todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime)
| extend Contact_Profile = tostring(split(, '/')[-1])
| extend Spacecraft = tostring(split(id, '/')[-3])
| project Contact = tostring(name), Groundstation = tostring(properties.groundStationName), Spacecraft, Contact_Profile, Reservation_Start_Time = todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime), Reservation_End_Time = todatetime(properties.reservationEndTime), Status=properties.status, Provisioning_Status=properties.provisioningState
az graph query -q "OrbitalResources | where type == 'microsoft.orbital/spacecrafts/contacts' and todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime) >= now(-1d) and properties.groundStationName == 'Microsoft_Gavle' | sort by todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime) | extend Contact_Profile = tostring(split(, '/')[-1]) | extend Spacecraft = tostring(split(id, '/')[-3]) | project Contact = tostring(name), Groundstation = tostring(properties.groundStationName), Spacecraft, Contact_Profile, Reservation_Start_Time = todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime), Reservation_End_Time = todatetime(properties.reservationEndTime), Status=properties.status, Provisioning_Status=properties.provisioningState"

Mencantumkan kontak 'x' hari sebelumnya pada profil kontak yang ditentukan

Kueri ini membantu pelanggan melacak semua kontak hari terakhir x yang diurutkan berdasarkan waktu mulai reservasi untuk profil kontak tertentu. Fungsi now(-1d) menentukan jumlah hari terakhir.

| where type == 'microsoft.orbital/spacecrafts/contacts'
| extend Contact_Profile = tostring(split(, '/')[-1])
| where todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime) >= now(-1d) and Contact_Profile == 'test-CP'
| sort by todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime)
| extend Spacecraft = tostring(split(id, '/')[-3])
| project Contact = tostring(name), Groundstation = tostring(properties.groundStationName), Spacecraft, Contact_Profile, Reservation_Start_Time = todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime), Reservation_End_Time = todatetime(properties.reservationEndTime), Status=properties.status, Provisioning_Status=properties.provisioningState
az graph query -q "OrbitalResources | where type == 'microsoft.orbital/spacecrafts/contacts' | extend Contact_Profile = tostring(split(, '/')[-1]) | where todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime) >= now(-1d) and Contact_Profile == 'test-CP' | sort by todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime) | extend Spacecraft = tostring(split(id, '/')[-3]) | project Contact = tostring(name), Groundstation = tostring(properties.groundStationName), Spacecraft, Contact_Profile, Reservation_Start_Time = todatetime(properties.reservationStartTime), Reservation_End_Time = todatetime(properties.reservationEndTime), Status=properties.status, Provisioning_Status=properties.provisioningState"


Jumlah penginstalan pembaruan OS yang diselesaikan

Menghasilkan daftar status eksekusi penginstalan pembaruan OS yang dilakukan untuk komputer Anda dalam waktu 7 hari terakhir.

| where type !has 'softwarepatches'
| extend machineName = tostring(split(id, '/', 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, '/', 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, '/', 4))
| extend prop = parse_json(properties)
| extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), OS = tostring(prop.osType), installedPatchCount = tostring(prop.installedPatchCount), failedPatchCount = tostring(prop.failedPatchCount), pendingPatchCount = tostring(prop.pendingPatchCount), excludedPatchCount = tostring(prop.excludedPatchCount), notSelectedPatchCount = tostring(prop.notSelectedPatchCount)
| where lTime > ago(7d)
| project lTime, RunID=name,machineName, rgName, resourceType, OS, installedPatchCount, failedPatchCount, pendingPatchCount, excludedPatchCount, notSelectedPatchCount
az graph query -q "PatchAssessmentResources | where type !has 'softwarepatches' | extend machineName = tostring(split(id, '/', 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, '/', 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, '/', 4)) | extend prop = parse_json(properties) | extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), OS = tostring(prop.osType), installedPatchCount = tostring(prop.installedPatchCount), failedPatchCount = tostring(prop.failedPatchCount), pendingPatchCount = tostring(prop.pendingPatchCount), excludedPatchCount = tostring(prop.excludedPatchCount), notSelectedPatchCount = tostring(prop.notSelectedPatchCount) | where lTime > ago(7d) | project lTime, RunID=name,machineName, rgName, resourceType, OS, installedPatchCount, failedPatchCount, pendingPatchCount, excludedPatchCount, notSelectedPatchCount"

Daftarkan pembaruan OS yang tersedia untuk semua komputer Anda yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan kategori pembaruan

Menghasilkan daftar OS tertunda untuk mesin Anda.

| where type !has 'softwarepatches'
| extend prop = parse_json(properties)
| extend lastTime = properties.lastModifiedDateTime
| extend updateRollupCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.updateRollup, featurePackCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.featurePack, servicePackCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.servicePack, definitionCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.definition, securityCount =, criticalCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.critical, updatesCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.updates, toolsCount =, otherCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.other, OS = prop.osType
| project lastTime, id, OS, updateRollupCount, featurePackCount, servicePackCount, definitionCount, securityCount, criticalCount, updatesCount, toolsCount, otherCount
az graph query -q "PatchAssessmentResources | where type !has 'softwarepatches' | extend prop = parse_json(properties) | extend lastTime = properties.lastModifiedDateTime | extend updateRollupCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.updateRollup, featurePackCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.featurePack, servicePackCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.servicePack, definitionCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.definition, securityCount =, criticalCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.critical, updatesCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.updates, toolsCount =, otherCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.other, OS = prop.osType | project lastTime, id, OS, updateRollupCount, featurePackCount, servicePackCount, definitionCount, securityCount, criticalCount, updatesCount, toolsCount, otherCount"

Daftar penginstalan pembaruan OS Linux yang diselesaikan

Menghasilkan daftar status Server Linux - eksekusi penginstalan pembaruan OS yang dilakukan untuk komputer Anda dalam 7 hari terakhir.

| where type has 'softwarepatches' and properties has 'version'
| extend machineName = tostring(split(id, '/', 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, '/', 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, '/', 4)), tostring(RunID = split(id, '/', 10))
| extend prop = parse_json(properties)
| extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), patchName = tostring(prop.patchName), version = tostring(prop.version), installationState = tostring(prop.installationState), classifications = tostring(prop.classifications)
| where lTime > ago(7d)
| project lTime, RunID, machineName, rgName, resourceType, patchName, version, classifications, installationState
| sort by RunID
az graph query -q "PatchAssessmentResources | where type has 'softwarepatches' and properties has 'version' | extend machineName = tostring(split(id, '/', 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, '/', 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, '/', 4)), tostring(RunID = split(id, '/', 10)) | extend prop = parse_json(properties) | extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), patchName = tostring(prop.patchName), version = tostring(prop.version), installationState = tostring(prop.installationState), classifications = tostring(prop.classifications) | where lTime > ago(7d) | project lTime, RunID, machineName, rgName, resourceType, patchName, version, classifications, installationState | sort by RunID"

Daftar penginstalan pembaruan OS Windows Server yang diselesaikan

Menghasilkan daftar status Server Windows - eksekusi penginstalan pembaruan OS yang dilakukan untuk komputer Anda dalam 7 hari terakhir.

| where type has 'softwarepatches' and properties !has 'version'
| extend machineName = tostring(split(id, '/', 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, '/', 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, '/', 4)), tostring(RunID = split(id, '/', 10))
| extend prop = parse_json(properties)
| extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), patchName = tostring(prop.patchName), kbId = tostring(prop.kbId), installationState = tostring(prop.installationState), classifications = tostring(prop.classifications)
| where lTime > ago(7d)
| project lTime, RunID, machineName, rgName, resourceType, patchName, kbId, classifications, installationState
| sort by RunID
az graph query -q "PatchAssessmentResources | where type has 'softwarepatches' and properties !has 'version' | extend machineName = tostring(split(id, '/', 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, '/', 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, '/', 4)), tostring(RunID = split(id, '/', 10)) | extend prop = parse_json(properties) | extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), patchName = tostring(prop.patchName), kbId = tostring(prop.kbId), installationState = tostring(prop.installationState), classifications = tostring(prop.classifications) | where lTime > ago(7d) | project lTime, RunID, machineName, rgName, resourceType, patchName, kbId, classifications, installationState | sort by RunID"


Kepatuhan terhadap penugasan kebijakan

Menyediakan status kepatuhan, persentase kepatuhan, dan jumlah sumber daya untuk setiap penugasan Azure Policy.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights/PolicyStates'
| extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState)
| extend
	resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId),
	policyAssignmentId = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId),
	policyAssignmentScope = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentScope),
	policyAssignmentName = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentName),
	policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId),
	policyDefinitionReferenceId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionReferenceId),
	stateWeight = iff(complianceState == 'NonCompliant', int(300), iff(complianceState == 'Compliant', int(200), iff(complianceState == 'Conflict', int(100), iff(complianceState == 'Exempt', int(50), int(0)))))
| summarize max(stateWeight) by resourceId, policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, policyAssignmentName
| summarize counts = count() by policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, max_stateWeight, policyAssignmentName
| summarize overallStateWeight = max(max_stateWeight),
nonCompliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 300),
compliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 200),
conflictCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 100),
exemptCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 50) by policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, policyAssignmentName
| extend totalResources = todouble(nonCompliantCount + compliantCount + conflictCount + exemptCount)
| extend compliancePercentage = iff(totalResources == 0, todouble(100), 100 * todouble(compliantCount + exemptCount) / totalResources)
| project policyAssignmentName, scope = policyAssignmentScope,
complianceState = iff(overallStateWeight == 300, 'noncompliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 200, 'compliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 100, 'conflict', iff(overallStateWeight == 50, 'exempt', 'notstarted')))),
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights/PolicyStates' | extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState) | extend resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId), policyAssignmentId = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId), policyAssignmentScope = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentScope), policyAssignmentName = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentName), policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId), policyDefinitionReferenceId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionReferenceId), stateWeight = iff(complianceState == 'NonCompliant', int(300), iff(complianceState == 'Compliant', int(200), iff(complianceState == 'Conflict', int(100), iff(complianceState == 'Exempt', int(50), int(0))))) | summarize max(stateWeight) by resourceId, policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, policyAssignmentName | summarize counts = count() by policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, max_stateWeight, policyAssignmentName | summarize overallStateWeight = max(max_stateWeight), nonCompliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 300), compliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 200), conflictCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 100), exemptCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 50) by policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, policyAssignmentName | extend totalResources = todouble(nonCompliantCount + compliantCount + conflictCount + exemptCount) | extend compliancePercentage = iff(totalResources == 0, todouble(100), 100 * todouble(compliantCount + exemptCount) / totalResources) | project policyAssignmentName, scope = policyAssignmentScope, complianceState = iff(overallStateWeight == 300, 'noncompliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 200, 'compliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 100, 'conflict', iff(overallStateWeight == 50, 'exempt', 'notstarted')))), compliancePercentage, compliantCount, nonCompliantCount, conflictCount, exemptCount"

Kepatuhan menurut tipe sumber daya

Menyediakan status kepatuhan, persentase kepatuhan, dan jumlah sumber daya untuk setiap jenis sumber daya.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights/PolicyStates'
| extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState)
| extend
	resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId),
	resourceType = tolower(tostring(properties.resourceType)),
	policyAssignmentId = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId),
	policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId),
	policyDefinitionReferenceId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionReferenceId),
	stateWeight = iff(complianceState == 'NonCompliant', int(300), iff(complianceState == 'Compliant', int(200), iff(complianceState == 'Conflict', int(100), iff(complianceState == 'Exempt', int(50), int(0)))))
| summarize max(stateWeight) by resourceId, resourceType
| summarize counts = count() by resourceType, max_stateWeight
| summarize overallStateWeight = max(max_stateWeight),
nonCompliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 300),
compliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 200),
conflictCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 100),
exemptCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 50) by resourceType
| extend totalResources = todouble(nonCompliantCount + compliantCount + conflictCount + exemptCount)
| extend compliancePercentage = iff(totalResources == 0, todouble(100), 100 * todouble(compliantCount + exemptCount) / totalResources)
| project resourceType,
overAllComplianceState = iff(overallStateWeight == 300, 'noncompliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 200, 'compliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 100, 'conflict', iff(overallStateWeight == 50, 'exempt', 'notstarted')))),
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights/PolicyStates' | extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState) | extend resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId), resourceType = tolower(tostring(properties.resourceType)), policyAssignmentId = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId), policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId), policyDefinitionReferenceId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionReferenceId), stateWeight = iff(complianceState == 'NonCompliant', int(300), iff(complianceState == 'Compliant', int(200), iff(complianceState == 'Conflict', int(100), iff(complianceState == 'Exempt', int(50), int(0))))) | summarize max(stateWeight) by resourceId, resourceType | summarize counts = count() by resourceType, max_stateWeight | summarize overallStateWeight = max(max_stateWeight), nonCompliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 300), compliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 200), conflictCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 100), exemptCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 50) by resourceType | extend totalResources = todouble(nonCompliantCount + compliantCount + conflictCount + exemptCount) | extend compliancePercentage = iff(totalResources == 0, todouble(100), 100 * todouble(compliantCount + exemptCount) / totalResources) | project resourceType, overAllComplianceState = iff(overallStateWeight == 300, 'noncompliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 200, 'compliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 100, 'conflict', iff(overallStateWeight == 50, 'exempt', 'notstarted')))), compliancePercentage, compliantCount, nonCompliantCount, conflictCount, exemptCount"

Mencantumkan semua sumber daya yang tidak sesuai

Menyediakan daftar semua jenis sumber daya yang berada dalam status NonCompliant.

| where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates'
| where properties.complianceState == 'NonCompliant'
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates' | where properties.complianceState == 'NonCompliant'"

Meringkas kepatuhan sumber daya menurut status

Memerinci jumlah sumber daya pada setiap status kepatuhan.

| where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates'
| extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState)
| summarize count() by complianceState
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates' | extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState) | summarize count() by complianceState"

Meringkas kepatuhan sumber daya menurut status per lokasi

Memerinci jumlah sumber daya di setiap status kepatuhan per lokasi.

| where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates'
| extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState)
| extend resourceLocation = tostring(properties.resourceLocation)
| summarize count() by resourceLocation, complianceState
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates' | extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState) | extend resourceLocation = tostring(properties.resourceLocation) | summarize count() by resourceLocation, complianceState"

Pengecualian kebijakan per penugasan

Mencantumkan jumlah pengecualian untuk setiap penugasan.

| where type == 'microsoft.authorization/policyexemptions'
| summarize count() by tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId)

Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang menggunakan cakupan dengan Azure CLI atau Azure PowerShell, buka Menghitung sumber daya Azure.

--management-groups Gunakan parameter dengan ID grup manajemen Azure atau ID penyewa. Dalam contoh ini, tenantid variabel menyimpan ID penyewa.

tenantid="$(az account show --query tenantId --output tsv)"
az graph query -q "policyresources | where type == 'microsoft.authorization/policyexemptions' | summarize count() by tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId)" --management-groups $tenantid

Pengecualian kebijakan yang kedaluwarsa dalam waktu 90 hari

Mencantumkan nama dan tanggal kedaluwarsa.

| where type == 'microsoft.authorization/policyexemptions'
| extend expiresOnC = todatetime(properties.expiresOn)
| where isnotnull(expiresOnC)
| where expiresOnC >= now() and expiresOnC < now(+90d)
| project name, expiresOnC
az graph query -q "policyresources | where type == 'microsoft.authorization/policyexemptions' | extend expiresOnC = todatetime(properties.expiresOn) | where isnotnull(expiresOnC) | where expiresOnC >= now() and expiresOnC < now(+90d) | project name, expiresOnC"


Menggabungkan hasil dari dua kueri menjadi satu hasil

Kueri berikut menggunakan union untuk mendapatkan hasil dari tabel ResourceContainers dan menambahkannya ke hasil dari tabel Sumber Daya.

| where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups' | project name, type  | limit 5
| union  (Resources | project name, type | limit 5)
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups' | project name, type | limit 5 | union (Resources | project name, type | limit 5)"

Jumlah langganan per grup manajemen

Merangkum jumlah langganan di setiap grup manajemen.

| where type =~ ''
| project mgname = name
| join kind=leftouter (resourcecontainers | where type=~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| extend  mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain | project id, mgname = tostring(mgParent[0].name)) on mgname
| summarize count() by mgname
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type =~ '' | project mgname = name | join kind=leftouter (resourcecontainers | where type=~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | extend mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain | project id, mgname = tostring(mgParent[0].name)) on mgname | summarize count() by mgname"

Mencantumkan semua elemen induk grup manajemen untuk grup manajemen yang ditentukan

Memberikan detail hierarki grup manajemen untuk grup manajemen yang ditentukan dalam cakupan kueri. Dalam contoh ini, grup manajemen tersebut dinamai Aplikasi.

| where type =~ ''
| extend  mgParent = properties.details.managementGroupAncestorsChain
| mv-expand with_itemindex=MGHierarchy mgParent
| project name, properties.displayName, mgParent, MGHierarchy,
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type =~ '' | extend mgParent = properties.details.managementGroupAncestorsChain | mv-expand with_itemindex=MGHierarchy mgParent | project name, properties.displayName, mgParent, MGHierarchy," --management-groups Application

Mencantumkan semua elemen induk manajemen untuk langganan yang ditentukan

Memberikan detail hierarki grup manajemen untuk langganan yang ditentukan dalam cakupan kueri. Dalam contoh ini, angka GUID langganan adalah 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| extend  mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain
| mv-expand with_itemindex=MGHierarchy mgParent
| project subscriptionId, name, mgParent, MGHierarchy,
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | extend mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain | mv-expand with_itemindex=MGHierarchy mgParent | project subscriptionId, name, mgParent, MGHierarchy," --subscriptions 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111

Mencantumkan semua langganan di grup manajemen yang ditentukan

Sediakan nama dan ID langganan semua langganan di bawah grup manajemen yang ditentukan dalam cakupan kueri. Dalam contoh ini, grup manajemen tersebut dinamai Aplikasi.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| project subscriptionId, name
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project subscriptionId, name" --management-groups Application

Mencantumkan semua tag beserta nilainya

Kueri ini mencantumkan tag pada grup manajemen, langganan, dan sumber daya bersama dengan nilainya. Kueri pertama kali membatasi sumber daya di mana tag isnotempty(), membatasi bidang yang disertakan hanya dengan menyertakan tag di project, dan mvexpand dan extend untuk mendapatkan data yang dipasangkan dari tas properti. Kemudian kueri menggunakan union untuk menggabungkan hasil dari ResourceContainers ke hasil yang sama dari Sumber Daya, memberikan cakupan luas ke tag mana yang diambil. Terakhir, membatasi hasil pada distinct data yang dipasangkan dan mengecualikan tag yang disembunyikan sistem.

| where isnotempty(tags)
| project tags
| mvexpand tags
| extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
| extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey])
| union (
  | where isnotempty(tags)
  | project tags
  | mvexpand tags
  | extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
  | extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey])
| distinct tagKey, tagValue
| where tagKey !startswith "hidden-"
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where isnotempty(tags) | project tags | mvexpand tags | extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0]) | extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey]) | union ( resources | where isnotempty(tags) | project tags | mvexpand tags | extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0]) | extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey]) ) | distinct tagKey, tagValue | where tagKey !startswith "hidden-""

Menghapus kolom dari hasil

Kueri berikut menggunakan summarize untuk menghitung sumber daya menurut langganan, join untuk menggabungkannya dengan detail langganan dari tabel ResourceContainers, lalu project-away untuk menghapus beberapa kolom.

| summarize resourceCount=count() by subscriptionId
| join (ResourceContainers | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| project-away subscriptionId, subscriptionId1
az graph query -q "Resources | summarize resourceCount=count() by subscriptionId | join (ResourceContainers | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId | project-away subscriptionId, subscriptionId1"

Skor aman per grup manajemen

Menampilkan skor aman per grup manajemen.

| where type == ''
| project subscriptionId,
  subscriptionTotal = iff(properties.score.max == 0, 0.00, round(tolong(properties.weight) * todouble(properties.score.current)/tolong(properties.score.max),2)),
  weight = tolong(iff(properties.weight == 0, 1, properties.weight))
| join kind=leftouter (
  | where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' and properties.state == 'Enabled'
  | project subscriptionId, mgChain=properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain )
  on subscriptionId
| mv-expand mg=mgChain
| summarize sumSubs = sum(subscriptionTotal), sumWeight = sum(weight), resultsNum = count() by tostring(mg.displayName), mgId = tostring(
| extend secureScore = iff(tolong(resultsNum) == 0, 404.00, round(sumSubs/sumWeight*100,2))
| project mgName=mg_displayName, mgId, sumSubs, sumWeight, resultsNum, secureScore
| order by mgName asc
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | project subscriptionId, subscriptionTotal = iff(properties.score.max == 0, 0.00, round(tolong(properties.weight) * todouble(properties.score.current)/tolong(properties.score.max),2)), weight = tolong(iff(properties.weight == 0, 1, properties.weight)) | join kind=leftouter ( ResourceContainers | where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' and properties.state == 'Enabled' | project subscriptionId, mgChain=properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain ) on subscriptionId | mv-expand mg=mgChain | summarize sumSubs = sum(subscriptionTotal), sumWeight = sum(weight), resultsNum = count() by tostring(mg.displayName), mgId = tostring( | extend secureScore = iff(tolong(resultsNum) == 0, 404.00, round(sumSubs/sumWeight*100,2)) | project mgName=mg_displayName, mgId, sumSubs, sumWeight, resultsNum, secureScore | order by mgName asc"


Menggabungkan hasil dari dua kueri menjadi satu hasil

Kueri berikut menggunakan union untuk mendapatkan hasil dari tabel ResourceContainers dan menambahkannya ke hasil dari tabel Sumber Daya.

| where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups' | project name, type  | limit 5
| union  (Resources | project name, type | limit 5)
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups' | project name, type | limit 5 | union (Resources | project name, type | limit 5)"

Menghitung sumber daya Azure

Kueri ini mengembalikan jumlah sumber daya Azure yang ada di langganan yang dapat Anda akses. Ini juga merupakan kueri yang baik untuk memvalidasi shell pilihan Anda menginstal komponen Azure Resource Graph yang sesuai dan sesuai urutan kerja.

| summarize count()
az graph query -q "Resources | summarize count()"

Menghitung sumber daya brankas kunci

Kueri menggunakan count bukan summarize untuk menghitung jumlah data yang dihasilkan. Hanya brankas kunci yang disertakan dalam hitungan.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults'
| count
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults' | count"

Jumlah mesin virtual berdasarkan status daya

Menampilkan jumlah mesin virtual (jenis Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) yang dikategorikan sesuai dengan status dayanya. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang status daya, silakan lihat Gambaran umum status daya.

| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| summarize count() by PowerState = tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code)
az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | summarize count() by PowerState = tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code)"

Menghitung sumber daya yang memiliki alamat IP yang dikonfigurasi oleh langganan

Menggunakan contoh ‘Mendaftarkan semua alamat IP publik’ dan menambahkan summarize dan count(), kita bisa mendapatkan daftar berdasarkan langganan sumber daya dengan alamat IP yang dikonfigurasi.

| where type contains 'publicIPAddresses' and isnotempty(properties.ipAddress)
| summarize count () by subscriptionId
az graph query -q "Resources | where type contains 'publicIPAddresses' and isnotempty(properties.ipAddress) | summarize count () by subscriptionId"

Menghitung komputer virtual berdasarkan jenis OS

Membangun kueri sebelumnya, kami masih membatasi sumber daya jenis Azure Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, tetapi tidak lagi membatasi jumlah rekaman yang dikembalikan. Sebaliknya, kami menggunakan summarize dan count() untuk menentukan cara mengelompokkan dan menggabungkan nilai menurut properti, yang dalam contoh ini adalah properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType. Untuk contoh tampilan string ini di objek lengkap, lihat menjelajahi sumber daya - penemuan komputer virtual.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| summarize count() by tostring(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType)
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | summarize count() by tostring(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType)"

Menghitung komputer virtual berdasarkan jenis OS

Cara lain untuk menulis kueri ‘Menghitung mesin virtual berdasarkan jenis OS’ adalah ke extend properti dan memberinya nama sementara untuk digunakan dalam kueri, dalam hal inios. Laluos digunakan oleh summarize dan count() seperti dalam contoh yang dirujuk.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| extend os = properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType
| summarize count() by tostring(os)
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | extend os = properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType | summarize count() by tostring(os)"

Menemukan akun penyimpanan dengan tag tak-peka huruf tertentu di grup sumber daya

Mirip dengan kueri 'Temukan akun penyimpanan dengan tag yang peka dengan huruf besar/kecil tertentu pada grup sumber daya', tetapi ketika perlu mencari nama tag dan nilai tag yang tidak sensitif, gunakan mv-expand dengan parameter bagexpansion. Kueri ini menggunakan lebih banyak kuota daripada kueri sebelumnya, jadi gunakan mv-expand hanya jika perlu.

| where type =~ ''
| join kind=inner (
  | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups'
  | mv-expand bagexpansion=array tags
  | where isnotempty(tags)
  | where tags[0] =~ 'key1' and tags[1] =~ 'value1'
  | project subscriptionId, resourceGroup)
on subscriptionId, resourceGroup
| project-away subscriptionId1, resourceGroup1
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ '' | join kind=inner ( ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups' | mv-expand bagexpansion=array tags | where isnotempty(tags) | where tags[0] =~ 'key1' and tags[1] =~ 'value1' | project subscriptionId, resourceGroup) on subscriptionId, resourceGroup | project-away subscriptionId1, resourceGroup1"

Menemukan akun penyimpanan dengan tag yang peka huruf besar/kecil tertentu di grup sumber daya

Kueri berikut menggunakan dalam join untuk menyambungkan akun penyimpanan dengan grup sumber daya yang memiliki nama tag dan nilai tag peka huruf besar/kecil tertentu.

| where type =~ ''
| join kind=inner (
  | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups'
  | where tags['Key1'] =~ 'Value1'
  | project subscriptionId, resourceGroup)
on subscriptionId, resourceGroup
| project-away subscriptionId1, resourceGroup1
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ '' | join kind=inner ( ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups' | where tags['Key1'] =~ 'Value1' | project subscriptionId, resourceGroup) on subscriptionId, resourceGroup | project-away subscriptionId1, resourceGroup1"

Mendapatkan jumlah dan persentase server yang didukung Arc menurut domain

Kueri ini merangkum properti domainName pada server yang didukung Azure Arc dan menggunakan penghitungan dengan bin guna membuat kolom Pct untuk persentase server yang didukung Arc per domain.

| where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines'
| project domain=tostring(properties.domainName)
| summarize Domains=make_list(domain), TotalMachineCount=sum(1)
| mvexpand EachDomain = Domains
| summarize PerDomainMachineCount = count() by tostring(EachDomain), TotalMachineCount
| extend Pct = 100 * bin(todouble(PerDomainMachineCount) / todouble(TotalMachineCount), 0.001)
az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines' | project domain=tostring(properties.domainName) | summarize Domains=make_list(domain), TotalMachineCount=sum(1) | mvexpand EachDomain = Domains | summarize PerDomainMachineCount = count() by tostring(EachDomain), TotalMachineCount | extend Pct = 100 * bin(todouble(PerDomainMachineCount) / todouble(TotalMachineCount), 0.001)"

Mendapatkan kapasitas dan ukuran set skala komputer virtual

Kueri ini mencari sumber daya set skala komputer virtual dan mendapatkan berbagai detail termasuk ukuran komputer virtual dan kapasitas set skala. Kueri menggunakan fungsi toint() untuk mentransmisikan kapasitas ke angka sehingga dapat diurutkan. Akhirnya, kolom diubah namanya menjadi properti dengan nama kustom.

| where type=~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets'
| where name contains 'contoso'
| project subscriptionId, name, location, resourceGroup, Capacity = toint(sku.capacity), Tier =
| order by Capacity desc
az graph query -q "Resources | where type=~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets' | where name contains 'contoso' | project subscriptionId, name, location, resourceGroup, Capacity = toint(sku.capacity), Tier = | order by Capacity desc"

Dapatkan jaringan virtual dan subnet antarmuka jaringan

Gunakan ekspresi reguler parse untuk mendapatkan jaringan virtual dan nama subnet dari properti ID sumber daya. Meskipun parse memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan data dari bidang yang kompleks, hasilnya akan optimal untuk mengakses properti secara langsung jika ada alih-alih menggunakan parse.

| where type =~ ''
| project id, ipConfigurations = properties.ipConfigurations
| mvexpand ipConfigurations
| project id, subnetId = tostring(
| parse kind=regex subnetId with '/virtualNetworks/' virtualNetwork '/subnets/' subnet
| project id, virtualNetwork, subnet
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ '' | project id, ipConfigurations = properties.ipConfigurations | mvexpand ipConfigurations | project id, subnetId = tostring( | parse kind=regex subnetId with '/virtualNetworks/' virtualNetwork '/subnets/' subnet | project id, virtualNetwork, subnet"

Vault kunci dengan nama langganan

Kueri berikut menunjukkan penggunaan kompleks join dengan jenis sebagai leftouter. Kueri membatasi tabel gabungan untuk sumber daya langganan dan dengan project hanya menyertakan bidang asli subscriptionId dan bidang nama yang diganti namanya menjadi SubName. Penggantian nama bidang menghindari join menambahkannya sebagai nama1 karena bidang sudah ada di sumber daya. Tabel asli difilter dengan where dan project berikut menyertakan kolom dari kedua tabel. Hasil kueri adalah semua jenis yang menampilkan brankas kunci, nama brankas kunci, dan nama langganan brankas kunci.

| join kind=leftouter (ResourceContainers | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| where type == 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults'
| project type, name, SubName
az graph query -q "Resources | join kind=leftouter (ResourceContainers | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId | where type == 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults' | project type, name, SubName"

Cantumkan semua kluster Kubernetes yang diaktifkan Azure Arc tanpa ekstensi Azure Monitor

Mengembalikan ID kluster yang terhubung dari setiap kluster Kubernetes yang diaktifkan Azure Arc yang tanpa ekstensi Azure Monitor terpasang.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' | extend connectedClusterId = tolower(id) | project connectedClusterId
| join kind = leftouter
  | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions'
  | where properties.ExtensionType  == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers'
  | parse tolower(id) with connectedClusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' *
  | project connectedClusterId
)  on connectedClusterId
| where connectedClusterId1 == ''
| project connectedClusterId
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' | extend connectedClusterId = tolower(id) | project connectedClusterId | join kind = leftouter (KubernetesConfigurationResources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' | where properties.ExtensionType == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers' | parse tolower(id) with connectedClusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' * | project connectedClusterId ) on connectedClusterId | where connectedClusterId1 == '' | project connectedClusterId"

Cantumkan sumber daya Kubernetes yang diaktifkan Azure Arc

Mengembalikan daftar setiap kluster Kubernetes yang diaktifkan Azure Arc dan metadata yang relevan untuk setiap kluster.

| project id, subscriptionId, location, type, properties.agentVersion, properties.kubernetesVersion, properties.distribution, properties.infrastructure, properties.totalNodeCount, properties.totalCoreCount
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters'
az graph query -q "Resources | project id, subscriptionId, location, type, properties.agentVersion, properties.kubernetesVersion, properties.distribution, properties.infrastructure, properties.totalNodeCount, properties.totalCoreCount | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters'"

Mencantumkan semua ConnectedClusters dan ManagedClusters yang berisi Konfigurasi Flux

Memunculkan Id connectedCluster dan managedCluster untuk kluster yang berisi setidaknya satu fluxConfiguration.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' or type =~ 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters' | extend clusterId = tolower(id) | project clusterId
| join
( kubernetesconfigurationresources
| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations'
| parse tolower(id) with clusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' *
| project clusterId
) on clusterId
| project clusterId
az graph query -q "resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' or type =~ 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters' | extend clusterId = tolower(id) | project clusterId | join ( kubernetesconfigurationresources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' | parse tolower(id) with clusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' * | project clusterId ) on clusterId | project clusterId"

Mencantumkan semua ekstensi yang dipasang di komputer virtual

Pertama, kueri ini menggunakan extend pada jenis sumber daya komputer virtual untuk mendapatkan ID dalam huruf besar (toupper()) ID, mendapatkan nama dan jenis sistem operasi, dan mendapatkan ukuran komputer virtual. Mengubah ID sumber daya ke huruf besar merupakan cara yang baik sebagai persiapan untuk bergabung ke properti lain. Kemudian, kueri akan menggunakan join dengan kind sebagai leftouter untuk mendapatkan ekstensi mesin virtual dengan mencocokkan substring dalam huruf besar dari ID ekstensi. Bagian ID sebelum "/extensions/<ExtensionName>" adalah format yang sama dengan ID mesin virtual, jadi kami menggunakan properti ini untuk join. summarize kemudian digunakan dengan make_list pada nama ekstensi komputer virtual untuk menggabungkan nama setiap ekstensi di mana id, OSName, OSType, dan VMSize adalah sama menjadi satu properti array. Terakhir, kita order by huruf kecil OSName dengan asc. Secara default, order by turun.

| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| extend
  JoinID = toupper(id),
  OSName = tostring(properties.osProfile.computerName),
  OSType = tostring(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType),
  VMSize = tostring(properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize)
| join kind=leftouter(
  | where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/extensions'
  | extend
    VMId = toupper(substring(id, 0, indexof(id, '/extensions'))),
    ExtensionName = name
) on $left.JoinID == $right.VMId
| summarize Extensions = make_list(ExtensionName) by id, OSName, OSType, VMSize
| order by tolower(OSName) asc
az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | extend JoinID = toupper(id), OSName = tostring(properties.osProfile.computerName), OSType = tostring(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType), VMSize = tostring(properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize) | join kind=leftouter( Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/extensions' | extend  VMId = toupper(substring(id, 0, indexof(id, '/extensions'))),  ExtensionName = name ) on \$left.JoinID == \$right.VMId | summarize Extensions = make_list(ExtensionName) by id, OSName, OSType, VMSize | order by tolower(OSName) asc"

Mencantumkan semua ekstensi yang diinstal pada server yang didukung Azure Arc

Pertama, kueri ini menggunakan project pada jenis sumber daya mesin hibrida untuk mendapatkan ID dalam huruf besar (toupper()), nama komputer, dan sistem operasi yang berjalan pada mesin. Mengubah ID sumber daya ke huruf besar merupakan cara yang baik sebagai persiapan untuk melakukan join ke properti lain. Kemudian, kueri akan menggunakan join dengan kind sebagai leftouter untuk mendapatkan ekstensi dengan mencocokkan substring dalam huruf besar dari ID ekstensi. Bagian ID sebelum /extensions/<ExtensionName> memiliki format yang sama dengan ID mesin hibrida, jadi kita menggunakan properti ini untuk join. summarize kemudian digunakan dengan make_list pada nama ekstensi mesin virtual untuk menggabungkan nama setiap ekstensi, di mana id, OSName, ComputerName adalah sama, menjadi satu properti array. Terakhir, kita akan mengurutkan berdasarkan OSName dalam huruf kecil dengan asc. Secara default, order by turun.

| where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines'
| project
  JoinID = toupper(id),
  ComputerName = tostring(properties.osProfile.computerName),
  OSName = tostring(properties.osName)
| join kind=leftouter(
  | where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines/extensions'
  | project
    MachineId = toupper(substring(id, 0, indexof(id, '/extensions'))),
    ExtensionName = name
) on $left.JoinID == $right.MachineId
| summarize Extensions = make_list(ExtensionName) by id, ComputerName, OSName
| order by tolower(OSName) asc
az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines' | project id, JoinID = toupper(id), ComputerName = tostring(properties.osProfile.computerName), OSName = tostring(properties.osName) | join kind=leftouter( Resources | where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines/extensions' | project  MachineId = toupper(substring(id, 0, indexof(id, '/extensions'))),  ExtensionName = name ) on \$left.JoinID == \$right.MachineId | summarize Extensions = make_list(ExtensionName) by id, ComputerName, OSName | order by tolower(OSName) asc"

Mencantumkan Semua Konfigurasi Flux yang Berstatus Tidak Patuh

Memunculkan Id fluxConfiguration dari konfigurasi yang gagal menyinkronkan sumber daya pada kluster.

| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations'
| where properties.complianceState == 'Non-Compliant'
| project id
az graph query -q "kubernetesconfigurationresources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' | where properties.complianceState == 'Non-Compliant' | project id"

Mencantumkan semua alamat IP publik

Mirip dengan kueri ‘Tunjukkan sumber daya yang berisi penyimpanan’, temukan semua yang merupakan jenis dengan kata publicIPAddresses. Kueri ini memperluas pola tersebut untuk hanya menyertakan hasil ketika properties.ipAddressisnotemptyharus mengembalikan properties.ipAddress saja dan ke limit, hasilnya berdasarkan 100 teratas. Anda mungkin perlu keluar dari penawaran tergantung pada shell yang Anda pilih.

| where type contains 'publicIPAddresses' and isnotempty(properties.ipAddress)
| project properties.ipAddress
| limit 100
az graph query -q "Resources | where type contains 'publicIPAddresses' and isnotempty(properties.ipAddress) | project properties.ipAddress | limit 100"

Mencantumkan semua akun penyimpanan dengan nilai tag tertentu

Gabungkan fungsionalitas filter dari contoh sebelumnya dan filter tipe sumber daya Azure menurut jenis properti. Kueri ini juga membatasi pencarian kami untuk jenis sumber daya Azure tertentu dengan nama dan nilai tag tertentu.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts'
| where tags['tag with a space']=='Custom value'
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts' | where tags['tag with a space']=='Custom value'"

Mencantumkan semua nama tag

Kueri ini dimulai dengan tag dan membangun objek JSON yang mencantumkan semua nama tag unik dan jenis yang sesuai.

| project tags
| summarize buildschema(tags)
az graph query -q "Resources | project tags | summarize buildschema(tags)"

Mencantumkan semua tag beserta nilainya

Kueri ini mencantumkan tag pada grup manajemen, langganan, dan sumber daya bersama dengan nilainya. Kueri pertama kali membatasi sumber daya di mana tag isnotempty(), membatasi bidang yang disertakan hanya dengan menyertakan tag di project, dan mvexpand dan extend untuk mendapatkan data yang dipasangkan dari tas properti. Kemudian kueri menggunakan union untuk menggabungkan hasil dari ResourceContainers ke hasil yang sama dari Sumber Daya, memberikan cakupan luas ke tag mana yang diambil. Terakhir, membatasi hasil pada distinct data yang dipasangkan dan mengecualikan tag yang disembunyikan sistem.

| where isnotempty(tags)
| project tags
| mvexpand tags
| extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
| extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey])
| union (
  | where isnotempty(tags)
  | project tags
  | mvexpand tags
  | extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
  | extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey])
| distinct tagKey, tagValue
| where tagKey !startswith "hidden-"
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where isnotempty(tags) | project tags | mvexpand tags | extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0]) | extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey]) | union ( resources | where isnotempty(tags) | project tags | mvexpand tags | extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0]) | extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey]) ) | distinct tagKey, tagValue | where tagKey !startswith "hidden-""

Menuliskan daftar server berkemampuan Arc yang tidak menjalankan versi agen terbaru yang dirilis

Kueri ini menampilkan semua server berkemampuan Arc yang menjalankan versi usang dari agen Connected Machine. Agen dengan status Expired dikecualikan dari hasil. Kueri menggunakan leftouter join untuk menyatukan rekomendasi Advisor yang diajukan terkait agen Connected Machine yang dinyatakan telah usang, dan mesin Hybrid Computer yang akan memfilter semua agen yang belum berkomunikasi dengan Azure selama periode waktu tertentu.

| where type == 'microsoft.advisor/recommendations'
| where properties.category == 'HighAvailability'
| where properties.shortDescription.solution == 'Upgrade to the latest version of the Azure Connected Machine agent'
| project
    JoinId = toupper(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId),
    machineName = tostring(properties.impactedValue),
    agentVersion = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.installedVersion),
    expectedVersion = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.latestVersion)
| join kind=leftouter(
  | where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines'
  | project
    machineId = toupper(id),
    status = tostring (properties.status)
  ) on $left.JoinId == $right.machineId
| where status != 'Expired'
| summarize by id, machineName, agentVersion, expectedVersion
| order by tolower(machineName) asc
az graph query -q "AdvisorResources | where type == 'microsoft.advisor/recommendations' | where properties.category == 'HighAvailability' | where properties.shortDescription.solution == 'Upgrade to the latest version of the Azure Connected Machine agent' | project  id,  JoinId = toupper(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId),  machineName = tostring(properties.impactedValue),  agentVersion = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.installedVersion),  expectedVersion = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.latestVersion) | join kind=leftouter( Resources | where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines' | project  machineId = toupper(id),  status = tostring (properties.status) ) on \$left.JoinId == \$right.machineId | where status != 'Expired' | summarize by id, machineName, agentVersion, expectedVersion | order by tolower(machineName) asc"

Mencantumkan lokasi kustom dengan dukungan Azure Arc pada VMware atau dengan dukungan SCVMM

Menyediakan daftar semua lokasi kustom dengan dukungan Azure Arc yang mengaktifkan jenis sumber daya VMware atau SCVMM.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations' and properties.provisioningState =~ 'succeeded'
| extend clusterExtensionIds=properties.clusterExtensionIds
| mvexpand clusterExtensionIds
| extend clusterExtensionId = tolower(clusterExtensionIds)
| join kind=leftouter(
  | where type =~ 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customLocations/enabledResourcetypes'
  | project clusterExtensionId = tolower(properties.clusterExtensionId), extensionType = tolower(properties.extensionType)
  | where extensionType in~ ('microsoft.scvmm','microsoft.vmware')
) on clusterExtensionId
| where extensionType in~ ('microsoft.scvmm','microsoft.vmware')
| summarize virtualMachineKindsEnabled=make_set(extensionType) by id,name,location
| sort by name asc
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations' and properties.provisioningState =~ 'succeeded' | extend clusterExtensionIds=properties.clusterExtensionIds | mvexpand clusterExtensionIds | extend clusterExtensionId = tolower(clusterExtensionIds) | join kind=leftouter( ExtendedLocationResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.extendedlocation/customLocations/enabledResourcetypes' | project clusterExtensionId = tolower(properties.clusterExtensionId), extensionType = tolower(properties.extensionType) | where extensionType in~ ('microsoft.scvmm','microsoft.vmware') ) on clusterExtensionId | where extensionType in~ ('microsoft.scvmm','microsoft.vmware') | summarize virtualMachineKindsEnabled=make_set(extensionType) by id,name,location | sort by name asc"

Mencantumkan Azure Cosmos DB dengan lokasi penulisan tertentu

Batas kueri berikut untuk sumber daya Azure Cosmos DB, menggunakan mv-expand untuk memperluas kantong properti untuk properties.writeLocations, lalu memproyeksikan bidang tertentu dan membatasi hasilnya lebih lanjut ke properties.writeLocations.locationName nilai yang cocok dengan 'US Timur' atau 'US Barat'.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts'
| project id, name, writeLocations = (properties.writeLocations)
| mv-expand writeLocations
| project id, name, writeLocation = tostring(writeLocations.locationName)
| where writeLocation in ('East US', 'West US')
| summarize by id, name
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts' | project id, name, writeLocations = (properties.writeLocations) | mv-expand writeLocations | project id, name, writeLocation = tostring(writeLocations.locationName) | where writeLocation in ('East US', 'West US') | summarize by id, name"

Menuliskan daftar sumber daya yang terkena dampak saat mentransfer langganan Azure

Menampilkan beberapa sumber daya Azure yang terkena dampak saat Anda mentransfer langganan ke direktori Azure Active Directory (Microsoft Azure AD) yang berbeda. Anda harus membuat ulang beberapa sumber daya yang ada sebelum transfer langganan.

| where type in (
  or identity has 'SystemAssigned'
  or (type =~ '' and properties['isHnsEnabled'] == true)
| summarize count() by type
az graph query -q "Resources | where type in ( 'microsoft.managedidentity/userassignedidentities', 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults', 'microsoft.sql/servers/databases', 'microsoft.datalakestore/accounts', 'microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters') or identity has 'SystemAssigned' or (type =~ '' and properties['isHnsEnabled'] == true) | summarize count() by type"

Daftar mesin yang tidak berjalan dan status kepatuhan terakhirnya

Menyediakan daftar mesin yang tidak dinyalakan dengan penugasan konfigurasinya dan status kepatuhan terakhir yang dilaporkan.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| where properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code != 'PowerState/running'
| project vmName = name, power = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code
| join kind = leftouter (GuestConfigurationResources
  | extend vmName = tostring(split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)])
  | project vmName, name, compliance = properties.complianceStatus) on vmName | project-away vmName1
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | where properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code != 'PowerState/running' | project vmName = name, power = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code | join kind = leftouter (GuestConfigurationResources | extend vmName = tostring(split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)]) | project vmName, name, compliance = properties.complianceStatus) on vmName | project-away vmName1"

Daftar mesin virtual berdasarkan status ketersediaan dan status daya dengan Id Sumber Daya dan Grup sumber daya

Mengembalikan daftar mesin virtual (jenis Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) yang diagregasi pada status daya dan status ketersediaan mereka untuk memberikan status kesehatan yang kohesif untuk mesin virtual Anda. Kueri ini juga memberikan rincian tentang grup sumber daya dan Id sumber daya yang terkait dengan setiap entri untuk visibilitas terperinci ke dalam sumber daya Anda.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| project resourceGroup, Id = tolower(id), PowerState = tostring( properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code)
| join kind=leftouter (
  | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
  | where tostring(properties.targetResourceType) =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
  | project targetResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState))
  on $left.Id == $right.targetResourceId
| project-away targetResourceId
| where PowerState != 'PowerState/deallocated'
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project resourceGroup, Id = tolower(id), PowerState = tostring( properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code) | join kind=leftouter ( HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | where tostring(properties.targetResourceType) =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project targetResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)) on \$left.Id == \$right.targetResourceId | project-away targetResourceId | where PowerState != 'PowerState/deallocated'"

Mencantumkan sumber daya yang diurutkan menurut nama

Kueri ini mengembalikan tipe sumber daya apa pun, tetapi hanya properti nama, jenis, dan lokasi. Ini digunakan order by untuk mengurutkan properti menurut properti nama dalam urutan naik (asc).

| project name, type, location
| order by name asc
az graph query -q "Resources | project name, type, location | order by name asc"

Mencantumkan sumber daya dengan nilai tag tertentu

Kita dapat membatasi hasil berdasarkan properti selain jenis sumber daya Azure, seperti tag. Dalam contoh ini, kami memfilter sumber daya Azure dengan nama tag Lingkungan yang memiliki nilai Internal. Untuk juga menyediakan tag apa yang memiliki sumber daya dan nilainya, tambahkan tag properti ke kata kunci project.

| where tags.environment=~'internal'
| project name, tags
az graph query -q "Resources | where tags.environment=~'internal' | project name, tags"

Mencantumkan Azure SQL Database dan kumpulan elastisnya

Kueri berikut menggunakan leftouter join untuk menyatukan sumber daya Azure SQL Database dan kumpulan elastis terkait, jika ada.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.sql/servers/databases'
| project databaseId = id, databaseName = name, elasticPoolId = tolower(tostring(properties.elasticPoolId))
| join kind=leftouter (
  | where type =~ 'microsoft.sql/servers/elasticpools'
  | project elasticPoolId = tolower(id), elasticPoolName = name, elasticPoolState = properties.state)
  on elasticPoolId
| project-away elasticPoolId1
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.sql/servers/databases' | project databaseId = id, databaseName = name, elasticPoolId = tolower(tostring(properties.elasticPoolId)) | join kind=leftouter ( Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.sql/servers/elasticpools' | project elasticPoolId = tolower(id), elasticPoolName = name, elasticPoolState = properties.state) on elasticPoolId | project-away elasticPoolId1"

Mencantumkan komputer virtual dengan antarmuka jaringan dan IP publiknya

Kueri ini menggunakan dua perintah leftouter join untuk menyatukan komputer virtual yang dibuat dengan model penyebaran Azure Resource Manager, antarmuka jaringan terkait, dan alamat IP publik mana pun yang terkait dengan antarmuka jaringan tersebut.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| extend nics=array_length(properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces)
| mv-expand nic=properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces
| where nics == 1 or =~ 'true' or isempty(nic)
| project vmId = id, vmName = name, vmSize=tostring(properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize), nicId = tostring(
| join kind=leftouter (
  | where type =~ ''
  | extend ipConfigsCount=array_length(properties.ipConfigurations)
  | mv-expand ipconfig=properties.ipConfigurations
  | where ipConfigsCount == 1 or =~ 'true'
  | project nicId = id, publicIpId = tostring(
  on nicId
| project-away nicId1
| summarize by vmId, vmName, vmSize, nicId, publicIpId
| join kind=leftouter (
  | where type =~ ''
  | project publicIpId = id, publicIpAddress = properties.ipAddress)
on publicIpId
| project-away publicIpId1
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | extend nics=array_length(properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces) | mv-expand nic=properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces | where nics == 1 or =~ 'true' or isempty(nic) | project vmId = id, vmName = name, vmSize=tostring(properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize), nicId = tostring( | join kind=leftouter ( Resources | where type =~ '' | extend ipConfigsCount=array_length(properties.ipConfigurations) | mv-expand ipconfig=properties.ipConfigurations | where ipConfigsCount == 1 or =~ 'true' | project nicId = id, publicIpId = tostring( on nicId | project-away nicId1 | summarize by vmId, vmName, vmSize, nicId, publicIpId | join kind=leftouter ( Resources | where type =~ '' | project publicIpId = id, publicIpAddress = properties.ipAddress) on publicIpId | project-away publicIpId1"

Menghapus kolom dari hasil

Kueri berikut menggunakan summarize untuk menghitung sumber daya menurut langganan, join untuk menggabungkannya dengan detail langganan dari tabel ResourceContainers, lalu project-away untuk menghapus beberapa kolom.

| summarize resourceCount=count() by subscriptionId
| join (ResourceContainers | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| project-away subscriptionId, subscriptionId1
az graph query -q "Resources | summarize resourceCount=count() by subscriptionId | join (ResourceContainers | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId | project-away subscriptionId, subscriptionId1"

Menampilkan semua komputer virtual yang diurutkan berdasarkan urutan menurun

Untuk mencantumkan hanya komputer virtual (yang berjenis Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines), kita dapat mencocokkan jenis properti dalam hasil. Mirip dengan kueri sebelumnya desc, mengubah order by menjadi menurun. =~ dalam jenis ini memberitahukan Resource Graph agar peka huruf besar/kecil.

| project name, location, type
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| order by name desc
az graph query -q "Resources | project name, location, type | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | order by name desc"

Tampilkan lima komputer virtual pertama berdasarkan nama dan jenis OS-nya

Kueri ini akan menggunakantop hanya untuk mengambil lima catatan yang cocok dan diurutkan berdasarkan nama. Jenis sumber daya Azure adalah Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines. project memberi tahu Azure Resource Graph properti mana yang akan disertakan.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| project name, properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType
| top 5 by name desc
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | project name, properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType | top 5 by name desc"

Menampilkan jenis sumber daya dan versi API

Azure Resource Graph terutama menggunakan versi non-pratinjau terbaru dari API Penyedia Sumber untuk properti sumber daya GET selama pembaruan. Dalam beberapa kasus, versi API yang digunakan telah diganti untuk memberikan lebih banyak properti saat ini atau yang banyak digunakan dalam hasil. Kueri berikut merinci versi API yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan properti pada setiap jenis sumber daya:

| distinct type, apiVersion
| where isnotnull(apiVersion)
| order by type asc
az graph query -q "Resources | distinct type, apiVersion | where isnotnull(apiVersion) | order by type asc"

Menampilkan sumber daya yang berisi penyimpanan

Alih-alih mendefinisikan jenis yang akan dicocokkan secara eksplisit, kueri contoh ini akan menemukan sumber daya Azure apa pun dengan contains kata penyimpanan.

| where type contains 'storage' | distinct type
az graph query -q "Resources | where type contains 'storage' | distinct type"

Menampilkan grup keamanan jaringan yang tidak terkait

Kueri ini menampilkan grup keamanan jaringan (NSG) yang tidak terkait dengan antarmuka atau subnet jaringan.

| where type =~ '' and isnull(properties.networkInterfaces) and isnull(properties.subnets)
| project name, resourceGroup
| sort by name asc
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ '' and isnull(properties.networkInterfaces) and isnull(properties.subnets) | project name, resourceGroup | sort by name asc"

Meringkas komputer virtual menurut properti diperluas status daya

Kueri ini menggunakan properti yang diperluas pada komputer virtual untuk diringkas berdasarkan status daya.

| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| summarize count() by tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code)
az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | summarize count() by tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code)"

Komputer virtual dicocokkan dengan regex

Kueri ini mencari komputer virtual yang cocok dengan ekspresi reguler (dikenal sebagai regex). mencocokkan regex @memungkinkan kami menentukan regex yang akan dicocokkan, yaitu ^Contoso(.*)[0-9]+$. Definisi regex tersebut dijelaskan sebagai:

  • ^ - Pencocokan harus dimulai dari awal string.
  • Contoso - String peka huruf besar/kecil.
  • (.*) - Kecocokan subekspresi:
    • . - Mencocokkan satu karakter mana pun (kecuali baris baru).
    • * - Mencocokkan elemen sebelumnya nol kali atau lebih.
  • [0-9] - Pencocokan grup karakter untuk angka 0 hingga 9.
  • + - Mencocokkan elemen sebelumnya satu kali atau lebih.
  • $ - Kecocokan elemen sebelumnya harus terjadi di akhir string.

Setelah mencocokkan berdasarkan nama, kueri memproyeksikan nama dan pesanan berdasarkan nama naik.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' and name matches regex @'^Contoso(.*)[0-9]+$'
| project name
| order by name asc
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' and name matches regex @'^Contoso(.*)[0-9]+\$' | project name | order by name asc"

Menampilkan komputer virtual dengan alamat IP publik SKU Dasar

Kueri ini mengembalikan daftar ID komputer virtual dengan alamat IP publik SKU Dasar yang dilampirkan.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| project vmId = tolower(id), vmNics = properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces
| join (
  Resources |
  where type =~ '' |
  project nicVMId = tolower(tostring(, allVMNicID = tolower(id), nicIPConfigs = properties.ipConfigurations)
  on $left.vmId == $right.nicVMId
| join (
  | where type =~ '' and isnotnull(
  | where == 'Basic' // exclude to find all VMs with Public IPs
  | project pipId = id, pipSku =, pipAssociatedNicId = tolower(tostring(split(, '/ipConfigurations/')[0])))
  on $left.allVMNicID == $right.pipAssociatedNicId
| project vmId, pipId, pipSku
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project vmId = tolower(id), vmNics = properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces | join (Resources | where type =~ '' | project nicVMId = tolower(tostring(, allVMNicID = tolower(id), nicIPConfigs = properties.ipConfigurations) on \$left.vmId == \$right.nicVMId | join ( Resources | where type =~ '' and isnotnull( | where == 'Basic' | project pipId = id, pipSku =, pipAssociatedNicId = tolower(tostring(split(, '/ipConfigurations/')[0]))) on \$left.allVMNicID == \$right.pipAssociatedNicId | project vmId, pipId, pipSku"

Menghitung aturan pengumpulan data Azure Monitor berdasarkan langganan dan grup sumber daya

Kueri ini mengelompokkan aturan pengumpulan data Azure Monitor berdasarkan langganan dan grup sumber daya.

| where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules'
| summarize dcrCount = count() by subscriptionId, resourceGroup, location
| sort by dcrCount desc
az graph query -q "resources | where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules' | summarize dcrCount = count() by subscriptionId, resourceGroup, location | sort by dcrCount desc"

Menghitung aturan pengumpulan data Azure Monitor berdasarkan lokasi

Kueri ini mengelompokkan aturan pengumpulan data Azure Monitor berdasarkan lokasi.

| where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules'
| summarize dcrCount=count() by location
| sort by dcrCount desc
az graph query -q "resources | where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules' | summarize dcrCount=count() by location | sort by dcrCount desc"

Mencantumkan aturan pengumpulan data Azure Monitor dengan ruang kerja Analitik Log sebagai tujuan

Dapatkan daftar ruang kerja Analitik Log, dan untuk setiap ruang kerja, cantumkan aturan pengumpulan data yang menentukan ruang kerja sebagai salah satu tujuan.

| where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules'
| extend destinations = properties['destinations']
| extend logAnalyticsWorkspaces = destinations['logAnalytics']
| where isnotnull(logAnalyticsWorkspaces)
| mv-expand logAnalyticsWorkspace = logAnalyticsWorkspaces
| extend logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = tolower(tostring(logAnalyticsWorkspace['workspaceResourceId']))
| summarize dcrList = make_list(id), dcrCount = count() by logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId
| sort by dcrCount desc
az graph query -q "resources | where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules' | extend destinations = properties['destinations'] | extend logAnalyticsWorkspaces = destinations['logAnalytics'] | where isnotnull(logAnalyticsWorkspaces) | mv-expand logAnalyticsWorkspace = logAnalyticsWorkspaces | extend logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = tolower(tostring(logAnalyticsWorkspace['workspaceResourceId'])) | summarize dcrList = make_list(id), dcrCount = count() by logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId | sort by dcrCount desc"

Mencantumkan aturan pengumpulan data yang menggunakan Metrik Azure Monitor sebagai salah satu tujuannya

Kueri ini mencantumkan aturan pengumpulan data yang menggunakan Metrik Azure Monitor sebagai salah satu tujuannya.

| where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules'
| extend destinations = properties['destinations']
| extend azureMonitorMetrics = destinations['azureMonitorMetrics']
| where isnotnull(azureMonitorMetrics)
| project-away destinations, azureMonitorMetrics
az graph query -q "resources | where type == 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules' | extend destinations = properties['destinations'] | extend azureMonitorMetrics = destinations['azureMonitorMetrics'] | where isnotnull(azureMonitorMetrics) | project-away destinations, azureMonitorMetrics"

Orkestrasi Fleksibel Set Skala Komputer Virtual

Dapatkan VM mode orkestrasi Fleksibel Set Skala Komputer Virtual yang dikategorikan sesuai dengan status dayanya. Tabel ini berisi tampilan model dan powerState dalam properti tampilan instans untuk komputer virtual bagian dari mode Virtual Machine Scale Set Flexible.

| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| extend powerState = tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code)
| extend VMSS = tostring(
| where isnotempty(VMSS)
| project name, powerState, id
az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | extend powerState = tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code) | extend VMSS = tostring( | where isnotempty(VMSS) | project name, powerState, id"


Mengontrol skor keamanan per langganan

Menampilkan kontrol skor aman per langganan.

| where type == ''
| extend controlName=properties.displayName,,
| project tenantId, subscriptionId, controlName, controlId, unhealthyResourceCount, healthyResourceCount, notApplicableResourceCount, percentageScore, currentScore, maxScore, weight, controlType, controlRecommendationIds
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | extend controlName=properties.displayName,, notApplicableResourceCount=properties.notApplicableResourceCount, unhealthyResourceCount=properties.unhealthyResourceCount, healthyResourceCount=properties.healthyResourceCount, percentageScore=properties.score.percentage, currentScore=properties.score.current,, weight=properties.weight,, | project tenantId, subscriptionId, controlName, controlId, unhealthyResourceCount, healthyResourceCount, notApplicableResourceCount, percentageScore, currentScore, maxScore, weight, controlType, controlRecommendationIds"

Hitung sumber daya yang sehat, tidak sehat, dan tidak berlaku per rekomendasi

Menghasilkan penghitungan sumber daya yang sehat, tidak sehat, dan tidak berlaku per rekomendasi. Gunakan summarize dan count  untuk menentukan cara mengelompokkan dan menggabungkan nilai berdasarkan properti.

| where type == ''
| extend resourceId=id,
| summarize numberOfResources=count(resourceId) by tostring(recommendationName), tostring(recommendationState)
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | extend resourceId=id, recommendationId=name, resourceType=type, recommendationName=properties.displayName, source=properties.resourceDetails.Source, recommendationState=properties.status.code, description=properties.metadata.description, assessmentType=properties.metadata.assessmentType, remediationDescription=properties.metadata.remediationDescription, policyDefinitionId=properties.metadata.policyDefinitionId, implementationEffort=properties.metadata.implementationEffort, recommendationSeverity=properties.metadata.severity, category=properties.metadata.categories, userImpact=properties.metadata.userImpact, threats=properties.metadata.threats, portalLink=properties.links.azurePortal | summarize numberOfResources=count(resourceId) by tostring(recommendationName), tostring(recommendationState)"

Dapatkan semua pemberitahuan IoT di hub, difilter menurut jenis

Mengembalikan semua pemberitahuan IoT untuk hub tertentu (ganti tempat penampung {hub_id}) dan tipe peringatan (ganti tempat penampung {alert_type}).

| where type =~ '' and id contains '{hub_id}' and properties.alertType contains '{alert_type}'
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type =~ '' and id contains '{hub_id}' and properties.alertType contains '{alert_type}'"

Mendapatkan wawasan sensitivitas dari sumber daya tertentu

Memunculkan wawasan sensitivitas dari sumber daya tertentu (ganti tempat penampung {resource_id}).

| where type == ''
| where properties.associatedResource contains '$resource_id'
| project SensitivityInsight = properties.insightProperties.purviewCatalogs[0].sensitivity
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | where properties.associatedResource contains '\$resource_id' | project SensitivityInsight = properties.insightProperties.purviewCatalogs[0].sensitivity"

Dapatkan pemberitahuan IoT tertentu

Mengembalikan peringatan IoT tertentu oleh ID peringatan sistem yang disediakan (ganti tempat penampung {system_Alert_Id}).

| where type =~ '' and properties.systemAlertId contains '{system_Alert_Id}'
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type =~ '' and properties.systemAlertId contains '{system_Alert_Id}'"

Cantumkan hasil penilaian kerentanan Azure Container Registry

Mengembalikan semua kerentanan yang ditemukan pada gambar kontainer. Microsoft Defender untuk Kontainer harus diaktifkan untuk melihat temuan keamanan ini.

| where type == ''
| where properties.displayName contains 'Container registry images should have vulnerability findings resolved'
| summarize by assessmentKey=name //the ID of the assessment
| join kind=inner (
	| where type == ''
	| extend assessmentKey = extract('.*assessments/(.+?)/.*',1,  id)
) on assessmentKey
| project assessmentKey, subassessmentKey=name, id, parse_json(properties), resourceGroup, subscriptionId, tenantId
| extend description = properties.description,
	displayName = properties.displayName,
	resourceId =,
	resourceSource = properties.resourceDetails.source,
	category = properties.category,
	severity = properties.status.severity,
	code = properties.status.code,
	timeGenerated = properties.timeGenerated,
	remediation = properties.remediation,
	impact = properties.impact,
	vulnId =,
	additionalData = properties.additionalData
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | where properties.displayName contains 'Container registry images should have vulnerability findings resolved' | summarize by assessmentKey=name //the ID of the assessment | join kind=inner ( securityresources | where type == '' | extend assessmentKey = extract('.*assessments/(.+?)/.*',1, id) ) on assessmentKey | project assessmentKey, subassessmentKey=name, id, parse_json(properties), resourceGroup, subscriptionId, tenantId | extend description = properties.description, displayName = properties.displayName, resourceId =, resourceSource = properties.resourceDetails.source, category = properties.category, severity = properties.status.severity, code = properties.status.code, timeGenerated = properties.timeGenerated, remediation = properties.remediation, impact = properties.impact, vulnId =, additionalData = properties.additionalData"

Mencantumkan rekomendasi Microsoft Defender

Mengembalikan semua penilaian Microsoft Defender, diatur dalam tabel dengan bidang per properti.

| where type == ''
| extend resourceId=id,
| project tenantId, subscriptionId, resourceId, recommendationName, recommendationId, recommendationState, recommendationSeverity, description, remediationDescription, assessmentType, policyDefinitionId, implementationEffort, userImpact, category, threats, source, portalLink
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | extend resourceId=id, recommendationId=name, recommendationName=properties.displayName, source=properties.resourceDetails.Source, recommendationState=properties.status.code, description=properties.metadata.description, assessmentType=properties.metadata.assessmentType, remediationDescription=properties.metadata.remediationDescription, policyDefinitionId=properties.metadata.policyDefinitionId, implementationEffort=properties.metadata.implementationEffort, recommendationSeverity=properties.metadata.severity, category=properties.metadata.categories, userImpact=properties.metadata.userImpact, threats=properties.metadata.threats, portalLink=properties.links.azurePortal | project tenantId, subscriptionId, resourceId, recommendationName, recommendationId, recommendationState, recommendationSeverity, description, remediationDescription, assessmentType, policyDefinitionId, implementationEffort, userImpact, category, threats, source, portalLink"

Cantumkan hasil penilaian kerentanan Qualys

Menghasilkan semua kerentanan yang ditemukan pada mesin virtual yang terpasang agen Qualys.

| where type == ''
| where * contains 'vulnerabilities in your virtual machines'
| summarize by assessmentKey=name //the ID of the assessment
| join kind=inner (
	| where type == ''
	| extend assessmentKey = extract('.*assessments/(.+?)/.*',1,  id)
) on assessmentKey
| project assessmentKey, subassessmentKey=name, id, parse_json(properties), resourceGroup, subscriptionId, tenantId
| extend description = properties.description,
	displayName = properties.displayName,
	resourceId =,
	resourceSource = properties.resourceDetails.source,
	category = properties.category,
	severity = properties.status.severity,
	code = properties.status.code,
	timeGenerated = properties.timeGenerated,
	remediation = properties.remediation,
	impact = properties.impact,
	vulnId =,
	additionalData = properties.additionalData
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | where * contains 'vulnerabilities in your virtual machines' | summarize by assessmentKey=name //the ID of the assessment | join kind=inner ( securityresources | where type == '' | extend assessmentKey = extract('.*assessments/(.+?)/.*',1, id) ) on assessmentKey | project assessmentKey, subassessmentKey=name, id, parse_json(properties), resourceGroup, subscriptionId, tenantId | extend description = properties.description, displayName = properties.displayName, resourceId =, resourceSource = properties.resourceDetails.source, category = properties.category, severity = properties.status.severity, code = properties.status.code, timeGenerated = properties.timeGenerated, remediation = properties.remediation, impact = properties.impact, vulnId =, additionalData = properties.additionalData"

Status penilaian kepatuhan peraturan

Mengembalikan penilaian kepatuhan terhadap peraturan yang menyatakan standar dan kontrol kepatuhan.

| where type == ''
| extend assessmentName=properties.description,
| project tenantId, subscriptionId, id, complianceStandard, complianceControl, assessmentName, state, skippedResources, passedResources, failedResources
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | extend assessmentName=properties.description, complianceStandard=extract(@'/regulatoryComplianceStandards/(.+)/regulatoryComplianceControls',1,id), complianceControl=extract(@'/regulatoryComplianceControls/(.+)/regulatoryComplianceAssessments',1,id), skippedResources=properties.skippedResources, passedResources=properties.passedResources, failedResources=properties.failedResources, state=properties.state | project tenantId, subscriptionId, id, complianceStandard, complianceControl, assessmentName, state, skippedResources, passedResources, failedResources"

Status kepatuhan peraturan per standar kepatuhan

Mengembalikan status kepatuhan terhadap peraturan sesuai standar kepatuhan per langganan.

| where type == ''
| extend complianceStandard=name,
| project tenantId, subscriptionId, complianceStandard, state, passedControls, failedControls, skippedControls, unsupportedControls
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | extend complianceStandard=name, state=properties.state, passedControls=properties.passedControls, failedControls=properties.failedControls, skippedControls=properties.skippedControls, unsupportedControls=properties.unsupportedControls | project tenantId, subscriptionId, complianceStandard, state, passedControls, failedControls, skippedControls, unsupportedControls"

Skor aman per grup manajemen

Menampilkan skor aman per grup manajemen.

| where type == ''
| project subscriptionId,
	subscriptionTotal = iff(properties.score.max == 0, 0.00, round(tolong(properties.weight) * todouble(properties.score.current)/tolong(properties.score.max),2)),
	weight = tolong(iff(properties.weight == 0, 1, properties.weight))
| join kind=leftouter (
	| where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' and properties.state == 'Enabled'
	| project subscriptionId, mgChain=properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain )
	on subscriptionId
| mv-expand mg=mgChain
| summarize sumSubs = sum(subscriptionTotal), sumWeight = sum(weight), resultsNum = count() by tostring(mg.displayName), mgId = tostring(
| extend secureScore = iff(tolong(resultsNum) == 0, 404.00, round(sumSubs/sumWeight*100,2))
| project mgName=mg_displayName, mgId, sumSubs, sumWeight, resultsNum, secureScore
| order by mgName asc
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | project subscriptionId, subscriptionTotal = iff(properties.score.max == 0, 0.00, round(tolong(properties.weight) * todouble(properties.score.current)/tolong(properties.score.max),2)), weight = tolong(iff(properties.weight == 0, 1, properties.weight)) | join kind=leftouter ( ResourceContainers | where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' and properties.state == 'Enabled' | project subscriptionId, mgChain=properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain ) on subscriptionId | mv-expand mg=mgChain | summarize sumSubs = sum(subscriptionTotal), sumWeight = sum(weight), resultsNum = count() by tostring(mg.displayName), mgId = tostring( | extend secureScore = iff(tolong(resultsNum) == 0, 404.00, round(sumSubs/sumWeight*100,2)) | project mgName=mg_displayName, mgId, sumSubs, sumWeight, resultsNum, secureScore | order by mgName asc"

Amankan skor per langganan

Menghasilkan skor keamanan per langganan.

| where type == ''
| extend percentageScore=properties.score.percentage,
| project tenantId, subscriptionId, percentageScore, currentScore, maxScore, weight
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | extend percentageScore=properties.score.percentage, currentScore=properties.score.current, maxScore=properties.score.max, weight=properties.weight | project tenantId, subscriptionId, percentageScore, currentScore, maxScore, weight"

Menampilkan tingkat harga paket Defender untuk Cloud per langganan

Mengembalikan paket tingkat harga paket Defender untuk Cloud per langganan.

| where type == ''
| project Subscription= subscriptionId, Azure_Defender_plan= name, Status= properties.pricingTier
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == '' | project Subscription= subscriptionId, Azure_Defender_plan= name, Status= properties.pricingTier"


Dampak langganan kejadian Service Health aktif

Menghasilkan semua kejadian Service Health aktif - termasuk masalah layanan, pemeliharaan terencana, saran kesehatan, dan saran keamanan – yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan tipe kejadian dan termasuk jumlah langganan yang terdampak.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = tostring(properties.EventType), status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime
| where eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active'
| summarize count(subscriptionId) by name
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = tostring(properties.EventType), status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime | where eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active' | summarize count(subscriptionId) by name"

Semua kejadian saran kesehatan aktif

Menghasilkan semua aktivitas Service Health saran kesehatan aktif di seluruh langganan yang dapat diakses pengguna.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = todatetime(tolong(properties.ImpactMitigationTime))
| where eventType == 'HealthAdvisory' and impactMitigationTime > now()
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = todatetime(tolong(properties.ImpactMitigationTime)) | where eventType == 'HealthAdvisory' and impactMitigationTime > now()"

Semua kejadian pemeliharaan terencana aktif

Menghasilkan semua kejadian Service Health pemeliharaan terencana aktif di seluruh langganan yang dapat diakses pengguna.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = todatetime(tolong(properties.ImpactMitigationTime))
| where eventType == 'PlannedMaintenance' and impactMitigationTime > now()
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = todatetime(tolong(properties.ImpactMitigationTime)) | where eventType == 'PlannedMaintenance' and impactMitigationTime > now()"

Semua kejadian Service Health aktif

Menghasilkan semua kejadian Service Health aktif di seluruh langganan yang dapat diakses pengguna termasuk masalah layanan, pemeliharaan terencana, saran kesehatan, dan saran keamanan.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime
| where (eventType in ('HealthAdvisory', 'SecurityAdvisory', 'PlannedMaintenance') and impactMitigationTime > now()) or (eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active')
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime | where (eventType in ('HealthAdvisory', 'SecurityAdvisory', 'PlannedMaintenance') and impactMitigationTime > now()) or (eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active')"

Semua kejadian masalah layanan aktif

Menghasilkan semua kejadian masalah layanan (ketidaktersediaan) Service Health di seluruh langganan yang dapat diakses pengguna.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime
| where eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active'
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime | where eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active'"

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