Cara menggunakan IoT Central REST API untuk mengelola templat perangkat

IoT Central REST API memungkinkan Anda mengembangkan aplikasi klien yang terintegrasi dengan aplikasi IoT Central. Anda dapat menggunakan REST API untuk mengelola templat perangkat di aplikasi IoT Central Anda.

Setiap panggilan IoT Central REST API memerlukan header otorisasi. Untuk mempelajari selengkapnya, lihat Cara mengautentikasi dan mengotorisasi panggilan IoT Central REST API.

Untuk dokumentasi referensi untuk IoT Central REST API, lihat Referensi IoT Central REST API.

Untuk mempelajari cara mengelola templat perangkat dengan menggunakan UI IoT Central, lihat Cara menyiapkan templat perangkat dan Cara mengedit templat perangkat

Templat perangkat

Templat perangkat berisi model perangkat dan definisi tampilan. REST API memungkinkan Anda mengelola model perangkat termasuk definisi properti cloud. Anda harus menggunakan UI untuk membuat dan mengelola tampilan.

Bagian model perangkat dari templat perangkat menentukan kapabilitas perangkat yang ingin Anda sambungkan ke aplikasi Anda. Kemampuan mencakup telemetri, properti, dan perintah. Model didefinisikan menggunakan DTDL v2.


IoT Central mendefinisikan beberapa ekstensi ke bahasa DTDL. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut, lihat Ekstensi IoT Central.

Templat perangkat REST API

IoT Central REST API memungkinkan Anda:

  • Menambahkan templat perangkat ke aplikasi Anda
  • Memperbarui templat perangkat di aplikasi Anda
  • Dapatkan daftar templat perangkat dalam aplikasi
  • Mendapatkan templat perangkat menurut ID
  • Menghapus templat perangkat di aplikasi Anda
  • Memfilter daftar templat perangkat dalam aplikasi

Menambahkan templat perangkat

Gunakan permintaan berikut untuk membuat dan menerbitkan templat perangkat baru. Tampilan default secara otomatis dihasilkan untuk templat perangkat yang dibuat dengan cara ini.

PUT https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates/{deviceTemplateId}?api-version=2022-07-31


ID templat perangkat mengikuti konvensi penamaan DTDL, misalnya: dtmi:contoso:mythermostattemplate;1

Contoh berikut menunjukkan isi permintaan yang menambahkan templat perangkat untuk perangkat termostat. Ini capabilityModel mencakup telemetri suhu, dua sifat, dan perintah. Templat perangkat mendefinisikan CustomerName properti cloud dan menyesuaikan targetTemperature properti dengan decimalPlaces, displayUnit, maxValue, dan minValue. Nilai templat perangkat @id harus sesuai dengan deviceTemplateId nilai dalam URL. Nilai templat @id perangkat tidak sama dengan nilai capabilityModel @id nilai.

    "displayName": "Thermostat",

    "@id": "dtmi:contoso:mythermostattemplate;1",
    "@type": [
    "@context": [
    "capabilityModel": {
        "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
        "@type": "Interface",
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80,
                "minValue": 50
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"

Isi permintaan memiliki beberapa bidang yang diperlukan:

  • @id: ID unik dalam bentuk Nama Sumber Daya Seragam sederhana.
  • @type: menyatakan bahwa objek tingkat atas adalah "ModelDefinition","DeviceModel".
  • @context: menentukan versi DTDL yang digunakan untuk antarmuka.
  • contents: mencantumkan properti, telemetri, dan perintah yang membentuk perangkat Anda. Kemampuan dapat didefinisikan dalam beberapa antarmuka.
  • capabilityModel : Setiap templat perangkat memiliki model kemampuan. Hubungan terjalin antara setiap model kemampuan modul dan model perangkat. Model kemampuan modul mengimplementasikan satu atau lebih antarmuka modul.


JSON templat perangkat bukan dokumen DTDL standar. JSON templat perangkat menyertakan data khusus IoT Central seperti definisi properti cloud dan unit tampilan. Anda dapat menggunakan format JSON templat perangkat untuk mengimpor dan mengekspor templat perangkat di IoT Central dengan menggunakan REST API, CLI, dan UI.

Ada beberapa bidang opsional yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk menambahkan detail lebih lanjut ke model kapabilitas, seperti nama tampilan dan deskripsi.

Setiap entri dalam daftar antarmuka di bagian penerapan memiliki:

  • name: nama pemrograman antarmuka.
  • schema: antarmuka yang diterapkan model kemampuan.

Respons terhadap permintaan ini akan terlihat seperti contoh berikut:

    "etag": "\"~F27cqSo0ON3bfOzwgZxAl89/JVvM80+dds6y8+mZh5M=\"",
    "displayName": "Thermostat",
    "capabilityModel": {
        "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
        "@type": "Interface",
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80,
                "minValue": 50
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"
    "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
    "@type": [
    "@context": [

Dapatkan templat perangkat

Gunakan permintaan berikut untuk mengambil detail templat perangkat dari aplikasi Anda:

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates/{deviceTemplateId}?api-version=2022-07-31


Anda bisa mendapatkan deviceTemplateId dari IoT Central Application UI dengan mengarahkan mouse ke perangkat.

Respons terhadap permintaan ini akan terlihat seperti contoh berikut:

    "etag": "\"~F27cqSo0ON3bfOzwgZxAl89/JVvM80+dds6y8+mZh5M=\"",
    "displayName": "Thermostat",
    "capabilityModel": {
        "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
        "@type": "Interface",
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80,
                "minValue": 50
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"
    "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
    "@type": [
    "@context": [

Memperbarui templat perangkat

PATCH https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates/{deviceTemplateId}?api-version=2022-07-31

Isi permintaan sampel terlihat seperti contoh berikut yang menambahkan LastMaintenanceDate properti cloud ke capabilityModel dalam templat perangkat:

    "capabilityModel": {
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80.0,
                "minValue": 50.0
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Last Maintenance Date",
                "name": "LastMaintenanceDate",
                "schema": "dateTime"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"

Respons terhadap permintaan ini akan terlihat seperti contoh berikut:

    "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
    "displayName": "Thermostat",
    "capabilityModel": {
        "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
        "@type": "Interface",
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80,
                "minValue": 50
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Last Maintenance Date",
                "name": "LastMaintenanceDate",
                "schema": "dateTime"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"
    "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
    "@type": [
    "@context": [

Menghapus templat perangkat

Gunakan permintaan berikut untuk menghapus templat perangkat:

DELETE https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates/{deviceTemplateId}?api-version=2022-07-31

Cantumkan templat perangkat

Gunakan permintaan berikut untuk mengambil daftar templat perangkat dari aplikasi Anda:

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-07-31

Respons terhadap permintaan ini akan terlihat seperti contoh berikut:

    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~F27cqSo0ON3bfOzwgZxAl89/JVvM80+dds6y8+mZh5M=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                        "displayName": "Temperature",
                        "name": "temperature",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                        "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                        "name": "targetTemperature",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                        "writable": true,
                        "decimalPlaces": 1,
                        "displayUnit": "C",
                        "maxValue": 80,
                        "minValue": 50
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                        "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                        "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                        "@type": "Command",
                        "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                        "displayName": "Get report",
                        "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                        "request": {
                            "@type": "CommandPayload",
                            "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                            "displayName": "Since",
                            "name": "since",
                            "schema": "dateTime"
                        "response": {
                            "@type": "CommandPayload",
                            "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                            "name": "tempReport",
                            "schema": {
                                "@type": "Object",
                                "fields": [
                                        "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                        "name": "maxTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                        "name": "minTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                        "name": "avgTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Start Time",
                                        "name": "startTime",
                                        "schema": "dateTime"
                                        "displayName": "End Time",
                                        "name": "endTime",
                                        "schema": "dateTime"
                        "@type": [
                        "displayName": "Customer Name",
                        "name": "CustomerName",
                        "schema": "string"
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~XS5GovPNzJqFIwkkV/vyWW5U/6if2NwC/NqUlDxExAY=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat2",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat2;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                        "displayName": "Temperature",
                        "name": "temperature",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                        "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                        "name": "targetTemperature",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                        "writable": true,
                        "decimalPlaces": 1,
                        "displayUnit": "C",
                        "maxValue": 80,
                        "minValue": 50
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                        "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                        "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                        "@type": "Command",
                        "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                        "displayName": "Get report",
                        "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                        "request": {
                            "@type": "CommandPayload",
                            "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                            "displayName": "Since",
                            "name": "since",
                            "schema": "dateTime"
                        "response": {
                            "@type": "CommandPayload",
                            "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                            "name": "tempReport",
                            "schema": {
                                "@type": "Object",
                                "fields": [
                                        "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                        "name": "maxTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                        "name": "minTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                        "name": "avgTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Start Time",
                                        "name": "startTime",
                                        "schema": "dateTime"
                                        "displayName": "End Time",
                                        "name": "endTime",
                                        "schema": "dateTime"
                        "@type": [
                        "displayName": "Customer Name",
                        "name": "CustomerName",
                        "schema": "string"
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u67",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [

Menggunakan filter ODATA

Dalam versi pratinjau API (api-version=2022-10-31-preview), Anda dapat menggunakan filter ODATA untuk memfilter dan mengurutkan hasil yang dikembalikan oleh API templat perangkat daftar.


Gunakan filter maxpagesize untuk mengatur ukuran hasil. Ukuran hasil maksimum yang dikembalikan adalah 100, dan ukuran defaultnya adalah 25.

Gunakan permintaan berikut untuk mengambil 10 templat perangkat teratas dari aplikasi Anda:

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-10-31-preview&maxpagesize=10

Respons terhadap permintaan ini akan terlihat seperti contoh berikut:

    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat3",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;3",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat3"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
        // ...
    "nextLink": "https://{your app subdomain}"

Respons menyertakan nilai nextLink yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengambil halaman hasil berikutnya.


Gunakan filter untuk membuat ekspresi yang memfilter daftar templat perangkat. Tabel berikut ini memperlihatkan operator perbandingan yang bisa Anda gunakan:

Operator Perbandingan Simbol Contoh
Sama dengan eq '@id' eq 'dtmi:example:test;1'
Tidak Sama ne displayName ne 'template 1'
Kurang dari atau sama dengan le displayName le 'template A'
Kurang dari lt displayName lt 'template B'
Lebih besar atau sama dengan ge displayName ge 'template A'
Lebih besar dari gt displayName gt 'template B'

Tabel berikut ini memperlihatkan operator logika yang bisa Anda gunakan dalam ekspresi filter :

Operator Logika Simbol Contoh
AND dan '@id' eq 'dtmi:example:test;1' and capabilityModelId eq 'dtmi:example:test:model1;1'
ATAU or '@id' eq 'dtmi:example:test;1' or displayName ge 'template'

Saat ini, filter berfungsi dengan bidang templat perangkat berikut:

FieldName Tipe Deskripsi
@id string ID templat perangkat
displayName string Nama tampilan templat perangkat
capabilityModelId string ID model kemampuan templat perangkat

filter fungsi yang didukung:

Saat ini, satu-satunya fungsi filter yang didukung untuk daftar templat perangkat adalah contains fungsi :

filter=contains(displayName, 'template1')

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara mengambil semua templat perangkat di mana nama tampilan berisi string thermostat:

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-10-31-preview&filter=contains(displayName, 'thermostat')

Respons terhadap permintaan ini akan terlihat seperti contoh berikut:

    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P46/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Room Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:RoomThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current room temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Room Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P7q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Vehicle Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:VehicleThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current vehicle temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Vehicle Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lt7u39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [

urut berdasarkan

Gunakan orderby untuk mengurutkan hasilnya. Saat ini, orderby hanya memungkinkan Anda mengurutkan pada displayName. Secara default, orderby mengurutkan dalam urutan naik. Gunakan turunan untuk mengurutkan dalam urutan turun, misalnya:

orderby=displayName desc

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara mengambil semua templat perangkat tempat hasilnya diurutkan menurut displayName:

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-10-31-preview&orderby=displayName

Respons terhadap permintaan ini akan terlihat seperti contoh berikut:

    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Aircon Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:AirconThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P46/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Room Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:RoomThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current room temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Room Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P7q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Vehicle Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:VehicleThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current vehicle temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Vehicle Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lt7u39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [

Anda juga dapat menggabungkan dua filter atau lebih.

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara mengambil dua templat perangkat teratas di mana nama tampilan berisi string thermostat.

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-10-31-preview&filter=contains(displayName, 'thermostat')&maxpagesize=2

Respons terhadap permintaan ini akan terlihat seperti contoh berikut:

    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Aircon Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:AirconThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P46/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Room Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:RoomThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current room temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Room Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [