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AlertRuleData Class


A class representing the AlertRule data model. The alert rule resource.

public class AlertRuleData : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.TrackedResourceData, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel<Azure.ResourceManager.Monitor.AlertRuleData>, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel<Azure.ResourceManager.Monitor.AlertRuleData>
public class AlertRuleData : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.TrackedResourceData
type AlertRuleData = class
    inherit TrackedResourceData
    interface IJsonModel<AlertRuleData>
    interface IPersistableModel<AlertRuleData>
type AlertRuleData = class
    inherit TrackedResourceData
Public Class AlertRuleData
Inherits TrackedResourceData
Implements IJsonModel(Of AlertRuleData), IPersistableModel(Of AlertRuleData)
Public Class AlertRuleData
Inherits TrackedResourceData


AlertRuleData(AzureLocation, String, Boolean, AlertRuleCondition)

Initializes a new instance of AlertRuleData.



action that is performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. Please note AlertRuleAction is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include RuleEmailAction and RuleWebhookAction.


the array of actions that are performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. Please note AlertRuleAction is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include RuleEmailAction and RuleWebhookAction.


the name of the alert rule.


the condition that results in the alert rule being activated. Please note AlertRuleCondition is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include LocationThresholdRuleCondition, ManagementEventRuleCondition and ThresholdRuleCondition.


the description of the alert rule that will be included in the alert email.


Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}.

(Inherited from ResourceData)

the flag that indicates whether the alert rule is enabled.


Last time the rule was updated in ISO8601 format.


The geo-location where the resource lives.

(Inherited from TrackedResourceData)

The name of the resource.

(Inherited from ResourceData)

the provisioning state.


The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts".

(Inherited from ResourceData)

Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.

(Inherited from ResourceData)

Resource tags.

(Inherited from TrackedResourceData)

Explicit Interface Implementations

IJsonModel<AlertRuleData>.Create(Utf8JsonReader, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Reads one JSON value (including objects or arrays) from the provided reader and converts it to a model.

IJsonModel<AlertRuleData>.Write(Utf8JsonWriter, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Writes the model to the provided Utf8JsonWriter.

IPersistableModel<AlertRuleData>.Create(BinaryData, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Converts the provided BinaryData into a model.


Gets the data interchange format (JSON, Xml, etc) that the model uses when communicating with the service.


Writes the model into a BinaryData.

Applies to