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Source Class



This API is not CLS-compliant.

Source represents one source file and manages the parsing and intellisense on this file and keeping things like the drop down combos in sync with the source and so on.

public ref class Source : IDisposable, Microsoft::VisualStudio::TextManager::Interop::IVsHiddenTextClient, Microsoft::VisualStudio::TextManager::Interop::IVsTextLinesEvents, Microsoft::VisualStudio::TextManager::Interop::IVsUserDataEvents
public class Source : IDisposable, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsHiddenTextClient, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsTextLinesEvents, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsUserDataEvents
public class Source : IDisposable, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsHiddenTextClient, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsTextLinesEvents, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsUserDataEvents
type Source = class
    interface IDisposable
    interface IVsTextLinesEvents
    interface IVsHiddenTextClient
    interface IVsUserDataEvents
type Source = class
    interface IDisposable
    interface IVsTextLinesEvents
    interface IVsHiddenTextClient
    interface IVsUserDataEvents
Public Class Source
Implements IDisposable, IVsHiddenTextClient, IVsTextLinesEvents, IVsUserDataEvents


A Source object represents the entire source file associated with a particular view. Information about the source file can be obtained from this class. However, the primary functionality of this class is to handle parsing operations on the source in support for IntelliSense operations and source file-specific editing operations such as adding comments to and removing comments from blocks of code and reporting parsing errors.

Notes to Inheritors

The base class supports all of the IntelliSense operations in coordination with methods on the LanguageService class (these are detailed in the Source class's method descriptions). If you:

  • support different comment delimiters other than the standard C#/C++ delimiters,

  • reformat code,


  • support advanced functionality for hidden regions (monitoring change of state, ensuring a span is visible, and marker-oriented context menu commands),

you must derive a class from the Source class and instantiate your class in CreateSource(IVsTextLines).

Notes to Callers

This class is instantiated by a call to the CreateSource(IVsTextLines) method. This is done when the CodeWindowManager object is instantiated (the Source object is passed to the CodeWindowManager constructor). A Colorizer object can be instantiated and passed to the Source class's constructor.


Source(LanguageService, IVsTextLines, Colorizer)

Initializes a new instance of the Source class.



Gets the number of changes made to the source file since it was opened.


Gets or sets the IVsTextColorState object that is used in various parsing tasks.


Gets whether the parser has completed at least once.


Gets the CompletionSet collection used for this instance of the Source class.


Gets a range that identifies the changed lines in the source.


Gets the current state of the source file.


Gets whether the IntelliSense member completion or method tip modes are active.


Gets or sets whether any of the lines of source have changed.


Gets the language service associated with the source file.


Gets the duration of the last parse operation.


Gets or sets whether outlining is currently enabled.



Begins a full parsing operation either in the foreground or the background.

BeginParse(Int32, Int32, TokenInfo, ParseReason, IVsTextView, ParseResultHandler)

BeginParse is called when this Source object needs to be parsed. The default implementation uses the LanguageService background parse thread to do the work.


Determines whether the source file can be closed.

ColumnToVisiblePosition(Int32, Int32)

Return the column position that the user will see given the current tab size setting. This is the opposite of VisiblePositionToColumn

CommentBlock(TextSpan, String, String)

Called from Comment Selection. Default behavior is to insert block style comments at beginning and end of selection. Override to add custome behavior.

CommentLines(TextSpan, String)

Called from Comment Selection. Default behavior is to insert line style comments at beginning and end of selection. Override to add custome behavior.


Comments out the specified span of source.

Completion(IVsTextView, TokenInfo, ParseReason)

Starts an IntelliSense member completion operation.

CreateAuthoringSink(ParseReason, Int32, Int32)

Creates an instance of an AuthoringSink object for use in parsing operations.


Creates a new instance of a CompletionSet class.

CreateErrorTaskItem(TextSpan, MARKERTYPE, String)

Creates a new error task item for the Error List, for the supplied text, marker type, and file name.

CreateErrorTaskItem(TextSpan, String, String, TaskPriority, TaskCategory, MARKERTYPE, TaskErrorCategory)

Creates a new error task item for the Error List, for the supplied text, file name, message, priority, category, marker type, and error type.


Creates a new instance of a MethodData object that handles the IntelliSense method tip mode.


Removes the IntelliSense method tip or completion list from view, whichever was active.


Called in preparation of destroying this Source object.

ExecMarkerCommand(IVsHiddenRegion, Int32)

Executes the specified command on the specified region.


The class destructor, called just before the object is destroyed.


Gets the colorizer associated with this Source object.


Override this method if you want to provide different comment dilimiters. You can turn off commenting by setting Preferences.EnableCommenting to false.


Gets the span occupied by the entire source file.


Gets an expansion provider in support of code snippets.


Gets the file name of the source file.


Gets the hidden region manager if available.


Gets the text on the specified line.


Gets the number of lines in the source file.

GetLineIndexOfPosition(Int32, Int32, Int32)

Gets the line and column for the specified position.


Gets the length of the specified line.

GetMarkerCommandInfo(IVsHiddenRegion, Int32, String[], UInt32[])

Determines which marker commands can be shown on a context menu for the specified hidden region.


Gets the newline character used at the end of the specified line.

GetPairExtents(IVsTextView, Int32, Int32, TextSpan)

Gets the span between a matching pair of language elements.

GetPairExtents(IVsTextView, Int32, Int32, TextSpan, TextSpan)

Gets the text spans for a matching pair (or triplet) of language elements.

GetPositionOfLineIndex(Int32, Int32)

Gets the position corresponding to the given line and character offset location.


Gets the task provider that manages the error tasks.


Gets all of the text of the source file.

GetText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)

Gets the text between the specified locations.


Gets the text included in the text span.


Gets the IVsTextLines object associated with this Source object.


Gets the text from the source up to and including the given line number.

GetTipText(IVsHiddenRegion, String[])

Gets the text in the given hidden region to be used in a tool tip.

GetTokenInfo(Int32, Int32)

Gets information about the token at the specified position.

GetTokenInfoAt(TokenInfo[], Int32, TokenInfo)

Gets the index of the TokenInfo object that includes the supplied column number.


Gets the user data associated with the specified GUID.

GetWordExtent(Int32, Int32, WORDEXTFLAGS, Int32, Int32)

Gets the span occupied by the word at the specified location.

MakeBaseSpanVisible(IVsHiddenRegion, TextSpan[])

Ensures that the given span in the given hidden region is visible.

MatchBraces(IVsTextView, Int32, Int32, TokenInfo)

Highlights the spans of a pair of language elements, given the position of one of the elements.

MethodTip(IVsTextView, Int32, Int32, TokenInfo)

Displays an IntelliSense method tip showing a method's signature as it is entered.

NormalizeNewlines(String, String)

Convert the newlines in the given input string to the style of newline provided in the second argument.


Called just before a hidden region session is closed.

OnChangeLineAttributes(Int32, Int32)

Called when one or more lines' attributes (font, color) have changed.

OnChangeLineText(TextLineChange[], Int32)

Called when a line's text has changed.

OnCommand(IVsTextView, VSConstants+VSStd2KCmdID, Char)

Handles IntelliSense-oriented commands.

OnHiddenRegionChange(IVsHiddenRegion, HIDDEN_REGION_EVENT, Int32)

Called when a hidden region has changed.


Called when no other events are being handled.

OnUserDataChange(Guid, Object)

Called when user data has been changed in a text buffer.


Marks the Source object as being open.


Updates all hidden regions based on the given list of hidden regions.

Recolorize(Int32, Int32)

Updates the syntax highlighting on the specified range of lines.

ReformatSpan(EditArray, TextSpan)

This method formats the given span using the given EditArray. The default behavior does nothing. So you need to override this method if you want formatting to work. An empty input span means reformat the entire document. You also need to turn on Preferences.EnableFormatSelection.


Registers event handlers for the given text.


Removes all hidden regions from the current view.


Removes the specified error task from the error Task window.


Return the column position of 1st non whitespace character on line

SetText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String)

Replaces the specified section of source with the given text.


Replaces the source contents with the given text.

SetText(TextSpan, String)

Replaces the specified span of source with the given text.

SetUserData(Guid, Object)

Sets the given user data property to the given value.


Adjusts the given span to skip leading and trailing whitespace.

UncommentBlock(TextSpan, String, String)

Uncomments the given block and returns the span of the uncommented block

UncommentLines(TextSpan, String)

Removes line comment characters from the beginning of each line in the given span.


Uncomments the given span of text and returns the span of the uncommented block.

VisiblePositionToColumn(Int32, Int32)

Convert a user visible position back to char position in the buffer. This is the opposite of ColumnToVisiblePosition. In this case the visible position was off the end of the line, it just returns the column position at the end of the line.

Applies to