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StringDictionary Kelas


Mengimplementasikan tabel hash dengan kunci dan nilai yang sangat ditik untuk menjadi string daripada objek.

public ref class StringDictionary : System::Collections::IEnumerable
public class StringDictionary : System.Collections.IEnumerable
public class StringDictionary : System.Collections.IEnumerable
type StringDictionary = class
    interface IEnumerable
type StringDictionary = class
    interface IEnumerable
Public Class StringDictionary
Implements IEnumerable


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan beberapa properti dan metode StringDictionary.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;
void PrintKeysAndValues2( StringDictionary^ myCol );
void PrintKeysAndValues3( StringDictionary^ myCol );

int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new StringDictionary.
   StringDictionary^ myCol = gcnew StringDictionary;
   myCol->Add( "red", "rojo" );
   myCol->Add( "green", "verde" );
   myCol->Add( "blue", "azul" );

   // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the IEnumerator:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

   // Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues3( myCol );

   // Copies the StringDictionary to an array with DictionaryEntry elements.
   array<DictionaryEntry>^myArr = gcnew array<DictionaryEntry>(myCol->Count);
   myCol->CopyTo( myArr, 0 );

   // Displays the values in the array.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements in the array:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   KEY        VALUE" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myArr->Length; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-10} {1}", myArr[ i ].Key, myArr[ i ].Value );

   // Searches for a value.
   if ( myCol->ContainsValue( "amarillo" ) )
      Console::WriteLine( "The collection contains the value \"amarillo\"." );
      Console::WriteLine( "The collection does not contain the value \"amarillo\"." );

   // Searches for a key and deletes it.
   if ( myCol->ContainsKey( "green" ) )
      myCol->Remove( "green" );

   Console::WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after removing \"green\":" );
   PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

   // Clears the entire collection.
   Console::WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

// Uses the enumerator. 
void PrintKeysAndValues2( StringDictionary^ myCol )
   IEnumerator^ myEnumerator = myCol->GetEnumerator();
   DictionaryEntry de;
   Console::WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
   while ( myEnumerator->MoveNext() )
      de =  *dynamic_cast<DictionaryEntry^>(myEnumerator->Current);
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value );


// Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
void PrintKeysAndValues3( StringDictionary^ myCol )
   array<String^>^myKeys = gcnew array<String^>(myCol->Count);
   myCol->Keys->CopyTo( myKeys, 0 );
   Console::WriteLine( "   INDEX KEY                       VALUE" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myCol->Count; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}", i, myKeys[ i ], myCol[ myKeys[ i ] ] );

This code produces the following output.

Displays the elements using the IEnumerator:
   KEY                       VALUE
   red                       rojo
   blue                      azul
   green                     verde

Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:
   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
   0     red                       rojo
   1     blue                      azul
   2     green                     verde

Displays the elements in the array:
   KEY        VALUE
   red        rojo
   blue       azul
   green      verde

The collection does not contain the value "amarillo".

The collection contains the following elements after removing "green":
   KEY                       VALUE
   red                       rojo
   blue                      azul

The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
   KEY                       VALUE

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class SamplesStringDictionary  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new StringDictionary.
      StringDictionary myCol = new StringDictionary();
      myCol.Add( "red", "rojo" );
      myCol.Add( "green", "verde" );
      myCol.Add( "blue", "azul" );

      // Display the contents of the collection using foreach. This is the preferred method.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements using foreach:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

      // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the IEnumerator:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

      // Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues3( myCol );

      // Copies the StringDictionary to an array with DictionaryEntry elements.
      DictionaryEntry[] myArr = new DictionaryEntry[myCol.Count];
      myCol.CopyTo( myArr, 0 );

      // Displays the values in the array.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements in the array:" );
      Console.WriteLine( "   KEY        VALUE" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++ )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-10} {1}", myArr[i].Key, myArr[i].Value );

      // Searches for a value.
      if ( myCol.ContainsValue( "amarillo" ) )
         Console.WriteLine( "The collection contains the value \"amarillo\"." );
         Console.WriteLine( "The collection does not contain the value \"amarillo\"." );

      // Searches for a key and deletes it.
      if ( myCol.ContainsKey( "green" ) )
         myCol.Remove( "green" );
      Console.WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after removing \"green\":" );
      PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

      // Clears the entire collection.
      Console.WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

   // Uses the foreach statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
   // NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues1( StringDictionary myCol )  {
      Console.WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
      foreach ( DictionaryEntry de in myCol )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value );

   // Uses the enumerator.
   // NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues2( StringDictionary myCol )  {
      IEnumerator myEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator();
      DictionaryEntry de;
      Console.WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
      while ( myEnumerator.MoveNext() )  {
         de = (DictionaryEntry) myEnumerator.Current;
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value );

   // Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues3( StringDictionary myCol )  {
      String[] myKeys = new String[myCol.Count];
      myCol.Keys.CopyTo( myKeys, 0 );

      Console.WriteLine( "   INDEX KEY                       VALUE" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < myCol.Count; i++ )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}", i, myKeys[i], myCol[myKeys[i]] );

This code produces the following output.

Displays the elements using foreach:
   KEY                       VALUE
   red                       rojo
   blue                      azul
   green                     verde

Displays the elements using the IEnumerator:
   KEY                       VALUE
   red                       rojo
   blue                      azul
   green                     verde

Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:
   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
   0     red                       rojo
   1     blue                      azul
   2     green                     verde

Displays the elements in the array:
   KEY        VALUE
   red        rojo
   blue       azul
   green      verde

The collection does not contain the value "amarillo".

The collection contains the following elements after removing "green":
   KEY                       VALUE
   red                       rojo
   blue                      azul

The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
   KEY                       VALUE

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Public Class SamplesStringDictionary   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes a new StringDictionary.
      Dim myCol As New StringDictionary()
      myCol.Add("red", "rojo")
      myCol.Add("green", "verde")
      myCol.Add("blue", "azul")

      ' Display the contents of the collection using For Each. This is the preferred method.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using For Each:")

      ' Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using the IEnumerator:")

      ' Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:")

      ' Copies the StringDictionary to an array with DictionaryEntry elements.
      Dim myArr(myCol.Count) As DictionaryEntry
      myCol.CopyTo(myArr, 0)

      ' Displays the values in the array.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements in the array:")
      Console.WriteLine("   KEY        VALUE")
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myArr.Length - 1
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-10} {1}", myArr(i).Key, myArr(i).Value)
      Next i

      ' Searches for a value.
      If myCol.ContainsValue("amarillo") Then
         Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the value ""amarillo"".")
         Console.WriteLine("The collection does not contain the value ""amarillo"".")
      End If

      ' Searches for a key and deletes it.
      If myCol.ContainsKey("green") Then
      End If
      Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following elements after removing ""green"":")

      ' Clears the entire collection.
      Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:")

   End Sub

   ' Uses the For Each statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
   ' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues1(myCol As StringDictionary)
      Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE")
      Dim de As DictionaryEntry
      For Each de In  myCol
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value)
      Next de
   End Sub

   ' Uses the enumerator. 
   ' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues2(myCol As StringDictionary)
      Dim myEnumerator As IEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator()
      Dim de As DictionaryEntry
      Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE")
      While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
         de = CType(myEnumerator.Current, DictionaryEntry)
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value)
      End While
   End Sub

   ' Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues3(myCol As StringDictionary)
      Dim myKeys(myCol.Count) As String
      myCol.Keys.CopyTo(myKeys, 0)

      Console.WriteLine("   INDEX KEY                       VALUE")
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myCol.Count - 1
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}", i, myKeys(i), myCol(myKeys(i)))
      Next i
   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Displays the elements using For Each:
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   red                       rojo
'   blue                      azul
'   green                     verde
'Displays the elements using the IEnumerator:
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   red                       rojo
'   blue                      azul
'   green                     verde
'Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:
'   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
'   0     red                       rojo
'   1     blue                      azul
'   2     green                     verde
'Displays the elements in the array:
'   KEY        VALUE
'   red        rojo
'   blue       azul
'   green      verde
'The collection does not contain the value "amarillo".
'The collection contains the following elements after removing "green":
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   red                       rojo
'   blue                      azul
'The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
'   KEY                       VALUE


Kunci tidak boleh null, tetapi nilainya bisa.

Kunci ditangani dengan cara yang tidak peka huruf besar/kecil; diterjemahkan ke huruf kecil sebelum digunakan dengan kamus string.

Dalam .NET Framework versi 1.0, kelas ini menggunakan perbandingan string yang sensitif terhadap budaya. Namun, dalam .NET Framework versi 1.1 dan yang lebih baru, kelas ini menggunakan CultureInfo.InvariantCulture saat membandingkan string. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang bagaimana budaya memengaruhi perbandingan dan pengurutan, lihat Melakukan Operasi String Culture-Insensitive.



Menginisialisasi instans baru kelas StringDictionary.



Mendapatkan jumlah pasangan kunci/nilai di StringDictionary.


Mendapatkan nilai yang menunjukkan apakah akses ke disinkronkan StringDictionary (utas aman).


Mendapatkan atau mengatur nilai yang terkait dengan kunci yang ditentukan.


Mendapatkan koleksi kunci di StringDictionary.


Mendapatkan objek yang dapat digunakan untuk menyinkronkan akses ke StringDictionary.


Mendapatkan kumpulan nilai di StringDictionary.


Add(String, String)

Menambahkan entri dengan kunci dan nilai yang ditentukan ke StringDictionarydalam .


Menghapus semua entri dari StringDictionary.


Menentukan apakah StringDictionary berisi kunci tertentu.


Menentukan apakah StringDictionary berisi nilai tertentu.

CopyTo(Array, Int32)

Menyalin nilai kamus string ke instans satu dimensi Array pada indeks yang ditentukan.


Menentukan apakah objek yang ditentukan sama dengan objek saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Mengembalikan enumerator yang berulang melalui kamus string.


Berfungsi sebagai fungsi hash default.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Mendapatkan dari instans Type saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Membuat salinan dangkal dari saat ini Object.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Menghapus entri dengan kunci yang ditentukan dari kamus string.


Mengembalikan string yang mewakili objek saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Metode Ekstensi


Mentransmisikan elemen dari ke IEnumerable jenis yang ditentukan.


Memfilter elemen berdasarkan IEnumerable jenis yang ditentukan.


Mengaktifkan paralelisasi kueri.


Mengonversi menjadi IEnumerableIQueryable.

Berlaku untuk

Keamanan Thread

Anggota statis publik (Shared dalam Visual Basic) jenis ini aman untuk utas. Setiap anggota instans tidak dijamin aman untuk utas.

Implementasi ini tidak menyediakan pembungkus yang disinkronkan (aman utas) untuk StringDictionary, tetapi kelas turunan dapat membuat versi properti yang disinkronkan StringDictionarySyncRoot sendiri.

Menghitung melalui koleksi secara intrinsik bukan prosedur aman utas. Bahkan ketika koleksi disinkronkan, utas lain masih dapat memodifikasi koleksi, yang menyebabkan enumerator melemparkan pengecualian. Untuk menjamin keamanan utas selama enumerasi, Anda dapat mengunci koleksi selama seluruh enumerasi atau menangkap pengecualian yang dihasilkan dari perubahan yang dibuat oleh utas lain.

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