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InstallContext Kelas


Berisi informasi tentang penginstalan saat ini.

public ref class InstallContext
public class InstallContext
type InstallContext = class
Public Class InstallContext


Contoh berikut menunjukkan InstallContext konstruktor, properti dan ParametersLogMessage metode dan IsParameterTrue kelas InstallContext .

Install Ketika metode alat penginstal dipanggil, alat ini memeriksa parameter dari baris perintah. Bergantung pada itu, ia menampilkan pesan kemajuan ke konsol dan juga menyimpannya ke file log yang ditentukan.

Ketika program dipanggil tanpa argumen apa pun, sebuah kosong InstallContext akan dibuat. Ketika "/LogFile" dan "/LogtoConsole" ditentukan, InstallContext dibuat dengan meneruskan argumen masing-masing ke InstallContext.

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Configuration.Install.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Configuration::Install;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;

ref class InstallContext_Example: public Installer
   InstallContext^ myInstallContext;
   virtual void Install( IDictionary^ mySavedState ) override
      StringDictionary^ myStringDictionary = myInstallContext->Parameters;
      if ( myStringDictionary->Count == 0 )
         Console::Write( "No parameters have been entered in the command line " );
         Console::WriteLine( "hence, the install will take place in the silent mode" );
         // Check whether the "LogtoConsole" parameter has been set.
         if ( myInstallContext->IsParameterTrue( "LogtoConsole" ) )
            // Display the message to the console and add it to the logfile.
            myInstallContext->LogMessage( "The 'Install' method has been called" );
      // The 'Install procedure should be added here.

   virtual void Uninstall( IDictionary^ mySavedState ) override
      // The 'Uninstall' procedure should be added here.

   virtual void Rollback( IDictionary^ mySavedState ) override
      if ( myInstallContext->IsParameterTrue( "LogtoConsole" ) )
         myInstallContext->LogMessage( "The 'Rollback' method has been called" );

      // The 'Rollback' procedure should be added here.

   virtual void Commit( IDictionary^ mySavedState ) override
      if ( myInstallContext->IsParameterTrue( "LogtoConsole" ) )
         myInstallContext->LogMessage( "The 'Commit' method has been called" );

      // The 'Commit' procedure should be added here.

int main()
   array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
   InstallContext_Example^ myInstallObject = gcnew InstallContext_Example;
   IDictionary^ mySavedState = gcnew Hashtable;
   if ( args->Length < 2 )
      // There are no command line arguments, create an empty 'InstallContext'.
      myInstallObject->myInstallContext = gcnew InstallContext;
   if ( (args->Length == 2) && (args[ 1 ]->Equals( "/?" )) )
      // Display the 'Help' for this utility.
      Console::WriteLine( "Specify the '/Logfile' and '/LogtoConsole' parameters" );
      Console::WriteLine( "Example: " );
      Console::WriteLine( "InstallContext_InstallContext.exe /LogFile=example.log  /LogtoConsole=true" );
      return 0;
      // Create an InstallContext object with the given parameters.
      array<String^>^commandLine = gcnew array<String^>(args->Length - 1);
      for ( int i = 0; i < args->Length - 1; i++ )
         commandLine[ i ] = args[ i + 1 ];
      myInstallObject->myInstallContext = gcnew InstallContext( args[ 1 ],commandLine );

      // Call the 'Install' method.
      myInstallObject->Install( mySavedState );
      // Call the 'Commit' method.
      myInstallObject->Commit( mySavedState );
   catch ( Exception^ ) 
      // Call the 'Rollback' method.
      myInstallObject->Rollback( mySavedState );
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

namespace MyInstallContextNamespace
   class InstallContext_Example : Installer
      public InstallContext myInstallContext;

      public override void Install( IDictionary mySavedState )
         base.Install( mySavedState );
         StringDictionary myStringDictionary = myInstallContext.Parameters;
         if( myStringDictionary.Count == 0 )
            Console.WriteLine( "No parameters have been entered in the command line "
               +"hence, the install will take place in the silent mode" );
            // Check whether the "LogtoConsole" parameter has been set.
            if( myInstallContext.IsParameterTrue( "LogtoConsole" ) == true )
               // Display the message to the console and add it to the logfile.
               myInstallContext.LogMessage( "The 'Install' method has been called" );

         // The 'Install procedure should be added here.

      public override void Uninstall( IDictionary mySavedState )
         base.Uninstall( mySavedState );
         // The 'Uninstall' procedure should be added here.

      public override void Rollback( IDictionary mySavedState )
         base.Rollback( mySavedState );
         if( myInstallContext.IsParameterTrue( "LogtoConsole" ) == true )
            myInstallContext.LogMessage( "The 'Rollback' method has been called" );

         // The 'Rollback' procedure should be added here.

      public override void Commit( IDictionary mySavedState )
         base.Commit( mySavedState );
         if( myInstallContext.IsParameterTrue( "LogtoConsole" ) == true )
            myInstallContext.LogMessage( "The 'Commit' method has been called" );

         // The 'Commit' procedure should be added here.

      static void Main( string[] args )
         InstallContext_Example myInstallObject = new InstallContext_Example();

         IDictionary mySavedState = new Hashtable();

         if( args.Length < 1 )
            // There are no command line arguments, create an empty 'InstallContext'.
            myInstallObject.myInstallContext = new InstallContext();

         else if( ( args.Length == 1 ) && ( args[ 0 ] == "/?" ) )
            // Display the 'Help' for this utility.
            Console.WriteLine( "Specify the '/Logfile' and '/LogtoConsole' parameters" );
            Console.WriteLine( "Example: " );
            Console.WriteLine( "InstallContext_InstallContext.exe /LogFile=example.log"
                                          +" /LogtoConsole=true" );

            // Create an InstallContext object with the given parameters.
            String[] commandLine = new string[ args.Length ];
            for( int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++ )
               commandLine[ i ] = args[ i ];
            myInstallObject.myInstallContext = new InstallContext( args[ 0 ], commandLine);

            // Call the 'Install' method.
            myInstallObject.Install( mySavedState );

            // Call the 'Commit' method.
            myInstallObject.Commit( mySavedState );
         catch( Exception )
            // Call the 'Rollback' method.
            myInstallObject.Rollback( mySavedState );
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Configuration.Install
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Namespace MyInstallContextNamespace
   <RunInstallerAttribute(True)> Class InstallContext_Example
      Inherits Installer
      Public myInstallContext As InstallContext

      Public Overrides Sub Install(mySavedState As IDictionary)
         Dim myStringDictionary As StringDictionary = myInstallContext.Parameters
         If myStringDictionary.Count = 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("No parameters have been entered in the command line" + _
                        "hence, the install will take place in the silent mode")
            ' Check wether the "LogtoConsole" parameter has been set.
            If myInstallContext.IsParameterTrue("LogtoConsole") = True Then
               ' Display the message to the console and add it to the logfile.
               myInstallContext.LogMessage("The 'Install' method has been called")
            End If
         End If
         ' The 'Install procedure should be added here.
      End Sub

      Public Overrides Sub Uninstall(mySavedState As IDictionary)
         ' The 'Uninstall' procedure should be added here.
      End Sub

      Public Overrides Sub Rollback(mySavedState As IDictionary)
         If myInstallContext.IsParameterTrue("LogtoConsole") = True Then
            myInstallContext.LogMessage("The 'Rollback' method has been called")
         End If
         ' The 'Rollback' procedure should be added here.
      End Sub

      Public Overrides Sub Commit(mySavedState As IDictionary)
         If myInstallContext.IsParameterTrue("LogtoConsole") = True Then
            myInstallContext.LogMessage("The 'Commit' method has been called")
         End If
         ' The 'Commit' procedure should be added here.
      End Sub

      ' Entry point which delegates to C-style main Private Function
      Public Overloads Shared Sub Main()
      End Sub

      Overloads Shared Sub Main(args() As String)
         Dim myInstallObject As New InstallContext_Example()
         Dim mySavedState = New Hashtable()

         If args.Length < 2 Then
            ' There are no command line arguments, create an empty 'InstallContext'.
            myInstallObject.myInstallContext = New InstallContext()
         ElseIf args.Length = 2 And args(1) = "/?" Then
               ' Display the 'Help' for this utility.
               Console.WriteLine("Specify the '/Logfile' and '/LogtoConsole' parameters")
               Console.WriteLine("Example: ")
               Console.WriteLine("InstallContext_InstallContext.exe /LogFile=example.log" + _
                                                         " /LogtoConsole=true")

            ' Create an InstallContext object with the given parameters.
            Dim commandLine() As String = New String(args.Length - 2) {}
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 1 To args.Length - 1
               commandLine(i-1) = args(i)
            Next i
            myInstallObject.myInstallContext = _
               New InstallContext("/LogFile:example.log", commandLine)
         End If

            ' Call the 'Install' method.

            ' Call the 'Commit' method.
            ' Call the 'Rollback' method.
            myInstallObject.Rollback( mySavedState )
         End Try
      End Sub
   End Class
End Namespace 'MyInstallContextNamespace


Biasanya, InstallContext dibuat oleh penginstalan yang dapat dieksekusi, seperti InstallUtil.exe, yang menginstal rakitan. Program penginstalan memanggil InstallContext konstruktor, meneruskannya ke jalur file log default dan parameter baris perintah.

Sebelum memanggil Installmetode , Commit, Rollback, atau Uninstall , program penginstalannya mengatur Context properti dari ke Installer instans InstallContext. Sebelum memanggil metode ini, Installer yang berisi koleksi alat penginstal di Installers properti mengatur properti dari setiap alat penginstal Context yang terkandung.

Properti Parameters berisi versi baris perintah yang diurai yang dimasukkan untuk menjalankan penginstalan yang dapat dieksekusi. Properti berisi informasi seperti jalur ke file log, apakah akan menampilkan informasi log di konsol, dan apakah akan menampilkan antarmuka pengguna selama penginstalan. IsParameterTrue Panggil metode untuk mengetahui apakah parameter baris perintah adalah true.

LogMessage Gunakan metode untuk menulis pesan status ke file log penginstalan dan konsol.



Menginisialisasi instans baru kelas InstallContext.

InstallContext(String, String[])

Menginisialisasi instans InstallContext baru kelas , dan membuat file log untuk penginstalan.



Mendapatkan parameter baris perintah yang dimasukkan saat InstallUtil.exe dijalankan.



Menentukan apakah objek yang ditentukan sama dengan objek saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Berfungsi sebagai fungsi hash default.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Mendapatkan dari instans Type saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Menentukan apakah parameter baris perintah yang ditentukan adalah true.


Menulis pesan ke konsol dan ke file log untuk penginstalan.


Membuat salinan dangkal dari saat ini Object.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Mengurai parameter baris perintah ke dalam kamus string.


Mengembalikan string yang mewakili objek saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Berlaku untuk

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