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InstanceDataCollectionCollection.Contains(String) Metode


Menentukan apakah pengumpulan data instans untuk penghitung yang ditentukan (diidentifikasi oleh salah satu objek terindeks InstanceDataCollection ) ada dalam koleksi.

 bool Contains(System::String ^ counterName);
public bool Contains (string counterName);
member this.Contains : string -> bool
Public Function Contains (counterName As String) As Boolean



Nama penghitung kinerja.


true jika pengumpulan data instans yang berisi penghitung yang ditentukan ada dalam koleksi; jika tidak, false.


Parameternya counterName adalah null.


Contoh kode berikut menerima PerformanceCounter nama kategori dan nama penghitung dari baris perintah. Ini mendapatkan InstanceDataCollectionCollection untuk PerformanceCounterCategory dan kemudian menggunakan Contains metode untuk menentukan apakah penghitung yang ditentukan ada. Jika penghitung ada, contohnya mendapatkan yang terkait InstanceDataCollection dan menampilkan nama instans dari koleksi.

public static void Main(string[] args)
    // The following values can be used as arguments.
    string categoryName = "Process";
    string counterName = "Private Bytes";

    InstanceDataCollectionCollection idColCol;

    // Copy the supplied arguments into the local variables.
        categoryName = args[0];
        counterName = args[1];
        // Ignore the exception from non-supplied arguments.

        // Get the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
        PerformanceCounterCategory pcc = new PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName);
        idColCol = pcc.ReadCategory();
    catch(Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("An error occurred getting the InstanceDataCollection for " +
            "category \"{0}\"."+ "\n" +ex.Message, categoryName);

    // Check if this counter name exists using the Contains
    // method of the InstanceDataCollectionCollection.
    if (!idColCol.Contains(counterName))
        Console.WriteLine("Counter \"{0}\" does not exist in category \"{1}\".", counterName, categoryName);
        // Now get the counter's InstanceDataCollection object using the
        // indexer (Item property) for the InstanceDataCollectionCollection.
        InstanceDataCollection countData = idColCol[counterName];

        ICollection idColKeys = countData.Keys;
        string[] idColKeysArray = new string[idColKeys.Count];
        idColKeys.CopyTo(idColKeysArray, 0);

        Console.WriteLine("Counter \"{0}\" of category \"{1}\" " +
            "has {2} instances.", counterName, categoryName, idColKeys.Count);

        // Display the instance names for this counter.
        int index;
        for(index=0; index<idColKeysArray.Length; index++)
            Console.WriteLine("{0,4} -- {1}", index+1, idColKeysArray[index]);
Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
    Dim categoryName As String = ""
    Dim counterName As String = ""

    Dim idColCol As InstanceDataCollectionCollection

    ' Copy the supplied arguments into the local variables.
        categoryName = args(0)
        counterName = args(1)
    Catch ex As Exception
        ' Ignore the exception from non-supplied arguments.
    End Try

        ' Get the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
        Dim pcc As New PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName)
        idColCol = pcc.ReadCategory()
    Catch ex As Exception
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "An error occurred getting the InstanceDataCollection for " & _
            "category ""{0}""." & vbCrLf & ex.Message, categoryName)
    End Try

    ' Check if this counter name exists using the Contains
    ' method of the InstanceDataCollectionCollection.
    If Not idColCol.Contains(counterName) Then
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "Counter ""{0}"" does not exist in category ""{1}"".", _
            counterName, categoryName)
        ' Now get the counter's InstanceDataCollection object using the
        ' indexer (Item property) for the InstanceDataCollectionCollection.
        Dim countData As InstanceDataCollection = idColCol(counterName)

        Dim idColKeys As ICollection = countData.Keys
        Dim idColKeysArray(idColKeys.Count - 1) As String
        idColKeys.CopyTo(idColKeysArray, 0)

        Console.WriteLine("Counter ""{0}"" of category ""{1}"" " & _
            "has {2} instances.", counterName, categoryName, idColKeys.Count)

        ' Display the instance names for this counter.
        Dim index As Integer
        For index = 0 To idColKeysArray.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("{0,4} -- {1}", index + 1, idColKeysArray(index))
        Next index
    End If
End Sub


Parameter counterName tidak peka huruf besar/kecil.

Setiap InstanceDataCollection objek dalam koleksi berisi data performa untuk semua penghitung untuk instans. Data diindeks berdasarkan nama penghitung lalu berdasarkan nama instans. Containstrue mengembalikan jika ada InstanceDataCollection objek yang penghitung terkaitnya memiliki nama yang ditentukan oleh counterName parameter .

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