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Process.ExitCode Properti


Mendapatkan nilai yang ditentukan proses terkait saat dihentikan.

 property int ExitCode { int get(); };
public int ExitCode { get; }
public int ExitCode { get; }
member this.ExitCode : int
member this.ExitCode : int
Public ReadOnly Property ExitCode As Integer

Nilai Properti

Kode yang ditentukan proses terkait saat dihentikan.



Proses belum keluar.


Proses Handle ini tidak valid.

Anda mencoba mengakses ExitCode properti untuk proses yang berjalan pada komputer jarak jauh. Properti ini hanya tersedia untuk proses yang berjalan pada komputer lokal.


Contoh berikut memulai instans Notepad. Contoh kemudian mengambil dan menampilkan berbagai properti dari proses terkait. Contoh mendeteksi kapan proses keluar, dan menampilkan kode keluar proses.

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
int main()
   // Define variables to track the peak
   // memory usage of the process.
   _int64 peakPagedMem = 0,peakWorkingSet = 0,peakVirtualMem = 0;
   Process^ myProcess = nullptr;
      // Start the process.
      myProcess = Process::Start( "NotePad.exe" );
      // Display the process statistics until
      // the user closes the program.
         if (  !myProcess->HasExited )
            // Refresh the current process property values.
            // Display current process statistics.
            Console::WriteLine( "{0} -", myProcess );
            Console::WriteLine( "-------------------------------------" );
            Console::WriteLine( "  physical memory usage: {0}", myProcess->WorkingSet64 );
            Console::WriteLine( "  base priority: {0}", myProcess->BasePriority );
            Console::WriteLine( "  priority class: {0}", myProcess->PriorityClass );
            Console::WriteLine( "  user processor time: {0}", myProcess->UserProcessorTime );
            Console::WriteLine( "  privileged processor time: {0}", myProcess->PrivilegedProcessorTime );
            Console::WriteLine( "  total processor time: {0}", myProcess->TotalProcessorTime );
            Console::WriteLine("  PagedSystemMemorySize64: {0}", myProcess->PagedSystemMemorySize64);
            Console::WriteLine("  PagedMemorySize64: {0}", myProcess->PagedMemorySize64);
            // Update the values for the overall peak memory statistics.
            peakPagedMem = myProcess->PeakPagedMemorySize64;
            peakVirtualMem = myProcess->PeakVirtualMemorySize64;
            peakWorkingSet = myProcess->PeakWorkingSet64;
            if ( myProcess->Responding )
               Console::WriteLine( "Status = Running" );
               Console::WriteLine( "Status = Not Responding" );
      while (  !myProcess->WaitForExit( 1000 ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "Process exit code: {0}", myProcess->ExitCode );
      // Display peak memory statistics for the process.
      Console::WriteLine( "Peak physical memory usage of the process: {0}", peakWorkingSet );
      Console::WriteLine( "Peak paged memory usage of the process: {0}", peakPagedMem );
      Console::WriteLine( "Peak virtual memory usage of the process: {0}", peakVirtualMem );
      if ( myProcess != nullptr )

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ProcessSample
    class ProcessMonitorSample
        public static void Main()
            // Define variables to track the peak
            // memory usage of the process.
            long peakPagedMem   = 0,
                 peakWorkingSet = 0,
                 peakVirtualMem = 0;

            // Start the process.
            using (Process myProcess = Process.Start("NotePad.exe"))
                // Display the process statistics until
                // the user closes the program.
                    if (!myProcess.HasExited)
                        // Refresh the current process property values.


                        // Display current process statistics.

                        Console.WriteLine($"{myProcess} -");

                        Console.WriteLine($"  Physical memory usage     : {myProcess.WorkingSet64}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Base priority             : {myProcess.BasePriority}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Priority class            : {myProcess.PriorityClass}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  User processor time       : {myProcess.UserProcessorTime}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Privileged processor time : {myProcess.PrivilegedProcessorTime}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Total processor time      : {myProcess.TotalProcessorTime}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Paged system memory size  : {myProcess.PagedSystemMemorySize64}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Paged memory size         : {myProcess.PagedMemorySize64}");

                        // Update the values for the overall peak memory statistics.
                        peakPagedMem   = myProcess.PeakPagedMemorySize64;
                        peakVirtualMem = myProcess.PeakVirtualMemorySize64;
                        peakWorkingSet = myProcess.PeakWorkingSet64;

                        if (myProcess.Responding)
                            Console.WriteLine("Status = Running");
                            Console.WriteLine("Status = Not Responding");
                while (!myProcess.WaitForExit(1000));

                Console.WriteLine($"  Process exit code          : {myProcess.ExitCode}");

                // Display peak memory statistics for the process.
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak physical memory usage : {peakWorkingSet}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak paged memory usage    : {peakPagedMem}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak virtual memory usage  : {peakVirtualMem}");
Imports System.Diagnostics

Namespace ProcessSample
    Class ProcessMonitorSample

        Public Shared Sub Main()

            ' Define variables to track the peak
            ' memory usage of the process.
            Dim peakPagedMem As Long = 0
            Dim peakWorkingSet As Long = 0
            Dim peakVirtualMem As Long = 0

            ' Start the process.
            Using myProcess = Process.Start("NotePad.exe")

                ' Display process statistics until
                ' the user closes the program.

                    If Not myProcess.HasExited Then

                        ' Refresh the current process property values.


                        ' Display current process statistics.

                        Console.WriteLine($"{myProcess} -")

                        Console.WriteLine($"  Physical memory usage     : {myProcess.WorkingSet64}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Base priority             : {myProcess.BasePriority}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Priority class            : {myProcess.PriorityClass}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  User processor time       : {myProcess.UserProcessorTime}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Privileged processor time : {myProcess.PrivilegedProcessorTime}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Total processor time      : {myProcess.TotalProcessorTime}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Paged system memory size  : {myProcess.PagedSystemMemorySize64}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Paged memory size         : {myProcess.PagedMemorySize64}")

                        ' Update the values for the overall peak memory statistics.
                        peakPagedMem = myProcess.PeakPagedMemorySize64
                        peakVirtualMem = myProcess.PeakVirtualMemorySize64
                        peakWorkingSet = myProcess.PeakWorkingSet64

                        If myProcess.Responding Then
                            Console.WriteLine("Status = Running")
                            Console.WriteLine("Status = Not Responding")
                        End If
                    End If
                Loop While Not myProcess.WaitForExit(1000)

                Console.WriteLine($"  Process exit code                         : {myProcess.ExitCode}")

                ' Display peak memory statistics for the process.
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak physical memory usage of the process : {peakWorkingSet}")
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak paged memory usage of the process    : {peakPagedMem}")
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak virtual memory usage of the process  : {peakVirtualMem}")
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


Gunakan ExitCode untuk mendapatkan status yang dikembalikan proses sistem saat keluar. Anda dapat menggunakan kode keluar seperti nilai pengembalian bilangan bulat dari main() prosedur.

Nilai ExitCode untuk proses mencerminkan konvensi spesifik yang diterapkan oleh pengembang aplikasi untuk proses tersebut. Jika Anda menggunakan nilai kode keluar untuk membuat keputusan dalam kode Anda, pastikan Anda mengetahui konvensi kode keluar yang digunakan oleh proses aplikasi.

Pengembang biasanya menunjukkan keberhasilan keluar dengan ExitCode nilai nol, dan menunjuk kesalahan dengan nilai bukan nol yang dapat digunakan metode panggilan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab penghentian proses abnormal. Tidak perlu mengikuti pedoman ini, tetapi mereka adalah konvensi.

Jika Anda mencoba untuk mendapatkan ExitCode sebelum proses keluar, upaya akan melemparkan pengecualian. Periksa properti terlebih HasExited dahulu untuk memverifikasi apakah proses terkait telah dihentikan.


Ketika output standar telah dialihkan ke penanganan aktivitas asinkron, ada kemungkinan pemrosesan output tidak akan selesai ketika HasExited mengembalikan true. Untuk memastikan bahwa penanganan peristiwa asinkron telah selesai, panggil WaitForExit() kelebihan beban yang tidak membutuhkan parameter sebelum memeriksa HasExited.

Anda dapat menggunakan CloseMainWindow metode atau Kill untuk menyebabkan proses terkait keluar.

Ada dua cara untuk diberi tahu ketika proses terkait keluar: secara sinkron dan asinkron. Pemberitahuan sinkron bergantung pada pemanggilan WaitForExit metode untuk menjeda pemrosesan aplikasi Anda hingga komponen terkait keluar. Pemberitahuan asinkron bergantung pada peristiwa.Exited Saat menggunakan pemberitahuan asinkron, EnableRaisingEvents harus diatur ke agar trueProcess komponen menerima pemberitahuan bahwa proses telah keluar.

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