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SortKey Kelas


Mewakili hasil pemetaan string ke kunci pengurutannya.

public ref class SortKey sealed
public ref class SortKey
public sealed class SortKey
public class SortKey
public class SortKey
public class SortKey
type SortKey = class
type SortKey = class
type SortKey = class
Public NotInheritable Class SortKey
Public Class SortKey


Contoh berikut membandingkan string "llama" menggunakan budaya "en-US" dan "es-ES", dan budaya tradisional "en-US" dan "es-ES".

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Creates a SortKey using the en-US culture.
   CultureInfo^ MyCI = gcnew CultureInfo( "en-US",false );
   CompareInfo^ myComp_enUS = MyCI->CompareInfo;
   SortKey^ mySK1 = myComp_enUS->GetSortKey( "llama" );
   // Creates a SortKey using the es-ES culture with international sort.
   MyCI = gcnew CultureInfo( "es-ES",false );
   CompareInfo^ myComp_esES = MyCI->CompareInfo;
   SortKey^ mySK2 = myComp_esES->GetSortKey( "llama" );
   // Creates a SortKey using the es-ES culture with traditional sort.
   MyCI = gcnew CultureInfo( 0x040A,false );
   CompareInfo^ myComp_es = MyCI->CompareInfo;
   SortKey^ mySK3 = myComp_es->GetSortKey( "llama" );
   // Compares the en-US SortKey with each of the es-ES SortKey objects.
   Console::WriteLine( "Comparing \"llama\" in en-US and in es-ES with international sort : {0}", SortKey::Compare( mySK1, mySK2 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Comparing \"llama\" in en-US and in es-ES with traditional sort   : {0}", SortKey::Compare( mySK1, mySK3 ) );

This code produces the following output.

Comparing S"llama" in en-US and in es-ES with international sort : 0
Comparing S"llama" in en-US and in es-ES with traditional sort   : -1
using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesSortKey  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates a SortKey using the en-US culture.
      CompareInfo myComp_enUS = new CultureInfo("en-US",false).CompareInfo;
      SortKey mySK1 = myComp_enUS.GetSortKey( "llama" );

      // Creates a SortKey using the es-ES culture with international sort.
      CompareInfo myComp_esES = new CultureInfo("es-ES",false).CompareInfo;
      SortKey mySK2 = myComp_esES.GetSortKey( "llama" );

      // Creates a SortKey using the es-ES culture with traditional sort.
      CompareInfo myComp_es   = new CultureInfo(0x040A,false).CompareInfo;
      SortKey mySK3 = myComp_es.GetSortKey( "llama" );

      // Compares the en-US SortKey with each of the es-ES SortKey objects.
      Console.WriteLine( "Comparing \"llama\" in en-US and in es-ES with international sort : {0}", SortKey.Compare( mySK1, mySK2 ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Comparing \"llama\" in en-US and in es-ES with traditional sort   : {0}", SortKey.Compare( mySK1, mySK3 ) );

This code produces the following output.

Comparing "llama" in en-US and in es-ES with international sort : 0
Comparing "llama" in en-US and in es-ES with traditional sort   : -1
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesSortKey

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates a SortKey using the en-US culture.
      Dim myComp_enUS As CompareInfo = New CultureInfo("en-US", False).CompareInfo
      Dim mySK1 As SortKey = myComp_enUS.GetSortKey("llama")

      ' Creates a SortKey using the es-ES culture with international sort.
      Dim myComp_esES As CompareInfo = New CultureInfo("es-ES", False).CompareInfo
      Dim mySK2 As SortKey = myComp_esES.GetSortKey("llama")

      ' Creates a SortKey using the es-ES culture with traditional sort.
      Dim myComp_es As CompareInfo = New CultureInfo(&H40A, False).CompareInfo
      Dim mySK3 As SortKey = myComp_es.GetSortKey("llama")

      ' Compares the en-US SortKey with each of the es-ES SortKey objects.
      Console.WriteLine("Comparing ""llama"" in en-US and in es-ES with international sort : {0}", SortKey.Compare(mySK1, mySK2))
      Console.WriteLine("Comparing ""llama"" in en-US and in es-ES with traditional sort   : {0}", SortKey.Compare(mySK1, mySK3))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Comparing "llama" in en-US and in es-ES with international sort : 0
'Comparing "llama" in en-US and in es-ES with traditional sort   : -1

Contoh berikut menunjukkan bagaimana Anda dapat menggunakan SortKey kelas untuk meningkatkan performa dalam aplikasi yang sangat bergantung pada pengurutan dan pencarian array besar. Contoh membuat array nama yang tidak diurutkan, yang dalam hal ini memiliki 13 elemen. Kemudian menyimpan kunci pengurutan setiap nama dalam array paralel, yang diteruskannya ke Sort(Array, Array) metode . Hasilnya adalah array yang diurutkan. Contohnya kemudian mencari array untuk tiga string. Untuk setiap string pencarian, ia memanggil GetSortKey(String, CompareOptions) metode untuk mengambil kunci pengurutan string, lalu memanggil Array.FindIndex metode untuk mengambil indeks kunci sortir tersebut dalam array kunci sortir. Karena nama dan array kunci pengurutan bersifat paralel, indeks yang dikembalikan juga merupakan indeks nama dalam names array.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      // Define names.
      String[] names= { "Adam", "Ignatius", "Batholomew", "Gregory",
                        "Clement", "Frances", "Harold", "Dalmatius",
                        "Edgar", "John", "Benedict", "Paul", "George" };
      SortKey[] sortKeys = new SortKey[names.Length];
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      for (int ctr = 0; ctr < names.Length; ctr++)
         sortKeys[ctr] = ci.GetSortKey(names[ctr], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase);

      // Sort array based on value of sort keys.
      Array.Sort(names, sortKeys);

      Console.WriteLine("Sorted array: ");
      foreach (var name in names)


      String[] namesToFind = { "Paul", "PAUL", "Wilberforce" };

      Console.WriteLine("Searching an array:");
      foreach (var nameToFind in namesToFind) {
         SortKey searchKey = ci.GetSortKey(nameToFind, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase);
         int index = Array.FindIndex(sortKeys, (x) => x.Equals(searchKey));
         if (index >= 0)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} found at index {1}: {2}", nameToFind,
                              index, names[index]);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} not found", nameToFind);
// The example displays the following output:
//       Sorted array:
//       Adam
//       Batholomew
//       Benedict
//       Clement
//       Dalmatius
//       Edgar
//       Frances
//       George
//       Gregory
//       Harold
//       Ignatius
//       John
//       Paul
//       Searching an array:
//       Paul found at index 12: Paul
//       PAUL found at index 12: Paul
//       Wilberforce not found
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      ' Define names.
      Dim names() As String = { "Adam", "Ignatius", "Batholomew", 
                                "Gregory", "Clement", "Frances",  
                                "Harold", "Dalmatius", "Edgar",    
                                "John", "Benedict", "Paul", "George" } 
      Dim sortKeys(names.Length - 1) As SortKey
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo

      For ctr As Integer = 0 To names.Length - 1
         sortKeys(ctr) = ci.GetSortKey(names(ctr), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)         
      ' Sort array based on value of sort keys.
      Array.Sort(names, sortKeys)
      Console.WriteLine("Sorted array: ")
      For Each name In names
      Dim namesToFind() As String = { "Paul", "PAUL", "Wilberforce" }
      Console.WriteLine("Searching an array:")
      For Each nameToFind In namesToFind
         Dim searchKey As SortKey = ci.GetSortKey(nameToFind, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)
         Dim index As Integer = Array.FindIndex(sortKeys, 
                                                Function(x) x.Equals(searchKey)) 
         If index >= 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("{0} found at index {1}: {2}", nameToFind,
                              index, names(index))
            Console.WriteLine("{0} not found", nameToFind)
         End If                     
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       Sorted array:
'       Adam
'       Batholomew
'       Benedict
'       Clement
'       Dalmatius
'       Edgar
'       Frances
'       George
'       Gregory
'       Harold
'       Ignatius
'       John
'       Paul
'       Searching an array:
'       Paul found at index 12: Paul
'       PAUL found at index 12: Paul
'       Wilberforce not found


Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang API ini, lihat Keterangan API Tambahan untuk SortKey.



Mendapatkan array byte yang mewakili objek saat ini SortKey .


Mendapatkan string asli yang digunakan untuk membuat objek saat ini SortKey .


Compare(SortKey, SortKey)

Membandingkan dua kunci pengurutan.


Menentukan apakah objek yang ditentukan sama dengan objek saat ini SortKey .


Berfungsi sebagai fungsi hash untuk objek saat ini SortKey yang cocok untuk algoritma hashing dan struktur data seperti tabel hash.


Mendapatkan instans Type saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Membuat salinan dangkal dari yang saat ini Object.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Mengembalikan string yang mewakili objek saat ini SortKey .

Berlaku untuk

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