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HttpWebRequest.AllowWriteStreamBuffering Properti


Mendapatkan atau menetapkan nilai yang menunjukkan apakah akan menyangga data yang dikirim ke sumber daya Internet.

 virtual property bool AllowWriteStreamBuffering { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
 property bool AllowWriteStreamBuffering { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public virtual bool AllowWriteStreamBuffering { get; set; }
public bool AllowWriteStreamBuffering { get; set; }
member this.AllowWriteStreamBuffering : bool with get, set
Public Overridable Property AllowWriteStreamBuffering As Boolean
Public Property AllowWriteStreamBuffering As Boolean

Nilai Properti

true untuk mengaktifkan buffering data yang dikirim ke sumber daya Internet; false untuk menonaktifkan buffering. Defaultnya adalah true.


Contoh kode berikut menggunakan properti AllowWriteStreamBuffering untuk menonaktifkan buffering data.

// Create a new 'HttpWebRequest' object to the mentioned Uri.
HttpWebRequest^ myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest^)( WebRequest::Create( "" ) );
// Set AllowWriteStreamBuffering to 'false'.
myHttpWebRequest->AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false;
Console::WriteLine( "\nPlease Enter the data to be posted to the ( uri:" );
String^ inputData = Console::ReadLine();
String^ postData = String::Concat( "firstone= ", inputData );
// Set 'Method' property of 'HttpWebRequest' class to POST.
myHttpWebRequest->Method = "POST";
ASCIIEncoding^ encodedData = gcnew ASCIIEncoding;
array<Byte>^ byteArray = encodedData->GetBytes( postData );
// Set 'ContentType' property of the 'HttpWebRequest' class to S"application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
myHttpWebRequest->ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
// If the AllowWriteStreamBuffering property of HttpWebRequest is set to false, the contentlength has to be set to length of data to be posted else Exception(411) is raised.
myHttpWebRequest->ContentLength = byteArray->Length;
Stream^ newStream = myHttpWebRequest->GetRequestStream();
newStream->Write( byteArray, 0, byteArray->Length );
Console::WriteLine( "\nData has been posted to the Uri\n\nPlease wait for the response.........." );
// Assign the response object of 'HttpWebRequest' to a 'HttpWebResponse' variable.
HttpWebResponse^ myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse^)( myHttpWebRequest->GetResponse() );

// Create a new 'HttpWebRequest' object to the mentioned Uri.				
HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest=(HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
// Set AllowWriteStreamBuffering to 'false'.
Console.WriteLine("\nPlease Enter the data to be posted to the ( uri:");
string inputData =Console.ReadLine();
string postData="firstone="+inputData;
// Set 'Method' property of 'HttpWebRequest' class to POST.
ASCIIEncoding encodedData=new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[]  byteArray=encodedData.GetBytes(postData);
// Set 'ContentType' property of the 'HttpWebRequest' class to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
// If the AllowWriteStreamBuffering property of HttpWebRequest is set to false,the contentlength has to be set to length of data to be posted else Exception(411) is raised.
Stream newStream=myHttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream();
Console.WriteLine("\nData has been posted to the Uri\n\nPlease wait for the response..........");
// Assign the response object of 'HttpWebRequest' to a 'HttpWebResponse' variable.
HttpWebResponse myHttpWebResponse=(HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse();
 ' A new 'HttpWebRequest' object is created 				
 Dim myHttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
' AllowWriteStreamBuffering is set to 'false' 
 myHttpWebRequest.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = False
 Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Please Enter the data to be posted to the ( uri:")
 Dim inputData As String = Console.ReadLine()
 Dim postData As String = "firstone" + ChrW(61) + inputData
 ' 'Method' property of 'HttpWebRequest' class is set to POST.
 myHttpWebRequest.Method = "POST"
 Dim encodedData As New ASCIIEncoding()
 Dim byteArray As Byte() = encodedData.GetBytes(postData)
 ' 'ContentType' property of the 'HttpWebRequest' class is set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
 myHttpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
 ' If the AllowWriteStreamBuffering property of HttpWebRequest is set to false,then contentlength has to be set to length of data to be posted else Exception(411) Length required is raised.
 Dim newStream As Stream = myHttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
 newStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
 Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Data has been posted to the Uri" + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Cr + "Please wait for the response..........")
 ' The response object of 'HttpWebRequest' is assigned to a 'HttpWebResponse' variable.
 Dim myHttpWebResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)



WebRequest, HttpWebRequest, ServicePoint, dan WebClient usang, dan Anda tidak boleh menggunakannya untuk pengembangan baru. Gunakan HttpClient sebagai gantinya.

Ketika AllowWriteStreamBufferingtrue, data di-buffer dalam memori sehingga siap untuk ditolak jika terjadi pengalihan atau permintaan autentikasi.

Catatan Bagi Inheritor

Mengatur AllowWriteStreamBuffering ke true dapat menyebabkan masalah performa saat mengunggah himpunan data besar karena buffer data dapat menggunakan semua memori yang tersedia.

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