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PingReply.Status Properti


Mendapatkan status upaya untuk mengirim permintaan gema Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) dan menerima pesan balasan gema ICMP yang sesuai.

 property System::Net::NetworkInformation::IPStatus Status { System::Net::NetworkInformation::IPStatus get(); };
public System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus Status { get; }
member this.Status : System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus
Public ReadOnly Property Status As IPStatus

Nilai Properti

Nilai IPStatus yang menunjukkan hasil permintaan.


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan penggunaan Ping kelas untuk mengirim permintaan gema ICMP secara sinkron dan menampilkan respons.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::Net::NetworkInformation;
using namespace System::Text;

// args[1] can be an IPaddress or host name.
int main()
   array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
   Ping ^ pingSender = gcnew Ping;
   PingOptions ^ options = gcnew PingOptions;
   // Use the default Ttl value which is 128,
   // but change the fragmentation behavior.
   options->DontFragment = true;
   // Create a buffer of 32 bytes of data to be transmitted.
   String^ data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
   array<Byte>^buffer = Encoding::ASCII->GetBytes( data );
   int timeout = 120;
   PingReply ^ reply = pingSender->Send( args[ 1 ], timeout, buffer, options );
   if ( reply->Status == IPStatus::Success )
      Console::WriteLine( "Address: {0}", reply->Address->ToString() );
      Console::WriteLine( "RoundTrip time: {0}", reply->RoundtripTime );
      Console::WriteLine( "Time to live: {0}", reply->Options->Ttl );
      Console::WriteLine( "Don't fragment: {0}", reply->Options->DontFragment );
      Console::WriteLine( "Buffer size: {0}", reply->Buffer->Length );

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Text;

namespace Examples.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingTest
    public class PingExample
        // args[0] can be an IPaddress or host name.
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            Ping pingSender = new Ping ();
            PingOptions options = new PingOptions ();

            // Use the default Ttl value which is 128,
            // but change the fragmentation behavior.
            options.DontFragment = true;

            // Create a buffer of 32 bytes of data to be transmitted.
            string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
            byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (data);
            int timeout = 120;
            PingReply reply = pingSender.Send (args[0], timeout, buffer, options);
            if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
                Console.WriteLine ("Address: {0}", reply.Address.ToString ());
                Console.WriteLine ("RoundTrip time: {0}", reply.RoundtripTime);
                Console.WriteLine ("Time to live: {0}", reply.Options.Ttl);
                Console.WriteLine ("Don't fragment: {0}", reply.Options.DontFragment);
                Console.WriteLine ("Buffer size: {0}", reply.Buffer.Length);
open System.Net.NetworkInformation
open System.Text

// args[0] can be an IPaddress or host name.
let main args =
    let pingSender = new Ping()

    // Use the default Ttl value which is 128,
    // but change the fragmentation behavior.
    let options = PingOptions()
    options.DontFragment <- true

    // Create a buffer of 32 bytes of data to be transmitted.
    let data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
    let buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes data
    let timeout = 120
    let reply: PingReply = pingSender.Send(args.[0], timeout, buffer, options)

    match reply.Status with
    | IPStatus.Success ->
        printfn "Address: %O" reply.Address
        printfn "RoundTrip time: %d" reply.RoundtripTime
        printfn "Time to live: %d" reply.Options.Ttl
        printfn "Don't fragment: %b" reply.Options.DontFragment
        printfn "Buffer size: %d" reply.Buffer.Length
    | _ ->
        eprintfn "Error sending ping: %O" reply
        eprintfn "Error was: %O" reply.Status


Jika nilai Status bukan Success, Anda tidak boleh menggunakan nilai yang dikembalikan oleh RoundtripTimeproperti , Options atau Buffer . Properti RoundtripTime dan Buffer akan mengembalikan nol, dan Options properti akan mengembalikan null.

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