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AsyncResult.IsCompleted Properti


Mendapatkan nilai yang menunjukkan apakah server telah menyelesaikan panggilan.

 virtual property bool IsCompleted { bool get(); };
public virtual bool IsCompleted { get; }
member this.IsCompleted : bool
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As Boolean

Nilai Properti

true setelah server menyelesaikan panggilan; jika tidak, false.



Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakan IsCompleted properti dari yang AsyncResult dikembalikan oleh BeginInvoke untuk menemukan kapan panggilan asinkron selesai. Anda mungkin melakukan ini saat melakukan panggilan asinkron dari utas yang melayani antarmuka pengguna. Polling untuk penyelesaian memungkinkan utas panggilan untuk terus mengeksekusi saat panggilan asinkron dijalankan pada ThreadPool utas.

Contohnya terdiri dari dua kelas, kelas yang berisi metode yang disebut secara asinkron, dan kelas yang berisi Main metode yang melakukan panggilan.

Untuk informasi selengkapnya dan contoh selengkapnya tentang metode panggilan secara asinkron dengan menggunakan delegasi, lihat Memanggil Metode Sinkron Secara Asinkron.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices; 

namespace Examples {
namespace AdvancedProgramming {
namespace AsynchronousOperations
    public ref class AsyncDemo 
        // The method to be executed asynchronously.
        String^ TestMethod(int callDuration, [OutAttribute] int% threadId) 
            Console::WriteLine("Test method begins.");
            threadId = Thread::CurrentThread->ManagedThreadId;
            return String::Format("My call time was {0}.", callDuration);

    // The delegate must have the same signature as the method
    // it will call asynchronously.
    public delegate String^ AsyncMethodCaller(int callDuration, [OutAttribute] int% threadId);
using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace Examples.AdvancedProgramming.AsynchronousOperations
    public class AsyncDemo
        // The method to be executed asynchronously.
        public string TestMethod(int callDuration, out int threadId)
            Console.WriteLine("Test method begins.");
            threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            return String.Format("My call time was {0}.", callDuration.ToString());
    // The delegate must have the same signature as the method
    // it will call asynchronously.
    public delegate string AsyncMethodCaller(int callDuration, out int threadId);
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices 

Namespace Examples.AdvancedProgramming.AsynchronousOperations
    Public Class AsyncDemo 
        ' The method to be executed asynchronously.
        Public Function TestMethod(ByVal callDuration As Integer, _
                <Out> ByRef threadId As Integer) As String
            Console.WriteLine("Test method begins.")
            threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId()
            return String.Format("My call time was {0}.", callDuration.ToString())
        End Function
    End Class

    ' The delegate must have the same signature as the method
    ' it will call asynchronously.
    Public Delegate Function AsyncMethodCaller(ByVal callDuration As Integer, _
        <Out> ByRef threadId As Integer) As String
End Namespace
#using <TestMethod.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace Examples::AdvancedProgramming::AsynchronousOperations;

void main() 
    // The asynchronous method puts the thread id here.
    int threadId;

    // Create an instance of the test class.
    AsyncDemo^ ad = gcnew AsyncDemo();

    // Create the delegate.
    AsyncMethodCaller^ caller = gcnew AsyncMethodCaller(ad, &AsyncDemo::TestMethod);
    // Initiate the asychronous call.
    IAsyncResult^ result = caller->BeginInvoke(3000, 
        threadId, nullptr, nullptr);

    // Poll while simulating work.
    while(result->IsCompleted == false)

    // Call EndInvoke to retrieve the results.
    String^ returnValue = caller->EndInvoke(threadId, result);

    Console::WriteLine("\nThe call executed on thread {0}, with return value \"{1}\".",
        threadId, returnValue);

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

Test method begins.
The call executed on thread 3, with return value "My call time was 3000.".
using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace Examples.AdvancedProgramming.AsynchronousOperations
    public class AsyncMain
        static void Main() {
            // The asynchronous method puts the thread id here.
            int threadId;

            // Create an instance of the test class.
            AsyncDemo ad = new AsyncDemo();

            // Create the delegate.
            AsyncMethodCaller caller = new AsyncMethodCaller(ad.TestMethod);

            // Initiate the asychronous call.
            IAsyncResult result = caller.BeginInvoke(3000,
                out threadId, null, null);

            // Poll while simulating work.
            while(result.IsCompleted == false) {

            // Call EndInvoke to retrieve the results.
            string returnValue = caller.EndInvoke(out threadId, result);

            Console.WriteLine("\nThe call executed on thread {0}, with return value \"{1}\".",
                threadId, returnValue);

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

Test method begins.
The call executed on thread 3, with return value "My call time was 3000.".
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices 

Namespace Examples.AdvancedProgramming.AsynchronousOperations

    Public Class AsyncMain 
        Shared Sub Main() 
            ' The asynchronous method puts the thread id here.
            Dim threadId As Integer

            ' Create an instance of the test class.
            Dim ad As New AsyncDemo()

            ' Create the delegate.
            Dim caller As New AsyncMethodCaller(AddressOf ad.TestMethod)
            ' Initiate the asynchronous call.
            Dim result As IAsyncResult = caller.BeginInvoke(3000, _
                threadId, Nothing, Nothing)

            ' Poll while simulating work.
            While result.IsCompleted = False
            End While

            ' Call EndInvoke to retrieve the results.
            Dim returnValue As String = caller.EndInvoke(threadId, result)

            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
                "The call executed on thread {0}, with return value ""{1}"".", _
                threadId, returnValue)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

' This example produces output similar to the following:
'Test method begins.
'The call executed on thread 3, with return value "My call time was 3000.".


Server tidak boleh menggunakan sumber daya yang disediakan klien di luar semantik yang disepakati setelah mengatur IsCompleted properti ke true. Dengan demikian, aman bagi klien untuk menghancurkan sumber daya setelah IsCompleted properti kembali true.

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