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ITrackingHandler Antarmuka


Menunjukkan bahwa objek pelaksana harus diberi tahu tentang marshaling, unmarshaling, dan pemutusan objek dan proksi oleh infrastruktur jarak jauh.

public interface class ITrackingHandler
public interface ITrackingHandler
public interface ITrackingHandler
type ITrackingHandler = interface
type ITrackingHandler = interface
Public Interface ITrackingHandler


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara mengimplementasikan metode ITrackingHandler antarmuka untuk menerima pemberitahuan dari infrastruktur jarak jauh.

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara mengimplementasikan antarmuka ini.

using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Services;

// Intercept marshal, unmarshal, and disconnect events for an object.
public class TrackingHandler : ITrackingHandler
    // Called when the tracked object is marshaled.

    public void MarshaledObject(Object obj, ObjRef objRef)
        // Notify the user of the marshal event.
        Console.WriteLine("Tracking: An instance of {0} was marshaled.", 

        // Print the channel information.
        if (objRef.ChannelInfo != null)
            // Iterate over ChannelData.
            foreach(object data in objRef.ChannelInfo.ChannelData)
                if (data is ChannelDataStore)
                    // Print the URIs from the ChannelDataStore objects.
                    string[] uris = ((ChannelDataStore)data).ChannelUris;
                    foreach(string uri in uris)
                        Console.WriteLine("ChannelUri: " + uri);

        // Print the envoy information.
        if (objRef.EnvoyInfo != null)
            Console.WriteLine("EnvoyInfo: " + objRef.EnvoyInfo.ToString());

        // Print the type information.
        if (objRef.TypeInfo != null)
            Console.WriteLine("TypeInfo: " + objRef.TypeInfo.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("TypeName: " + objRef.TypeInfo.TypeName);

        // Print the URI.
        if (objRef.URI != null)
            Console.WriteLine("URI: " + objRef.URI.ToString());

    // Called when the tracked object is unmarshaled.
    public void UnmarshaledObject(Object obj, ObjRef objRef)
        Console.WriteLine("Tracking: An instance of {0} was unmarshaled.", 

    // Called when the tracked object is disconnected.
    public void DisconnectedObject(Object obj)
        Console.WriteLine("Tracking: An instance of {0} was disconnected.", 

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara mengimplementasikan antarmuka ini di server.

using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Services;

public class Server
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Register the TCP channel.
        TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(1234);

        // Register a tracking handler.
        ITrackingHandler handler1 = new TrackingHandler();

        // Register a second handler.
        ITrackingHandler handler2 = new TrackingHandler();

        // Get the number of currently registered handlers.
        Console.WriteLine("Registered tracking handlers: " + 

        // Remove the tracking handler from the registered handlers.
        Console.WriteLine("Registered tracking handlers: " + 

        // Create and marshal an object for remote invocation.
        RemoteService service = new RemoteService();
        ObjRef obj = RemotingServices.Marshal(service, "TcpService");

        // Wait for the user prompt.
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress ENTER to unmarshal the object.");

        // Unmarshal the object.

        // Wait for the user prompt.
        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to disconnect the object.");

        // Disconnect the object.

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara mengimplementasikan antarmuka ini pada klien untuk server dalam contoh kode sebelumnya.

using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp;

public class Client
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Register the TCP channel.
        ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(new TcpChannel());

        // Register the client for the remote object.
        WellKnownClientTypeEntry remoteType = new WellKnownClientTypeEntry(

        // Create an instance of the remote object.
        RemoteService service = new RemoteService(); 

        // Invoke a method on the remote object.
        Console.WriteLine("Hello invoked on server.");

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan objek jarak jauh yang digunakan oleh server dan klien.

using System;

// Remote object.
public class RemoteService : MarshalByRefObject
    private DateTime startTime;

    public RemoteService()
        // Notify the user that the constructor was invoked.
        Console.WriteLine("Constructor invoked.");
        startTime = DateTime.Now;

        // Notify the user that the finalizer was invoked.
        TimeSpan elapsedTime = 
            new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks);
        Console.WriteLine("Finalizer invoked after " + 
            elapsedTime.ToString() + " seconds.");

    public void Hello(string name)
        // Print a simple message.
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + name);


Setiap objek yang terdaftar dipanggil dengan TrackingServices jarak jauh ketika objek atau proksi dalam saat ini AppDomain dinamai, tidak terhalang, atau terputus.

Perhatikan bahwa hanya objek yang dapat diputus sambungannya. Pengecualian dilemparkan ketika pemutusan sambungan dipanggil pada proksi.


Antarmuka ini membuat permintaan tautan. SecurityException dilemparkan jika penelepon langsung melakukan panggilan melalui referensi ke antarmuka dan tidak memiliki izin infrastruktur. Lihat Permintaan Tautan untuk informasi selengkapnya.



Memberi tahu instans saat ini bahwa objek telah terputus dari proksinya.

MarshaledObject(Object, ObjRef)

Memberi tahu instans saat ini bahwa objek telah di-marshal.

UnmarshaledObject(Object, ObjRef)

Memberi tahu instans saat ini bahwa objek telah dibatalkan napasnya.

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