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CodeAccessPermission.ToXml Metode


Saat ditimpa di kelas turunan, membuat pengodean XML objek keamanan dan statusnya saat ini.

 abstract System::Security::SecurityElement ^ ToXml();
public abstract System.Security.SecurityElement ToXml ();
abstract member ToXml : unit -> System.Security.SecurityElement
Public MustOverride Function ToXml () As SecurityElement


Pengodean XML objek keamanan, termasuk informasi status apa pun.



Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan penimpaan ToXml metode . Contoh kode ini adalah bagian dari contoh yang lebih besar yang disediakan untuk CodeAccessPermission kelas .

   virtual SecurityElement^ ToXml() override
      // Use the SecurityElement class to encode the permission to XML.
      SecurityElement^ esd = gcnew SecurityElement( "IPermission" );
      String^ name = NameIdPermission::typeid->AssemblyQualifiedName;
      esd->AddAttribute( "class", name );
      esd->AddAttribute( "version", "1.0" );
      // The following code for unrestricted permission is only included as an example for
      // permissions that allow the unrestricted state. It is of no value for this permission.
      if ( m_Unrestricted )
         esd->AddAttribute( "Unrestricted", true.ToString() );

      if ( m_Name != nullptr )
         esd->AddAttribute( "Name", m_Name );

      return esd;
public override SecurityElement ToXml()
    // Use the SecurityElement class to encode the permission to XML.
    SecurityElement esd = new SecurityElement("IPermission");
    String name = typeof( NameIdPermission).AssemblyQualifiedName;
    esd.AddAttribute("class", name);
    esd.AddAttribute("version", "1.0");

    // The following code for unrestricted permission is only included as an example for
    // permissions that allow the unrestricted state. It is of no value for this permission.
    if (m_Unrestricted)
        esd.AddAttribute("Unrestricted", true.ToString());
    if (m_Name != null) esd.AddAttribute( "Name", m_Name );
    return esd;
    Public Overrides Function ToXml() As SecurityElement
        ' Use the SecurityElement class to encode the permission to XML.
        Dim esd As New SecurityElement("IPermission")

        Dim name As String = GetType(NameIdPermission).AssemblyQualifiedName
        esd.AddAttribute("class", name)
        esd.AddAttribute("version", "1.0")

        ' The following code for unrestricted permission is only included as an example for
        ' permissions that allow the unrestricted state. It is of no value for this permission.
        If m_Unrestricted Then
            esd.AddAttribute("Unrestricted", True.ToString())
        End If
        If Not (m_Name Is Nothing) Then
            esd.AddAttribute("Name", m_Name)
        End If
        Return esd
    End Function 'ToXml
End Class


Kode kustom yang memperluas objek keamanan perlu menerapkan ToXml metode dan FromXml untuk membuat objek dapat dikodekan keamanan.

Catatan Bagi Implementer

Anda harus mengambil alih metode ini di kelas turunan.

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