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Mutex.OpenExisting Metode


Membuka mutex bernama tertentu, jika sudah ada.



Membuka mutex bernama yang ditentukan, jika sudah ada.

OpenExisting(String, MutexRights)

Membuka mutex bernama yang ditentukan, jika sudah ada, dengan akses keamanan yang diinginkan.



Membuka mutex bernama yang ditentukan, jika sudah ada.

 static System::Threading::Mutex ^ OpenExisting(System::String ^ name);
public static System.Threading.Mutex OpenExisting (string name);
public static System.Threading.Mutex OpenExisting (string name);
static member OpenExisting : string -> System.Threading.Mutex
static member OpenExisting : string -> System.Threading.Mutex
Public Shared Function OpenExisting (name As String) As Mutex



Nama objek sinkronisasi yang akan dibagikan dengan proses lain. Namanya peka huruf besar/kecil. Karakter garis miring terbalik (\) dicadangkan dan hanya dapat digunakan untuk menentukan namespace layanan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang namespace layanan, lihat bagian keterangan. Mungkin ada pembatasan lebih lanjut pada nama tergantung pada sistem operasi. Misalnya, pada sistem operasi berbasis Unix, nama setelah mengecualikan namespace harus berupa nama file yang valid.


Objek yang mewakili mutex sistem bernama.



name adalah string kosong.


Hanya .NET Framework: name lebih panjang dari MAX_PATH (260 karakter).

nameadalah null.

Objek sinkronisasi dengan yang disediakan name tidak dapat dibuat. Objek sinkronisasi dari jenis yang berbeda mungkin memiliki nama yang sama. Dalam beberapa kasus, pengecualian ini mungkin dilemparkan untuk nama yang tidak valid.

name tidak valid. Ini bisa karena berbagai alasan, termasuk beberapa batasan yang mungkin ditempatkan oleh sistem operasi, seperti awalan yang tidak diketahui atau karakter yang tidak valid. Perhatikan bahwa nama dan awalan umum "Global\" dan "Local\" peka huruf besar/kecil.


Ada beberapa kesalahan lainnya. Properti HResult dapat memberikan informasi lebih lanjut.

Hanya Windows: name menentukan namespace yang tidak dikenal. Lihat Nama Objek untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Terlalu name panjang. Pembatasan panjang dapat bergantung pada sistem operasi atau konfigurasi.

Mutex bernama ada, tetapi pengguna tidak memiliki akses keamanan yang diperlukan untuk menggunakannya.


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan perilaku lintas proses dari mutex bernama dengan keamanan kontrol akses. Contohnya menggunakan OpenExisting(String) metode kelebihan beban untuk menguji keberadaan mutex bernama.

Jika mutex tidak ada, itu dibuat dengan kepemilikan awal dan keamanan kontrol akses yang menolak pengguna saat ini hak untuk menggunakan mutex, tetapi memberikan hak untuk membaca dan mengubah izin pada mutex.

Jika Anda menjalankan contoh yang dikompilasi dari dua jendela perintah, salinan kedua akan melemparkan pengecualian pelanggaran akses pada panggilan ke OpenExisting(String). Pengecualian tertangkap, dan contohnya menggunakan OpenExisting(String, MutexRights) metode kelebihan beban untuk membuka mutex dengan hak yang diperlukan untuk membaca dan mengubah izin.

Setelah izin diubah, mutex dibuka dengan hak yang diperlukan untuk memasukkan dan melepaskannya. Jika Anda menjalankan contoh yang dikompilasi dari jendela perintah ketiga, contoh tersebut berjalan menggunakan izin baru.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Security::AccessControl;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;

public ref class Example
   static void Main()
      String^ mutexName = L"MutexExample4";

      Mutex^ m = nullptr;
      bool doesNotExist = false;
      bool unauthorized = false;
      // The value of this variable is set by the mutex
      // constructor. It is true if the named system mutex was
      // created, and false if the named mutex already existed.
      bool mutexWasCreated = false;

      // Attempt to open the named mutex.
         // Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize |
         // MutexRights.Modify), to enter and release the
         // named mutex.
         m = Mutex::OpenExisting( mutexName );
      catch ( WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException^ ) 
         Console::WriteLine( L"Mutex does not exist." );
         doesNotExist = true;
      catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( L"Unauthorized access: {0}", ex->Message );
         unauthorized = true;

      // There are three cases: (1) The mutex does not exist.
      // (2) The mutex exists, but the current user doesn't
      // have access. (3) The mutex exists and the user has
      // access.
      if ( doesNotExist )
         // The mutex does not exist, so create it.
         // Create an access control list (ACL) that denies the
         // current user the right to enter or release the
         // mutex, but allows the right to read and change
         // security information for the mutex.
         String^ user = String::Concat( Environment::UserDomainName, L"\\",
            Environment::UserName );
         MutexSecurity^ mSec = gcnew MutexSecurity;

         MutexAccessRule^ rule = gcnew MutexAccessRule( user,
               MutexRights::Synchronize |
            AccessControlType::Deny );
         mSec->AddAccessRule( rule );

         rule = gcnew MutexAccessRule( user,
               MutexRights::ReadPermissions |
            AccessControlType::Allow );
         mSec->AddAccessRule( rule );
         // Create a Mutex object that represents the system
         // mutex named by the constant 'mutexName', with
         // initial ownership for this thread, and with the
         // specified security access. The Boolean value that
         // indicates creation of the underlying system object
         // is placed in mutexWasCreated.
         m = gcnew Mutex( true,mutexName, mutexWasCreated,mSec );
         // If the named system mutex was created, it can be
         // used by the current instance of this program, even
         // though the current user is denied access. The current
         // program owns the mutex. Otherwise, exit the program.
         if ( mutexWasCreated )
            Console::WriteLine( L"Created the mutex." );
            Console::WriteLine( L"Unable to create the mutex." );
      else if ( unauthorized )
         // Open the mutex to read and change the access control
         // security. The access control security defined above
         // allows the current user to do this.
            m = Mutex::OpenExisting( mutexName,
                  MutexRights::ReadPermissions |
                  MutexRights::ChangePermissions) );
            // Get the current ACL. This requires
            // MutexRights.ReadPermissions.
            MutexSecurity^ mSec = m->GetAccessControl();

            String^ user = String::Concat( Environment::UserDomainName,
               L"\\", Environment::UserName );
            // First, the rule that denied the current user
            // the right to enter and release the mutex must
            // be removed.
            MutexAccessRule^ rule = gcnew MutexAccessRule( user,
                  MutexRights::Synchronize |
               AccessControlType::Deny );
            mSec->RemoveAccessRule( rule );
            // Now grant the user the correct rights.
            rule = gcnew MutexAccessRule( user,
                  MutexRights::Synchronize |
               AccessControlType::Allow );
            mSec->AddAccessRule( rule );
            // Update the ACL. This requires
            // MutexRights.ChangePermissions.
            m->SetAccessControl( mSec );

            Console::WriteLine( L"Updated mutex security." );
            // Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize
            // | MutexRights.Modify), the rights required to
            // enter and release the mutex.
            m = Mutex::OpenExisting( mutexName );
         catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException^ ex ) 
               L"Unable to change permissions: {0}", ex->Message );
      // If this program created the mutex, it already owns
      // the mutex.
      if ( !mutexWasCreated )
         // Enter the mutex, and hold it until the program
         // exits.
            Console::WriteLine( L"Wait for the mutex." );
            Console::WriteLine( L"Entered the mutex." );
         catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException^ ex ) 
            Console::WriteLine( L"Unauthorized access: {0}",
               ex->Message );

      Console::WriteLine( L"Press the Enter key to exit." );

int main()
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Security.AccessControl;

internal class Example
    internal static void Main()
        const string mutexName = "MutexExample4";

        Mutex m = null;
        bool doesNotExist = false;
        bool unauthorized = false;

        // The value of this variable is set by the mutex
        // constructor. It is true if the named system mutex was
        // created, and false if the named mutex already existed.
        bool mutexWasCreated = false;

        // Attempt to open the named mutex.
            // Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize |
            // MutexRights.Modify), to enter and release the
            // named mutex.
            m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName);
            Console.WriteLine("Mutex does not exist.");
            doesNotExist = true;
        catch(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", ex.Message);
            unauthorized = true;

        // There are three cases: (1) The mutex does not exist.
        // (2) The mutex exists, but the current user doesn't 
        // have access. (3) The mutex exists and the user has
        // access.
        if (doesNotExist)
            // The mutex does not exist, so create it.

            // Create an access control list (ACL) that denies the
            // current user the right to enter or release the 
            // mutex, but allows the right to read and change
            // security information for the mutex.
            string user = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\"
                + Environment.UserName;
            var mSec = new MutexSecurity();

            MutexAccessRule rule = new MutexAccessRule(user, 
                MutexRights.Synchronize | MutexRights.Modify, 

            rule = new MutexAccessRule(user, 
                MutexRights.ReadPermissions | MutexRights.ChangePermissions,

            // Create a Mutex object that represents the system
            // mutex named by the constant 'mutexName', with
            // initial ownership for this thread, and with the
            // specified security access. The Boolean value that 
            // indicates creation of the underlying system object
            // is placed in mutexWasCreated.
            m = new Mutex(true, mutexName, out mutexWasCreated, mSec);

            // If the named system mutex was created, it can be
            // used by the current instance of this program, even 
            // though the current user is denied access. The current
            // program owns the mutex. Otherwise, exit the program.
            if (mutexWasCreated)
                Console.WriteLine("Created the mutex.");
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to create the mutex.");
        else if (unauthorized)
            // Open the mutex to read and change the access control
            // security. The access control security defined above
            // allows the current user to do this.
                m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName, 
                    MutexRights.ReadPermissions | MutexRights.ChangePermissions);

                // Get the current ACL. This requires 
                // MutexRights.ReadPermissions.
                MutexSecurity mSec = m.GetAccessControl();
                string user = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\"
                    + Environment.UserName;

                // First, the rule that denied the current user 
                // the right to enter and release the mutex must
                // be removed.
                MutexAccessRule rule = new MutexAccessRule(user, 
                     MutexRights.Synchronize | MutexRights.Modify,

                // Now grant the user the correct rights.
                rule = new MutexAccessRule(user, 
                    MutexRights.Synchronize | MutexRights.Modify,

                // Update the ACL. This requires
                // MutexRights.ChangePermissions.

                Console.WriteLine("Updated mutex security.");

                // Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize 
                // | MutexRights.Modify), the rights required to
                // enter and release the mutex.
                m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName);
            catch(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to change permissions: {0}",

        // If this program created the mutex, it already owns
        // the mutex.
        if (!mutexWasCreated)
            // Enter the mutex, and hold it until the program
            // exits.
                Console.WriteLine("Wait for the mutex.");
                Console.WriteLine("Entered the mutex.");
            catch(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", ex.Message);

        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.");
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Security.AccessControl

Friend Class Example

    <MTAThread> _
    Friend Shared Sub Main()
        Const mutexName As String = "MutexExample4"

        Dim m As Mutex = Nothing
        Dim doesNotExist as Boolean = False
        Dim unauthorized As Boolean = False

        ' The value of this variable is set by the mutex
        ' constructor. It is True if the named system mutex was
        ' created, and False if the named mutex already existed.
        Dim mutexWasCreated As Boolean

        ' Attempt to open the named mutex.
            ' Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize Or
            ' MutexRights.Modify), to enter and release the
            ' named mutex.
            m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName)
        Catch ex As WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException
            Console.WriteLine("Mutex does not exist.")
            doesNotExist = True
        Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
            Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", ex.Message)
            unauthorized = True
        End Try

        ' There are three cases: (1) The mutex does not exist.
        ' (2) The mutex exists, but the current user doesn't 
        ' have access. (3) The mutex exists and the user has
        ' access.
        If doesNotExist Then
            ' The mutex does not exist, so create it.

            ' Create an access control list (ACL) that denies the
            ' current user the right to enter or release the 
            ' mutex, but allows the right to read and change
            ' security information for the mutex.
            Dim user As String = Environment.UserDomainName _ 
                & "\" & Environment.UserName
            Dim mSec As New MutexSecurity()

            Dim rule As New MutexAccessRule(user, _
                MutexRights.Synchronize Or MutexRights.Modify, _

            rule = New MutexAccessRule(user, _
                MutexRights.ReadPermissions Or _
                MutexRights.ChangePermissions, _

            ' Create a Mutex object that represents the system
            ' mutex named by the constant 'mutexName', with
            ' initial ownership for this thread, and with the
            ' specified security access. The Boolean value that 
            ' indicates creation of the underlying system object
            ' is placed in mutexWasCreated.
            m = New Mutex(True, mutexName, mutexWasCreated, mSec)

            ' If the named system mutex was created, it can be
            ' used by the current instance of this program, even 
            ' though the current user is denied access. The current
            ' program owns the mutex. Otherwise, exit the program.
            If mutexWasCreated Then
                Console.WriteLine("Created the mutex.")
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to create the mutex.")
            End If

        ElseIf unauthorized Then

            ' Open the mutex to read and change the access control
            ' security. The access control security defined above
            ' allows the current user to do this.
                m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName, _
                    MutexRights.ReadPermissions Or _

                ' Get the current ACL. This requires 
                ' MutexRights.ReadPermissions.
                Dim mSec As MutexSecurity = m.GetAccessControl()
                Dim user As String = Environment.UserDomainName _ 
                    & "\" & Environment.UserName

                ' First, the rule that denied the current user 
                ' the right to enter and release the mutex must
                ' be removed.
                Dim rule As New MutexAccessRule(user, _
                    MutexRights.Synchronize Or MutexRights.Modify, _

                ' Now grant the user the correct rights.
                rule = New MutexAccessRule(user, _
                    MutexRights.Synchronize Or MutexRights.Modify, _

                ' Update the ACL. This requires
                ' MutexRights.ChangePermissions.

                Console.WriteLine("Updated mutex security.")

                ' Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize 
                ' Or MutexRights.Modify), the rights required to
                ' enter and release the mutex.
                m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName)

            Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to change permissions: {0}", _
            End Try

        End If

        ' If this program created the mutex, it already owns
        ' the mutex.
        If Not mutexWasCreated Then
            ' Enter the mutex, and hold it until the program
            ' exits.
                Console.WriteLine("Wait for the mutex.")
                Console.WriteLine("Entered the mutex.")
            Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
                Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", _
            End Try
        End If

        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.")
    End Sub 
End Class


name mungkin diawali dengan Global\ atau Local\ untuk menentukan namespace. Global Ketika namespace ditentukan, objek sinkronisasi dapat dibagikan dengan proses apa pun pada sistem. Local Ketika namespace ditentukan, yang juga merupakan default ketika tidak ada namespace yang ditentukan, objek sinkronisasi dapat dibagikan dengan proses dalam sesi yang sama. Di Windows, sesi adalah sesi masuk, dan layanan biasanya berjalan dalam sesi non-interaktif yang berbeda. Pada sistem operasi seperti Unix, setiap shell memiliki sesinya sendiri. Objek sinkronisasi sesi-lokal mungkin sesuai untuk menyinkronkan antara proses dengan hubungan induk/anak di mana semuanya berjalan dalam sesi yang sama. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang nama objek sinkronisasi di Windows, lihat Nama Objek.

Jika objek sinkronisasi dari jenis yang diminta ada di namespace layanan, objek sinkronisasi yang ada akan dibuka. Jika objek sinkronisasi tidak ada di namespace, atau objek sinkronisasi dari jenis yang berbeda ada di namespace, WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException akan dilemparkan.

Metode OpenExisting ini mencoba membuka mutex sistem bernama yang ditentukan. Untuk membuat mutex sistem ketika belum ada, gunakan salah Mutex satu konstruktor yang memiliki name parameter .

Beberapa panggilan ke metode ini yang menggunakan nilai yang sama untuk name tidak selalu mengembalikan objek yang sama Mutex , meskipun objek yang dikembalikan mewakili mutex sistem bernama yang sama.

Kelebihan beban metode ini setara dengan memanggil OpenExisting(String, MutexRights) metode kelebihan beban dan menentukan MutexRights.SynchronizeMutexRights.Modify hak, dikombinasikan dengan menggunakan operasi OR bitwise.

Menentukan MutexRights.Synchronize bendera memungkinkan utas menunggu pada mutex, dan menentukan MutexRights.Modify bendera memungkinkan utas untuk memanggil ReleaseMutex metode .

Metode ini tidak meminta kepemilikan mutex.

Berlaku untuk

OpenExisting(String, MutexRights)

Membuka mutex bernama yang ditentukan, jika sudah ada, dengan akses keamanan yang diinginkan.

 static System::Threading::Mutex ^ OpenExisting(System::String ^ name, System::Security::AccessControl::MutexRights rights);
public static System.Threading.Mutex OpenExisting (string name, System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights rights);
public static System.Threading.Mutex OpenExisting (string name, System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights rights);
static member OpenExisting : string * System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights -> System.Threading.Mutex
static member OpenExisting : string * System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights -> System.Threading.Mutex
Public Shared Function OpenExisting (name As String, rights As MutexRights) As Mutex



Nama objek sinkronisasi yang akan dibagikan dengan proses lain. Namanya peka huruf besar/kecil. Karakter garis miring terbalik (\) dicadangkan dan hanya dapat digunakan untuk menentukan namespace layanan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang namespace layanan, lihat bagian keterangan. Mungkin ada pembatasan lebih lanjut pada nama tergantung pada sistem operasi. Misalnya, pada sistem operasi berbasis Unix, nama setelah mengecualikan namespace harus berupa nama file yang valid.


Kombinasi bitwise dari nilai enumerasi yang mewakili akses keamanan yang diinginkan.


Objek yang mewakili mutex sistem bernama.



name adalah string kosong.


Hanya .NET Framework: name lebih panjang dari MAX_PATH (260 karakter).

nameadalah null.

Objek sinkronisasi dengan yang disediakan name tidak dapat dibuat. Objek sinkronisasi dari jenis yang berbeda mungkin memiliki nama yang sama. Dalam beberapa kasus, pengecualian ini mungkin dilemparkan untuk nama yang tidak valid.

name tidak valid. Ini bisa karena berbagai alasan, termasuk beberapa batasan yang mungkin ditempatkan oleh sistem operasi, seperti awalan yang tidak diketahui atau karakter yang tidak valid. Perhatikan bahwa nama dan awalan umum "Global\" dan "Local\" peka huruf besar/kecil.


Ada beberapa kesalahan lainnya. Properti HResult dapat memberikan informasi lebih lanjut.

Hanya Windows: name menentukan namespace yang tidak dikenal. Lihat Nama Objek untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Terlalu name panjang. Pembatasan panjang dapat bergantung pada sistem operasi atau konfigurasi.

Mutex bernama ada, tetapi pengguna tidak memiliki akses keamanan yang diinginkan.


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan perilaku lintas proses dari mutex bernama dengan keamanan kontrol akses. Contohnya menggunakan OpenExisting(String) metode kelebihan beban untuk menguji keberadaan mutex bernama.

Jika mutex tidak ada, itu dibuat dengan kepemilikan awal dan keamanan kontrol akses yang menolak pengguna saat ini hak untuk menggunakan mutex, tetapi memberikan hak untuk membaca dan mengubah izin pada mutex.

Jika Anda menjalankan contoh yang dikompilasi dari dua jendela perintah, salinan kedua akan melemparkan pengecualian pelanggaran akses pada panggilan ke OpenExisting(String). Pengecualian tertangkap, dan contohnya menggunakan OpenExisting(String, MutexRights) metode kelebihan beban untuk membuka mutex dengan hak yang diperlukan untuk membaca dan mengubah izin.

Setelah izin diubah, mutex dibuka dengan hak yang diperlukan untuk memasukkan dan melepaskannya. Jika Anda menjalankan contoh yang dikompilasi dari jendela perintah ketiga, contoh tersebut berjalan menggunakan izin baru.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Security::AccessControl;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;

public ref class Example
   static void Main()
      String^ mutexName = L"MutexExample4";

      Mutex^ m = nullptr;
      bool doesNotExist = false;
      bool unauthorized = false;
      // The value of this variable is set by the mutex
      // constructor. It is true if the named system mutex was
      // created, and false if the named mutex already existed.
      bool mutexWasCreated = false;

      // Attempt to open the named mutex.
         // Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize |
         // MutexRights.Modify), to enter and release the
         // named mutex.
         m = Mutex::OpenExisting( mutexName );
      catch ( WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException^ ) 
         Console::WriteLine( L"Mutex does not exist." );
         doesNotExist = true;
      catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( L"Unauthorized access: {0}", ex->Message );
         unauthorized = true;

      // There are three cases: (1) The mutex does not exist.
      // (2) The mutex exists, but the current user doesn't
      // have access. (3) The mutex exists and the user has
      // access.
      if ( doesNotExist )
         // The mutex does not exist, so create it.
         // Create an access control list (ACL) that denies the
         // current user the right to enter or release the
         // mutex, but allows the right to read and change
         // security information for the mutex.
         String^ user = String::Concat( Environment::UserDomainName, L"\\",
            Environment::UserName );
         MutexSecurity^ mSec = gcnew MutexSecurity;

         MutexAccessRule^ rule = gcnew MutexAccessRule( user,
               MutexRights::Synchronize |
            AccessControlType::Deny );
         mSec->AddAccessRule( rule );

         rule = gcnew MutexAccessRule( user,
               MutexRights::ReadPermissions |
            AccessControlType::Allow );
         mSec->AddAccessRule( rule );
         // Create a Mutex object that represents the system
         // mutex named by the constant 'mutexName', with
         // initial ownership for this thread, and with the
         // specified security access. The Boolean value that
         // indicates creation of the underlying system object
         // is placed in mutexWasCreated.
         m = gcnew Mutex( true,mutexName, mutexWasCreated,mSec );
         // If the named system mutex was created, it can be
         // used by the current instance of this program, even
         // though the current user is denied access. The current
         // program owns the mutex. Otherwise, exit the program.
         if ( mutexWasCreated )
            Console::WriteLine( L"Created the mutex." );
            Console::WriteLine( L"Unable to create the mutex." );
      else if ( unauthorized )
         // Open the mutex to read and change the access control
         // security. The access control security defined above
         // allows the current user to do this.
            m = Mutex::OpenExisting( mutexName,
                  MutexRights::ReadPermissions |
                  MutexRights::ChangePermissions) );
            // Get the current ACL. This requires
            // MutexRights.ReadPermissions.
            MutexSecurity^ mSec = m->GetAccessControl();

            String^ user = String::Concat( Environment::UserDomainName,
               L"\\", Environment::UserName );
            // First, the rule that denied the current user
            // the right to enter and release the mutex must
            // be removed.
            MutexAccessRule^ rule = gcnew MutexAccessRule( user,
                  MutexRights::Synchronize |
               AccessControlType::Deny );
            mSec->RemoveAccessRule( rule );
            // Now grant the user the correct rights.
            rule = gcnew MutexAccessRule( user,
                  MutexRights::Synchronize |
               AccessControlType::Allow );
            mSec->AddAccessRule( rule );
            // Update the ACL. This requires
            // MutexRights.ChangePermissions.
            m->SetAccessControl( mSec );

            Console::WriteLine( L"Updated mutex security." );
            // Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize
            // | MutexRights.Modify), the rights required to
            // enter and release the mutex.
            m = Mutex::OpenExisting( mutexName );
         catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException^ ex ) 
               L"Unable to change permissions: {0}", ex->Message );
      // If this program created the mutex, it already owns
      // the mutex.
      if ( !mutexWasCreated )
         // Enter the mutex, and hold it until the program
         // exits.
            Console::WriteLine( L"Wait for the mutex." );
            Console::WriteLine( L"Entered the mutex." );
         catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException^ ex ) 
            Console::WriteLine( L"Unauthorized access: {0}",
               ex->Message );

      Console::WriteLine( L"Press the Enter key to exit." );

int main()
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Security.AccessControl;

internal class Example
    internal static void Main()
        const string mutexName = "MutexExample4";

        Mutex m = null;
        bool doesNotExist = false;
        bool unauthorized = false;

        // The value of this variable is set by the mutex
        // constructor. It is true if the named system mutex was
        // created, and false if the named mutex already existed.
        bool mutexWasCreated = false;

        // Attempt to open the named mutex.
            // Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize |
            // MutexRights.Modify), to enter and release the
            // named mutex.
            m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName);
            Console.WriteLine("Mutex does not exist.");
            doesNotExist = true;
        catch(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", ex.Message);
            unauthorized = true;

        // There are three cases: (1) The mutex does not exist.
        // (2) The mutex exists, but the current user doesn't 
        // have access. (3) The mutex exists and the user has
        // access.
        if (doesNotExist)
            // The mutex does not exist, so create it.

            // Create an access control list (ACL) that denies the
            // current user the right to enter or release the 
            // mutex, but allows the right to read and change
            // security information for the mutex.
            string user = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\"
                + Environment.UserName;
            var mSec = new MutexSecurity();

            MutexAccessRule rule = new MutexAccessRule(user, 
                MutexRights.Synchronize | MutexRights.Modify, 

            rule = new MutexAccessRule(user, 
                MutexRights.ReadPermissions | MutexRights.ChangePermissions,

            // Create a Mutex object that represents the system
            // mutex named by the constant 'mutexName', with
            // initial ownership for this thread, and with the
            // specified security access. The Boolean value that 
            // indicates creation of the underlying system object
            // is placed in mutexWasCreated.
            m = new Mutex(true, mutexName, out mutexWasCreated, mSec);

            // If the named system mutex was created, it can be
            // used by the current instance of this program, even 
            // though the current user is denied access. The current
            // program owns the mutex. Otherwise, exit the program.
            if (mutexWasCreated)
                Console.WriteLine("Created the mutex.");
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to create the mutex.");
        else if (unauthorized)
            // Open the mutex to read and change the access control
            // security. The access control security defined above
            // allows the current user to do this.
                m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName, 
                    MutexRights.ReadPermissions | MutexRights.ChangePermissions);

                // Get the current ACL. This requires 
                // MutexRights.ReadPermissions.
                MutexSecurity mSec = m.GetAccessControl();
                string user = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\"
                    + Environment.UserName;

                // First, the rule that denied the current user 
                // the right to enter and release the mutex must
                // be removed.
                MutexAccessRule rule = new MutexAccessRule(user, 
                     MutexRights.Synchronize | MutexRights.Modify,

                // Now grant the user the correct rights.
                rule = new MutexAccessRule(user, 
                    MutexRights.Synchronize | MutexRights.Modify,

                // Update the ACL. This requires
                // MutexRights.ChangePermissions.

                Console.WriteLine("Updated mutex security.");

                // Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize 
                // | MutexRights.Modify), the rights required to
                // enter and release the mutex.
                m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName);
            catch(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to change permissions: {0}",

        // If this program created the mutex, it already owns
        // the mutex.
        if (!mutexWasCreated)
            // Enter the mutex, and hold it until the program
            // exits.
                Console.WriteLine("Wait for the mutex.");
                Console.WriteLine("Entered the mutex.");
            catch(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", ex.Message);

        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.");
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Security.AccessControl

Friend Class Example

    <MTAThread> _
    Friend Shared Sub Main()
        Const mutexName As String = "MutexExample4"

        Dim m As Mutex = Nothing
        Dim doesNotExist as Boolean = False
        Dim unauthorized As Boolean = False

        ' The value of this variable is set by the mutex
        ' constructor. It is True if the named system mutex was
        ' created, and False if the named mutex already existed.
        Dim mutexWasCreated As Boolean

        ' Attempt to open the named mutex.
            ' Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize Or
            ' MutexRights.Modify), to enter and release the
            ' named mutex.
            m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName)
        Catch ex As WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException
            Console.WriteLine("Mutex does not exist.")
            doesNotExist = True
        Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
            Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", ex.Message)
            unauthorized = True
        End Try

        ' There are three cases: (1) The mutex does not exist.
        ' (2) The mutex exists, but the current user doesn't 
        ' have access. (3) The mutex exists and the user has
        ' access.
        If doesNotExist Then
            ' The mutex does not exist, so create it.

            ' Create an access control list (ACL) that denies the
            ' current user the right to enter or release the 
            ' mutex, but allows the right to read and change
            ' security information for the mutex.
            Dim user As String = Environment.UserDomainName _ 
                & "\" & Environment.UserName
            Dim mSec As New MutexSecurity()

            Dim rule As New MutexAccessRule(user, _
                MutexRights.Synchronize Or MutexRights.Modify, _

            rule = New MutexAccessRule(user, _
                MutexRights.ReadPermissions Or _
                MutexRights.ChangePermissions, _

            ' Create a Mutex object that represents the system
            ' mutex named by the constant 'mutexName', with
            ' initial ownership for this thread, and with the
            ' specified security access. The Boolean value that 
            ' indicates creation of the underlying system object
            ' is placed in mutexWasCreated.
            m = New Mutex(True, mutexName, mutexWasCreated, mSec)

            ' If the named system mutex was created, it can be
            ' used by the current instance of this program, even 
            ' though the current user is denied access. The current
            ' program owns the mutex. Otherwise, exit the program.
            If mutexWasCreated Then
                Console.WriteLine("Created the mutex.")
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to create the mutex.")
            End If

        ElseIf unauthorized Then

            ' Open the mutex to read and change the access control
            ' security. The access control security defined above
            ' allows the current user to do this.
                m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName, _
                    MutexRights.ReadPermissions Or _

                ' Get the current ACL. This requires 
                ' MutexRights.ReadPermissions.
                Dim mSec As MutexSecurity = m.GetAccessControl()
                Dim user As String = Environment.UserDomainName _ 
                    & "\" & Environment.UserName

                ' First, the rule that denied the current user 
                ' the right to enter and release the mutex must
                ' be removed.
                Dim rule As New MutexAccessRule(user, _
                    MutexRights.Synchronize Or MutexRights.Modify, _

                ' Now grant the user the correct rights.
                rule = New MutexAccessRule(user, _
                    MutexRights.Synchronize Or MutexRights.Modify, _

                ' Update the ACL. This requires
                ' MutexRights.ChangePermissions.

                Console.WriteLine("Updated mutex security.")

                ' Open the mutex with (MutexRights.Synchronize 
                ' Or MutexRights.Modify), the rights required to
                ' enter and release the mutex.
                m = Mutex.OpenExisting(mutexName)

            Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to change permissions: {0}", _
            End Try

        End If

        ' If this program created the mutex, it already owns
        ' the mutex.
        If Not mutexWasCreated Then
            ' Enter the mutex, and hold it until the program
            ' exits.
                Console.WriteLine("Wait for the mutex.")
                Console.WriteLine("Entered the mutex.")
            Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
                Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", _
            End Try
        End If

        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.")
    End Sub 
End Class


name mungkin diawali dengan Global\ atau Local\ untuk menentukan namespace. Global Ketika namespace ditentukan, objek sinkronisasi dapat dibagikan dengan proses apa pun pada sistem. Local Ketika namespace ditentukan, yang juga merupakan default ketika tidak ada namespace yang ditentukan, objek sinkronisasi dapat dibagikan dengan proses dalam sesi yang sama. Di Windows, sesi adalah sesi masuk, dan layanan biasanya berjalan dalam sesi non-interaktif yang berbeda. Pada sistem operasi seperti Unix, setiap shell memiliki sesinya sendiri. Objek sinkronisasi sesi-lokal mungkin sesuai untuk menyinkronkan antara proses dengan hubungan induk/anak di mana semuanya berjalan dalam sesi yang sama. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang nama objek sinkronisasi di Windows, lihat Nama Objek.

Jika objek sinkronisasi dari jenis yang diminta ada di namespace layanan, objek sinkronisasi yang ada akan dibuka. Jika objek sinkronisasi tidak ada di namespace, atau objek sinkronisasi dari jenis yang berbeda ada di namespace, WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException akan dilemparkan.

Parameter rights harus menyertakan MutexRights.Synchronize bendera untuk memungkinkan utas menunggu pada mutex, dan MutexRights.Modify bendera untuk memungkinkan utas memanggil ReleaseMutex metode .

Metode ini OpenExisting mencoba membuka mutex bernama yang sudah ada. Untuk membuat mutex sistem ketika belum ada, gunakan salah Mutex satu konstruktor yang memiliki name parameter .

Beberapa panggilan ke metode ini yang menggunakan nilai yang sama untuk name tidak selalu mengembalikan objek yang sama Mutex , meskipun objek yang dikembalikan mewakili mutex sistem bernama yang sama.

Metode ini tidak meminta kepemilikan mutex.

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