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ISessionIDManager Antarmuka


Menentukan kontrak yang harus diterapkan oleh manajer pengidentifikasi status sesi kustom.

public interface class ISessionIDManager
public interface ISessionIDManager
type ISessionIDManager = interface
Public Interface ISessionIDManager


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan kelas yang mengimplementasikan manajer ID sesi berbasis cookie.

using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;

namespace Samples.AspNet.Session

  public class MySessionIDManager : IHttpModule, ISessionIDManager

    private SessionStateSection pConfig = null;

    // IHttpModule Members

    // IHttpModule.Init

    public void Init(HttpApplication app)
      // Obtain session-state configuration settings.

      if (pConfig == null)
        Configuration cfg =
        pConfig = (SessionStateSection)cfg.GetSection("system.web/sessionState");

    // IHttpModule.Dispose

    public void Dispose()

    // ISessionIDManager Members

    // ISessionIDManager.Initialize

    public void Initialize()

    // ISessionIDManager.InitializeRequest

    public bool InitializeRequest(HttpContext context, 
                                  bool suppressAutoDetectRedirect, 
                                  out bool supportSessionIDReissue)
      if (pConfig.Cookieless == HttpCookieMode.UseCookies)
        supportSessionIDReissue = false;
        return false;
        supportSessionIDReissue = true;
        return context.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected;

    // ISessionIDManager.GetSessionID
    public string GetSessionID(HttpContext context)
      string id = null;

      if (pConfig.Cookieless == HttpCookieMode.UseUri)
        // Retrieve the SessionID from the URI.
        id = context.Request.Cookies[pConfig.CookieName].Value;

      // Verify that the retrieved SessionID is valid. If not, return null.

      if (!Validate(id))
        id = null;

      return id;

    // ISessionIDManager.CreateSessionID

    public string CreateSessionID(HttpContext context)
      return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    // ISessionIDManager.RemoveSessionID

    public void RemoveSessionID(HttpContext context)

    // ISessionIDManager.SaveSessionID

    public void SaveSessionID(HttpContext context, string id, out bool redirected, out bool cookieAdded)
      redirected = false;
      cookieAdded = false;

      if (pConfig.Cookieless == HttpCookieMode.UseUri)
        // Add the SessionID to the URI. Set the redirected variable as appropriate.

        redirected = true;
        context.Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(pConfig.CookieName, id));
        cookieAdded = true;

    // ISessionIDManager.Validate

    public bool Validate(string id)
        Guid testGuid = new Guid(id);

        if (id == testGuid.ToString())
          return true;

      return false;
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Web.Configuration
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.SessionState

Namespace Samples.AspNet.Session

  Public Class MySessionIDManager
    Implements IHttpModule, ISessionIDManager

    Private pConfig As SessionStateSection = Nothing

    ' IHttpModule Members

    ' IHttpModule.Init

    Public Sub Init(app As HttpApplication) Implements IHttpModule.Init
      ' Obtain session-state configuration settings.

      If pConfig Is Nothing Then      
        Dim cfg As System.Configuration.Configuration = _
          WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration( _
        pConfig = CType(cfg.GetSection("system.web/sessionState"), SessionStateSection)
      End If

    End Sub

    ' IHttpModule.Dispose

    Public Sub Dispose() Implements IHttpModule.Dispose
    End Sub

    ' ISessionIDManager.Initialize

    Public Sub Initialize() Implements ISessionIDManager.Initialize

    End Sub

    ' ISessionIDManager.InitializeRequest

    Public Function InitializeRequest(context As HttpContext,  _
                                      suppressAutoDetectRedirect As Boolean,  _
                                      ByRef supportSessionIDReissue As Boolean) As Boolean _
                                      Implements ISessionIDManager.InitializeRequest

      If pConfig.Cookieless = HttpCookieMode.UseCookies Then
        supportSessionIDReissue = False
        Return False
        supportSessionIDReissue = True
        Return context.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected
      End If
    End Function

    ' ISessionIDManager Members

    ' ISessionIDManager.GetSessionID
    Public Function GetSessionID(context As HttpContext) As String _
      Implements ISessionIDManager.GetSessionID
      Dim id As String = Nothing

      If pConfig.Cookieless = HttpCookieMode.UseUri Then
        ' Retrieve the SessionID from the URI.
        id = context.Request.Cookies(pConfig.CookieName).Value
      End If    

      ' Verify that the retrieved SessionID is valid. If not, return Nothing.

      If Not Validate(id) Then _
        id = Nothing

      Return id
    End Function

    ' ISessionIDManager.CreateSessionID

    Public Function CreateSessionID(context As HttpContext) As String _
      Implements ISessionIDManager.CreateSessionID
      Return Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
    End Function

    ' ISessionIDManager.RemoveSessionID

    Public Sub RemoveSessionID(context As HttpContext) _
      Implements ISessionIDManager.RemoveSessionID


    End Sub

    ' ISessionIDManager.SaveSessionID

    Public Sub SaveSessionID(context As HttpContext, _
                             id As String, _
                             ByRef redirected As Boolean, _
                             ByRef cookieAdded As Boolean) _
      Implements ISessionIDManager.SaveSessionID
      redirected = False
      cookieAdded = False

      If pConfig.Cookieless = HttpCookieMode.UseUri Then

        ' Add the SessionID to the URI. Set the redirected variable as appropriate.

        redirected = True
        context.Response.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie(pConfig.CookieName, id))
        cookieAdded = True
      End If
    End Sub

    ' ISessionIDManager.Validate

    Public Function Validate(id As String) As Boolean _
      Implements ISessionIDManager.Validate
        Dim testGuid As Guid = New Guid(id)

        If id = testGuid.ToString() Then _
          Return True
      End Try

      Return False
    End Function

  End Class
End Namespace


Antarmuka ISessionIDManager mengidentifikasi metode yang harus Anda terapkan untuk membuat manajer kustom untuk nilai pengidentifikasi sesi. ISessionIDManager Implementasi antarmuka membuat dan memvalidasi nilai pengidentifikasi sesi, dan mengelola penyimpanan pengidentifikasi sesi dalam respons HTTP serta pengambilan nilai pengidentifikasi sesi dari permintaan HTTP. Anda mengaktifkan manajer SESSION-ID kustom menggunakan sessionIDManagerType atribut elemen konfigurasi sessionState Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema).

Jika implementasi antarmuka Anda ISessionIDManager akan mendukung pengidentifikasi sesi tanpa cookie, Anda harus menerapkan solusi untuk mengirim dan mengambil pengidentifikasi sesi di URL, seperti filter ISAPI.

Jika Anda hanya ingin menyediakan nilai pengidentifikasi sesi kustom untuk digunakan oleh status sesi ASP.NET, Anda dapat membuat kelas yang mewarisi SessionIDManager kelas dan hanya CreateSessionID mengambil alih metode dan Validate dengan implementasi kustom Anda sendiri. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyediakan nilai pengidentifikasi sesi Anda sendiri, sambil mengandalkan kelas dasar SessionIDManager untuk menyimpan nilai ke respons HTTP dan mengambil nilai dari permintaan HTTP. Untuk contoh mengambil alih SessionIDManager kelas dan menerapkan metode ini, lihat contoh yang disediakan untuk CreateSessionID metode SessionIDManager kelas.



Membuat pengidentifikasi sesi unik.


Mendapatkan pengidentifikasi sesi dari konteks permintaan HTTP saat ini.


Menginisialisasi objek SessionIDManager.

InitializeRequest(HttpContext, Boolean, Boolean)

Melakukan inisialisasi SessionIDManager per permintaan objek.


Menghapus pengidentifikasi sesi dari cookie atau dari URL.

SaveSessionID(HttpContext, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Menyimpan pengidentifikasi sesi yang baru dibuat ke respons HTTP.


Mengonfirmasi bahwa pengidentifikasi sesi yang disediakan valid.

Berlaku untuk

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