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SiteMapNode.Clone Metode


Membuat simpul baru yang merupakan salinan simpul saat ini.



Membuat simpul baru yang merupakan salinan simpul saat ini.


Membuat salinan baru yang merupakan salinan simpul saat ini, secara opsional mengkloning semua simpul induk dan leluhur dari simpul saat ini.


Membuat simpul baru yang merupakan salinan simpul saat ini.

 virtual System::Web::SiteMapNode ^ Clone();
public virtual System.Web.SiteMapNode Clone ();
abstract member Clone : unit -> System.Web.SiteMapNode
override this.Clone : unit -> System.Web.SiteMapNode
Public Overridable Function Clone () As SiteMapNode


Simpul baru yang merupakan salinan simpul saat ini.


Clone Memanggil metode dengan parameter yang diatur ke false. Properti penyedia, Title, Url, Description, dan Key disalin. Koleksi Roles dan Attributes disalin ke koleksi baru. Node leluhur dan anak tidak dikloning.

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Membuat salinan baru yang merupakan salinan simpul saat ini, secara opsional mengkloning semua simpul induk dan leluhur dari simpul saat ini.

 virtual System::Web::SiteMapNode ^ Clone(bool cloneParentNodes);
public virtual System.Web.SiteMapNode Clone (bool cloneParentNodes);
abstract member Clone : bool -> System.Web.SiteMapNode
override this.Clone : bool -> System.Web.SiteMapNode
Public Overridable Function Clone (cloneParentNodes As Boolean) As SiteMapNode



true untuk mengkloning semua simpul induk dan leluhur dari simpul saat ini; jika tidak, false.


Simpul baru yang merupakan salinan simpul saat ini.


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara memanggil Clone metode untuk membuat simpul peta situs duplikat dari simpul saat ini. Metode ExpandForumPaths ini didaftarkan untuk menangani SiteMapResolve peristiwa. Ini menggunakan Clone metode untuk membuat salinan yang berfungsi dari simpul peta situs saat ini, memodifikasi atribut berdasarkan data personalisasi, dan mengembalikan salinan yang berfungsi.

private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // The ExpandForumPaths method is called to handle
    // the SiteMapResolve event.
    SiteMap.SiteMapResolve +=
      new SiteMapResolveEventHandler(this.ExpandForumPaths);

private SiteMapNode ExpandForumPaths(Object sender, SiteMapResolveEventArgs e)
    // The current node represents a Post page in a bulletin board forum.
    // Clone the current node and all of its relevant parents. This
    // returns a site map node that a developer can then
    // walk, modifying each node.Url property in turn.
    // Since the cloned nodes are separate from the underlying
    // site navigation structure, the fixups that are made do not
    // effect the overall site navigation structure.
    SiteMapNode currentNode = SiteMap.CurrentNode.Clone(true);
    SiteMapNode tempNode = currentNode;

    // Obtain the recent IDs.
    int forumGroupID = GetMostRecentForumGroupID();
    int forumID = GetMostRecentForumID(forumGroupID);
    int postID = GetMostRecentPostID(forumID);

    // The current node, and its parents, can be modified to include
    // dynamic querystring information relevant to the currently
    // executing request.
    if (0 != postID)
        tempNode.Url = tempNode.Url + "?PostID=" + postID.ToString();

    if ((null != (tempNode = tempNode.ParentNode)) &&
        (0 != forumID))
        tempNode.Url = tempNode.Url + "?ForumID=" + forumID.ToString();

    if ((null != (tempNode = tempNode.ParentNode)) &&
        (0 != forumGroupID))
        tempNode.Url = tempNode.Url + "?ForumGroupID=" + forumGroupID.ToString();

    return currentNode;
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

    ' The ExpandForumPaths method is called to handle
    ' the SiteMapResolve event.
    AddHandler SiteMap.SiteMapResolve, AddressOf Me.ExpandForumPaths

End Sub

Private Function ExpandForumPaths(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SiteMapResolveEventArgs) As SiteMapNode
    ' The current node represents a Post page in a bulletin board forum.
    ' Clone the current node and all of its relevant parents. This
    ' returns a site map node that a developer can then
    ' walk, modifying each node.Url property in turn.
    ' Since the cloned nodes are separate from the underlying
    ' site navigation structure, the fixups that are made do not
    ' effect the overall site navigation structure.
    Dim currentNode As SiteMapNode = SiteMap.CurrentNode.Clone(True)
    Dim tempNode As SiteMapNode = currentNode

    ' Obtain the recent IDs.
    Dim forumGroupID As Integer = GetMostRecentForumGroupID()
    Dim forumID As Integer = GetMostRecentForumID(forumGroupID)
    Dim postID As Integer = GetMostRecentPostID(forumID)

    ' The current node, and its parents, can be modified to include
    ' dynamic querystring information relevant to the currently
    ' executing request.
    If Not (0 = postID) Then
        tempNode.Url = tempNode.Url & "?PostID=" & postID.ToString()
    End If

    tempNode = tempNode.ParentNode
    If Not (0 = forumID) And Not (tempNode Is Nothing) Then
        tempNode.Url = tempNode.Url & "?ForumID=" & forumID.ToString()
    End If

    tempNode = tempNode.ParentNode
    If Not (0 = ForumGroupID) And Not (tempNode Is Nothing) Then
        tempNode.Url = tempNode.Url & "?ForumGroupID=" & forumGroupID.ToString()
    End If

    Return currentNode

End Function


cloneParentNodes Jika parameternya adalah true, Clone metode secara rekursif mengkloning semua simpul leluhur langsung dan mengaitkannya dengan simpul kloning saat ini. Simpul anak tidak dikloning.

Koleksi Roles dan Attributes diterapkan ke koleksi baru.

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