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WrapPanel.ItemWidth Properti


Mendapatkan atau menetapkan nilai yang menentukan lebar semua item yang terkandung dalam WrapPanel.

 property double ItemWidth { double get(); void set(double value); };
public double ItemWidth { get; set; }
member this.ItemWidth : double with get, set
Public Property ItemWidth As Double

Nilai Properti

Double yang mewakili lebar seragam dari semua item yang terkandung dalam WrapPanel. Nilai defaultnya adalah NaN.



Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara mengatur ItemWidth properti dalam Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML).

<Page xmlns="" WindowTitle="WrapPanel Properties Sample">
  <Border HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2">
        <WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Background="Azure" ItemWidth="25" ItemHeight="25" Height="200" Width="200">
            <Button Width="200">Button 1</Button>
            <Button>Button 2</Button>
            <Button>Button 3</Button>

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara mengatur ItemWidth properti dengan menggunakan kode.

// Create the application's main window
mainWindow = gcnew System::Windows::Window();
mainWindow->Title = "WrapPanel Sample";

// Instantiate a new WrapPanel and set properties
myWrapPanel = gcnew WrapPanel();
myWrapPanel->Background = Brushes::Azure;
myWrapPanel->Orientation = Orientation::Horizontal;
myWrapPanel->ItemHeight = 25;

myWrapPanel->ItemWidth = 75;
myWrapPanel->Width = 150;
myWrapPanel->HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment::Left;
myWrapPanel->VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment::Top;

// Define 3 button elements. Each button is sized at width of 75, so the third button wraps to the next line.
btn1 = gcnew Button();
btn1->Content = "Button 1";
btn2 = gcnew Button();
btn2->Content = "Button 2";
btn3 = gcnew Button();
btn3->Content = "Button 3";

// Add the buttons to the parent WrapPanel using the Children.Add method.

// Add the WrapPanel to the MainWindow as Content
mainWindow->Content = myWrapPanel;

// Create the application's main window
mainWindow = new System.Windows.Window();
mainWindow.Title = "WrapPanel Sample";

// Instantiate a new WrapPanel and set properties
myWrapPanel = new WrapPanel();
myWrapPanel.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Azure;
myWrapPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
myWrapPanel.Width = 200;
myWrapPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
myWrapPanel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;

// Define 3 button elements. The last three buttons are sized at width 
// of 75, so the forth button wraps to the next line.
btn1 = new Button();
btn1.Content = "Button 1";
btn1.Width = 200;
btn2 = new Button();
btn2.Content = "Button 2";
btn2.Width = 75;
btn3 = new Button();
btn3.Content = "Button 3";
btn3.Width = 75;
btn4 = new Button();
btn4.Content = "Button 4";
btn4.Width = 75;

// Add the buttons to the parent WrapPanel using the Children.Add method.

// Add the WrapPanel to the MainWindow as Content
mainWindow.Content = myWrapPanel;
WindowTitle = "WrapPanel Sample"

' Instantiate a new WrapPanel and set properties
Dim myWrapPanel As New WrapPanel()
myWrapPanel.Background = Brushes.Azure
myWrapPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal

myWrapPanel.Width = 200
myWrapPanel.HorizontalAlignment = Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left
myWrapPanel.VerticalAlignment = Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top

' Define 3 button elements. The last three buttons are sized at width 
' of 75, so the forth button wraps to the next line.
Dim btn1 As New Button()
btn1.Content = "Button 1"
btn1.Width = 200
Dim btn2 As New Button()
btn2.Content = "Button 2"
btn2.Width = 75
Dim btn3 As New Button()
btn3.Content = "Button 3"
btn3.Width = 75
Dim btn4 As New Button()
btn4.Content = "Button 4"
btn4.Width = 75

' Add the buttons to the parent WrapPanel using the Children.Add method.

' Add the WrapPanel to the Page as Content
Me.Content = myWrapPanel
<Page xmlns="" WindowTitle="WrapPanel Sample">
  <Border HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2">
        <WrapPanel Background="LightBlue" Width="200" Height="100">
            <Button Width="200">Button 1</Button>
            <Button>Button 2</Button>
            <Button>Button 3</Button>
            <Button>Button 4</Button>


Jika properti ini tidak diatur (atau jika diatur ke Auto dalam Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) atau dalam Double.NaN kode), ukuran partisi tata letak sama dengan DesiredSize elemen turunan.

Elemen anak dari WrapPanel properti lebar mungkin diatur secara eksplisit. ItemWidth menentukan ukuran partisi tata letak yang dicadangkan oleh WrapPanel untuk elemen anak. Akibatnya, ItemWidth lebih diutamakan daripada lebar elemen itu sendiri.

Penggunaan Atribut XAML

<object ItemWidth="double"/>  
- or -  
<object ItemWidth="qualifiedDouble"/>  
- or -  
<object ItemWidth="Auto"/>  

Nilai XAML


Representasi string dari nilai yang Double sama dengan atau lebih besar dari 0.0034 tetapi sama dengan atau kurang dari 160000. Nilai yang tidak memenuhi syarat diukur dalam piksel independen perangkat. String tidak perlu secara eksplisit menyertakan titik desimal.

Nilai ganda seperti yang dijelaskan di atas, (kecuali Auto) diikuti oleh salah satu penentu unit berikut: px, , incm, pt.

px (default) adalah unit independen perangkat (1/96 inci per unit)

in adalah inci; 1in==96px

cm adalah sentimeter; 1cm==(96/2,54) px

pt adalah poin; 1pt==(96/72) px

Menyebabkan tinggi garis ditentukan secara otomatis dari karakteristik font saat ini. Setara dengan nilai properti .NaN

Informasi Properti Dependensi

Bidang pengidentifikasi ItemWidthProperty
Properti metadata diatur ke true AffectsMeasure

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