Bagikan melalui

Cursor Konstruktor


Menginisialisasi instans baru kelas Cursor.



Menginisialisasi instans Cursor baru kelas dari handel Windows yang ditentukan.


Menginisialisasi instans Cursor baru kelas dari aliran data yang ditentukan.


Menginisialisasi instans Cursor baru kelas dari file yang ditentukan.

Cursor(Type, String)

Menginisialisasi instans Cursor baru kelas dari sumber daya yang ditentukan dengan jenis sumber daya yang ditentukan.


Menginisialisasi instans Cursor baru kelas dari handel Windows yang ditentukan.

 Cursor(IntPtr handle);
public Cursor (IntPtr handle);
new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor : nativeint -> System.Windows.Forms.Cursor
Public Sub New (handle As IntPtr)




Yang IntPtr mewakili handel Windows dari kursor yang akan dibuat.


handleadalah Zero.


Contoh kode berikut membuat kursor dari Current kursor Handle, mengubah posisinya dan mengklip persegi panjang. Hasilnya adalah kursor akan bergerak ke atas dan ke kiri 50 piksel dari tempatnya ketika kode dijalankan. Selain itu, persegi panjang kliping kursor diubah ke batas formulir (secara default itu adalah seluruh layar pengguna). Contoh ini mengharuskan Anda memiliki Form dan Button untuk memanggil kode ini saat diklik.

void MoveCursor()
   // Set the Current cursor, move the cursor's Position,
   // and set its clipping rectangle to the form.

   this->Cursor = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Cursor( ::Cursor::Current->Handle );
   ::Cursor::Position = Point(::Cursor::Position.X - 50,::Cursor::Position.Y - 50);
   ::Cursor::Clip = Rectangle(this->Location,this->Size);

private void MoveCursor()
   // Set the Current cursor, move the cursor's Position,
   // and set its clipping rectangle to the form. 

   this.Cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);
   Cursor.Position = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - 50, Cursor.Position.Y - 50);
   Cursor.Clip = new Rectangle(this.Location, this.Size);
Private Sub MoveCursor()
   ' Set the Current cursor, move the cursor's Position,
   ' and set its clipping rectangle to the form. 

   Me.Cursor = New Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle)
   Cursor.Position = New Point(Cursor.Position.X - 50, Cursor.Position.Y - 50)
   Cursor.Clip = New Rectangle(Me.Location, Me.Size)
End Sub


Anda harus membebaskan handel kursor setelah selesai. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang membuang sumber daya, lihat Membersihkan Sumber Daya yang Tidak Dikelola.

Berlaku untuk


Menginisialisasi instans Cursor baru kelas dari aliran data yang ditentukan.

 Cursor(System::IO::Stream ^ stream);
public Cursor (System.IO.Stream stream);
new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor : System.IO.Stream -> System.Windows.Forms.Cursor
Public Sub New (stream As Stream)



Aliran data untuk memuat Cursor dari.


Contoh kode berikut memuat kursor dari yang Stream dibuat dengan OpenFile metode OpenFileDialog. Ketika metode dipanggil, ditampilkan OpenFileDialog kepada pengguna dan ketika a. File CUR dipilih dan dialog ditutup, file dibuka dan Stream yang dikembalikan digunakan untuk membuat Cursor.

   void SetCursor()
      // Display an OpenFileDialog so the user can select a cursor.
      OpenFileDialog^ openFileDialog1 = gcnew OpenFileDialog;
      openFileDialog1->Filter = "Cursor Files|*.cur";
      openFileDialog1->Title = "Select a Cursor File";

      // If a .cur file was selected, open it.
      if (  !openFileDialog1->FileName->Equals( "" ) )
         // Assign the cursor in the stream to the form's Cursor property.
         this->Cursor = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Cursor( openFileDialog1->OpenFile() );
private void SetCursor()
   // Display an OpenFileDialog so the user can select a cursor.
   OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
   openFileDialog1.Filter = "Cursor Files|*.cur";
   openFileDialog1.Title = "Select a Cursor File";

   // If a .cur file was selected, open it.
   if(openFileDialog1.FileName != "")
      // Assign the cursor in the stream to the form's Cursor property.
      this.Cursor = new Cursor(openFileDialog1.OpenFile());
Private Sub SetCursor()
   ' Display an OpenFileDialog so the user can select a Cursor.
   Dim openFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog()
   openFileDialog1.Filter = "Cursor Files|*.cur"
   openFileDialog1.Title = "Select a Cursor File"
   ' If a .cur file was selected, open it.
   If openFileDialog1.FileName <> "" Then
      ' Assign the cursor in the stream to the form's Cursor property.
      Me.Cursor = New Cursor(openFileDialog1.OpenFile())
   End If
End Sub


Aliran data yang ditentukan oleh stream harus berisi file kursor (.cur).


Kursor animasi (file.ani) tidak didukung oleh Cursor kelas .

Lihat juga

Berlaku untuk


Menginisialisasi instans Cursor baru kelas dari file yang ditentukan.

 Cursor(System::String ^ fileName);
public Cursor (string fileName);
new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor : string -> System.Windows.Forms.Cursor
Public Sub New (fileName As String)



File kursor yang akan dimuat.


Contoh kode berikut menampilkan informasi pelanggan dalam TreeView kontrol. Simpul pohon akar menampilkan nama pelanggan, dan simpul pohon anak menampilkan nomor pesanan yang ditetapkan untuk setiap pelanggan. Dalam contoh ini, 1.000 pelanggan ditampilkan dengan masing-masing 15 pesanan. Pengecatan TreeView ulang ditekan dengan menggunakan BeginUpdate metode dan EndUpdate , dan tunggu Cursor ditampilkan saat TreeView membuat dan melukis TreeNode objek. Contoh ini mengharuskan Anda memiliki Customer objek yang dapat menyimpan kumpulan Order objek. Ini juga mengharuskan Anda telah membuat instans TreeView kontrol pada Form.

// The basic Customer class.
ref class Customer: public System::Object
   String^ custName;

   ArrayList^ custOrders;

   Customer( String^ customername )
      custName = "";
      custOrders = gcnew ArrayList;
      this->custName = customername;

   property String^ CustomerName 
      String^ get()
         return this->custName;

      void set( String^ value )
         this->custName = value;


   property ArrayList^ CustomerOrders 
      ArrayList^ get()
         return this->custOrders;



// End Customer class
// The basic customer Order class.
ref class Order: public System::Object
   String^ ordID;

   Order( String^ orderid )
      ordID = "";
      this->ordID = orderid;

   property String^ OrderID 
      String^ get()
         return this->ordID;

      void set( String^ value )
         this->ordID = value;


// End Order class

void FillMyTreeView()
   // Add customers to the ArrayList of Customer objects.
   for ( int x = 0; x < 1000; x++ )
      customerArray->Add( gcnew Customer( "Customer " + x ) );
   // Add orders to each Customer object in the ArrayList.
   IEnumerator^ myEnum = customerArray->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      Customer^ customer1 = safe_cast<Customer^>(myEnum->Current);
      for ( int y = 0; y < 15; y++ )
         customer1->CustomerOrders->Add( gcnew Order( "Order " + y ) );

   // Display a wait cursor while the TreeNodes are being created.
   ::Cursor::Current = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Cursor( "MyWait.cur" );
   // Suppress repainting the TreeView until all the objects have been created.
   // Clear the TreeView each time the method is called.
   // Add a root TreeNode for each Customer object in the ArrayList.
   myEnum = customerArray->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      Customer^ customer2 = safe_cast<Customer^>(myEnum->Current);
      treeView1->Nodes->Add( gcnew TreeNode( customer2->CustomerName ) );
      // Add a child treenode for each Order object in the current Customer object.
      IEnumerator^ myEnum = customer2->CustomerOrders->GetEnumerator();
      while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
         Order^ order1 = safe_cast<Order^>(myEnum->Current);
         treeView1->Nodes[ customerArray->IndexOf( customer2 ) ]->Nodes->Add( gcnew TreeNode( customer2->CustomerName + "." + order1->OrderID ) );
   // Reset the cursor to the default for all controls.
   ::Cursor::Current = Cursors::Default;
   // Begin repainting the TreeView.

// The basic Customer class.
public class Customer : System.Object
   private string custName = "";
   protected ArrayList custOrders = new ArrayList();

   public Customer(string customername)
      this.custName = customername;

   public string CustomerName
      get{return this.custName;}
      set{this.custName = value;}

   public ArrayList CustomerOrders 
      get{return this.custOrders;}
} // End Customer class 

// The basic customer Order class.
public class Order : System.Object
   private string ordID = "";

   public Order(string orderid)
      this.ordID = orderid;

   public string OrderID
      get{return this.ordID;}
      set{this.ordID = value;}
} // End Order class

// Create a new ArrayList to hold the Customer objects.
private ArrayList customerArray = new ArrayList(); 

private void FillMyTreeView()
   // Add customers to the ArrayList of Customer objects.
   for(int x=0; x<1000; x++)
      customerArray.Add(new Customer("Customer" + x.ToString()));

   // Add orders to each Customer object in the ArrayList.
   foreach(Customer customer1 in customerArray)
      for(int y=0; y<15; y++)
         customer1.CustomerOrders.Add(new Order("Order" + y.ToString()));    

   // Display a wait cursor while the TreeNodes are being created.
   Cursor.Current = new Cursor("MyWait.cur");
   // Suppress repainting the TreeView until all the objects have been created.

   // Clear the TreeView each time the method is called.

   // Add a root TreeNode for each Customer object in the ArrayList.
   foreach(Customer customer2 in customerArray)
      treeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(customer2.CustomerName));
      // Add a child treenode for each Order object in the current Customer object.
      foreach(Order order1 in customer2.CustomerOrders)
           new TreeNode(customer2.CustomerName + "." + order1.OrderID));

   // Reset the cursor to the default for all controls.
   Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

   // Begin repainting the TreeView.
Public Class Customer
   Inherits [Object]
   Private custName As String = ""
   Friend custOrders As New ArrayList()

   Public Sub New(ByVal customername As String)
      Me.custName = customername
   End Sub

   Public Property CustomerName() As String
         Return Me.custName
      End Get
      Set(ByVal Value As String)
         Me.custName = Value
      End Set
   End Property

   Public ReadOnly Property CustomerOrders() As ArrayList
         Return Me.custOrders
      End Get
   End Property
End Class

Public Class Order
   Inherits [Object]
   Private ordID As String

   Public Sub New(ByVal orderid As String)
      Me.ordID = orderid
   End Sub

   Public Property OrderID() As String
         Return Me.ordID
      End Get
      Set(ByVal Value As String)
         Me.ordID = Value
      End Set
   End Property
End Class

' Create a new ArrayList to hold the Customer objects.
Private customerArray As New ArrayList()

Private Sub FillMyTreeView()
   ' Add customers to the ArrayList of Customer objects.
   Dim x As Integer
   For x = 0 To 999
      customerArray.Add(New Customer("Customer" + x.ToString()))
   Next x

   ' Add orders to each Customer object in the ArrayList.
   Dim customer1 As Customer
   For Each customer1 In customerArray
      Dim y As Integer
      For y = 0 To 14
         customer1.CustomerOrders.Add(New Order("Order" + y.ToString()))
      Next y
   Next customer1

   ' Display a wait cursor while the TreeNodes are being created.
   Cursor.Current = New Cursor("MyWait.cur")

   ' Suppress repainting the TreeView until all the objects have been created.

   ' Clear the TreeView each time the method is called.

   ' Add a root TreeNode for each Customer object in the ArrayList.
   Dim customer2 As Customer
   For Each customer2 In customerArray
      treeView1.Nodes.Add(New TreeNode(customer2.CustomerName))

      ' Add a child TreeNode for each Order object in the current Customer object.
      Dim order1 As Order
      For Each order1 In customer2.CustomerOrders
         treeView1.Nodes(customerArray.IndexOf(customer2)).Nodes.Add( _
    New TreeNode(customer2.CustomerName + "." + order1.OrderID))
      Next order1
   Next customer2

   ' Reset the cursor to the default for all controls.
   Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default

   ' Begin repainting the TreeView.
End Sub


Parameter fileName harus mereferensikan file kursor standar (.cur).


Kursor animasi (file.ani) tidak didukung oleh Cursor kelas .

Berlaku untuk

Cursor(Type, String)

Menginisialisasi instans Cursor baru kelas dari sumber daya yang ditentukan dengan jenis sumber daya yang ditentukan.

 Cursor(Type ^ type, System::String ^ resource);
public Cursor (Type type, string resource);
new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor : Type * string -> System.Windows.Forms.Cursor
Public Sub New (type As Type, resource As String)



Sumber daya Type.


Nama sumber daya.


Contoh kode berikut menampilkan formulir yang menunjukkan menggunakan kursor kustom dengan menggunakan Cursor konstruktor . Kustom Cursor disematkan dalam file sumber daya aplikasi. Contoh ini mengharuskan Anda memiliki kursor yang terkandung dalam file kursor bernama MyCursor.cur. Untuk mengkompilasi contoh ini menggunakan baris perintah, sertakan bendera berikut: /res:MyCursor.Cur, CustomCursor.MyCursor.Cur

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CustomCursor
    public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
        static void Main() 
            Application.Run(new Form1());

        public Form1()
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 266);
            this.Text = "Cursor Example";
            // The following generates a cursor from an embedded resource.
            // To add a custom cursor, create a bitmap
            //        1. Add a new cursor file to your project: 
            //                Project->Add New Item->General->Cursor File

            // --- To make the custom cursor an embedded resource  ---
            // In Visual Studio:
            //        1. Select the cursor file in the Solution Explorer
            //        2. Choose View->Properties.
            //        3. In the properties window switch "Build Action" to "Embedded Resources"

            // On the command line:
            //        Add the following flag:
            //            /res:CursorFileName.cur,Namespace.CursorFileName.cur
            //        Where "Namespace" is the namespace in which you want to use the cursor
            //        and   "CursorFileName.cur" is the cursor filename.

            // The following line uses the namespace from the passed-in type
            // and looks for CustomCursor.MyCursor.Cur in the assemblies manifest.
        // NOTE: The cursor name is acase sensitive.
            this.Cursor = new Cursor(GetType(), "MyCursor.cur");  
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Namespace CustomCursor
   Public Class Form1
      Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
      <System.STAThread()> _
      Public Shared Sub Main()
         System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(New Form1())
      End Sub

      Public Sub New()

         Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 266)
         Me.Text = "Cursor Example"
        ' The following generates a cursor from an embedded resource.
        'To add a custom cursor, create a bitmap
        '       1. Add a new cursor file to your project: 
        '               Project->Add New Item->General->Cursor File

        '--- To make the custom cursor an embedded resource  ---

        'In Visual Studio:
        '       1. Select the cursor file in the Solution Explorer
        '       2. Choose View->Properties.
        '       3. In the properties window switch "Build Action" to "Embedded Resources"

        'On the command line:
        '       Add the following flag:
        '           /res:CursorFileName.cur,Namespace.CursorFileName.cur

        '       Where "Namespace" is the namespace in which you want to use the cursor
        '       and   "CursorFileName.cur" is the cursor filename.

        'The following line uses the namespace from the passed-in type
        'and looks for CustomCursor.MyCursor.cur in the assemblies manifest.
        'NOTE: The cursor name is acase sensitive.
        Me.Cursor = New Cursor(Me.GetType(), "MyCursor.cur")
      End Sub
   End Class
End Namespace 'CustomCursor


Berikut ini adalah contoh cara menyematkan kursor sebagai sumber daya dalam aplikasi Anda. Untuk menyematkan sumber daya, referensikan nama sumber daya diikuti dengan koma, lalu jalur perakitan lengkapnya. Lihat bagian Contoh untuk mempelajari cara memuat kursor dari sumber daya yang disematkan.

Using the C# compiler:  
csc /resource:"MyWaitCursor.cur","MyCursors.MyWaitCursor.cur" MyCursor.cs  
Using the Visual Basic compiler:  
vbc /resource:"MyWaitCursor.cur","MyCursors.MyWaitCursor.cur" MyCursor.vb  


Referensi sumber daya saat mengkompilasi serta saat mereferensikannya dalam kode, peka huruf besar/kecil untuk pengkompilasi C# dan Visual Basic.

Berlaku untuk