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Behavior.OnMouseDoubleClick(Glyph, MouseButtons, Point) Metode


Dipanggil ketika pesan klik ganda memasuki jendela pelamar BehaviorService.

 virtual bool OnMouseDoubleClick(System::Windows::Forms::Design::Behavior::Glyph ^ g, System::Windows::Forms::MouseButtons button, System::Drawing::Point mouseLoc);
public virtual bool OnMouseDoubleClick (System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior.Glyph g, System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons button, System.Drawing.Point mouseLoc);
public virtual bool OnMouseDoubleClick (System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior.Glyph? g, System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons button, System.Drawing.Point mouseLoc);
abstract member OnMouseDoubleClick : System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior.Glyph * System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons * System.Drawing.Point -> bool
override this.OnMouseDoubleClick : System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior.Glyph * System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons * System.Drawing.Point -> bool
Public Overridable Function OnMouseDoubleClick (g As Glyph, button As MouseButtons, mouseLoc As Point) As Boolean



Nilai MouseButtons yang menunjukkan tombol mana yang diklik.


Lokasi di mana klik terjadi.


true jika pesan ditangani; jika tidak, false.


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menangani pesan klik ganda. Untuk daftar kode lengkap, lihat Cara: Memperluas Tampilan dan Perilaku Kontrol dalam Mode Desain.

// When you double-click on an AnchorGlyph, the value of 
// the control's Anchor property is toggled.
// Note that the value of the Anchor property is not set
// by direct assignment. Instead, the 
// PropertyDescriptor.SetValue method is used. This 
// enables notification of the design environment, so 
// related events can be raised, for example, the
// IComponentChangeService.ComponentChanged event.

public override bool OnMouseDoubleClick(
    Glyph g, 
    MouseButtons button, 
    Point mouseLoc)
    base.OnMouseDoubleClick(g, button, mouseLoc);

    if (button == MouseButtons.Left)
        AnchorGlyph ag = g as AnchorGlyph;
        PropertyDescriptor pdAnchor = 

        if (ag.IsEnabled)
            // The glyph is enabled. 
            // Clear the AnchorStyle flag to disable the Glyph.
                ag.relatedControl.Anchor ^ ag.anchorStyle );
            // The glyph is disabled. 
            // Set the AnchorStyle flag to enable the Glyph.
                ag.relatedControl.Anchor | ag.anchorStyle);

    return true;
' When you double-click on an AnchorGlyph, the value of 
' the control's Anchor property is toggled.
' Note that the value of the Anchor property is not set
' by direct assignment. Instead, the 
' PropertyDescriptor.SetValue method is used. This 
' enables notification of the design environment, so 
' related events can be raised, for example, the
' IComponentChangeService.ComponentChanged event.
Public Overrides Function OnMouseDoubleClick( _
ByVal g As Glyph, _
ByVal button As MouseButtons, _
ByVal mouseLoc As Point) As Boolean

    MyBase.OnMouseDoubleClick(g, button, mouseLoc)

    If button = MouseButtons.Left Then
        Dim ag As AnchorGlyph = g

        Dim pdAnchor As PropertyDescriptor = _

        If ag.IsEnabled Then
            ' The glyph is enabled. 
            ' Clear the AnchorStyle flag to disable the Glyph.
            pdAnchor.SetValue(ag.relatedControl, _
            ag.relatedControl.Anchor Xor ag.anchorStyle)
            ' The glyph is disabled. 
            ' Set the AnchorStyle flag to enable the Glyph.
            pdAnchor.SetValue(ag.relatedControl, _
            ag.relatedControl.Anchor Or ag.anchorStyle)
        End If
    End If

    Return True

End Function


Metode OnMouseDoubleClick ini dipanggil ketika pesan klik ganda memasuki WndProc jendela dari pelamar BehaviorService. Pesan pertama kali diteruskan di sini, ke paling Behavior atas dalam tumpukan perilaku. Mengembalikan true dari metode ini menandakan bahwa pesan ditangani oleh Behavior dan tidak boleh terus diproses. Dari sini, pesan dikirim ke perilaku yang sesuai.

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