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DrawTreeNodeEventArgs Kelas


Menyediakan data untuk peristiwa tersebut DrawNode .

public ref class DrawTreeNodeEventArgs : EventArgs
public class DrawTreeNodeEventArgs : EventArgs
type DrawTreeNodeEventArgs = class
    inherit EventArgs
Public Class DrawTreeNodeEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menyesuaikan TreeView kontrol menggunakan gambar pemilik. TreeView Kontrol dalam contoh menampilkan tag simpul opsional bersama label simpul standar. Tag node ditentukan menggunakan TreeNode.Tag properti . Kontrol ini TreeView juga menggunakan warna kustom, termasuk warna sorotan kustom.

Anda dapat menyesuaikan sebagian TreeView besar warna dengan mengatur properti warna, tetapi warna sorotan pilihan tidak tersedia sebagai properti. Selain itu, persegi panjang sorotan pilihan default hanya meluas di sekitar label simpul. Gambar pemilik harus digunakan untuk menggambar tag simpul dan untuk menggambar persegi panjang sorotan yang disesuaikan cukup besar untuk menyertakan tag simpul.

Dalam contoh, handler untuk TreeView.DrawNode peristiwa menggambar tag node dan sorotan pilihan kustom secara manual. Simpul yang tidak dipilih tidak memerlukan penyesuaian. Untuk ini, DrawDefault properti diatur ke true sehingga mereka akan digambar oleh sistem operasi.

Selain itu, handler untuk peristiwa menyediakan Control.MouseDown pengujian klik. Secara default, simpul hanya dapat dipilih dengan mengklik wilayah di sekitar labelnya. Penanganan Control.MouseDown aktivitas memilih simpul yang diklik di mana saja dalam wilayah ini atau di dalam wilayah di sekitar tag simpul, jika ada.

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
public ref class TreeViewOwnerDraw: public Form
   TreeView^ myTreeView;

   // Create a Font object for the node tags.
   System::Drawing::Font^ tagFont;


      tagFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Helvetica",8,FontStyle::Bold );

      // Create and initialize the TreeView control.
      myTreeView = gcnew TreeView;
      myTreeView->Dock = DockStyle::Fill;
      myTreeView->BackColor = Color::Tan;
      myTreeView->CheckBoxes = true;
      // Add nodes to the TreeView control.
      TreeNode^ node;
      for ( int x = 1; x < 4; ++x )
         // Add a root node to the TreeView control.
         node = myTreeView->Nodes->Add( String::Format( "Task {0}", x ) );
         for ( int y = 1; y < 4; ++y )
            // Add a child node to the root node.
            node->Nodes->Add( String::Format( "Subtask {0}", y ) );
      // Add tags containing alert messages to a few nodes 
      // and set the node background color to highlight them.
      myTreeView->Nodes[ 1 ]->Nodes[ 0 ]->Tag = "urgent!";
      myTreeView->Nodes[ 1 ]->Nodes[ 0 ]->BackColor = Color::Yellow;
      myTreeView->SelectedNode = myTreeView->Nodes[ 1 ]->Nodes[ 0 ];
      myTreeView->Nodes[ 2 ]->Nodes[ 1 ]->Tag = "urgent!";
      myTreeView->Nodes[ 2 ]->Nodes[ 1 ]->BackColor = Color::Yellow;
      // Configure the TreeView control for owner-draw and add
      // a handler for the DrawNode event.
      myTreeView->DrawMode = TreeViewDrawMode::OwnerDrawText;
      myTreeView->DrawNode += gcnew DrawTreeNodeEventHandler( this, &TreeViewOwnerDraw::myTreeView_DrawNode );
      // Add a handler for the MouseDown event so that a node can be 
      // selected by clicking the tag text as well as the node text.
      myTreeView->MouseDown += gcnew MouseEventHandler( this, &TreeViewOwnerDraw::myTreeView_MouseDown );
      // Initialize the form and add the TreeView control to it.
      this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 292, 273 );
      this->Controls->Add( myTreeView );

   // Clean up any resources being used.        
      if ( tagFont != nullptr )
         delete tagFont;

   // Draws a node.
   void myTreeView_DrawNode( Object^ sender, DrawTreeNodeEventArgs^ e )
      // Draw the background and node text for a selected node.
      if ( (e->State & TreeNodeStates::Selected) != (TreeNodeStates)0 )
         // Draw the background of the selected node. The NodeBounds
         // method makes the highlight rectangle large enough to
         // include the text of a node tag, if one is present.
         e->Graphics->FillRectangle( Brushes::Green, NodeBounds( e->Node ) );

         // Retrieve the node font. If the node font has not been set,
         // use the TreeView font.
         System::Drawing::Font^ nodeFont = e->Node->NodeFont;
         if ( nodeFont == nullptr )
                  nodeFont = (dynamic_cast<TreeView^>(sender))->Font;

         // Draw the node text.
         e->Graphics->DrawString( e->Node->Text, nodeFont, Brushes::White, Rectangle::Inflate( e->Bounds, 2, 0 ) );
      // Use the default background and node text.
         e->DrawDefault = true;

      // If a node tag is present, draw its string representation 
      // to the right of the label text.
      if ( e->Node->Tag != nullptr )
         e->Graphics->DrawString( e->Node->Tag->ToString(), tagFont, Brushes::Yellow, (float)e->Bounds.Right + 2, (float)e->Bounds.Top );

      // If the node has focus, draw the focus rectangle large, making
      // it large enough to include the text of the node tag, if present.
      if ( (e->State & TreeNodeStates::Focused) != (TreeNodeStates)0 )
         Pen^ focusPen = gcnew Pen( Color::Black );
            focusPen->DashStyle = System::Drawing::Drawing2D::DashStyle::Dot;
            Rectangle focusBounds = NodeBounds( e->Node );
            focusBounds.Size = System::Drawing::Size( focusBounds.Width - 1, focusBounds.Height - 1 );
            e->Graphics->DrawRectangle( focusPen, focusBounds );
            if ( focusPen )
               delete safe_cast<IDisposable^>(focusPen);


   // Selects a node that is clicked on its label or tag text.
   void myTreeView_MouseDown( Object^ /*sender*/, MouseEventArgs^ e )
      TreeNode^ clickedNode = myTreeView->GetNodeAt( e->X, e->Y );
      if ( NodeBounds( clickedNode ).Contains( e->X, e->Y ) )
         myTreeView->SelectedNode = clickedNode;

   // Returns the bounds of the specified node, including the region 
   // occupied by the node label and any node tag displayed.
   Rectangle NodeBounds( TreeNode^ node )
      // Set the return value to the normal node bounds.
      Rectangle bounds = node->Bounds;
      if ( node->Tag != nullptr )
         // Retrieve a Graphics object from the TreeView handle
         // and use it to calculate the display width of the tag.
         Graphics^ g = myTreeView->CreateGraphics();
         int tagWidth = (int)g->MeasureString( node->Tag->ToString(), tagFont ).Width + 6;
         // Adjust the node bounds using the calculated value.
         bounds.Offset( tagWidth / 2, 0 );
         bounds = Rectangle::Inflate( bounds, tagWidth / 2, 0 );

      return bounds;

int main()
   Application::Run( gcnew TreeViewOwnerDraw );
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class TreeViewOwnerDraw : Form
    private TreeView myTreeView;

    // Create a Font object for the node tags.
    Font tagFont = new Font("Helvetica", 8, FontStyle.Bold);

    public TreeViewOwnerDraw()
        // Create and initialize the TreeView control.
        myTreeView = new TreeView();
        myTreeView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
        myTreeView.BackColor = Color.Tan;
        myTreeView.CheckBoxes = true;

        // Add nodes to the TreeView control.
        TreeNode node;
        for (int x = 1; x < 4; ++x)
            // Add a root node to the TreeView control.
            node = myTreeView.Nodes.Add(String.Format("Task {0}", x));
            for (int y = 1; y < 4; ++y)
                // Add a child node to the root node.
                node.Nodes.Add(String.Format("Subtask {0}", y));

        // Add tags containing alert messages to a few nodes 
        // and set the node background color to highlight them.
        myTreeView.Nodes[1].Nodes[0].Tag = "urgent!";
        myTreeView.Nodes[1].Nodes[0].BackColor = Color.Yellow;
        myTreeView.SelectedNode = myTreeView.Nodes[1].Nodes[0];
        myTreeView.Nodes[2].Nodes[1].Tag = "urgent!";
        myTreeView.Nodes[2].Nodes[1].BackColor = Color.Yellow;

        // Configure the TreeView control for owner-draw and add
        // a handler for the DrawNode event.
        myTreeView.DrawMode = TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawText;
        myTreeView.DrawNode += 
            new DrawTreeNodeEventHandler(myTreeView_DrawNode);

        // Add a handler for the MouseDown event so that a node can be 
        // selected by clicking the tag text as well as the node text.
        myTreeView.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(myTreeView_MouseDown);

        // Initialize the form and add the TreeView control to it.
        this.ClientSize = new Size(292, 273);

    // Clean up any resources being used.        
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing)

    static void Main() 
        Application.Run(new TreeViewOwnerDraw());

    // Draws a node.
    private void myTreeView_DrawNode(
        object sender, DrawTreeNodeEventArgs e)
        // Draw the background and node text for a selected node.
        if ((e.State & TreeNodeStates.Selected) != 0)
            // Draw the background of the selected node. The NodeBounds
            // method makes the highlight rectangle large enough to
            // include the text of a node tag, if one is present.
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Green, NodeBounds(e.Node));

            // Retrieve the node font. If the node font has not been set,
            // use the TreeView font.
            Font nodeFont = e.Node.NodeFont;
            if (nodeFont == null) nodeFont = ((TreeView)sender).Font;

            // Draw the node text.
            e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Node.Text, nodeFont, Brushes.White,
                Rectangle.Inflate(e.Bounds, 2, 0));

        // Use the default background and node text.
            e.DrawDefault = true;

        // If a node tag is present, draw its string representation 
        // to the right of the label text.
        if (e.Node.Tag != null)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Node.Tag.ToString(), tagFont,
                Brushes.Yellow, e.Bounds.Right + 2, e.Bounds.Top);

        // If the node has focus, draw the focus rectangle large, making
        // it large enough to include the text of the node tag, if present.
        if ((e.State & TreeNodeStates.Focused) != 0)
            using (Pen focusPen = new Pen(Color.Black))
                focusPen.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dot;
                Rectangle focusBounds = NodeBounds(e.Node);
                focusBounds.Size = new Size(focusBounds.Width - 1, 
                focusBounds.Height - 1);
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(focusPen, focusBounds);

    // Selects a node that is clicked on its label or tag text.
    private void myTreeView_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        TreeNode clickedNode = myTreeView.GetNodeAt(e.X, e.Y);
        if (NodeBounds(clickedNode).Contains(e.X, e.Y))
            myTreeView.SelectedNode = clickedNode;

    // Returns the bounds of the specified node, including the region 
    // occupied by the node label and any node tag displayed.
    private Rectangle NodeBounds(TreeNode node)
        // Set the return value to the normal node bounds.
        Rectangle bounds = node.Bounds;
        if (node.Tag != null)
            // Retrieve a Graphics object from the TreeView handle
            // and use it to calculate the display width of the tag.
            Graphics g = myTreeView.CreateGraphics(); 
            int tagWidth = (int)g.MeasureString
                (node.Tag.ToString(), tagFont).Width + 6;

            // Adjust the node bounds using the calculated value.
            bounds.Offset(tagWidth/2, 0);
            bounds = Rectangle.Inflate(bounds, tagWidth/2, 0);
        return bounds;
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class TreeViewOwnerDraw
    Inherits Form

    Private WithEvents myTreeView As TreeView
    ' Create a Font object for the node tags.
    Private tagFont As New Font("Helvetica", 8, FontStyle.Bold)
    Public Sub New()

        ' Create and initialize the TreeView control.
        myTreeView = New TreeView()
        myTreeView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        myTreeView.BackColor = Color.Tan
        myTreeView.CheckBoxes = True
        ' Add nodes to the TreeView control.
        Dim node As TreeNode
        Dim x As Integer
        For x = 1 To 3

            ' Add a root node to the TreeView control.
            node = myTreeView.Nodes.Add(String.Format("Task {0}", x))
            Dim y As Integer
            For y = 1 To 3 

                ' Add a child node to the root node.
                node.Nodes.Add(String.Format("Subtask {0}", y))
            Next y
        Next x
        ' Add tags containing alert messages to a few nodes 
        ' and set the node background color to highlight them.
        myTreeView.Nodes(1).Nodes(0).Tag = "urgent!"
        myTreeView.Nodes(1).Nodes(0).BackColor = Color.Yellow
        myTreeView.SelectedNode = myTreeView.Nodes(1).Nodes(0)
        myTreeView.Nodes(2).Nodes(1).Tag = "urgent!"
        myTreeView.Nodes(2).Nodes(1).BackColor = Color.Yellow
        ' Configure the TreeView control for owner-draw.
        myTreeView.DrawMode = TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawText

        ' Add a handler for the MouseDown event so that a node can be 
        ' selected by clicking the tag text as well as the node text.
        AddHandler myTreeView.MouseDown, AddressOf myTreeView_MouseDown
        ' Initialize the form and add the TreeView control to it.
        Me.ClientSize = New Size(292, 273)
    End Sub
    <STAThreadAttribute()> _
    Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New TreeViewOwnerDraw())
    End Sub
    ' Draws a node.
    Private Sub myTreeView_DrawNode(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As DrawTreeNodeEventArgs) Handles myTreeView.DrawNode

        ' Draw the background and node text for a selected node.
        If (e.State And TreeNodeStates.Selected) <> 0 Then

            ' Draw the background of the selected node. The NodeBounds
            ' method makes the highlight rectangle large enough to
            ' include the text of a node tag, if one is present.
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Green, NodeBounds(e.Node))

            ' Retrieve the node font. If the node font has not been set,
            ' use the TreeView font.
            Dim nodeFont As Font = e.Node.NodeFont
            If nodeFont Is Nothing Then
                nodeFont = CType(sender, TreeView).Font
            End If

            ' Draw the node text.
            e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Node.Text, nodeFont, Brushes.White, _
                e.Bounds.Left - 2, e.Bounds.Top)

        ' Use the default background and node text.
            e.DrawDefault = True
        End If

        ' If a node tag is present, draw its string representation 
        ' to the right of the label text.
        If (e.Node.Tag IsNot Nothing) Then
            e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Node.Tag.ToString(), tagFont, _
                Brushes.Yellow, e.Bounds.Right + 2, e.Bounds.Top)
        End If

        ' If the node has focus, draw the focus rectangle large, making
        ' it large enough to include the text of the node tag, if present.
        If (e.State And TreeNodeStates.Focused) <> 0 Then
            Dim focusPen As New Pen(Color.Black)
                focusPen.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dot
                Dim focusBounds As Rectangle = NodeBounds(e.Node)
                focusBounds.Size = New Size(focusBounds.Width - 1, _
                    focusBounds.Height - 1)
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(focusPen, focusBounds)
            End Try
        End If

    End Sub

    ' Selects a node that is clicked on its label or tag text.
    Private Sub myTreeView_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        Dim clickedNode As TreeNode = myTreeView.GetNodeAt(e.X, e.Y)
        If NodeBounds(clickedNode).Contains(e.X, e.Y) Then
            myTreeView.SelectedNode = clickedNode
        End If
    End Sub

    ' Returns the bounds of the specified node, including the region 
    ' occupied by the node label and any node tag displayed.
    Private Function NodeBounds(ByVal node As TreeNode) As Rectangle

        ' Set the return value to the normal node bounds.
        Dim bounds As Rectangle = node.Bounds
        If (node.Tag IsNot Nothing) Then

            ' Retrieve a Graphics object from the TreeView handle
            ' and use it to calculate the display width of the tag.
            Dim g As Graphics = myTreeView.CreateGraphics()
            Dim tagWidth As Integer = CInt(g.MeasureString( _
                node.Tag.ToString(), tagFont).Width) + 6

            ' Adjust the node bounds using the calculated value.
            bounds.Offset(tagWidth \ 2, 0)
            bounds = Rectangle.Inflate(bounds, tagWidth \ 2, 0)
        End If
        Return bounds
    End Function 'NodeBounds

End Class


DrawNode Gunakan peristiwa untuk menyesuaikan tampilan simpul dalam TreeView kontrol menggunakan gambar pemilik.

Peristiwa DrawNode dinaikkan oleh TreeView kontrol ketika propertinya TreeView.DrawMode diatur ke TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawAll atau TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawText dan simpul ditampilkan atau diperbarui. Yang DrawTreeNodeEventArgs diteruskan ke penanganan aktivitas berisi informasi tentang simpul yang akan digambar serta menyediakan metode untuk membantu Anda menggambar simpul.

State Gunakan properti atau Node untuk mengambil informasi tentang simpul yang akan digambar. Graphics Gunakan properti untuk melakukan gambar aktual dalam area yang ditentukan oleh Bounds properti . Untuk membuat sistem operasi menggambar simpul yang tidak perlu digambar pemilik, atur DrawDefault properti ke true.

TreeView.DrawMode Ketika properti diatur ke TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawText, area yang ditunjukkan oleh Bounds properti menyertakan bagian label dari simpul saja. TreeView.DrawMode Ketika properti diatur ke TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawAll, Bounds area mencakup seluruh simpul, termasuk area yang biasanya digunakan untuk ikon, kotak centang, tanda plus dan minus, dan garis yang menghubungkan simpul.


DrawTreeNodeEventArgs(Graphics, TreeNode, Rectangle, TreeNodeStates)

Menginisialisasi instans baru kelas DrawTreeNodeEventArgs.



Mendapatkan ukuran dan lokasi TreeNode untuk menggambar.


Mendapatkan atau menetapkan nilai yang menunjukkan apakah TreeNode harus digambar oleh sistem operasi daripada digambar pemilik.


Mendapatkan objek yang Graphics digunakan untuk menggambar TreeNode.


TreeNode Mendapatkan untuk menggambar.


Mendapatkan status TreeNode saat ini untuk menggambar.



Menentukan apakah objek yang ditentukan sama dengan objek saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Berfungsi sebagai fungsi hash default.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Mendapatkan dari instans Type saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Membuat salinan dangkal dari saat ini Object.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Mengembalikan string yang mewakili objek saat ini.

(Diperoleh dari Object)

Berlaku untuk

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